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Questions tagged [azure-application-gateway]

This tag should be used for questions pertaining to Azure Application Gateway in all it's forms (AG, AG v2, WAF and WAF v2)

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Azure App Gateway warning about Public IP

I am using the Azure App Gateway v2 and the App Gateway Ingress Controller as a public frontend to an AKS cluster. Following the guidance in this doc, I created and associated the IP address to my ...
gutsmania's user avatar
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Autorenew wildcard certificates on multiple Azure subscriptions

I am designing the architecture of a new Azure environment. I was planning to use subscriptions to segregate development, staging and production. I see that Azure wildcard SSL certificates need to be ...
Jamie GF's user avatar
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HTTP 401.2 Error when using Azure Application Gateway

I have an ASP.Net site hosted in IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019 DataCenter in Azure. This site has only Windows Authentication enabled. When I access the site directly (http://mysite-backend.example....
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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502 Error When Accessing AKS via Application Gateway Ingress in Azure Private network

I have configured an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with an Application Gateway in a private network setting. To facilitate communication between them, I've set up an Application Gateway Ingress ...
Rahul's user avatar
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strict MIME type checking is enabled issue with PGAdmin in Azure application gateway

I am trying to install pgAdmin (image: 'dpage/pgadmin4:6.21') in Azure AKS. I am able to access the application when I use a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, but when I use an Azure Application ...
k.elgohary's user avatar
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Default (dummy) backend for Azure application gateway

I have an application gateway that needs to combine a couple of functionapps and some blob storages to a single domain. So I route the specific paths to the appropriate resources. But then the URL ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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How to access aks service from same vnet?

I have created an aks cluster and deployed an application there and exposed it as a service. Can be accessible through LoadBalancer. To access it internally, I created a windows VM in the same vnet (...
user2331760's user avatar
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MultiSite Azure Application Gateway Error: "Either Data or KeyVaultSecretId must be specified for Certificate"

When adding a second multisite HTTPS listener on an application gateway, I get the below exception: Failed to save configuration changes to application gateway 'MyAppGateway'. Error: Either Data or ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Azure application gateway causes sessions to dissapear

We've got a setup of: Linux container web app (single instance) Nodejs server with passportjs + openid External Authentication (OpenID) provider. If the frontend is contacted directly (through ....
August's user avatar
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Application Gateway NSG rules for a deny all

I'm trying to put a deny all rule in for my Application Gateway, but it's saying I'm not allowing internet traffic on ports 65200-65535. If I allow internet to all, works fine, but I don't want to do ...
Stuart.Sklinar's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway for Containers Throws 403 On Websocket Connection

We have a new Kubernetes stack on Azure, with ingresses set up and an Application Gateway for Containers, normal HTTP/HTTPS traffic seems to flow perfectly fine, but our websockets over WSS are all ...
StrangeWill's user avatar
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Detect Azure Application Gateway downtime?

One of my application gateways is, intermittantly, becoming unresponsive to requests. There are larger, noticeable (by the users), periods of downtime and more very short ones (a few minutes only). I'...
eff's user avatar
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How to change from AGIC Addon to AGIC via helm?

I had a AKS with AGIC addon enabled and I have to switch to AGIC as a helm chart ( in an attempt to ...
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TNS error while connecting to an Oracle DB running as ACI through an Azure Application Gateway

I have an Oracel DB runnning as an Azure Container Instance. To connect to the container, I set up an Azure Applicaiton Gateway as described here: Expose a static IP address for a container group Now ...
linusrg's user avatar
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Azure kubernetes service private cluster

I have a private Kubernetes cluster that needs to be accessible by a client, but I still want to keep everything enclosed within a VPN. Unfortunately, the VPN I created requires an address space that ...
DevLookForHelp's user avatar
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How to use single signon of nodejs app using kubernetes deployment?

I have tried setting up single signon on a sample node.js app with express and Microsoft authentication. This is the steps and source code link When I run locally, it is working. When I kept in ...
sardar's user avatar
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How to route azure application gateway to a service in different namespace?

My ingress for azure application gateway, so that it will use istio gateway internally. apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: server-ingress namespace: productnamespace ...
sardar's user avatar
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Application gateway multi site set up

I have created a set up which uses application gateway to route traffic to app services. Below are the details: Application Gateway - 1 Azure App Service - 2 App Service Plan - 1 VNET and one subnet ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Enable client access to Internal Azure Container Applications through Application Gateway

I have setup a container apps environment that is sitting within a VNET. Containers within need to be accessed externally through application gateway. Following steps in this page has ...
SnippingAddict's user avatar
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HTTP 502/404 with Grafana in Kubernetes, using AGIC

I'm trying to deploy Grafana in Azure Kubernetes service (AKS), through Helm. I'm using the Helm charts provided by Bitnami. I've been following this Microsoft tutorial to set up the application ...
DocZerø's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway - ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE when creating a Path-based routing rule using HTTPS listener

I have an Azure Application Gateway and trying to set up a Path-based routing with SSL. Backend pool target servers are App Services, which are allowed to accept both HTTP and HTTPS traffic. ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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Connecting Private Container Apps Environment with Application Gateway

im in a bit of a pickle right now. Right now i'm in the process of setting up a microservice heavy application in azure container apps. The Container Apps Environment is located in its own subnet, and ...
Isparia's user avatar
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How do I build the Hub & Spoke setup when VMs cannot be fronted by Application Gateways outside their virtual network?

Ported from Stackoverflow I am building a Hub & Spoke network topology - described here - as recommended in the Azure docs However when it comes to create the VM in the separate VNet, I get the ...
Brendan's user avatar
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