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Questions tagged [arch-linux]

Arch Linux (or Arch, pronounced /ˈɑrtʃ/) is an independently developed, Linux-based operating system for i686 and x86-64 computers. It is composed predominantly of free and open source software, and supports community involvement.

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51 votes
6 answers

How do you use systemd's journalctl patterns

I am trying to use journalctl's pattern matching on SYSLOG_IDENTIFIERS. As an example, I have a ton of message tagged sshd: $ journalctl -t sshd | wc -l 987 but if I try to use pattern matching to ...
Mark Grimes's user avatar
50 votes
9 answers

sshd service fails to start

I'm not sure why it isn't starting or why its preventing me from connecting, i get this error: sshd.service - OpenSSH Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled) ...
aCoolBean's user avatar
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44 votes
7 answers

Is Arch Linux suitable for server environment?

Do you consider Arch Linux suitable for server environment? Its rolling release model and simplicity seems to be a good thing, because once you installed it, you do not need to reinstall like the ...
FooBar's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

MySQL (MariaDB) Not Starting [closed]

I am running Arch Linux 4.8.4-1 on a 64bit installation. I installed MariaDB via pacman. When I try to start it with systemctl start mysqld, it gives me Job for mariadb.service failed because the ...
Pranav Nutalapati's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted error after installing iptables on Arch GNU/Linux

Yesterday I got a new computer as my homeserver, a HP Proliant Microserver. Installed Arch Linux on it, with kernel version 3.2.12. After installing iptables ( - the current version AFAIK) ...
estol's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

sudo rejects password that is correct

sudo (Which I have configured to ask for a password) is rejecting my password (as if I mis-typed it) I am absolutely not typing it incorrectly. I have changed the password temporarily to alphabetic ...
Ryan's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Why is WordPress loading blank pages on Nginx and PHP-FPM?

Good day. While this post discusses a similar setup to mine serving blank pages occasionally after having made a successful installation, I am unable to serve anything but blank pages. There are no ...
user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

sar: enable data collecting

I've just installed the sysstat package on Manjaro. When running sar for the first time I see: Cannot open /var/log/sa/sa21: No such file or directory Please check if data collecting is enabled How ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

Running systemd inside a docker container (arch linux)

I am trying to see if I can run systemd inside a docker container (which is running arch linux in the container). I start docker with all capabilities, and bind mount in cgroups: docker run -it --...
Michael Neale's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Can I copy the entire /var/lib/mysql folder to a different server? (mysql vs mariadb, different versions)

I used to have a Linux system (LMDE) with MySQL. The system used innodb_file_per_table for most of the databases. (not sure about the version, whatever is the "latest" in LMDE) I am now on a new ...
donquixote's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What "access rights" could be blocking access to a gitlab repository?

I'm trying to setup gitlab (6.5.1) on a fresh clean server. Everything appears to work, but git is unable to push to any project. Following the commands from the newly created project page and pushing ...
Caleb's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Nginx doesn't have permission to access files with the same ownership

i've just installed nginx on an Archlinux box and encounter this problem: Nginx is configured to run as "nginx", a new user/group that I added, in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: user nginx nginx; For ...
Lamnk's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to determine which packages need upgrading in Arch Linux?

I know that pacman -Su upgrades all packages. But how can I get just the list of packages that need upgrading?
Eugene Yarmash's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Mount Point Does Not Exist, Despite Creating It

I'm trying to install Arch on a Virtualbox VM. I'm following along this guide, and this video. Not sure if relevant, but the VDI file is on an external hard drive. I've created 3 partitions as per ...
xyhhx's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Resizing partition fdisk fails with invalid argument

I recently resized a VPS from a 50GB SSD to a 300GB SSD through my hoster's control panel. I now am trying to resize my main partition with fdisk to be able to use all the new space. However, fdisk ...
Bart Pelle's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Connected to openvpn, but no Internet connection

I have openvpn on a remote server, it's Arch Linux. I'm able to connect to it, but there's no internet after I connect, meaning, when I open a browser and trying to load a website, it's getting stock ...
Jodarim255's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I create separate configuration files for php (cli) and php-fpm on an arch linux

Is it possible to create separate php.ini files for php (cli) and php-fpm, like it is possible on debian and ubuntu with two folders /etc/php/7.0/cli and /etc/php/7.0/fpm? I will be also cool if I ...
Fiete's user avatar
  • 331
11 votes
2 answers

Make systemd user service depend on system target

I have a user service in ~/.config/systemd/user/example.service like so: [Unit] Description=Example service [Service] ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'host > /var/tmp/...
dflemstr's user avatar
  • 583
10 votes
2 answers

Vagrant NFS share doesn't show updated file if size doesn't change

When mounting /vagrant over NFS, a changed file on the host is not refresh on the guest if the size doesn't changes. Quick update/typo are not immediately reflected unless I make enough modification ...
hlidotbe's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

"failed to open stream: Read-only file system" when trying to create file outside webroot with php

I'm trying to setup nextcloud on a RaspberryPi 3 running arch linux (alarm) for a week now. I've setup apache, php with php-fpm, postgresql and installed nextcloud-testing from the AUR (because ...
random access's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Pacman doesn't work in Docker image

I need to run an Arch Linux container but I can't install anything on it : When I try to run pacman -Syyu --noconfirm error: failed to initialize alpm library (could not find or read directory: /var/...
Nicolas Formichella's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

bashrc not loaded in /bin/bash shell

When I ssh into a server (4.3.3-2-ARCH), my .bashrc is not loaded (however, I can load it manually by sourcing it). I don't have any other files in my home folder, like .profile. The shell is also ...
intrixius's user avatar
  • 205
9 votes
2 answers

Linux can't find file that exists

I'm trying to get Google's Dart language up and running, but it errors when running dart2js. I'm running Arch linux and I installed dart-sdk from AUR. Some relevant terminal output lies below. % ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 195
9 votes
4 answers

kube-proxy won't start in Minikube because of permission denied issue with /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max

After updating Arch Linux (sudo pacman -Syu) and restarting the system, Minikube fails to start because of kube-proxy. The logs show it was trying to modify /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max ...
RedGiant's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to make a secure MongoDB server?

I'm wanting my website to use MongoDB as it's datastore. I've used MongoDB in my development environment with no worries, but I'm worried about security with a public server. My server is a VPS ...
Earlz's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Apache (Linux) httpd listen on link-local IPv6 address

I would like Apache to listen on the link-local ipv6 address on a particular interface. I have the following line in my httpd.conf: Listen [fe80::a00:16ff:fe89:420f]:80 Which is based on the Apache ...
bao7uo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Introspection of initramfs systemd services - How?

Background I'm running ArchLinux, using the systemd binary to start necessary services as part of the initramfs (root fs decryption, mounting etc.). I would like to examine what systemd units are ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to remove a root CA certificate?

I am trying to delete a root CA certificate, but the trust anchor --remove command specified in the official Red Hat 8 documentation gives out a read-only error. sudo trust anchor --remove --verbose &...
shellwhale's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

QEMU-KVM Linux virtualization on the command line

I recently discovered that qemu-kvm has a very promising -curses option that, instead of starting an X window, will show a nice ncurses output from the guest suitable for managing a Linux guest from ...
malloc47's user avatar
  • 221
7 votes
4 answers

Using symbolic links with git

I used to have my system configuration files all in one directory for better management but now i need to use some version control on it. But the problem is that git doesn't understand symbolic links ...
Alfredo Palhares's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

open() "/run/" failed (13: Permission denied)

Currently, I've set up a nextcloud server with nginx and I enabled it with sudo systemctl enable nginx.service. When I'm rebooting, than I'm getting an error message which complains about a proxy ...
TornaxO7's user avatar
  • 195
6 votes
1 answer

placing shell script under systemd control

Assuming I have a shell script like this:- #!/bin/sh # PROCESSES=10 THREADS=1 # threads per process BASE_PORT=3035 # the first port used # you need to make the PIDFILE dir and ...
Calvin Cheng's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Change default certificate signing algorithm in ssh-keygen

Presently, OpenSSH 7.8 (Fedora 28/Arch) is unable to negotiate with a OpenSSH 7.4 (CentOS 7) server utilizing a certificate signed key, as described in a bug filed on redhat's bugzilla. OpenSSH ...
Arlion's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why does the "nocto" NFS mount option in Linux not prevent flush-on-close?

I've been learning about the close-to-open policy of NFS, which causes each file to be flushed to the server as it's closed, to ensure consistency across clients. (See
Paul Gideon Dann's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

VPN server on Arch Linux

Trying to set up a VPN server on an Arch Linux box. All I want is for it to be usable by OS X and iPhone OS. I'm a noob at VPN and can't seem to have much luck Googling. What software do I need to ...
ibz's user avatar
  • 345
5 votes
1 answer

Cannot start the Net-SNMP daemon from systemd (but it works from the command-line)

When I start Net-SNMP from systemd, there is no error message but the daemon does not run: % sudo systemctl start snmpd % When I start it from the command line, it runs: % sudo /usr/sbin/snmpd and ...
bortzmeyer's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

balanced (currentness vs. stability) linux server distribution

I am a long-time user of Gentoo, both on the desktop and server. As a software engineer, I love its flexibility and customizability (as well as the fact that it is bleeding edge and a rolling release)....
khaos's user avatar
  • 213
5 votes
1 answer

Archlinux and openssh

I need to setup an Archlinux vps with openssh, everything is running smoothly except that I couldn't ssh in. I noticed openssh wasn't installed so I looked on the wiki which said to do : pacman -S ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Running systemd based container in LXC

I'm currently trying to run an Arch Linux container using LXC on an Ubuntu 12.04 host. Arch Linux has recently migrated to systemd, which according to a variety of places has some problems operating ...
Impredicative's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Docker image build hangs at "pacman -S ..."

I am trying to build a Docker image from the official Arch Linux image. These are the things I have done so far: I PULL-ed the official Arch Linux Image: docker pull base/archlinux I wrote this "...
dlyk1988's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

ZFS datasets no longer automatically mount on reboot after system upgrade

I have an Arch linux ZFS backup system which wasn't updated for a long time because it was working perfectly and there was no reason to bother. After a recent upgrade, though, my ZFS datasets are no ...
pgoetz's user avatar
  • 485
5 votes
2 answers

What's the best server to use with ASP.Net on Mono? [closed]

I am reconfiguring my website from scratch and basically I want it to run Mono(well, ASP.Net inside Mono) According to the Mono Project there appears to be two options, Apache or Nginx. Which one ...
Earlz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

gunicorn 19.2 fails to start with 18.0 configuration

I've got a dev server running gunicorn/Django behind nginx. As part of a wider server environment update, I attempted to upgrade gunicorn from 18.0 to 19.2.1, but the service would no longer start. (...
JK Laiho's user avatar
  • 207
5 votes
1 answer

Enabling IPv6 for docker breaks hosts IPv6 connectivity resulting in neither having IPv6 connection

Preface: I am newbie in both Docker and networking stuff, especially, IPv6. Am a software developer, not system/network administrator. I am running Arch on Linode and am looking to set up Docker with ...
tomsseisums's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

git http-backend show info when accessing per browser

I'm currently hosting my own git-repos for my private projects. For this, I use Apache and the standard git http-backend. Now, a repo can be accessed under an URL like this:
Lukas Knuth's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Apache won't start - unable to find IPv4 address of "(none)"

Due to browsing through stack exchange and google, I'm getting the feeling it has to do with my hosts file. Which is currently rw-r--r--, and contains: #<ip-address> <
PMV's user avatar
  • 156
4 votes
2 answers

Install vagrant plugin on archlinux

I am trying to install vagrant plugin in ArchLinux and get error Marshal.load reentered at marshal_load. Here is output with debug on: vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmananger --debug INFO global:...
Oleksii Herashchenko's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Updating GoDaddy DNS from linux [closed]

I have the following setup: A domain registered with GoDaddy A plug computer running ArchLinuxArm with a dynamic public IP Updated Domain in GoDaddy DNS Manager to point to public IP of plug computer ...
Alfero Chingono's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Forward systemd journal messages/Collect systemd journal messages

How can I collect systemd journal events (pull) or forward systemd journal events (push)? I want to have something like forwarded event log (
adontz's user avatar
  • 347
4 votes
2 answers

NetworkManager & dnsmasq - ignore auto DNS settings

I'm running Arch Linux with NetworkManager and dnsmasq set up. It all seems to work fine, except that I try to use the new CloudFlare DNS, but the resolver keeps using the DNS that is ...
Taco de Wolff's user avatar

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