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Questions tagged [apache2]

The Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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2 answers

Apache Rewrite Rule on Dispatcher

How can I do a rewrite rule for both to rewrite/redirect to but it should work when I have the URL as Currently when ...
Sreekanth Sagar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

fail2ban Regex for POST not firing

So i am trying to rate limit POST requests on my server. I have looked around and tried every permutation of strings that i can find on the internet. this is my jail.local apache conf [apache-...
Evil Eeyore's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is it normal for Non-SSL site to return 'Unable to connect' when accessed via HTTPS://

I'm speaking only about servers that doesn't have any SSL certs (self-signed or by authority). Is it normal for site that doesn't have anything about SSL (default config, clean installed apache/nginx)...
xMudrii's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache RewriteEngine affect Tomcat access

There is the problem, I have configured htaccess to rewrite all access for http to https, its ok. But i need make a exception for Tomcat on 8080 port. My .htaccess: RewriteEngine On # Redirect all ...
Willian Tamagi's user avatar
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1 answer

Send SSL requests to localhost:port using apache

I'm running a meteor application, due to restrictions I must use Apache as the webserver. There are also other existing websites hosted on the same domain under different locations e.g. https://...
androidwiltron's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

nginx as reverse ssl proxy (Apache + Varnish) skips its own configuration

I have a new Ubuntu 14.04 installation with the following steps taken: Apache2 2.4.7 MariaDB last stable version PHP 7.0.9 (and several modules) Apache configured to work with PHP7-FPM * mod_rpaf ...
Karls's user avatar
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1 answer

File on doc root won't change unless path changes

I found strange problem about my server/ apache. I make change of content of some files, lets say, on var/www/test-app/index.html. when I visit the browser: http://localhost/test-app/index.html, the ...
Charlie's user avatar
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1 answer

SSL Offloading to Apache2 for Wordpress Site

I have a WordPress site running on a Google Compute Engine instance and SSL used to be setup inside Apache. Since SSL and image resizing was placing a lot of strain on that instance, I've setup a ...
Jan Vladimir Mostert's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache error log permission issue after deleting in CWP [closed]

I am using CentOS Web Panel (CWP) and Apache as a web server. I have deleted the Apache error_log and recreated one using the command below: touch error_log I have successfully created the error_log ...
PaladiN's user avatar
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Wordpress, tomcat, apache2 and nginx: redirect loop on wordpress

I've installed tomcat for one website and apache2 for another (wordpress). The problem happens with wordpress website. There is nginx for reverse proxy and here it is: server { listen 80; ...
maximus's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache 2.4 max concurrent users limit

I'm unable to determine, how many users my apache instance can handle. I installed Apache 2.4.18 from Ubuntu repository, as far as I remember, all settings are default ones. I did a server stress ...
Greg Witczak's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to proxy\tunnle TCP through Apache HTTP web server?

A customer uses Apache HTTP Webserver (AW) to redirect HTTP requests to Apache Tomcat (AT). I need to add a special servlet to a current application being served by AT. This servlet will just start a ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache2 default page instead of nginx default page [closed]

I set up a Django local server with Nginx, Gunicorn and Ubuntu following this tutorial:
Kevin Ramirez Zavalza's user avatar
0 votes
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Idiomatic way to serve an internal server and a php directory under the same domain name with apache

I tried many things since yesterday with no good result. Here is the situation I have an internal server listening on port 4000 and a wordpress directory located in /var/www/html/wordpress. I use ...
Guestounet's user avatar
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Ubuntu server randomly kills Apache2 - I guess I know why

Been weeks, even months, that after a logrotate, my Apache2 server suddenly stops and can't restart, mainly because of the password on the cert. but I do not want to remove it. At the beginning I ...
aPugLife's user avatar
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1 answer

Two proxypass applications behind apache

I am running two web applications, one is tornado-based and the other one is cherrypy based, behind apache on an opensuse server. Both run on different domains pointing to the same IP. The two ...
Alexander's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache userdir over Kerberized NFSv4 mount : Forbidden access

I have set up a practical room dedicated to web development learning. Users accounts are managed by a Samba 4 AD and users files are stored in a central NFS server with exports securised by Kerberos. ...
Bruno MACADRE's user avatar
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1 answer

https works on webmin but not on domain name [duplicate]

I got an issue with the https request, when it comes to the access webmin, is working fine even the certificates are working pretty good. when i try to access the domain using https is not working. I ...
Adascalitei Lucian's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

IP address redirects to www.IP address [closed]

I have a Google Cloud Compute instance running a Bitnami Magento stack. For some strange reason if I try to browse to the site via the IP address it prefixes the IP address with www. so fails. The ...
user1563720's user avatar
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Apache2 and Tomcat7 with BASIC authentication (Ubuntu)

I recently deployed a Java webapp on a Tomcat7 fronted by an Apache2 on a Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. I am connecting the Apache2 and the Tomcat7 with mod_jk. All the static resources are server by Tomcat, ...
niilzon's user avatar
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Running Ruby on Rails and PHP apps side-by-side under the same (Apache) web directory structure

My company have several apps running alongside on an Apache2 web server which resides on an Ubuntu server. Our setup includes: A portal website is set at Apache's document root "/" Another ...
Sarun Sermsuwan's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache log : 'myipha.php not found or unable to stat' and others

I recently get in my apache error.log a long set of : [Thu Jun 30 13:03:22.005214 2016] [:error] [pid 15759] [client] script '/var/www/html/myiphb.php' not found or unable to stat ...
Sharcoux's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

debugging stuck apache/php thread on production server

I have a linux system with apache httpd and PHP which is loaded using LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ I've enabled the mod_status module of apache and I see a particular ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache2 reverse proxy to access multiple lan servers from wan

I've got about 5 web applications on different servers running on my LAN, which are all listening to port 80 I would like to make them accessible from the internet by setting up an Apache reverse ...
minusnine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Lets encrypt SSL certificate in Docker container via nginx-proxy

currently I am using nginx-proxy to route my subdomains to different docker containers. Now, I would like to add a SSL certifcate to my Owncloud container but I am failing to set it up correctly. ...
caiuspb's user avatar
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Apache 2.4, 403 on all php scripts, html works

After upgrading from Debian 7 to 8 and therefore from Apache 2.2 to 2.4, I'm facing some issues regarding php scripts. As the configuration files between the apache versions are not compatible, I did ...
Roper's user avatar
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Apache 2 Fast CGI php issue

I'm trying to set php5.6.23 as fast CGI on my server for using php7 as main version but in one of my domain, I get this error : The requested URL / was not found on this server. here is my vhost ...
Jeremy Talus's user avatar
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1 answer

singular access log entry without leading slash

When tracking down a PHP notification of WordPress in canonical.php where parse_url() created an array without 'path' entry, we found this related line (with a corresponding 301 redirect) in access ...
Ov3rfly's user avatar
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Ubuntu LAMP server disconnects after some time

I am trying to move my websites from shared hosting to the vps I rented, so I am trying to set up LAMP stack. After installing all, the server works fine at start, when I visit it's IP address on ...
Milan Bugarski's user avatar
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how to undo 'Alias' in Virtualhost

I wanted www.domain1.tld/domain2 to point to /www/directory2 So I added an 'Alias line' to my Virtualhost config apache2/sites-available/domain1.conf like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
thanks_in_advance's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use 2 IPs on one Apache server

I have two IPs (and domains) on my dedicated Linux server (Debian). I'm able to access the primary domain. But when I try to access the 2nd one, I'm directed to the primary site. In /etc/network/...
fmc's user avatar
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1 answer

HTTPS subdomains not redirecting for non-wildcard cert

How do I set it up such that redirects to properly? My current setup goes like this: --> http://subdomain....
Nate's user avatar
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Apache maximum memory size per child

Running apache 2.0 on ubuntu 14.04 (MPM prefork), I'm seeing multiple child workers with variable "RES" megabyte values (as expected). While I have plenty of RAM to handle all of these processes (i.e. ...
dter's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How do I only reverse proxy php files with nginx?

Currently I have the following in my nginx config file: server { listen 80; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443; server_name; ...
Nathaniel Suchy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

sudo yum install apache2 on amazon linux fails [closed]

I've tried running the command:sudo yum install apache2 and got the following error: Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper amzn-main/latest | 2.1 kB 00:00 ...
Kukula Mula's user avatar
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Why `apache2 -k graceful` gives this error?

I know the thread Apache2 config variable is not defined but here the problem is most probably about ownership/permissions of the newly created user, see the bottom of the thread for the hypothesis of ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to block unknown browsers in .htaccess?

I wanted to know that How to block unknown browsers in .htaccess? There is a Directive that can be used in .htaccess called BrowserMatchNoCase but I do not know how to work with it.
user3551500's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How can I remove IP addresses from log files after some time

I have an apache/nginx/whatever web server which logs client IP addresses to the access logs. Now these log files are rotated via logrotate. I want to keep the IP addresses for some days, then after ...
Michael Siebert's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Apache's htcacheclean doesn't scale: How to tame a huge Apache disk_cache?

We have an Apache setup with a huge disk_cache (>500.000 entries, >50 GB disk space used). The cache grows by 16 GB every day. My problem is that the cache seems to be growing nearly as fast as it's ...
flight's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

DNS: make point to www/site/

I have a vps where a website is hosted on var/www/site rather than the usual var/www. I want a domain to point to var/www/site rather than var/www. Not sure what to put in the zones file. any hints?
dukevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Permissions to use for Wordpress on Ubuntu with Webmin

What are the best permissions for a Wordpess install on Ubuntu managed by Webmin? Currently, root owns all the files and all of the files are also set to the root group. I'm using the virtual server ...
user65712's user avatar
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286 votes
7 answers

command for checking Apache configuration

I'm looking for a command that checks the validity of the config files in Apache server on both Debian and RHEL distros. I need to do this prior to restart, so there will be no downtime.
Sigtran's user avatar
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4 votes
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apache multiviews, how to disable it

I have a OS X Snow Leropard Server running and I want to disable multivewis from Apache. I could add Options -MultiViews to each .htacces file I have, but I guess there must be a global option. ...
user avatar
63 votes
4 answers

Purpose of Debian "sites-available" and "sites-enabled" directories?

Can anyone tell me—in a nutshell—what the purpose of these two directories are in Debian? /etc/apache2/sites-enabled /etc/apache2/sites-available I notice that diffing sites-available/000-default ...
aaaidan's user avatar
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