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Is it impossible to access rds and elasticache redis in AWS fargate only by setting a role?

I tried to access the aws service rds and elasticache redis through fargate's task role. I connected the full access of the service to the task role, but it was not connected, so I allowed the subnet ...
john_smith's user avatar
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Getting "Fargate requires task definition to have execution role ARN to support ECR images." when creating Fargate task but the role is defined

I am trying to deploy a very simple web application to AWS Fargate. I have pushed a docker image of the backend of the application to ECR and I am trying to setup a Fargate task definition for the ...
Brandon's user avatar
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AWS: How do I restrict deployment to ECS clusters using IAM

I have multiple Fargate clusters in a single AWS account. I wish to ensure that a given service account (used by the build pipeline) can only update Services within a given Fargate clusters. The IAM ...
Alastair Irvine's user avatar
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Why does AWS Lambda need to pass ecsTaskExecutionRole to ECS task

I am writing an AWS Lambda function to trigger an ECS Fargate task. I am following the example provided at Run tasks with AWS Fargate and Lambda. While my setup works, there is one of the parts ...
user35042's user avatar
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