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Questions tagged [apple-ios]

Apple's iOS is a mobile device operating system which runs on their iPhone and iPad devices.

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22 votes
3 answers

How do I create the identity certificate required to setup Mobile Device Management on an iOS device?

I'm trying to provision an iOS device to be managed using the Apple MDM capabilities. Using the iPhone Configuration Utility, I'm trying to create a configuration profile. Under the Mobile Device ...
Chris Vasselli's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

IPv6 support or alternative for aws vpc instances

Recently apple has imposed IPv6 support as mandatory for all its vendors who use its mobile-api and aws vpc doesn't provide IPv6 support. How can I achieve this. I have checked
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Linux solution for VPN on-demand for iOS devices

According to Apple’s support article on VPN for iOS, only Cisco IPSec, Juniper Junos Pulse, and Cisco AnyConnect support the VPN on-demand feature. Are there any open-source implementation (‘free’ as ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 221
10 votes
3 answers

Meeting availability using iPhone/iOS calendars

Our management team all use iPhones with the built-in iOS calendar app. We're looking into getting Microsoft Exchange for everyone here, but that'll take us some weeks to plan and roll-out across the ...
Jaymie Thomas's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Setting up IIS 7.5 for AD Client Certificates for iOS devices

I am working on getting an iPad to auth to an IIS7.5 website using a local certificate mapped to a user in AD. I am not, in any sense of the word, an IIS admin. I essentially need to setup a proof ...
vonsch's user avatar
  • 93
6 votes
2 answers

AirPlay over unicast DNS-SD. Anyone got it working?

We set up AirPrint using unicast DNS-SD on our campus about a year ago and it turned out to be a big success, so we're looking at trying to get AirPlay working so our faculty and students can ...
Moduspwnens's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Analyze HTTP logs, looking for iOS

I am currently using AWStats to analyze the apache logs for a server that redirects links, etc from iOS apps to the app store (so we can track clickthrough). In AWStats, however, all of this traffic ...
zib_redlektab's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to detect Android and iOS devices based on DHCP requests?

I want to configure DHCP server in a way that it puts "regular" smartphones and tablets into a separate subnet. Is it possible to detect if the DHCP request comes from an Android or iOS device based ...
abbot's user avatar
  • 233
6 votes
3 answers

403 forbidden while submitting a POST request with image data via iPhone application

I am creating an iOS application which allows users to send image/text data to my webserver via a POST request. I am successfully sending POSTs to the server when image data is not included in the ...
binnyb's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
1 answer

WebDAV for accessing fileserver for iOS apps

With the sudden onslaught of iOS apps that can use WebDAV for syncing, along with the fact that we are not happy with our user's data being stored in North Carolina (evil IT overlord strikes again) we ...
Jon Rhoades's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

iTunes Sync erasing Exchange calendar / contacts

We have had a handful of instances where corporate iPhone users will be syncing Calendar/Contacts/etc in their iTunes settings, and we would like to prevent this. Unfortunately, when they sync their ...
Garrett's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Dealing with iPad DHCP Issue

According to Princeton University, the iPad (and perhaps other iOS devices?) seems to have had various issues with DHCP that exist even on the current version (4.3.3). The current one involves the ...
Moduspwnens's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Apple Server: "Trust this computer" automatically via Profile manager

I'm trying to figure out if it would be possible to push a "Trusted computers" list to an iOS-device via Profile manager. This to avoid the annoying "Trust this computer?"-dialog when connecting to a ...
Burbas's user avatar
  • 53
4 votes
0 answers

How do I configure OpenSwan to allow pure IPsec (not L2TP) connections from an iPhone?

Similar to this question, I want to configure an IPsec server on Linux which will accept connections from the iPhone. However, unlike the other question, I want to be able to test with pre-shared keys ...
mpontillo's user avatar
  • 924
4 votes
1 answer

Macs behind a proxy, using squid for SSL and HTTP traffic

There appears to be an NTLM bug in OSX in how authentication is handled with our corporate proxy. On several Macs (and iDevices) Safari, iTunes, Software Updates, AppStore etc all crash when they ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I monitor HTTPS traffic with Wireshark? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I filter https when monitoring traffic with Wireshark? I want to verify that the analytics package I've added to my iOS app is attempting to talk to the analytics ...
MrDatabase's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What happens to signed code when root certificates get compromised?

My Windows Server just requested a certificate update related to the compromise of a root certificate a while ago. I remember Firefox, Safari, Flash, the .Net pile of stuff and Internet Explorer all ...
Kheldar's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

8e6 R3000 + iOS devices

Our organization uses the 8e6 R3000 filter for internet authentication and filtering. We recently got wireless routers installed (yeah!) and our laptops work great with it, but our iOS devices don't ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any Microsoft Exchange Clients for iOS and Android that store their local data in an encrypted manner?

I don't feel like this is a product recommendation question, more of a "does this tech even exist and is it feasible" question, but if I'm wrong, feel free to give this question the boot. Context: ...
Zac B's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

L2TP with PEAP authentication from MacOS/iOS

Following the recent security advisory, I'm reconfiguring our VPN servers and having trouble. We're using Windows 2008 R2 server for VPN services, running RRAS and NPS on the same server and ...
Jose's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

iPhone users does not connect to StrongSwan VPN, while Android and Windows 10 users do?

I have a StrongSwan VPN that for some reason unknown to me cannot connect iOS users to my VPN server. A few quick notes: My StrongSwan server is front for VPN clients who connects to my network. I ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Exchange GAL only showing Company name in iOS search results

My organization uses iPads connected to our Exchange server. When we search the GAL for a person in the company, the results are shown as the Company only (data coming from the 'Company' field in ...
Jagger's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apple iOS Apps and caching at the edge proxy

Our network contains a growing number of iOS devices, all of which with very similar configurations. All Internet access is via a transparent proxy. We've found that iOS updates and some free apps ...
Matthew Iselin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Accounting IPSec connections with RSA authentication

Apple iOS has "VPN On Demand" function. With this function the VPN connection is made whenever the device tries to connect to certain domains or to the internet at all. iOS supports "VPN On Demand" ...
John Green's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

L2TP VPN routing issue with iphone/ipad

I am able to connect to our company's VPN with L2TP on the iphone and ipad, however, I can only get to certain resources in our company network but not others. After looking at the iOS device logs ...
Banjer's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How Do I Create A Subscription WiFi Network (like Starbucks) [closed]

When using an iPad, connecting at a Starbucks, you will see a page pop up (like a web browser, but with no address bar), and it will allow you to login. Apple has a KB article on them at: http://...
Marshall Anschutz's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can someone explain the relationship between a server's FQDN and Active Directory Domain

Sorry, I know this is a rather lazy question, my server experience is limited to OS X, I'm hoping a Windows guy can "explain it to me like I'm five" I'll need to help configure a bunch of iPads/...
username's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can I have TCP timouts up to 10-20 minutes?

It it important to rely on TCP guaranteed delivery even in case of mobile client which could disappear in a tunnel for a long time when TCP with standard settings give up and close the connection. Is ...
user's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

iPad revocable vpn access

I'm a programmer at my organization, but somehow got drafted into looking into some server stuff so forgive me of my ignorance: They want to give our sales people secure access to our internal sites ...
carpat's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Mopria and DNS-SD

With the Advent of Android 4.4 Kit Google now natively supports some form of built in printing functionality. This means that a lot of printers now support Mopria. Just like Airprint on IOS, Mopria ...
mariojjsimoes's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does the Profile Manager send Clear Passcode command get to the iDevice?

We use Apple's Profile Manager MDM. Occasionally a user will forget the passcode to unlock their iPad. We should be able to user Profile Manager to clear their passcode. However, I've noticed that "...
P.Turpie's user avatar
  • 242
1 vote
1 answer

How to make a DEP Registered iPad Supervised

I have iPads purchased using Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and have registered the serial numbers under I am using Meraki as the MDM and I have also entered the serial ...
ImpossibleQuest's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rebuilding courier message files

I run a mail server on which I have courier imap and pop3 running. Recently I moved some local messages from my machine (previously downloaded with pop3) onto the server so I could use imap. I used ...
Devin Lane's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What can I do to connect Wireguard VPN over mobile data when connection over wifi is working on IOS14

I have set up a wireguard tunnel between my IPhone 6s and a public server. I am using the Wireguard app on IOS 14.4.2 Iphone has the following configuration: [Interface] PrivateKey = <hidden> ...
Graham Hopper's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to setup forward secrecy in nginx so that iOS9 (Xcode7) app with default ATS settings can connect to my server?

iOS9's App Transport Security states that connections that do not meet certain requirements will fail. Below are the requirements quoted from Apple's document (
goodbyeera's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Debian 6 and OpenSwan does not work with iPhone as client

I have just installed OpenSwan on Debian 6.0, and configured it according to this tutorial: There are many ...
mahonya's user avatar
  • 113
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to create a 'site-to-site' VPN using an iOS device?

I am trying to configure a VPN that would allow remote access to the LAN of an iOS client from the VPN server, as a remote-access solution not requiring any dedicated hardware or setup on the client's ...
Tugzrida's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Configure username/password only auth in OpenVPN Connect

I'm trying to configure my client to use only username/password for authentication. Unfortunatly, iOS app keeps asking me for a Certificate (I'm not sure it's Client certificate though). Here is ...
Kentzo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Unable to User Enroll iOS devices

I'm trying to get iOS User Enrollment to work with Intune. I have done the following: Created a Group for my pilot users Added an Apple MDM Push certificate Signed up for Apple Business Manager ...
Yoshi Walsh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using Apple Configurator 2, Prepare iOS Device Without Updating iOS

I essentially have an updated version of this question: I have an iOS 9.0.2 device. I want to Prepare and Supervise it with Configurator 2 (Apple's new ...
Nate's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to have SSL on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer with a Gunicorn EC2 server?

I'm a self taught back end engineer so I'm learning all of this stuff as I go along. For the longest time, I've been using basic authentication for my users. Many developers are advising against this ...
deadlock's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Internet printing : print to iOS gateway -> AirPrint / something -> Laser printers

I've done a bit of research on the Internet, and it looks like I'm on a dead end. My goal is to minimize cost, and be able to send and print documents AUTOMATICALLY (may be 10 or 20 pages per day) to ...
charleslcso's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

SSL Errors on iOS

My website is failing to load for iOS users at a pretty high rate. Most people are getting the "..could not establish a secure connection..." error. I bought a cheapo ...
bitmagi's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

How to work with Macintosh computers in Windows Network? [closed]

I am lost, we were a totally windows network, and recently, we have joined with 3 MacBooks. I have no clue as to what they run, if they have an Anti Virus installed (I heard all about the: Mac's don'...
Saariko's user avatar
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