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Apache & PHP-FPM: AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /index.php (scheme 'unix')

This error occurs despite all the fixes that I Googled. Apache was loaded next modules: # /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -M | grep proxy [Thu Mar 14 22:37:35.825542 2024] [core:trace3] [pid 9087:tid ...
YpaHeL1's user avatar
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proxy causes "Name Error: The domain name does not exist" Apache2

When I activate a proxy by entering the address in /etc/environment, the website I host on my webserver becomes inaccessible with the following error message (snippet): <div id="content"&...
sysad noob's user avatar
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Internal Server Error - ProxyPass & ProxyReseverse (Apache2)

I'm trying to set a ProxyPass & ProxyReverse up so that I can share a domain between 2 different servers. Looking to achieve: Domain: Server A: ...
YaBCK's user avatar
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Subdomain redirection (proxy) not working (tried with Apache2 and Nginx)

I'm using a raspberry pi with apache2 to manage my websites. I have multiple docker images running on different ports. I want to redirect (without url changes) scanner.raspberry.local to localhost:...
tholeb's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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connecting domain to a server and port forwarding to show website hosted on another server

I have a website on server A with IP address of and the domain is I also have another server B which IP address is I want to connect the domain to server B ...
Sina Nouri's user avatar
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apache proxy forward to a dynamic url set in the http header

I have an app server, which uses an apache server as a forward proxy to access the Internet. The forward proxy config on the apache server looks like: <VirtualHost> ...
roland luo's user avatar
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Set HTTP/HTTPS man-in-the-middle proxy for webserver (Apache2)

To log all http/https requests by a specific application, we use man-in-the-middle proxies (set as http or SOCKS5 proxies). On our local Windows and Mac machines, we usually 'proxify' apps or ...
Rick's user avatar
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Apache2 Reverse Proxy messes up CSS

I have a problem that when I use an SSL reverse proxy from site1 to site2, it works quite well except for the peculiar fact that all images are of the incorrect height. Everything else seems to be in ...
RottenBoot's user avatar
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apache2 reverse Proxy - how to change default http Port of connected webserver

I am working in a test environment and set up an apache2 webserver in a Ubuntu 21 VM and an IIS webserver within a local network to learn about proxy server functionality. In these first tests I use ...
snuggs's user avatar
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Zabbix server port 10051 is blocked in firewall and need to use only 80 port

I have a zabbix server installed in ubuntu 18.04 in AWS cloud and setup the domain & SSL. The AWS server has a nginx web server running in port 80 & 443 and apache2 is configured in 7526. Only ...
Achuthan's user avatar
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Erpnext server behind apache proxy keeps raising error 503 Service Unavailable

i have an erpnext server behind an apache proxy. It often happens that the service fails and a 503 Service Unavailable error is shown Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service ...
Tiziano Pedrazzoli's user avatar
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Forwarding request made to my server to another server on the same path

I need to create a sub-directory mapping in the Apache server such that each request made to the path /another-path gets forwarded to https://some-website/another-path. How could I do this? If the ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Apache2 reverse proxy https <-> http with digest authentication

Sorry, If I posted a repeated question. Didn't find my answer yet. What I have is: a webservice on LAN which is only accesable over HTTP ans uses Digest Auth another server in LAN which has Apache2 ...
Mario Vlahovic's user avatar
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Apache Frontend to tomcat:8443

I've been trying to do this for a few days to no luck. So basically i want my apache proxy to redirect the user to a tomcat on :8443. If i go to it displays the correct page but if i ...
Lickymoo's user avatar
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Server Abuse/Proxy Abuse -- Automated Tunneling (Unique IP's = Hundreds, Thousands of Requests)

I run a simple Proxy/General-Use website me and a few friends use at, however, starting 3~ weeks ago, an enormous amount of traffic started flooding in from hundreds of (unique) IP ...
Riley Wells's user avatar
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Live Chat fails after SSL Cert installation

After installing SSL Certification for Odoo so that we could get our HTTPS protocol up and running Live Chat fails. All other Apps seem to work fine. We added this to our Apache conf but it does not ...
SamTzu's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy not passing custom headers to the target server

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this kind of question but in the same time I don't know any better place, so please bear with me. I have configured Apache as reverse proxy to my ...
Greg0ry's user avatar
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Weird "Error 404 (Not Found)!!1"

I hosted a site in an Apache2 server that's behind an IIS proxy, everything managed by one of my customers. My customer told me he just redirects all requests to to ...
leonardorame's user avatar
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NGINX Apache Setup Won't Run Apache Functions

I've set up NGINX in front of Apache to pass requests to. For one of my subdomains, I've made it so the traffic goes through NGINX and then through Apache, as the PHP system on this subdomain requires ...
Noah Sinist3rSaint's user avatar
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How to enable RemoteIPProxyProtocol conditionally in apache only if connection contains proxy header?

We have multiple ec2 servers for our application which are served through aws load balancer. Now because of our specific requirement, we had to use tcp load balancers. With tcp load balancers, we ...
mano1693's user avatar
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Apache2 + mod_proxy: Add custom response header if request is handled by backend server

Is it possible to set a custom response header like Header set PROXY_BACKEND "true" env=HAVE_VERBOSE if the request was forwarded to the backend server? If yes, how? I have a few caching ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Creating proxies on large number of ports that forward to external proxy

I need some sort of proxy software (similar to Squid) that will work on Linux and allow me to create proxies listening on multiple ports. The proxies need to forward web requests to another external ...
George C.'s user avatar
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App still accessible at reverse proxied port

I am running RStudio Server and Jupyter on a server. I'm using Apache. I have Jupyter reverse proxied from port 8888 to, and RStudio Server reverse proxied form port 8787 to ...
abalter's user avatar
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Difference between keepalive in apache2.conf and in ProxyPass

I am using Apache 2.2.22 What is the difference, if there is any, between the Keepalive directive in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more ...
nwtnsqrd's user avatar
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Issues with forwarding a subdomain to another port with Apache proxy

I have a server running Apache with a HTTPS site running on and I'm trying to add a new site that will forward to another port on the same server (a ...
Quentin Hayot's user avatar
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Forward Proxy convert http to https

We have access to a remote web API that requires a client cert to access (it's a PKI). I want to allow access to this API for specific servers / IPs in our network without them having to import the ...
dashambles's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy so that SSL browser requests for IP of server are redirected to FQDN

I have Apache and a custom non-Apache web service running on the same server. I'm trying to get Apache to reverse-proxy SSL connections to the other site on to prevent SSL warnings from showing up ...
user1197457's user avatar
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PHP Not Working With Proxy Pass

QUESTION It seems that my php pages are not loading through proxypass set up on my master Apache server. What change do I need to make in order to get php pages to load through my proxypass? I ...
Max Kulik's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass only one file to a different localhost port?

I haven't been able to find a solution to this exact problem: I have one app running on localhost:3000 I have a proxy set up for my localhost:3000 app with (for other js) I added a ...
Bobert's user avatar
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proxy redirect to wrong url when not redirect to /

I have read many similar issues with many solutions to this issue but how ever I try I fail. The issue: I have a apache2 installed at debian 9(tried nginx but has the same issue). I use thise ...
Hjalmar's user avatar
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all traffic going to Virtual Hosting

I have an application running at http://localhost:6512 and a virtual host definition as follows: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*)$ ...
Noor's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Proxy to IIS server, wrongly looking in /var/www/html instead of C:\inetpub\wwwroot

I have a config in Apache 2.4.6 on RHEL, to proxy requests to an IIS server v6.1 on Server2008R2 hosting the site. I can hit the service against IIS directly, so I know it's working. However, when I ...
Carl_Friedrich_Gauss's user avatar
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Expose a specific Kibana dasboard behind a static URL through Apache/Nginx proxy

We have a Kibana 5.5.2 installation on Centos 7 with many dashboards configured, all works great connecting to IP:5601. A customer asked us to let his own dashboard be reachable under a specific ...
shortsteps's user avatar
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How to make apache2 connect through SOCKS5 server that I am runnning?

I have a website ran on apache2 and a SOCKS proxy server that are both hosted on the same computer. The website can be accessed publicly and my SOCKS5 server is on localhost. How do I make the ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Simple reverse proxy with Traefik

I'm currently using Apache as proxy for my LXD containers, using this kind of settings: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ProxyRequests off ProxyPass / ...
lepe's user avatar
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Coma in url after proxy with Apache

I'm using Apache to proxy all requests from my domain to my Odoo server. Then to proxy all requests from my customers URLs to their respective databases (sub-domain of my domain). Here's what my ...
Yann's user avatar
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Unable to get websockets to work through apache HTTPS proxy (302 error)

I'm unable to make websockets work on a node backend using an apache proxy through HTTPS to connect to the node instance. Websockets are working properly if no (apache) http(s) proxy is used. My ...
Digital Leaves's user avatar
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Problems with localhost and domain

I don't know what to do anymore. I have a nginx server set up passing reuqests to a port on the same machine where a apache2 server is listening (yes this is neccessary). I'm doing this by using ...
user avatar
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How to set some kind of authentication for forword proxy in apache2?

I have a VPS and have configured it to run apache2 as a forward proxy: <IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyRequests On <Proxy vps_ip:80> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from all </Proxy&...
showkey's user avatar
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Idiomatic way to serve an internal server and a php directory under the same domain name with apache

I tried many things since yesterday with no good result. Here is the situation I have an internal server listening on port 4000 and a wordpress directory located in /var/www/html/wordpress. I use ...
Guestounet's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I only reverse proxy php files with nginx?

Currently I have the following in my nginx config file: server { listen 80; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443; server_name; ...
Nathaniel Suchy's user avatar