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Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

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How to add AWS Fargate service and google cloud run services under same security groups?

I have a web application which consists of an api gateway and two microservices. I want the microservices to remain hidden from the outside world and only the api gateway should be able to access the ...
Anwesh Mohapatra's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do I need an internal Load Balancer for my ECS Services?

I have an ECS cluster with 3 services(FARGATE), the 3 services are in private subnets. 1 is the web app that is publicly accessible through an Internet-facing Load Balancer and the 2 others are only ...
Castro Roy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

AWS Network Load Balancer for Fargate tasks with end to end encryption

We currently have a AWS Fargate service running Nginx behind a AWS Application Load Balancer. In front of this, we also use Cloudflare (hence having Cloudflare origin certificate in ACM). Since the ...
cabz's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to get the value of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 in AWS ECS container?

The question is pretty straightforward but a little background always could be helpful. I need to get a container id from the container itself, and the value of it will be used as a logfile name. ...
kozlone's user avatar
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Fargate instance - what is utilizing disk space?

I have a fargate instance i'm running and need disk space (ephemeral storage) for some data processing. I'm running a modified ubuntu image which sits at about 700MBs I'm running the new fargate ...
w-01's user avatar
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AWS- Build a Modern Web Application(Mythical Mysfits)-Error with Docker Image

I am new in the area of network and server management with zero experience. I am trying to learn from the tutorial "MythicalMysfits" from AWS. The other post helped and I updated pip to pip3, but now ...
helloworld's user avatar
5 votes
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How to send HTTP requests between AWS ECS services

Currently, I'm trying to figure out how to configure communication between ECS services. I'm planning to have the following setup: Backend service Fronted service One application load balancer I ...
kozlone's user avatar
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1 answer

AWS API Gateway to Fargate, only charge when request is running

From the following link, it seems possible to call a Fargate task from the API Gateway: But, does the task have ...
matthewatabet's user avatar
0 votes
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How set a fixed private IP for ECS containers?

I have a Task Definition called kafka-zookeeper, it has an Apache Kafka broker and a Zookeeper node in it. Those containers need to communicate with each other (that's easy) and with the kafka and ...
ItsaMeTuni's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't retrieve instance metadata on AWS Fargate tasks

I have a docker compose configuration that I'm deploying in an ECS Fargate cluster. The tasks are configured with assign_public_ip: ENABLED, and they seem to be getting a public IP, but I'm struggling ...
cayblood's user avatar
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1 answer

Troubleshooting fargate autoscaling

I've set up an AWS Fargate cluster to run a service and autoscale its tasks based on the SQS queue. All great so far. The service has got a desired tasks of 1, but then it never actually launches the ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
3 votes
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Autoscaling and connection routing on AWS ECS for services with a one-to-one client/server relation

I want to deploy an interactive rendering service that uses the WebSocket protocol. The service is containerized and can serve up to N (let's say 1 <= N <= 10) clients. The reason for the small ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does Amazon manage time synchronization on ECS/Fargate containers?

I'm trying to use NTP to synchronize local time in ECS containers using the ntpdate command, but it gives me this error: ntpdate[770]: Can't adjust the time of day: Operation not permitted ...
Aramis Rodríguez Blanco's user avatar
2 votes
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Does SES free tier extend to AWS Fargate?

Amazon SES offers a free tier that is eligible for applications running on EC2 instaces or in Elastic Beanstalk containers. However, am I also eligible for the free tier if I am using AWS Fargate? As ...
DmytroL's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Amazon ECS Task fails with STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem)

I have set up an AWS VPC and am trying to deploy a functional container in ECS on a Fargate launch type but the task always fails with: STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem) ...
Roy Hinkley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A Fargate service keeps on restarting - why?

I have a simple web service running on AWS Fargate. It works just fine locally but on Fargate it keeps on restarting every few minutes, i.e. stopping and creating new tasks. There is nothing in the ...
Jakub Holý's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How 2 services can talk to each other on AWS Fargate?

I setup a Fargate cluster on AWS. My cluster has the following services: server-A (port 3000) server-B (port 4000) Each service is in the same VPC and have the same security group (any ports, any ...
JLavoie's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to set up an Envoy Front Proxy on Amazon ECS

I am trying to set up an envoy front proxy using envoy sidecar containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) referring to this link. The envoy sidecar configuration is : #service-envoy.yaml ...
Ashish Sharma's user avatar
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Fargate task losing connection to MySQL running on AWS RDS when this is set to publicly accessible

So we have a Fargate task running in a private subnet. It connects to a MySQL instance running on AWS RDS in a different VPC that is linked. So far so good, the RDS security group allows communication ...
Duckslayer's user avatar
4 votes
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How to configure an AWS ECS health check for a non web app container

I understand that usually for web app containers there needs to be an HTTP endpoint which responds with 200 for a succesful healthcheck. However, in my case I would have a non web app (a python ...
Khrysmb's user avatar
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Unable to pass the root MySQL password into an AWS ECS Fargate launch type WordPress deployment

I'm trying to figure out how to pass the root MySQL password into an ECS Fargate luanch type WordPress deployment. I'm working with this official AWS tutorial which provides this sample docker-compose....
dlanced's user avatar
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2 answers

Network Load Balancer to Fargate/ECS Cluster - how to map multiple ports/target groups to one service?

Here is my setup: Route53 Alias Record -> Network Load Balancer -> Fargate/ECS Cluster The containers in the cluster have their own TLS certificates and have ports 80 and 443 open. The http server ...
tunecrew's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Using AWS Fargate as web server

Using AWS Fargate, the process to get a custom Docker container running on AWS ECS is relatively straightforward. I was able to successfully test my container over the public IP assigned to the ...
Markus Appel's user avatar
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AWS Application Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I am using AWS ECS Fargate and have an application load balancer to forward all the connections to the correct instance. I did already manage to get up a cluster and a service up and running ...
MZaza's user avatar
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2 answers

Is persisting data in Fargate containers recommended?

My application - a Postgres/Nginx/Django application powered by docker-compose. 3 separate containers. My production setup - Nginx/Django containers hosted on Amazon ECR. Deployment to a single ...
user1787531's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

AWS Fargate service: scale to zero?

I've recently migrated a small web application to AWS using Fargate and Aurora Serverless. The application doesn't get much traffic so my goal is to save cost while no one is using it. Aurora ...
computmaxer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

AWS Fargate task fails ELB health checks

How can I troubleshoot it further? I am trying to run a simple nginx container but the load balancer complains that health checks are failed and the task does not respond on its ip number, likely ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
1 vote
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How are load balancers, health checks, and autoscalers supposed to handle surges?

I have a service which looks like: Internet -> Load Balancer -> Instances What seems to be happening in my service is the following scenario: A large surge of user traffic comes in, more than the ...
Kevin Baragona's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why does AWS Lambda need to pass ecsTaskExecutionRole to ECS task

I am writing an AWS Lambda function to trigger an ECS Fargate task. I am following the example provided at Run tasks with AWS Fargate and Lambda. While my setup works, there is one of the parts ...
user35042's user avatar
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Is Fargate a good fit for independent containers that have low resource utilization?

I'm new to docker and ECS, so I might not use the right terms. Please let me know if I need to clarify. My Scenario: I have a number of independent containers. Each container represents a web site. ...
Felix's user avatar
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