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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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apache mod_php vs php_fpm - huge difference in load time, but only for Wordpress website

I have a Wordpress website, it was set up as nginx proxy apache mod_php. Load time was over 2.5 seconds, so I tried several ways to speed it up. Finally I tried php_fpm and voila - the website loaded ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

.htaccess to accept parameters in URL

I have a WordPress page with the following structure, where the parameter value was originally a GET parameter, but I was requested to make it part of ...
Leonardo Pessatti's user avatar
0 votes
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Having issue with Route53, ec2, Apache Virtual host and wordpress working

I am having wordpress blog -, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why? For testing ...
Devops Cloud's user avatar
0 votes
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Opening "/server-status" in Apache2 with a WordPress installation is serving a "403 Forbidden" error response

I have been trying to open "/server-status" in Apache2 on my site that's facilitated by a WordPress installation and it is serving a "403 Forbidden" error response when I attempt ...
Michael Wilmshurst's user avatar
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1 answer

How to setup a S3 backed Media server with basic auth / password protection

Requirement Serve audios and videos stored in a S3 bucket Selectively protect folders with basic auth (username password); Low latency as much as possible but not necessary Cost is also a factor but ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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Duplicating an EC2 instance for creating a development platform for Wordpress site

I have an EC2 instance running Ubuntu hosting a Wordpress site on Apache. I've used LetsEncrypt's CertBot to create an SSL certificate and everything's working fine. I also have direct IP to domain ...
The Feadow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How should I modify file permissions to accomodate Wordpress

I have been successfully using the method described here: Maintained by a Single User and it has been working well for me. This is my script for all my websites: sudo chown -R WebAdmin /var/www/...
Chiwda's user avatar
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SSL configuration issue - "SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length"

We are trying to setup SSL on our application running on Wordpress, PHP, Apache. After doing the necessary configuration changes, we get the following error on curl command - [root@www ~]# curl https:/...
Sandeepan Nath's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Website on Ubuntu 20.04 will not show to public

I'm facing a strange issue, at least to me, that I can't crack. My domain is fully propagated according to report Yet dig won't give me an ip: ; <<>> DiG 9....
DeFacto Cannabis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache2 server getting so many unusal requests again and again

I am trying to configure the WordPress and NodeJS website together and I am using an apache2 server and ubuntu(20.04) virtual machine. I configured both applications successfully on my machine but ...
Piyush Mittal's user avatar
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1 answer

Block `//xmlrpc.php`

I'm getting tens of thousands of (quite probably malicious) hits on Apache which are bringing the server down. All hits look like this on the Apache log: [30/Jan/2022:21:57:41 +0000] "POST //...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
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GCP VM Instance: Server Timed Out Error - Intermittently

cloud web security scanner1. Setup a WordPress site on localhost 2. Setup GCP Fresh Account for it 3. Created a New WordPress CE Instance [Login details, etc] 4. Migrated local site to GCP ...
GXS's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL memory usage crashing server

I just want to preface this with the fact I am new to server admin work like this, but am very interested and eager to learn. I'm hosting a small WordPress site on Digital Ocean, the site is ...
Misfit31287's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to serve images from wordpress site - response is malformed

I'm trying to deploy Wordpress behind Traefik on Azure, using a PersistentVolume backed by Azure Files. For the most part, it works. I could set up wordpress, configure it, access it externally, ...
IanJ's user avatar
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2 answers

OpenLitespeed vs. Apache difference for WordPress?

What is the biggest difference and concerns about OpenLitespeed (not premium Litespeed) and Apache? About speed, security and management issues, what should newbies understand? This is not about web ...
babbaweb's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to fix domain redirect with slash using Apache2 and Bitnami?

I'm running a Wordpress website with Bitnami which confused me a lot of ways. The issue is when you click a link then it goes to www.domain.comja because there is a missing slash / ...
Ivan's user avatar
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2 answers

Using apache reverse proxy to send all requests for /blog to internal wordpress server

I have a website written in react, and now I wanted to add a blog section to the site. The blog is going to be based on wordpress. The react app runs in a docker container, and I use the wordpress ...
smac89's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress Slowness Behind GCP HTTP Load Balancer

I am hosting a Wordpress instance on GCP Compute Engine (using the Marketplace image). It works great when I directly access the instance IP, and the latency is around 20 ms. However, in order to make ...
tocas619's user avatar
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2 answers

how to do 301 redirects from old site to new

I have a website which is on Wordpress and on its own IP/Server It has various pages which are ranked on google which I'd like to preserve. I have a new website
Z D's user avatar
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1 answer

Unwanted site traffic to my WP site

I am getting lot of unwanted web site traffic to my WordPress web site. It is apache web server on Ubuntu 20.04. Is there any way to block them. Please refer the screen shot.log example
Support's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does Apache server return 404 on subfolder, when it was previously working

I just installed some new SSL from GoDaddy on my Apache Ubuntu server. I then restarted via SSH and everything looks good. The root site (a wordpress install) now loads fine with https. However, there ...
Dave's user avatar
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IP/DNS inaccessible after IP address changed for Wordpress on Ubuntu VPS

I deployed a website on a VPS with AWS Lightsail. Everything was working fine until I got an issue that made me restart the server. The IP has changed. And now it redirects to the old IP when I get to ...
Nelwep's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Ubuntu/Apache docker image in Azure App Service is using IIS?

I have a mystery. So I set up an Azure Web app on Linux that pulls from a custom docker image stored in Azure container repo. The dockerfile for the image is pretty simple - ubuntu:latest as the base, ...
Chris's user avatar
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Redirect Nginx to a Wordpress running behind apache2 server

I have a unique problem that I don't how to put in and I can't change the situation (orders from above!). Please read it all before down-voting me. In this scenario, I have two servers, Server A and ...
O_o's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to redirect a subdirectory to another server while keeping the domain name

We have a working website under the domain x.domain.tld. We want to add a wordpress to it in such way we have x.domain.tld/blog but install it on another server so we don't touch anything on this old (...
Kévin Bruneau's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Setting up Postfix and Google G Suite email with WordPress

I have finally got WordPress setup and working on my VPS using WP-CLI. It wasn't until I wanted to change my Administration Email Address found under Settings > General and submit forms from ...
willowen100's user avatar
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2 answers

Proxyreverse in Apache2 with wordpress

I have installed and configured Wordpress on my server using also apach2 virtualhosts. I made a virtualhost with this config <VirtualHost *:80 *:443> ServerAdmin [email protected] ...
Mat.C's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Best approach for hosting 100s of WordPress sites on VPS [closed]

I am looking to host 100s or maybe 1000s of isolated wordpress webistes (for development purpose) on a single VPS so what do you think will be the best approach to achieve this. It will all be done ...
verge's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple Wordpress sites on a single droplet / Virtual Host / One site is working, second gives white screen of death. Why? - Digital Ocean

This is not duplicated Post! System information: LAMP installed on Ubuntu 18.04 I have two WordPress websites on Digital Ocean droplet, let's say domain1 and domain2. I set up 2 virtual hosts. My ...
Mehmet Dogan's user avatar
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My site's load times have become extremely slow or fails to load at all (Cloudflare 522 error), but minimal server load (Nginx + Apache + Wordpress)

I run multiple websites being served on a stand alone Ubuntu machine, all of them use same nginx + apache setup. However one of these sites has begun to act very strangely today. It's the only site on ...
hedgehog90's user avatar
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Installing CORS on Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS

I want to install/use CORS on my Ubuntu server 18.0.4 LTS for the Wordpress websites that I am hosting. Normally I just add the line in the .htaccess but that doesn't seem to work anymore. Any ...
Jeroen den Otter's user avatar
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Server hacked and lots of randomly named .php files in the webspace directories [duplicate]

So apparently my Server kinda got hacked. I don't think that someone got access to the root user or any other user but in every main directory of the www-data user there were a lot of weird files. ...
Flo's user avatar
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Apache runs several processes slows server, MYSQL can't connect, always fixed after reboot

My WordPress Web Server will run for 30 - 60 minutes (then go down, and run very slowly as a server, difficult to input using Putty, or KVM terminal), after a reboot it will run fine, then Apache will ...
Ian Arman's user avatar
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Restrict Access to specific Webpage on Website on a IP-range basis

I'm somewhat of a Website noob myself. We are currently running Wordpress for our Website. Now I am tasked with the following: A page to search, download and access certain PDF-documents but only for ...
OHithere's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

http response shows Expires in 1981 when using mod_cache

I'm setting up Apache caching on CentOS using mod_cache and mod_cache_disk with the configuration at the bottom of this post but the page is not cached. I included CacheDetailHeader on to get some ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Subdomains in multisite wordpress do not link to the right place

I have 2 virtualhosts on my current apache installation, associated to the domains and; for each one, I have configured a multisite wordpress with 3 subdomains (which ...
Kleber Mota's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I redirect back from https to http URLs after I removed a SSL certificate of lets encrypt in apache2 & nginx

I configured a certificate of let's encrypt using certbot-auto and the https worked but when I was trying to remove the certificate of my domain using certbot-auto delete... my wordpress and ...
Shahar Alaluf's user avatar
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Unwanted 301 redirects with Apache2 and Wordpress

I have the following configuration my apache2.conf file: DocumentRoot /var/www/html <Directory / > # Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted ...
ken's user avatar
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Apache multiple virtual hosts same ServerName

I want to use the same exact ServerName, but load the first virtualhost block that works. Here's how it should work: If there is a wordpress folder in /var/www load that. Otherwise, load index.html ...
Justin Breen's user avatar
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How to find what is redirecting a site

A site (wordpress) is running online and redirects all URLs to https. To test some new plugins I wanted to install the site locally. I have downloaded the database backup and the whole public_html ...
user6329530's user avatar
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How to Ban WordPress Brute Force Attack by Client From Apache's Server Status Page?

I have a server hosting multiple domains and protected by Fail2Ban with WP Fail2Ban and wordpress-hard + wordpress-soft rules. Recently I notice that our server is heavily loaded and seems like we ...
Kenaz Chan's user avatar
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Apache: Issue with .profile in the URL

I use Google Apps SSO to authenticate my users for all my WordPress sites. In the authentication process google returns few parameters to the given url and one of the parameters is scope which ...
Manoj H L's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy to apache-wordpress works but proxy_pass to external url fails

I have a nginx reverse proxy setup for apache wordpress which works fine. However based on location need to redirect to an external url which fails. Please check the below config. Is this a valid ...
Vikram Alva's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to setup apache with multiple websites using one IP address, separate virtual host files and Cloudflare SSL

I'm using ubuntu 16 LAMP stack. I currently have virtual host files setup for each domain with cloudflare dns pointing to the same IP for 2 Wordpress sites. I'm using cloudflare to generate a free ...
Mike's user avatar
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Apache: Redirect all .html AND .php requests to folder + WordPress

After a relaunch I have a bunch of dead backlinks pointing at URLs with .php or .html file-extensions. It would be nice to redirect them in bulk using .htaccess and the mod_rewrite module. The ...
schuggerleo's user avatar
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All Virtual Hosts redirect to one Host - nginx Reverse Proxy

I have two Virtual Hosts for apache & nginx. The domains are ( & My own site ( was working fine while I only had one domain. But after adding ...
DevKev's user avatar
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Wordpress on DigitalOcean not working, but all other combinations of and are

This is a hard question to google, or even title. I can hit my Wordpress site successfully using this: But this fails: http:/...
Tim's user avatar
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PHP/Apache: multiple calls to header() doesn't work

In my PHP file I have this code (not the real code, just for demonstration purposes): ob_start(); var_export(headers_sent()); var_export(ob_get_status()); header('Content-Type: text/html'); header('...
TheStoryCoder's user avatar
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My domain forwards to

In ubuntu server 16.04 I have a wordpress site and I want to link it with a domain name. I set up the DNS records in vutlr and then I set up also the Virtual hosts in my server However, when I type ...
yaylitzis's user avatar
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