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ECS task to VPC endpoint/NAT Gateway routing

we have an ECS task that makes Rest API calls of two types: /path1 and /path2 in a Private subnet. We route the requests to Internet Gateway through a NAT gateway present in a public subnet. Flow: ECS ...
pds's user avatar
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AWS ECS Fargate Target Group Failing HealthChecks

The SpringBoot application is running as an ECS Task in a ECS Service of an AWS Fargate Cluster. The ECS Service is LoadBalanced as such the Tasks spawned by the Services are automatically registered ...
Wei Minn's user avatar
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Do I need an internal Load Balancer for my ECS Services?

I have an ECS cluster with 3 services(FARGATE), the 3 services are in private subnets. 1 is the web app that is publicly accessible through an Internet-facing Load Balancer and the 2 others are only ...
Castro Roy's user avatar
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Autoscaling and connection routing on AWS ECS for services with a one-to-one client/server relation

I want to deploy an interactive rendering service that uses the WebSocket protocol. The service is containerized and can serve up to N (let's say 1 <= N <= 10) clients. The reason for the small ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How are load balancers, health checks, and autoscalers supposed to handle surges?

I have a service which looks like: Internet -> Load Balancer -> Instances What seems to be happening in my service is the following scenario: A large surge of user traffic comes in, more than the ...
Kevin Baragona's user avatar