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Company based in Cupertino, specialized in the sale of computers.

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37 votes
19 answers

What are some "must have" iPhone/iTouch apps for IT people?

I just got my iPhone, and am on an app-downloading spree. Help me build my list of apps! I'm marking this question as fun so that we can also include apps that aren't necessarily useful for IT ...
22 votes
7 answers

Backup strategy for developer-focused Apple environments?

It's interesting to see the technological split between structured corporate environments and more developer-driven/startup environments. Some of the Microsoft technologies I take for granted (VSS, ...
ewwhite's user avatar
  • 199k
19 votes
4 answers

Blocking the Apple OS X App Store

Being the evil corporate IT overlords we need to block the new OS X App Store. As you may be aware the 10.6.6 update installs the App Store App which allows users to download and install apps without ...
Jon Rhoades's user avatar
  • 4,987
14 votes
5 answers

IPv6 support or alternative for aws vpc instances

Recently apple has imposed IPv6 support as mandatory for all its vendors who use its mobile-api and aws vpc doesn't provide IPv6 support. How can I achieve this. I have checked
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

SSH access to Apple Time Capsule

Is there any way to install or activate sshd in an Apple Time Capsule in the way you can download dd-wrt and install custom firmware on a netgear router? I'd like to enable sshfs access to Time ...
sal's user avatar
  • 827
8 votes
8 answers

Macintosh gotchas

Up until now, I've only managed networks with Windows users and the occasional *nix server. Soon, a few users with Macs will get added to our network. What are some "gotchas" to look out for when ...
Dinah's user avatar
  • 407
8 votes
4 answers

Netbooting ALL types of OSes

Is there a service out there that lets you boot all types of OSes? I've been using WDS but so far I've not found a way for it to netboot Apple as well. It's all windows/wim files. Would using ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Running iPad Apps without an iPad?

we run a windows network , some vendors we use are releasing apple apps for the ipad with pricing etc. -- the owners of the company want the apps for the associates to have. I am not 100% comfortable ...
Jeff's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can a Mac with OS X 10.5 (Leopard) authenticate with a Windows 2008 domain?

I would like to have my MacBook Pro authenticate against Active Directory running on Windows 2008. A couple of years ago I tried to set this up between OS X 10.4 and Windows 2003 but I wasn't ...
Brian Lyttle's user avatar
  • 1,747
7 votes
4 answers

Your favorite website/forum for Mac OS X Server? [closed]

I'll get the ball rolling: Apple Discussions Charles Edge's blog http://www....
7 votes
0 answers

Proper procedure for replacing failing drive in Xserve RAID RAID5 set w/hot spare?

I've got a five-drive RAID-5 set (with a sixth hot spare) in an Xserve RAID running the 1.5/1.50f firmware. One of the drives in the RAID-5 set has an amber/orange status light on and has been getting ...
morgant's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

OS X 10.8: redirecting locally initiated ssh connections to localhost:22

I need to hack the OS X pf to redirect all ssh connections from an user to this machine. I want, when doing $ ssh to get the same results as with $ ssh localhost ie a connection to my ...
foxx1337's user avatar
  • 169
4 votes
9 answers

3rd party RAM for Mac Book Pro

My company will be bulk purchasing Apple hardware, specifically Mac Book Pros. We are looking into increasing the RAM from 4GB to 8GB, however, we have noticed that RAM purchased directly from Apple ...
Julien Chastang's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Mount hybrid ISO (ISO 9660/HFS+) under Linux

I am trying to mount a HFS+ partition in hybrid .dmg file to a local folder. I found a HFS+ superblock in it (as per instructions in here) and tried to associate it with /dev/loop0 and then mount: ...
Art's user avatar
  • 297
4 votes
1 answer

Is the US Department of Defense ip address valid? (reported by Apple products)

I've recently seen a lot of this IP address. A geo ip lookup tells me it is US Department of Defense Network in Arizona so why do some routers (here and here) default to this address? The real ...
KCD's user avatar
  • 978
4 votes
3 answers

Apple Software Update Server for Windows

We have just added a few iMacs to our system and we've found that they all want to download about 1.6 GB of updates... not so great when we only have limited monthly bandwidth! All of our Windows ...
Matthew Iselin's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to allow Active Directory Users to Adopt OS X Local Home Folder

We have deployed a new Windows Server 2012 Active Directory infrastructure for an environment that previously contained no central mechanism for user authentication. All client computers are Mac OS X ...
sardean's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

What to do With Power PC Mac Systems

I have a customer - a small business where IT is a cost center, not a profit driver - with six high-end PowerPC machines (dual-CPU Power Mac G5, 2G RAM, the works...). These machines will shortly be ...
Bernd Haug's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Is Apple going to miss out by not allowing to virtualise Mac OS X? [closed]

As far as I know you are not legally allowed to virtualise Mac OS X. Recently Amazon added Windows support to EC2 so you can now run Windows, Solaris, BSD and Linux instances in the cloud. With Apple ...
3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to run Windows Server on Apple Xserve hardware?

Apple's Boot Camp allows you to run a Windows client OS on Apple hardware. Has anyone had success in running a Windows Server OS natively on Apple's Xserve hardware? Does anyone know if Boot Camp ...
Shawn Miller's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there an open-source alternative to Apple Open Directory?

On my company's network there are a small collection of iMacs. Currently they use Active Directory. We looked in to Apple Open Directory, but $500 for a copy of OSX Server (not to mention the Apple ...
Yoplitein's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I send raw text to a printer on a Mac?

In windows you can use LPR In Linux you can do lpr or 'data.txt > /dev/lpt1/' How do I do it on a Mac?
sanbornm's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How Do I Restore a MySQL Database from Time Machine Backup?

I develop locally on a Mac, and my computer completely died yesterday. The hard drive is gone, apparently not recoverable. I have a current backup on Time Machine. So my question is: How exactly do ...
CWSpear's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to prevent a user from installing iOS 6?

We have a number of Apple iOS 5.1.1 corporate-owned, Wifi-only devices with internal applications that aren't ready for iOS 6. Is it possible to prevent a user from upgrading their device to iOS 6? ...
Rob Wright's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can I use a single OS X Installation Image on multiple machines?

I currently admin a small variety of Mac's at work. We have some G3/G4/G5/MBP/iBook/eMac/iMac. I've noticed that each system is configured slightly different and wanted to come up with some disk ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

AD users in Snow Leopard with admin privileges

I've just authenticated my first Apple machine onto the active directory infrastructure. Yay! The only thing I'm having problems with is specifying that the AD user is an administrator, and able to ...
Matt Simmons's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

osx 10.6 dhcp client-id option

Trying to join a osx machine on a dhcp network which forces certain client IDs. Even if I was to modify the client-id via the network properties, the DHCP server is not accepting this request, since ...
CMag's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Apple client OS support lifecycle

I have a simple question that I seem to be having a hard time getting a straight-up answer for. What is Apple's support policy for Mac OS X client versions? When do they drop support? For example, ...
MikeBaz - MSFT's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How did AirPort's DHCP "Welcome Message" work?

I remember that Apple's AirPort base stations used to have a DHCP "Welcome Message" feature, that would display a custom pop-up dialog when computers connected to the network. How was this ...
Trevor Johns's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is the airport extreme's 50 user limit the same in multiple access point configurations?

Im currently evaluating options for extending our Church's wireless connectivity. We're also installing a Win 2k8 Domain Controller, DHCP and DNS server. We need wireless access points that work ...
Daniel Upton's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Upgrade Path from OS X 10.5.7 to OS X Snow Leopard Server?

I purchased an iMac back in March 2009 and it came with OS X 10.5.5 and I have been updating it since. I see that I can upgrade the OS to "Snow Leopard" for $29.99 but...... I would like to upgrade ...
Taptronic's user avatar
  • 229
2 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to sync iCal calendars between multiple Macs on the same network?

I have to sync iCal on all the computers without having a MobileMe account, I would like it to be "live" because the co-workers have to see the changes right away on their screens, they also need to ...
Terumo's user avatar
  • 185
2 votes
3 answers

Non-Apple methods to administer XRAID?

I've got an older Apple XRAID, and in order to administer it, I've had to rely on the Apple XRAID software utility that is native only on OSX. My only Mac laptop is going to be heading the way of the ...
Matt Simmons's user avatar
  • 20.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) OS Specific package installation

Faced with the recent Java kerfuffle imposed by Apple's silent updates I am looking for a solution to install .pkg files specific to the OS version. Apple continues to provide Java updates for 10.6, ...
TryTryAgain's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to configure Apple Power Mac to boot headless (without keyboard or monitor)?

I have a couple of Apple Power Mac G5 machines that I have deployed as servers: they're running GNU+Linux, connected to the world only via an ethernet cable. When I need to restart these machines, ...
bignose's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Repair a Mac OS X user account

This is under version 10.4.11 on a G4 PowerBook. The user's main account on the machine will appear to load OK, but no applications will actually launch, instead only giving the spinning beachball. ...
Trevor Bramble's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I back up a bunch of OS X machines via TimeMachine without buying a bunch of Time Capsules?

I've got a bunch of OS X laptops and desktops in the office that I'd like to back up using the built-in Time Machine. The first cut at this idea, buying a bunch of Time Capsules, seems like a ...
Bill Weiss's user avatar
  • 11.1k
2 votes
4 answers

How to hack airport extreme to support USB 3G modem? [closed]

Has anyone out there ever tried to hack the Airport Extreme, specifically with regard to the USB port? There are many cellular routers available that provide WiFi sharing of a USB modem link. However, ...
Mike Caron's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Airport Extreme mesh over Ethernet?

I have purchased three Airport Extreme routers. I have a cable modem in one room that currently feeds into our primary router (which I want to replace with an Extreme), which feeds into a switch, ...
selfagency's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Apple's Remote Desktop need OSX Server?

Does Apple's Remote Desktop need OSX Server? Or are there better management options out there? I'm looking for something to manage a small Mac lab of ~20 machines joined to Active Directory.
user65712's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

XServe Remote Set Up Doesn't Work

I just mounted a newly purchased XServe. I have turned on the XServe. I have installed Apple Server Admin Tools on a second computer. I can see the newly purchased XServe under "Ready for Setup" in ...
Jake McGraw's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Troubleshooting seemingly random G4 kernel panics and lockups

Recently my 9 year old Apple G4 file server has been randomly crashing. Often it's a kernel panic, but sometimes the system just locks up. It seems almost always to happen when I'm out of my office... ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Best practice for assigning passwords in a company

I work in a small company and have been spending a lot of time optimizing our network. Our security system is, sadly, abysmal, seeing as no one ever really took care of it. So I'm looking for an all-...
Merritt6616's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to deploy OS X apps on company macbooks?

I hope this is the right stackexchange site for my question. My workplace is a 30 person company with majority of workers using macbooks as their workstation. I am wondering what is the proper way ...
MechaStorm's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

This domain has no IPv6 DNS server, this may prevent some IPv6-only users from reaching it [closed]

Apple rejected app update, because it doesn't work with ipv6 connection. App connects to server over websocket (, NodeJS, Express). App uses subdomain address to connect to server. I've set ...
stkvtflw's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Certificate 'not verified' when doing 802.x1 authentication on Apple ios

I've setup a new wifi network including a Freeradius server. Everything works fine except that Apple iOS gives a 'certificate not verified' warning when connecting. When the user accept the ...
user196611's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Unable to connect to Windows VPN from iPad

I have a 16 GB iPad wifi I can't get to connect to VPN. The error I get is: "A connection could not be established to the PP server. Try reconnecting. If the problem continues, verify your settings ...
Justin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

OSX Server Hanging/Spinning Beachball Issues (Server Admin et al)

I'm working on a setup of an OSX Server environment with 4 servers running across two networks: Private XSan Metadata network (configured by XSan as 10.0.10.x/ Private management ...
Matthew Savage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SCCM query based on Device Enrolment Profile

We are pre-configuring our mobile device fleet through Apple DEP into our hybrid InTune / SCCM instance. We have a few different enrolment profiles based on what the device is used for. With this, we ...
mhouston100's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where does an Apple Mac obtain it's DHCP ID from?

All our devices use DHCP, and all Windows machines display in DHCP with their asset name, as our corporate naming convention (E.G COMP0021, COMP0542, etc.) However, despite being named and binding ...
John Smith Optional's user avatar