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Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

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38 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Deploying an AWS Load Balancer Controller for EKS Fargate API service

Context I'm trying to deploy a containerised API service to an EKS Fargate cluster and have it service requests from external internet addresses as an over-engineered POC/learning experience. I'm ...
Declan's user avatar
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How do I resolve a private DNS address from within an AWS Fargate task

I'm trying to setup a connection to a MongoDB Atlas database from an AWS Fargate container. The VPC peering is setup and works and I can successfully connect to the MongoDB Atlas cluster from a ...
Fergal Dearle's user avatar
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Why can't my ECS Fargate cluster write to my mounted EFS volume, all deployed with Terraform?

I've got a Terraform deployment that deploys a Docker image into ECS Fargate. It attaches an EFS volume to the container. When I SSH into the container, I see the volume mounted, but I am unable to ...
CryptoFool's user avatar
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AWS Application Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I am using AWS ECS Fargate and have an application load balancer to forward all the connections to the correct instance. I did already manage to get up a cluster and a service up and running ...
MZaza's user avatar
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NAT gateway costs on AWS

I have a django app on AWS using ECS Fargate behind a VPC. A NAT gateway is required with this setup, but most of the costs are from the NAT gateway. How I can reduce this? My docker image is 600 MB. ...
david backx's user avatar
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AWS Batch on Fargate is not allocating the correct number of vCPUs

I have a web application offloading some resource-intensive tasks to AWS Batch, backed by Fargate. It's a very simple setup - a single queue, a single job definition, and a single compute environment. ...
Tadas T's user avatar
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How to make my ECS Task pull my ECR image

I am trying to create a ECS task and be able to access and pull from ECR, but I am getting an error. How can I resolve this issue? Raw error: Cannotpullcontainererror: pull image manifest has been ...
Arthur Luiz's user avatar
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How can I make sure that AWS does not kill tasks before auto scaling kicks in?

I work on an AWS Fargate service which has a health check configured as well as an autoscaling policy set. The application needs about 30 - 45 seconds to start. The application does receive traffic ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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How to configure service discovery in aws ecs using the new console

In the classic AWS console it was possible to configure service discovery. It looks like this has been dropped in the new console. How does it then need to be done in the new console? Thanks
Jan's user avatar
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How to reduce the time it takes a request to pass from a ALB to the actual Fargate Server?

I have a webhook endpoint where our service provider send a payload which I have to respond to within 2 seconds. I've been getting way too many timeout errors from the service provider, meaning I wasn'...
Sahil's user avatar
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ECS task to VPC endpoint/NAT Gateway routing

we have an ECS task that makes Rest API calls of two types: /path1 and /path2 in a Private subnet. We route the requests to Internet Gateway through a NAT gateway present in a public subnet. Flow: ECS ...
pds's user avatar
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ECS restarts due to health_check failure when multiple other requests are slow to return

We noticed that our ECS Fargate backend services restart due to a health check response timeout: (service our-site-com-stack-BackendApiServiceStack...) (port 8000) is unhealthy in (target-group arn:...
Zev's user avatar
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AWS Fargate: The OPENCART_DATABASE_PASSWORD environment variable is empty or not set. Set the environment variable ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes

I am trying to run Open cart on AWS Fargate, i am using native bitnami release, following is my docker-compose.yml version: '2' services: mariadb: image: '
noobie-php's user avatar
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Fargate instance - what is utilizing disk space?

I have a fargate instance i'm running and need disk space (ephemeral storage) for some data processing. I'm running a modified ubuntu image which sits at about 700MBs I'm running the new fargate ...
w-01's user avatar
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How are load balancers, health checks, and autoscalers supposed to handle surges?

I have a service which looks like: Internet -> Load Balancer -> Instances What seems to be happening in my service is the following scenario: A large surge of user traffic comes in, more than the ...
Kevin Baragona's user avatar
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Unable to start metrics server on eks fargate

I am trying to implement eks on fargate. I want to deploy metrics server on eks fargate. I am following official documentation from aws on eks.
Sheersh Jain's user avatar
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Linking AWS API Gateway with App Mesh on ECS

I'm trying to link AWS API Gateway with my ECS App Mesh and not cannot seem to make it work. I currently have a working, public ALB that is successfully reaching my mesh service on ECS. To integrate ...
Mathieu Béliveau's user avatar
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Fargate task CannotPullContainerError failed to unpack image on snapshotter overlayfs failed to get stream processor for application/

I have a stack configured and deployed with AWS CDK As part of that stack I have a Fargate task It has worked in the past but today when I run it I get: "StoppedReason": "...
Anentropic's user avatar
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How do Fargate pods locate CoreDNS?

How do Kubernetes serverless pods (EKS Fargate) know the IP address to access the cluster's DNS server (the CoreDNS service deployment)? I recently updated a Kubernetes cluster to set up serverless ...
benjimin's user avatar
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Change AssignPublicIp setting to ECS service deployed with CodeDeploy deployment controller

I have an ECS Fargate service deployed through an AWS CloudFormation stack with NetworkConfiguration.AwsvpcConfiguration.AssignPublicIp set to ENABLED. I want to change that value to DISABLED. However,...
Federico B.'s user avatar
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Fluentbit + Firelens unable to parse and ship log JSON fields as labels (AWS ECS Fargate)

My stack is on AWS Fargate. Application, grafana, loki on the same ECS cluster. My application generates logs, Log Stream sample below: {"host":"
Gursharan Singh's user avatar
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FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine app.dockerfile results in fastcgi error when adding sh file to run as an entrypoint

I am using AWS ECS Faragate to generate and deploy docker containers into tasks. I'm using the docker image FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine for my app container. I have been working on a workaround for cron ...
cwiggo's user avatar
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What could explain the difference in physical memory usage reported by Solr and AWS Fargate?

I have a Solr instance running as an AWS Fargate instance. The Solr instance has been configured with Xmx set to 1G. The remaining memory should be available to MMapDirectory. Looking at AWS, the ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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CoreDNS pods in AWS EKS Fargate unable to pull image

I created a PRIVATE EKS Cluster using AWS Console. Then, followed the documentation to configure Fargate. After I finished, I can see my Fargate nodes under Compute tab in my cluster in AWS Console, ...
432i's user avatar
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Nginx Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 443

This store using WooCommerce has been set up for years. Today I got the complain from customers about this error. I checked it and found out that the css/js/images couldn't be loaded. Does anyone know ...
Kevin Nguyen's user avatar
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Understanding CPU Utilisation Graph for a task running AWS Fargate

I have a task defined with 0.5vCPU. It has two containers with 0.25vCPU Can someone explain to me what the below CPU Utilization graph represents? The above graph is from Health and Metrics section ...
tuk's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Load Balancer timing out

I'm setting up an AWS ECS/Fargate cluster/service/task with a load balancer for the first time. I believe the task is good since I can go to the task's (public) IP directly in a browser and see the ...
ScottyB's user avatar
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AWS Fargate is slow when calling system commands. How do I debug it and what can be wrong?

I've been running my PoC on Fargate without many problems. It's a Micronaut Java app with not much happening on its own. I'm using the smallest 256mb/0.25CPU Fargate deployment. I'm running a simple ...
Serge Kuharev's user avatar
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How to share directory with Fargate container

I have a fargate container running which needs access to files present on an EC2 instance. Both are in the same network and security groups do not restrict traffic. I tried using sshfs as well as ...
Rohini's user avatar
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I cannot start an AWS task: CannotPullContainerError

My own image fails to start on AWS (FARGATE) in a very weird way: Last status Stopped Stopped reason CannotPullContainerError: inspect image has ...
porton's user avatar
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How to migrate to Fargate from EC2 in ECS cluster?

I am planning to migrate to Fargate for autoscaling purposes. I already have task definitions for both my staging and production environments which are currently live. There's two ways I thought I can ...
Sahil's user avatar
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Terminating AWS ECS services and tasks automatically

We have created a ECS cluster with Fargate and have created few tasks in service to be used in a CI/CD pipeline. Service has desired count of 1. So if we terminate any task, new task comes up ...
Meghana B Srinath's user avatar
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AWS- Build a Modern Web Application(Mythical Mysfits)-Error with Docker Image

I am new in the area of network and server management with zero experience. I am trying to learn from the tutorial "MythicalMysfits" from AWS. The other post helped and I updated pip to pip3, but now ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Troubleshooting fargate autoscaling

I've set up an AWS Fargate cluster to run a service and autoscale its tasks based on the SQS queue. All great so far. The service has got a desired tasks of 1, but then it never actually launches the ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
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Unable to set up an Envoy Front Proxy on Amazon ECS

I am trying to set up an envoy front proxy using envoy sidecar containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) referring to this link. The envoy sidecar configuration is : #service-envoy.yaml ...
Ashish Sharma's user avatar
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Fargate task losing connection to MySQL running on AWS RDS when this is set to publicly accessible

So we have a Fargate task running in a private subnet. It connects to a MySQL instance running on AWS RDS in a different VPC that is linked. So far so good, the RDS security group allows communication ...
Duckslayer's user avatar
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Unable to pass the root MySQL password into an AWS ECS Fargate launch type WordPress deployment

I'm trying to figure out how to pass the root MySQL password into an ECS Fargate luanch type WordPress deployment. I'm working with this official AWS tutorial which provides this sample docker-compose....
dlanced's user avatar
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Network Load Balancer to Fargate/ECS Cluster - how to map multiple ports/target groups to one service?

Here is my setup: Route53 Alias Record -> Network Load Balancer -> Fargate/ECS Cluster The containers in the cluster have their own TLS certificates and have ports 80 and 443 open. The http server ...
tunecrew's user avatar
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