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Questions tagged [azure-resource-graph]

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Should type microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions be accessible through Azure Resource Graph

Is type microsoft.authorization/roledefinitions available through Azure Resource Graph? Context I'm hoping to query Azure Resource Graph to fetch all roles which have specific permissions. Looking ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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How to query Azure quotas and limits in Azure Monitor?

Microsoft Azure subscriptions are subject to a variety of quotas and limits, for example number of total CPU cores and number of VMs of a certain family. How can I query the current quotas and actual ...
Nemo's user avatar
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How to retrieve the properties of an Azure resource how they were when the resource was first created?

When you create an Azure resource, you must specify the properties the newly created resource must have. Once created, many of those properties can be changed; the tags of a resource for example. I'd ...
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