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How can I make sure that AWS does not kill tasks before auto scaling kicks in?

I work on an AWS Fargate service which has a health check configured as well as an autoscaling policy set. The application needs about 30 - 45 seconds to start. The application does receive traffic ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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ECS restarts due to health_check failure when multiple other requests are slow to return

We noticed that our ECS Fargate backend services restart due to a health check response timeout: (service our-site-com-stack-BackendApiServiceStack...) (port 8000) is unhealthy in (target-group arn:...
Zev's user avatar
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How to configure an AWS ECS health check for a non web app container

I understand that usually for web app containers there needs to be an HTTP endpoint which responds with 200 for a succesful healthcheck. However, in my case I would have a non web app (a python ...
Khrysmb's user avatar
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How are load balancers, health checks, and autoscalers supposed to handle surges?

I have a service which looks like: Internet -> Load Balancer -> Instances What seems to be happening in my service is the following scenario: A large surge of user traffic comes in, more than the ...
Kevin Baragona's user avatar