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How can I make sure that AWS does not kill tasks before auto scaling kicks in?

I work on an AWS Fargate service which has a health check configured as well as an autoscaling policy set. The application needs about 30 - 45 seconds to start. The application does receive traffic ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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Troubleshooting fargate autoscaling

I've set up an AWS Fargate cluster to run a service and autoscale its tasks based on the SQS queue. All great so far. The service has got a desired tasks of 1, but then it never actually launches the ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
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AWS Fargate service: scale to zero?

I've recently migrated a small web application to AWS using Fargate and Aurora Serverless. The application doesn't get much traffic so my goal is to save cost while no one is using it. Aurora ...
computmaxer's user avatar