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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Set up proxy for Nextjs and WordPress blog

Thanks in advance. I am new to server setup. So pardon me If I used the wrong words. I am setting up an Ubuntu server to host Nextjs and WordPress blog on the same server. I have to set up Nextjs on ...
Sandeep Solanki's user avatar
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Apache2 folders redirect to IPs

I have installed Apache/2.4.56 (Debian), a noip URL and severals LXC containers. I need to access to the web apps inside the LXC containers: -> LXC container 1 (with Zend2) example....
Lethal's user avatar
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Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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Apache proxy returns 502 with AH00898: Error reading from remote server

everyone. I'm doing a practice task to create redirect for one location using load balancer, but I cant figure out why this isnt works (getting 502). I've tried setting several env-vars and settings ...
user3134104's user avatar
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NodeJs app working when started using npm start, but not with PM2

Very new to server stuff, sorry if this may be a noob question. Problem I am trying to run React and Node/express on a server. React does work and when I start my node app via npm start the server ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Using Apache ProxyPass to point to express server?

I'm trying to use proxypass for a specific directory so I can point it to my express.js server Been stuck on this one for hours now. Would really appreciate some insight. ...
Panda Burgers's user avatar
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nginx proxypass not working for embedded links

I've an EC2 machine which is behind a ALB. Listener rules in the ALB are like IF Path is/blog* Host is THEN Forward to target-group-1 My nginx config looks like this: ## # Default ...
Axel's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass adding Port only on base URL

This is getting frustrating to say the least haha. I have setup a proxypass and proxypassreverse in apache under virtual host 443 to proxy to nginx running in a container on port 8443. This is all I ...
VIDesignz's user avatar
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Reverse proxy to using Apache

EDIT - Added Vhosts config for the target subdomain. I am trying to reverse proxy to The current config I have right now redirects to the subdomain rather than render ...
Sahil's user avatar
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Forwarding request made to my server to another server on the same path

I need to create a sub-directory mapping in the Apache server such that each request made to the path /another-path gets forwarded to https://some-website/another-path. How could I do this? If the ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Redirect Nginx to a Wordpress running behind apache2 server

I have a unique problem that I don't how to put in and I can't change the situation (orders from above!). Please read it all before down-voting me. In this scenario, I have two servers, Server A and ...
O_o's user avatar
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ProxyPass not working - Apache2

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/ </...
Callum OKane's user avatar
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Can I use snap to install nextcloud on a server already running Apache?

Nextcloud is an open source cloud data server. On OS's with snapd you can install the whole thing as a snap: sudo snap install nextcloud That seems magical, but I am stuck there. My server was ...
CPBL's user avatar
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apache2 Basic Proxy Pass not working

I am currently trying to set up a Vhost which links to a NodeJS App running on another port, however I can't make it work. The vhost enables without any problems and apache2 reloads/restarts without ...
OfficialCRUGG's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration not Working with Location /#/

I am trying to get an apache 2.4 reverse proxy (RHEL 7.7) working with an application that has hard coded paths making my reverse proxy configuration quite challenging. This serverfault link (How to ...
Foghorn's user avatar
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Reverse proxy on apache2 listening on VPN

I am trying to use apache reverse proxy in order to expose a webapp running on a vm in the vpn network to which the host machine is connected. Basically, it should look like this: VM( ...
user3161330's user avatar
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NGINX Apache Setup Won't Run Apache Functions

I've set up NGINX in front of Apache to pass requests to. For one of my subdomains, I've made it so the traffic goes through NGINX and then through Apache, as the PHP system on this subdomain requires ...
Noah Sinist3rSaint's user avatar
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Apache2 Forward and Reverse Proxy

I have a web server and some load balancers, to avoid exposing the external IP's of the LB's I wanted to install a Ubuntu Apache2 (doesn't have to be) based Proxy. I want it to: Client ---> Domain --->...
Tom's user avatar
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Proxy pass in http.conf apache not forwarding

I'm currently trying to forward this url to http://localhost:8443 the reason why I'm trying to do this is because I have an express js server running that I need to be ...
FabricioG's user avatar
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Apache mod_cache cache misses

Somehow I can't get Apache's mod-cache to work as I want. I want it to cache a proxy call to my tomcat server which is a jsp file. The jsp file displays the current time so I can notice if I get a ...
user2908112's user avatar
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OSX Server Reverse Proxy, Preserve IP Address

I'm having trouble getting OSX Server's Apache service proxy to preserve the client's IP address when forwarding traffic to a Go-based server that I wrote. Since I have OSX Server's "Websites" ...
Matt Mc's user avatar
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Apache2 proxy preserve domain name

I'm trying to implement the scheme Browser Client -> Apache2 Proxy -> Tomcat Application Server. Apache2 and Tomcat on separate servers. But the proxy does not work as I expected. Apache2 virtual host ...
Flyer H's user avatar
2 votes
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Proxy websocket with parameters through proxypass/proxypassmatch without a VirtualHost

I have been trying for the longest time to proxy a websocket with it's sid variable to the localhost service, that is serving it. I have looked far and beyond for a solution (including a lot of the ...
smsimeon's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass only one file to a different localhost port?

I haven't been able to find a solution to this exact problem: I have one app running on localhost:3000 I have a proxy set up for my localhost:3000 app with (for other js) I added a ...
Bobert's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass to Tomcat - how to remove context path from URL?

I have Apache conf: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName ServerAlias ci ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow ...
Justas's user avatar
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Apache - LDAP basic auth checked but not required

I need Apache, configured as Proxy pass, to check the Authorization: Basic ... header against an LDAP server, setting a custom header if credentials exist and are correct but passing the request to ...
Iacopo's user avatar
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43 views* to be served as* always

I tried to find all over and didn't find any proper answer. I'm pretty sure this must be a duplicate but please direct me to the right answer. So this is my case. The project is at dashboard.example....
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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Why can Apache proxypass this when nginx can't?

I have an SSL host on my apache server with the following in the VirtualHost: <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /...
KatDevsGames's user avatar
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Proxypass error for different destination URL

I have enabled proxypass setting for subversion apache server. Its working fine for below setting. Also able to checkout the repository. ProxyPass /svn/testing_migration
suchit's user avatar
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Apache traffic redirection with proxypass error

Please I need some help with Apache 2.4.18. This is the third day fighting with this problem. Architecture front server for traffic redirection internal server with local ip 192....
nerdcoder's user avatar
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How can i use apache web service to rewrite URL?

I have configured apache2 web server on my lan server and now I am configuring virtual host. My objective is to replace the local IP-address in place apache host IP in url. For example : I have ...
Prakash Panjwani's user avatar
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Redirect proxy passed URL to main URL

I have a wordpress blog hosted on a server (say server-blog) at, say, and our python application hosted on separate server (say server-py), url of which is https://www.example....
Vatsal Juneja's user avatar
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Send SSL requests to localhost:port using apache

I'm running a meteor application, due to restrictions I must use Apache as the webserver. There are also other existing websites hosted on the same domain under different locations e.g. https://...
androidwiltron's user avatar
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Two proxypass applications behind apache

I am running two web applications, one is tornado-based and the other one is cherrypy based, behind apache on an opensuse server. Both run on different domains pointing to the same IP. The two ...
Alexander's user avatar