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Can I use same subdomain to serve both ColudFront, S3 and Apache?

I'm trying to setting up a application on S3 and CloudFront and the frontend application is using Flutter. Frontend I have managed to deployed S3 and CloudFront successfully. Let's say the domain dev....
502_Geek's user avatar
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Virtual host on Apache2 for Mautic "This site can't be reached" on specified subdomain (but can be reached somewhere else)

I am configuring a brand new Mautic 5.0.3 instance on a Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) in AWS shared server with other 3 webs. Let's say (for security reasons) that its on I have configured ...
Iago's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache2 not listening on SSL on Ubuntu

Trying the configure SSL on Apache2 on Ubuntu server installed Apache sudo apt install apache2 Opened ufw firewall sudo ufw allow 'Apache' ufw allow https Installed SSL files in /root/cert chmod ...
vrao's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache2 Proxy SSL Cert Check

Let's have a webserver with a valid TLS cert called I want to configure apache2 on as reverse proxy for So I added ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / https://...
philipp's user avatar
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Duplicating an EC2 instance for creating a development platform for Wordpress site

I have an EC2 instance running Ubuntu hosting a Wordpress site on Apache. I've used LetsEncrypt's CertBot to create an SSL certificate and everything's working fine. I also have direct IP to domain ...
The Feadow's user avatar
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Identify SSL certificate type for apache configuration

I have SSL certificate files: Root2023.crt t1.crt t1.pem t1.pk8 on my apache How can I determine which of these files should be used for SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and ...
Mohammad Fanni's user avatar
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Apache 320 redirect loop with correct htaccess and virtualhost conf

I am web designer and I manage a VPS Server. Server is LAMP Ubuntu 18 apache2 PHP 7.4 root index.html This page isn’t working redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ...
SACHIN HD's user avatar
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Redirect Error website on VPS Ubuntu "www version" redirecting to "apache default page"

Hi I am a web designer and have recently starting maintaining a VPS server I am using a Lamp VPS server running ubuntu 18 with multiple PHP websites have edited virtual host and htaccess multiple ...
SACHIN HD's user avatar
-2 votes
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Upgrade SMTP Server on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 to support TLS 1.2

Client has an intranet hosted with Apache on Ubuntu 18.04. When I update an employees information through it, an email is sent, but it fails showing the following error: (SMTP Error: 421 4.7.66 TLS 1....
Nico Nico Pizza's user avatar
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Moving from Apache2 to NGINX configuration

I have been trying to get my website up after moving from apache2 to nginx on my AWS Ubuntu 20.04 server. I have translated the relevant files from apache2 over to my nginx configuration, however I ...
jabroni's user avatar
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apache2 suddenly failing to serve https

apache2 v.2.41 on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (WSL2) is suddenly not connecting over https, in browser or via wget. It's been working for months, and I haven't changed anything. I tried restarting Apache; it's ...
mgiuffrida's user avatar
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Apache2 Default HTTPS 443 Vhost

I'm currently trying to make a default vhost for HTTPS to block traffic from unauthorized domains. However, when I define a default 443 vhost, ALL other HTTPS vhosts inherit this as well and prevents ...
Skyler Ghostly's user avatar
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Apache virtualhost port 443 serves content from port 80 configuration

I'm running Apache 2.4.52 on Ubuntu Server 22.04. I'm trying to run https through port 443, eventually aiming to have a redirect from port 80 to force content on https. However, Apache seems to be ...
Sit399's user avatar
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apache2 reverse proxy, how to serve multiple domains with backend recognizing only 1 valid uri

I have an Apache reverse proxy set up and my backend service is configured on a specific static ServiceUri="". I would like requests coming for multiple domains, b....
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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Configure SSL for Apache Reverse Proxy

I want to redirect HTTPS connections to my domain towards a unique subdomain using Apache2 reverse proxy. I want all the connections that come to to be redirected towards $random$.b....
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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How to **keep** my SSLCipherSuite list for my LAMP stack current?

I have been running several LAMP servers for 5+ years with Let's Encrypt certs. Today, I did the SSL test by Qualys to learn that I had lost my coveted A+ ...
wruckie's user avatar
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Openstack Glance Configutarion on HTTPS RESTAPI + Nginx Reverse Proxy

I am trying to install openstack Using ssl certs i am able to run keystone (on port 5000) but when i try to connect to glance api (port 9292) it fails it is only accessible with http not https i feel ...
Hoodad Tabibi's user avatar
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Error 503 Service Unavailable

We have a debian based reverse proxy server which is under testing for product scanning for a store and all of a sudden it didn't connect and started showing 503 service unavailable. The next day it ...
sameer's user avatar
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SSL configuration issue - "SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length"

We are trying to setup SSL on our application running on Wordpress, PHP, Apache. After doing the necessary configuration changes, we get the following error on curl command - [root@www ~]# curl https:/...
Sandeepan Nath's user avatar
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So I can't get my head around this problem, and looked everywhere on the internet but did not found any working solution. 1.1. I have an apache server running as virtual host. In the initial situation,...
CharlZ's user avatar
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SSL certificate not working

I'm going to put an application on a new server (after upgrading it from PHP 7 to PHP 8). I can connect to the server(Red Hat) only using VPN (pulse). my purpose is to run the application on the ...
Naruto Uzumaki's user avatar
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Apache2 SSL: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (works with www. but not without)

I'm using to check my site, and it's failing with this error message: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (example....
HC_'s user avatar
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Apache2 SSL only works when virtualhost is removed?

I'm making a website hosted at, and I'm trying to have it use multiple subdomains so I can run NextCloud, OctoPrint, and a general webpage all from the same IP address. As I ...
SparrowTheNerd's user avatar
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apache2 is directing to wrong path when using https for sub domains

I have an ssl wildcard cert (letsencrypt) for & * My 000-default.conf looks like: <VirtualHost *:80> # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname ...
Zappenduster's user avatar
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Apache server port 443 connection refused

Recently configured SSL on Apache 2.4/Ubuntu 20.04 hosted on Oracle Cloud and have been getting connection refused for https/port 443. External device: $ curl curl: (7) Failed to ...
Robbie Zhao's user avatar
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Apache2 Reverse Proxy messes up CSS

I have a problem that when I use an SSL reverse proxy from site1 to site2, it works quite well except for the peculiar fact that all images are of the incorrect height. Everything else seems to be in ...
RottenBoot's user avatar
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Accessing server's web server on local network with its local IP address

I have a server with Apache as a proxy for requests to a Node web service. I am currently able to connect using a browser outside of my local network using my domain name: I ...
grasswistle's user avatar
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Why is my valid SSL certificate invalid on a particular site with the same host?

I have hosting set up with HostEurope. My SSL certificate seems to be valid (it has not expired etc.) and it works for one the domains I use on my server (the SSL certificate was purchased for this ...
biscuit_'s user avatar
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Server supports TLS1.3 but refuses 1.2

I have the following Problem: Im hosting my website and some tools on a VServer running Ubuntu 18.04 behind an apache2. Some people told me that they can't reach my website and I tracked it down with ...
Johannes's user avatar
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ERROR: Site default does not exist! when I perfomr a2dissite default command after SSL certificate generation

I am not a system administrator or a network administrator (I have a software developer background). I am finding some difficulties trying to follow this tutorial in order to implement SLL client ...
Andrea Nobili's user avatar
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Gunicorn/Flask reject identical SSL certificate that works fine with Apache

What would cause a Gunicorn server running a Flask app to report a "sslv3 alert certificate unknown" error in the browser, when an Apache server running a WSGI app, using the exact same ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Forwarding Apache SSL-Port to Web-App on localhost

I'm struggeling for days now to route a subdomain with SSL to a local running vue app, specifically the directus admin ui. I've done this before, like with the tool monit, and it worked like a charm: &...
sagerobert's user avatar
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How redirect 403 on apache2 ubuntu [duplicate]

When I enter http://ipAddress in the browser's address field, it works. When I enter https://ipAddress it returns NotSecured website. How can I change my configuration so that it generates a 403 error?...
Guljahan Ilmedova's user avatar
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How to fix TLS v1.2 issues? (SSL Lab)

I need to fix this problem. Tried a lot of methods to beat this problem, but all failed.
Mightdragon's user avatar
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SSL certs w/Snapcraft Plume app

Using the Snapcraft app package Plume which is a publishing/blogging package using ActivityPub. The only, current problem is when an instance other than the one I've installed attempts to 'like' or '...
gppixelworks's user avatar
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curl: (60) SSL certificate : unable to get local issuer certificate - ubuntu

We run the following software versions: Ubuntu 18.04.5 Apache 2.4.29 curl 7.58.0 We run an education application, and as part of this we have numerous APIs which upload files to a third party ...
mac987's user avatar
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Apache2 - default SSL/HTTPS page - aka. <VirtualHost *:443>

This is a very simple question. I have several websites hosted. Some are HTTP, some are HTTP and HTTPS. It all works. However, if I mess up an SSL site by pointing a domain at my server where the SSL ...
Apache's user avatar
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How to get apache to use SSL

I just bought some SSL certs from a CA and I'm having problems getting them to work with the default SSL site deployed with apache2 (Debian 10). Strangely, I never made a certificate request. I just ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Virtualhost1 SSL affecting Virtualhost2 Aliase SSL

i am loading the SSL files for my wildcard subdomains from Virtualhost, but the second virtual host loads the ssl file of the first virtualhost, and the browser reports Invalid certificate error Heres ...
Manuel E's user avatar
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Unable to access apache from port 80, likely due to firewall configuration

Background: My company hosts two server instances for our internal web-based systems dashboard: a development server and a production server. For added security on the production server, we usually ...
Rane1011's user avatar
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Apache, Ubuntu multiple ports or subdomains with SSL reverse proxy to different ports same server

I'm struggling with something here. I have an Ubuntu 18.04 VM in azure + Apache2 installed. I have a domain ( pointing to my VM's web server /var/www/ and recently secured the server ...
bikeactuary's user avatar
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Fetch request to backend within same domain fails net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I have a react application zz that has a backend and frontend that are hosted separately. The front is hosted on (on a stock hosting plan) that needs to connect to the backend at ...
toing_toing's user avatar
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"redirect permanent" doesn't stop

I configured SSL/TLS for a site, and added a redirect line to the original config. Redirect permanent / https://mypage/ And it worked fine. Now i was tasked to make it back. I deleted the SSL-based ...
Tornyai Péter's user avatar
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Apache Client SSL Certificate validation Vulnerability Check

I am looking for a neat security implementation for clients to talk to my Apache instance.Its basically a system to system API communication and not involves any clients outside the organisation. What ...
enthusiast's user avatar
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Apache2 / Cloudflare Error 521

My apache2 server encountered a error: "502 Bad Gateway". I started using ExpressJS and this happened. Im doing this because I need to use pug and other backend utilities. Here is my apache2 ...
WhoAboutYT's user avatar
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KONG/NGINX pass down certificate information to APACHE

We have the setup with Kong API gateway (that runs NGINX on the background) where one of the upstream is an apache server where we want to do a client certificate validation. I'm running my tests ...
Lucas Mattos's user avatar
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Apache HTTPD not hosting on port 443

I have an Apache 2 web server using TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt (installed using CertBot). The OS is Amazon Linux 2. I cannot access the website using port 443. It only works on port 80 ...
Ross Duncan's user avatar
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Apache2 default subdomain redirect

My hoster directly resolves *.mydomain.tld to my server, whitout having to setup subdomains manually. This nicely allows me to add subdomains using virtual hosts. Now the problem with that is that ...
Mr.Manhattan's user avatar
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SSL Cert Error Apache2

I'm getting a strange ssl error issue. On my Ubuntu 18.04 only runs an apache2 server. In the config i've linked all SSL Certs. (SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile and SSLCertificateChainFile). ...
user592352's user avatar
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PHPMYADMIN You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port

/etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin: <VirtualHost *:133> ServerName phpmyadmin DocumentRoot /var/www-133 </VirtualHost> /etc/apache2/ports....
RexMan123's user avatar