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Questions tagged [azure-monitor]

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Investigate potential breach in Azure App Service

We suspect we have had a data breach, but we are not sure how to investigate it to determine the source of the breach or what data was sent. We have an app service that has been running for a while ...
react-dev's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the unit of measure for timeTaken_d in Azure diagnostics?

I want to get a list of all requests that are taking longer then 2 seconds and I think this is correct as the timeTaken_d appears to be a floating point and would seem to be in seconds. ...
Mark's user avatar
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How can I collect Security Event Logs from a windows-based Azure VM and create an alert on top of them?

The following is more of an academic question. I don't think there is much of pratical value in it as there are better out-of-the-box solution to it. Question How can I collect the Security Events ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
1 vote
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Zabbix integration with AWS and or Azure

I am trying to figure out direct integration between Zabbix and AWS CloudWatch or Azure Monitor. I have seen YT videos available to integrate Zabbix with grafana first and then integrate grafana with ...
serverstackqns's user avatar
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How to query Azure quotas and limits in Azure Monitor?

Microsoft Azure subscriptions are subject to a variety of quotas and limits, for example number of total CPU cores and number of VMs of a certain family. How can I query the current quotas and actual ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Azure Private Link Scope (AMPLS) Limits

Can anyone please confirm if this limit of Azure Monitor Private Link Scope (AMPLS) is soft or hard: An AMPLS object can connect to 300 Log Analytics workspaces and 1,000 Application Insights ...
Azure Dev's user avatar
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Use custom table in log analytics query

Is it possible to create & reference a custom table in a Kusto query over a Log Analytics Workspace? Specifically, I'd like to create tables to help provide metadata for my alerts. i.e. Rather ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Prevent Azure Log Analytics from incorrectly assuming time range is set in query

I have a log analytics query that looks for events that span certain time. Along the lines of SomeTable | summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated) by EventId | where ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to Write to Log Analytics Custom Table Using Data Collector API

We're using a custom table in Log Analytics for application error logging. The setup is: Serilog -> Azure Analytics Sink -> Data Collector API (used in sink) -> Log Analytics Workspace -> ...
Jeff Lawlor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Configure CollectD SNMP plugin to send performance data to Azure Monitor Log Analytics

I am trying to get performance from network interfaces from network device (mikrotik, cisco routers etc.) about interface traffic via SNMP poll and send those data to Azure Monitor Log Analytics. I ...
Hrvoje Kusulja's user avatar