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atop: how to compress or hide the processors at top on large machines?

Header lists all CPUs/cores and keeps re-sizing as I go back in time with t and T. I read though the help and tried searching. How to hide that header?
Aleksandr Levchuk's user avatar
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Strange Linux disk statistics on EBS i/o credit exhaustion

We have T2 instances (Linux 4.9.20-11.31.amzn1.x86_64) on AWS EC2 which exhaust their i/o credits due to disk reads. It may well be that we have excessive reads on these nodes, so nothing strange ...
Bittrance's user avatar
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Config file for ATOP deployment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

SOLVED I need ATOP to install on EC2 the instances when the machines deploy from Beanstalk. AWS support only had the link below to follow, but it doesn't show how to deploy in the ebextensions config ...
Kliqks's user avatar
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kswapd0 jumps near 100%, freezes an EC2 t2.micro instance

I have an EC2 t2.micro instance that I use as a test instance for a web app, OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS the CPU consumption of kswapd0 the process jumps near 100% once in a while, causes a freezes of the ...
Max L.'s user avatar
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What defines the "interval" when playing back Performance Co-Pilot data in pcp-atop?

I have PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) recording performance metrics on a RHEL 7 host. The recording cadence is set to Y seconds here: /etc/pcp/pmlogger/control.d/local When I copy the performance metrics ...
Dennis Dragonbain's user avatar
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When using atop as a systemd service it only runs and logs to file once

I am on CentOS 7 and using atop v2.6.0 If I run atop manually with the following command everything runs as expected and the log is written to every 10 seconds: /usr/bin/atop -w /var/log/atop/...
Pel's user avatar
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Atop shows MDD stuck at 100%

After investigating a load spike on my CentOS 7 server, I ran atop and noticed something odd. It is reporting MDD for my logical volume (md127) maxed out at 100% all the time. The other disk tests I ...
Grindlay's user avatar
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How to change interval of atop log?

My system is centos 7.4 with atop 2.3.0 I want to change atop log interval from default 600 to 300,then I vi /usr/share/atop/atop.daily as below: #!/bin/bash CURDAY=`date +%Y%m%d` LOGPATH=/var/...
kittygirl's user avatar
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What could help to find what is causing sudden 100% CPU usage hanging my VPS?

I have a VPS I manage on my own. There are running just as much as a few Node.js projects, docker projects, crowdsec. The usual CPU load is about 20%. Occasionally server's CPU usage skyrockets to 100%...
Darkzarich's user avatar
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Where is my bottleneck: RAM, CPU or disk?

I have a 32 core, 64 thread, 128GB RAM system with internal SSD. I'm running 64 data mining/simulation jobs in parallel that each load 1GB from disk and run for about 5-10 minutes . I want to know ...
JacksonCounty's user avatar
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Warning: atop.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units [closed]

I was trying to change the atop log interval on CentOS 7 cPanel server from 600 to 60 seconds and tried editing the file /etc/system/system/ (Environment="...
linuxtale's user avatar
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Why atop shows high CPU but sum of individual processes %CPU far smaller?

How can the sum of processes' CPU-% usage be lower than the total CPU load, according to atop and top, please? I have a CPU reaching very high load (87%, for several hours) even though the sum of the ...
jucor's user avatar
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atopsar on Ubuntu 18.04 not showing disk activity

I run Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS on a AWS EC2 instance (t3.large) myserver:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Release: 18.04 ...
Aldo's user avatar
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3 answers

atop 2.4.0 time interval

In latest version atop 2.4.0 (Repository - epel, CentOS 7) I can't change time interval through config file. I set "INTERVAL=60" in /etc/sysconfig/atop, restart service, but no effect, interval stay ...
Pavel Gromov's user avatar
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What's the significance of the *initially* displayed data when launching atop?

I've just started using atop to try to get to the bottom of some system bottlenecks. I've found which is very useful and explains most of what it does just fine. ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Issue with Atop on Debian

I am having an issue with Atop installed on Debian Jessie which consumed a lot of disk. After my investigation I found something: Many log files not being compressed There are many log files which ...
Kuroboo's user avatar