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How do i fix terraform invalid JSON policy

I am trying to use a file which contains load balancer iam policy for my AWS in terraform. However when i run the terraform script, i get an error stating: Error: "policy" contains an ...
eagercoder's user avatar
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eksctl and AsgInstance launch failures due to account quota limit

I was trying to launch an eks cluster using eksctl tool. The cluster is launched but the nodegroup fails to launch. The following error is displayed in the cloudformation of the nodegroup. Error ...
R-R's user avatar
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Unable to start metrics server on eks fargate

I am trying to implement eks on fargate. I want to deploy metrics server on eks fargate. I am following official documentation from aws on eks.
Sheersh Jain's user avatar
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Does EKS bill include the costs for control-plane (master) nodes?

EKS costs $0.10 / hr + you pay for the worker nodes (EC2 + storage + data transfer). But EKS itself runs master nodes. So the question is: does $0.10 covers the costs of master nodes? If not, then how ...
Dmitry Belaventsev's user avatar
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AWS VPC CNI PLUGIN - Error: container runtime network not ready due to NetworkPluginNotReady - How to Resolve

I am facing difficulty in this, maybe the answer is simple so if someone knows the answer, please comment here. I have created an EKS cluster using the following manifest. apiVersion:
Arun Lal's user avatar
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Why can't I schedule more pods even with Ipv4Prefix enabled in my EKS cluster

I am using cilium as my CNI. I have successfully run the cilium connectivity test and all tests pass. My nodegroup schedules a t3.small nodes (3 of them), which allows me to run 11 pods without ...
eagercoder's user avatar
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EKS service SSL endpoint

When creating a service using EKS, it is exposed using http through a AWS load balancer. kubectl apply -f service.yaml - Will create a load balancer that's managed by EKS, and can not be modified. any ...
Aviran's user avatar
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