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Questions tagged [apache2]

The Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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Does the default Apache build not have PIE (position independent executable)?

I just built Apache from source, not something I usually do, and noticed that one of the build options was: --enable-pie This builds httpd as a Position Independent Executable which as I understand ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
4 votes
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Sudden and sporadic errors from mod_proxy

[Edit, addition]: Looks like this could be caused by an attack attempt. But not sure how it can be avoided?[email protected]/msg57219.html I have an Ubuntu server ...
Dennis Thrysøe's user avatar
4 votes
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Adminer not working - Configuration file is missing

I have a VM running Debian 9.7.0 64-bit off a Windows 10 host machine. This VM has the packages openssh-server, ufw, mysql-server, mysql-client, adminer, and their dependencies installed via apt. ...
SierraKomodo's user avatar
3 votes
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How to investigate 100% CPU load for 15 minutes on random days

"I have a server that runs a website on Apache2 and is behind Cloudflare. The server's normal load, according to 'htop', is 10%. However, at random days/times, the server load spikes up to 100%, ...
CodePanda's user avatar
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Why is apache -X stuck in a pselec6() NULL loop?

version 2.4 pselect6(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=100000000}, NULL) = 0 (Timeout) Repeats forever using strace. Only one httpd process enabled.
queryman2000's user avatar
3 votes
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Nginx converts POST Request to GET request while proxy_pass

I am having 3 Server: A, B, C. Details are: Server A: NGINX Server, URL: Server B: NGINX Server hosting NodeJS Web Application, URL: Server C: ...
Amarjeet Sharma's user avatar
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How to give OpenVPN profile files to users via the HTTPS?

I'm using Mikrotik Router as an OpenVPN server and I want to give the profile file to the users with HTTPS URL so they can import the file using URL in OpenVPN application on Android or IOS phones. ...
Amir Sabeghi's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache2 Let's Encrypt 404 for .well-known/acme-challenge

I am trying to issue a Lts encrypt ssl on my Apache2 AWS ECS. I confirmed the www and non www versions of the domain are all pointed correctly to the server however I receive an error that I am not ...
Jayreis's user avatar
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Apache/PHP: Internal server error. Untraceable! How is that even possible?

I have a Nextcloud server running NextCloudPi (NCP) on a Raspberry Pi 3. NCP is Raspbian/Apache2/PHP/MariaDB stack so to speak. It's run reliably for years. But recently my Nextcloud died! All it does ...
Bernd Wechner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Apache ProxyPass to Tomcat - how to remove context path from URL?

I have Apache conf: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName ServerAlias ci ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow ...
Justas's user avatar
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Multiple ruby on rails web apps running on one directory in Apache without modifying/adding <Directory> all the time

What I am trying to do is to create multiple ruby apps in one Apache directory and when I go to http://localhost/appname the ruby app resolves without problems. However, I want to do this dynamically ...
Victor Luna's user avatar
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How to make apache2 connect through SOCKS5 server that I am runnning?

I have a website ran on apache2 and a SOCKS proxy server that are both hosted on the same computer. The website can be accessed publicly and my SOCKS5 server is on localhost. How do I make the ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Apache2 rewrite root to various subdirectories/subsites on test server

I'm in the process of migrating from an old Debian 6 server to a nice new shiny Ubuntu 16.04 server. On our Debian server, we have the main domain but also several subdomains (each of which has a ....
e_i_pi's user avatar
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VirtualHost/.htaccess - redirect from .com to .se/en not working/ignored (Polylang?)

I'm trying to redirect to, but it just won't work. It's like another rewrite or redirect is happening to before I get the chance. I've tried multiple VirtualHosts ...
Jesper Johansson's user avatar
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Is it possible to proxy\tunnle TCP through Apache HTTP web server?

A customer uses Apache HTTP Webserver (AW) to redirect HTTP requests to Apache Tomcat (AT). I need to add a special servlet to a current application being served by AT. This servlet will just start a ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
3 votes
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Why are tmp files in /var/tmp/systemd-private-* excluded from automatic deletion?

I'm running a CGI application on an Apache instance, and lately I've been noticing errors like the following, which appear to be causing some issues: ERR012: Unable to create temporary file "/var/...
DMJ's user avatar
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Apache2 cannot get authentication to work

Running: Apache 2.4.41 on Ubuntu 20.04 I am trying to force authentication on /var/www/html but I think I have tried every combination of options possible but every single time it lets people in with ...
Serge Bigras's user avatar
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Apache creates ~3x as many threads as MaxRequestWorkers

I'm hosting a non-profit community wiki for the upcoming video game Baldur's Gate 3. Since it looks like the game is likely to have millions of players, we started worrying about server capacity. I'm ...
TaylanKammer's user avatar
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Is it possible to install and use Dokku on a server that already has Apache2 configured with VirtualHosts running?

Posted this on StackOverflow, but realized it probably belongs here: I have a Ubuntu (now upgrading it to 22.04) server that runs several virtual hosts with php applications. I'd like to run a couple ...
simonelippolis's user avatar
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How can Apache log whether requests are using HTTP2 or not, in a manner that can't be easily spoofed by the client?

According to this, including %H in your LogFormat is supposed to log the HTTP protocol version, however, it appears to be unreliable. As an example, one can telnet to port 80 of the web server and ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Returning custom HTTP status apache2

I'm hosting a webpage with apache and would like to be able to return custom HTTP status codes on a certain page. PHP does this just fine with http_response_code($code) but once it gets to apache it ...
Juckix's user avatar
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apache httpd using a lot of RAM memory and producing spikes in short time intervals

I have a problem with one of my servers. Web server works well in 'normal' time period but one or two times per day there are spikes in RAM memory usage. I put the Zabbix monitoring tool there, and ...
Milan's user avatar
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Apache2 Segmentation Fault after upgrading to PHP8.0 Ubuntu 20

I recently upgraded a production server from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0 (this is using the ondrej packages). As a reference, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.3, apache2.4.46 and now PHP8.0. After about 18 hours, the ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to handle proxy call in apache

I have a reverse proxy setup as follows in Apache: Server A with address is the reverse proxy server. It maps to: Server B with address This kind works properly ...
Ming Hieu's user avatar
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Upgraded to libcurl4 and broke apache?

Apache2 and Apache2-bin seem to depend on libcurl3. How can I get them to install now that I upgraded to libcurl4? sudo apt-get install apache2-bin Reading package lists... Done Building dependency ...
user1413341's user avatar
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Apache PHP REST API handle/block web attack attempts

We're currently running a PHP API (all URL's get rewritten to index.php for route-handeling) on an Apache Debian server. Edit: (I think I might have landed on the wrong StackExchange for this question,...
Bert Maurau's user avatar
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apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'

I was trying to configure hosting 2 websites on my EC2 instance using VirtualHosts (Apache2). After setting the two VirtualHosts, I'm unable to restart the apache2 service. When I try to do that, I ...
Aman Dwivedi's user avatar
2 votes
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Enabled brotli mod in apache but still wordpress not using brotli

I have installed brotli on my apache server. The problem is Wordpress is not using brotli compression. It uses gzip only. I have turned off zlib.output_compression, disabled cdn and WP-Rocket but ...
Rahul Biswas's user avatar
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How can I redirect back from https to http URLs after I removed a SSL certificate of lets encrypt in apache2 & nginx

I configured a certificate of let's encrypt using certbot-auto and the https worked but when I was trying to remove the certificate of my domain using certbot-auto delete... my wordpress and ...
Shahar Alaluf's user avatar
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503 Service Unavailable error after PHP 7.3 was installed and PHP 7.0 removed

I have a forum that was originally running on Ubuntu 16.04.x LTS with PHP 7.0 and apache2. Recently I installed PHP 7.3 and updated the apache configuration. The system is also upgraded to Ubuntu 18....
L13hyr's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache wildcard cert with virtual host subdomain

I have been stuck trying to get my site to work with SSL and a subdomain for a few days now. Have been googling endlessly to no avail. I have a webserver setup on AWS EC2 instance running amazon ...
BruH's user avatar
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EC2 / LAMP with a temporary File System

Ok - this is a weird one. I've now got my domain pointing to a new EC2 instance running our website, but initially I thought I had some issues with file permissions, has now turned to be where the ...
Jester's user avatar
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Disable logging of requests from certain IPs apache2

I wan't to stop logging accesses from two of my local IPs, this is what I added to apache2.conf: ... <VirtualHost *:80> SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "" dontlog SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "192....
technical_difficulty's user avatar
2 votes
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Webserver error 503 Troubleshooting

I have a nice VPS with 4 cores, 180ssd, 8gb of ram. My website is a custom website, that autogenerates from a database, and on the first run it is cached in memory using redis. The issue that I am ...
peterpeterson's user avatar
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I tried to install letsencrypt on my apache2 server (running on Ubuntu 16.04). It seems to work fine but for some reason i got the following error on my website: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR i cant figure ...
Zer0NimO's user avatar
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Safari fails to load some resources over http/2 with Apache

I am experiencing an issue in Safari only where sites loaded over http/2 on our Apache 2.4 servers will intermittently (every 3-5 requests) fail to load certain resources. The pages always seem to ...
Josh's user avatar
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In CENTOS 7 how to solve "Config variable ${APACHE_LOG_DIR} is not defined" Apache error?

I have the same error as described on Ubuntu but none of the solutions are directly use-able on the file/directories in httpd of CentOS. The two solutions were to source the /etc/apache2/envvars file ...
user5389726598465's user avatar
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How can I explore and/or modify Apache httpd's DAVLock file?

I have an Apache httpd server running mod_dav (and mod_dav_fs) and I have what appear to be stale locks on files that I'd like to manually expire. I can see the DAVLock file on the disk, and the ...
Christopher Schultz's user avatar
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Transmission web UI and ERROR 405

I have transmission-daemon listening on port 9091. This is proxied by a virtualhost site in apache2 using ssl. I managed to get through the infamous ERROR 409 due to my a missing / in the last part ...
Navarro's user avatar
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Apache mod_sed - "OutputSed not allowed here" in htaccess

I'm trying to use mod_sed to replace strings in HTML, using .htaccess. According to the mod_sed docs, this should be possible as the module supports use in .htaccess. However, I can't see any ...
user avatar
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How can I set Access-Control-Allow-Origin for multiple domains in apache2?

I have created an app in React with its backend in Python Django. I hosted the React app in Heroku and the Django app in AWS (apache2). I have faced a problem with CORS. I added the following ...
Ferose's user avatar
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Apache2.4 with ProxyPass Strips ExpressJS-set Headers

I've got WAMP (3.1.0 i.e. Apache 2.4) setup on Windows Server 2012R2 with proxypass to ExpressJS/Node application. In my httpd.conf: <Location "/someurl/"> ProxyPass "http://localhost:1337/" ...
Michael Tallino's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure apache so it will retry (resend) requests to application if they fail?

We are running apache2 in front of numerous different applications. It is possible to configure apache2 so it will automatically re-try HTTP request is the request fails with some error (like 501 or ...
user2196351's user avatar
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Apache-Ubuntu: can not access my site using IP address

I have a web site running on ubuntu 16.04 vps with Apache. recently i can not access main web page using its IP‌ address. please help me debug my server configuration. main-site.conf: <...
Amzoddin's user avatar
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Rewrite rule loses query parameters

I have a webserver running apache2 with php7. In my apache config, there is a redirect rule like the following: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.* RewriteRule .* %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto}://www.%{...
Stephan Richter's user avatar
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Tomcat8 unable to upgrade TLS version

I have a Tomcat8 instance running behind an Apache server which takes care of SSL offloading. The Java webapp deployed on Tomcat needs to connect to an external service which only supports TLSv1.2. ...
flipcoin's user avatar
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mod_security gives "Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary" for Wordpress

I have mod_security (apache2) installed on my server hosting Wordpress websites. When I attempt to install a plugin by uploading a .zip file from the disk it fails with 403 Forbidden and "Multipart ...
mikryz's user avatar
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Apache proxy - split SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN value and set header

I have configured on Apache proxy mutual SSL with SSLVerifyClient require SSLVerifyDepth 3 The configuration and communication is working like expected. Now I would like to send from Apache proxy ...
user1563721's user avatar
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Apache deny access all files in a directory while allowing access to sub directories

I may have asked this in the wrong site -- so I am trying my question here. Like to deny access to all files within a directory; while allowing access to files within the sub directories. I thought I ...
Top Results's user avatar
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SFTP message authentication code incorrect / HTTPS upload errors

I have a number of Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS instances running as virtual machines on Microsoft Azure. Since a week, we are having problems uploading bigger files via both SFTP and HTTPS to these ...
Pieter Claerhout's user avatar

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