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I can't log-in to the webserver via LDAP

We using a VM for a web server running with apache2 regulating a specific service. Both SSH-login and logging to the front end were regulated by our LDAP-server. A few weeks ago, some changes were ...
Assa Yeroslaviz's user avatar
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Redirect from https-URL request to http-server IP is not working

In the second call of my Apache 2.4 server config-vhost file I have: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{...
German Online Publisher's user avatar
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Identify SSL certificate type for apache configuration

I have SSL certificate files: Root2023.crt t1.crt t1.pem t1.pk8 on my apache How can I determine which of these files should be used for SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and ...
Mohammad Fanni's user avatar
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How to setup https website when I have own CA

I have very interesting question for me... I'm runnig webserver on linux machine (debian 10) with apache. In the same domain I have Windows Server on which are my DNS server and Certificate authority. ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG after installing Certbot on Apache2

I'm trying to set up a web server on a raspberry pi, it's running a debian based system. I installed and set up apache (following this guide), set up port forwaring on my router and created 3 html ...
Simone's user avatar
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How to configure multi-tenant webapp on Apache where I need to add each customer domain certificate separately?

On our server (Apache/Ubuntu18) we have a web app running which is a multi-tenant web app. So for every new client there will be a new tenant setup and it will create a new subdomain. So: Webapp/Vhost:...
DennisKr's user avatar
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Apache2 SSL: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (works with www. but not without)

I'm using to check my site, and it's failing with this error message: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (example....
HC_'s user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost not loading correct certificate

We are running into issues with this seemingly simple configuration on Apache 2.4. We can't seem to obtain the correct certificate while using the Virtual Host We always get's ...
JoeSlav's user avatar
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2 answers

HTTPS breaks connection

Fault description I have in my test environment Rasa chatbots running in docker containers. Chatbot's fronted is a Botfront webchat widget in a website served by Apache2 in same server. I also ...
Pauli Isoaho's user avatar
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ERROR: Site default does not exist! when I perfomr a2dissite default command after SSL certificate generation

I am not a system administrator or a network administrator (I have a software developer background). I am finding some difficulties trying to follow this tutorial in order to implement SLL client ...
Andrea Nobili's user avatar
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apache how configure multi domain https redirection?

I've an apache running under AWS Elastic beanstalk. I've got several different domains and I want all of them to end in a specific domain name, in HTTPS. The redirection from other domains e.g. https:/...
poypoy's user avatar
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Fetch request to backend within same domain fails net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I have a react application zz that has a backend and frontend that are hosted separately. The front is hosted on (on a stock hosting plan) that needs to connect to the backend at ...
toing_toing's user avatar
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Apache Client SSL Certificate validation Vulnerability Check

I am looking for a neat security implementation for clients to talk to my Apache instance.Its basically a system to system API communication and not involves any clients outside the organisation. What ...
enthusiast's user avatar
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KONG/NGINX pass down certificate information to APACHE

We have the setup with Kong API gateway (that runs NGINX on the background) where one of the upstream is an apache server where we want to do a client certificate validation. I'm running my tests ...
Lucas Mattos's user avatar
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Cannot restart apache after certificate replacement

After accidentally letting our certificate expire, I generated a new private key and CSR with the command: openssl req -new -keyout digitalcollections_ohsu_edu.key -out digitalcollections_ohsu_edu.csr ...
Kyle Banerjee's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache2 Won't Start: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address

I've been trying to use Apache2 to put an SSL certificate on my Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 LTS for Nextcloud, and I can't even get a far as to start Apache. I keep getting this error: Error Picture I've ...
Beto Damian's user avatar
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Multi domain SSL in Apache - Error

I have an SSL certificate for multiple domains. I configured apache like this: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost _default_:443> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ...
Hari's user avatar
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How to add a header to my apache2 server

I have an apache2 web server for testing only (not a production server). It is running on Ubuntu 18.04. I have configured it with TLS. I want to add a header. So I navigated to this file: /etc/...
qbq's user avatar
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Why rewrite rule for IP address shows "Not secure" whereas domain name works well in Apache2?

I created ssl certificate for Hence I see following 3 files under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled in Ubuntu example.conf My looks ...
sofs1's user avatar
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Disabling Apache client certificate validation on a specific page

I've setup client certificate validation in apache and it's working just fine. However I'd like to disable the client certificate validation on specific page. Here's the config I use so far : # ...
NaviR's user avatar
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How can I redirect back from https to http URLs after I removed a SSL certificate of lets encrypt in apache2 & nginx

I configured a certificate of let's encrypt using certbot-auto and the https worked but when I was trying to remove the certificate of my domain using certbot-auto delete... my wordpress and ...
Shahar Alaluf's user avatar
-1 votes
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LetsEncrypt certificate (renewing) installing error

I'm trying to renew my LetsEncrypt certificate on my Raspberry Pi running apache2, but I seem to get an error when CertBot tries to generate the certificate. Expected sha256 ...
Rat's user avatar
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Apache2 default page shows without http://, https:// or www. prefix

I am running a django webapp on a ubuntu 19.04 server with apache2. I have installed a SSL certificate with certbot and I'm unable to direct traffic from to ...
ThomasW's user avatar
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Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates and Apache 2 not working

I am trying to set up a wildcard certificate using Let's Encrypt on an Ubuntu 18.04 server running apache2, for domain (not the real domain name) and all subdomains (* I have ...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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SSL Certificate Configuration Error on XAMPP server

I have been following this guide in order to configure SSL certificate on XAMPP server where I have enabled SSL on 4433 (as well as 443 after encoutering errors but no result, below config and error ...
aneela's user avatar
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Lets encrypt certificate renew: PluginError occured

I am trying to renew the letsencrypt SSL certificate in the apache by using the following command. sudo certbot renew But I am getting the following error error was: PluginError('There has been ...
shamon shamsudeen's user avatar
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Client certificate authentication - Apache2

I'm trying to set up a client authentication for one of my app but for now, it's not successfull. I bought a Gandi wildcard ssl certificate for my domain * and here is the configuration on ...
QuentinD's user avatar
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The requested URL was not found on this server

I am trying to enable SSL for port 4100 for an Amazon EC2 Instance. When I access the site, I get an error as follows - The requested URL /login was not found on ...
saranyavsr's user avatar
4 votes
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How to debug curl? gnutls_handshake failed -unexpected TLS packet (OpenSSL)

How can I debug curl error further when Apache error.log is not showing any? (35) gnutls_handshake() failed: An unexpected TLS packet was received. curl -v * Rebuilt URL to: ...
Markus's user avatar
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SSL Cert says its self-signed but decoding shows it's not [closed]

I have a cert that is suddenly being presented as a self-signed cert. Its not. It has been working fine until now. When I decode the cert it shows everything I would expect. When I analyze it ...
Darrell Brogdon's user avatar
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Unable to configure SSL on port 4001 in Apache2

I'm trying to configure apache2 with SSL on port 4001, I have done the following so far: ports.conf Listen 4001 <IfModule ssl_module> Listen 4001 </IfModule> default-ssl.conf &...
Stiben's user avatar
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Curl succeeds in sending https requests, apache2 can't

Ubuntu server 14.04. I must connect to an application outside of my network, through https. I'm using apache2 to build a communication on the https layer. On the other side it is requested a client ...
aPugLife's user avatar
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apache2 how to host multiple ssl in single server

I'm trying to get 2 ssl server on one apache server, on is the main site and the other is the subdomain, Here are the .conf files: <VirtualHost *:443> SSLProxyEngine On ...
nafas's user avatar
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Multiple domains and SSL

It appears I've been way to focused on getting the Mulit Master replicating database system running and did not look much into the web server cluster and load balancer for it and SSL certifications.. ...
StianM's user avatar
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Generating a key file and CSR on Apache with OpenSSL

I need to get a new SSL cert sorted and have been watching this guide. When he creates his key and CSR he uses the below two commands. sudo openssl genrsa -out /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/server.key ...
caffeinehigh's user avatar
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What is wrong with my vhost file when trying to implement SSL on an Apache site?

I have installed an SSL certificate on my linode server and changed the vhost file for my site as follows: <VirtualHost *:443> SSLEngine on SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/...
Martin Duys's user avatar
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Getting "server certificate is a CA certificate" for my self-signed cert on Apache

I'm using Apache 2.2 on Mac High Sierra. I would like to have my little local server have a self signed certificate for my domain. SO I ran this command openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ...
Dave's user avatar
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Correct implementaiton of SSL certificate on apache2 server?

Situation: I have purchased a multidomain from namecheap/Comodo (it includes 3 domains : the main domain, for example: , and two other domains: and ). So far I ...
mlclm's user avatar
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After OS update PHP function file_get_contents() cause SSL error

After my regular updates and a reboot of my server I accessed a web page on it and got the following errors: Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: ...
sevynos's user avatar
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SSL Errors on Apache running on CentOS

I'm having a hell of a time getting an SSL certificate working with Apache running on CentOS. This is my first time trying to get SSL working so I need a bit of help. I've done alot of reading and ...
Michael's user avatar
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Apache proxy - split SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN value and set header

I have configured on Apache proxy mutual SSL with SSLVerifyClient require SSLVerifyDepth 3 The configuration and communication is working like expected. Now I would like to send from Apache proxy ...
user1563721's user avatar
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How to fix issues when remove LetsEncrypt certificate in single domain on centos 7 server

I have installed lets-encrypt in centos 7 server yum install epel-release yum install certbot-nginx and config nginx.conf with server_name; After that I reload nginx ...
Rei's user avatar
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Moving Servers: Can I simply move the SSL certificates?

I'm in the process of moving between 2 servers. On the first server, I generated the .key certificate, and submitted the csr code to buy the certificates from Comodo. Comodo gave me the chain file ...
GRS's user avatar
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Lets Encrypt and 2 vhosts

I have a OwnCloud install on Debian, using apache. I've successfully configured a lets encrypt certificate and that's working great on I'd like another domain pointing to the same ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Redirect HTTPS to HTTP on Apache

I have a main domain and a couple of secondary domains hosted by a commercial web hosting service using Apache servers. Each domain has its own .htaccess file. I have only one SSL certificate, which ...
harpagornis's user avatar
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Apply GoDaddy signed SSL certificate to sub-domain [closed]

I have a site that is hosted on a dedicated GoDaddy server. Currently I have a GoDaddy signed SSL certificate which has been applied to the domain In order to increase the speed of my ...
Jonathan Hutchinson's user avatar
-1 votes
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SSL certificates are automatically redirecting subdomains to the top level

I need a certificate for each one of my subdomains on my server. I have two subdomains and a top level (I don't need one for the top level). The subdomains I need an SSL certificate are pma (remote ...
carefulnow1's user avatar
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install geotrust quickssl on apache2 ubuntu server

I usually outsource installing a ssl cert. However I want to learn this process. So I ssh'ed into my server and ran the below code openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out ...
Jayreis's user avatar
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Log into RADIUS Using Only Client Certificates

I'm using freeRadius on my over Apache on my Linux Debian machine. I've been going through my configurations for hours and I can't seem to get this to work. I'm able to log into radius using a ...
alexs973's user avatar
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apache2 won't start after ssl configuration

I did the following to make my websites https able (german):,3277807,2 now if I start apache2 I get this error : > ...
Sarius's user avatar
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