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Questions tagged [azure-web-apps]

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Disk Queue length of 30 in Azure App Service, that can't be right

We are having a battle with the Microsoft Azure support team. I hope the Serverfault community can chime in as the support team has messed us about before. Here is what is happening. As part of a ...
Jeroen Ritmeijer's user avatar
6 votes
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Test port communication from azure website

My Azure Website has trouble connecting to a distant system. I cannot access the distant system so my only option would be to TELNET on an IP and port from my azure hosting environment. The issue is ...
A_V's user avatar
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Error creating Letsencrypt certificate from Azure web site extension

Our web app running on Azure has the Azure Let's Encrypt 0.9.6 extension installed. Launching the extension (https://******** is no problem and we get ...
GordonLiddy's user avatar
5 votes
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Set Environment Variables on Azure App Service (Docker Instance)

When creating an App Service in Azure and selecting Docker Container as a type of App, where do you set Environment Variables? My App is built in Azure by: 1. Create Resource > App Service > ...
user537352's user avatar
4 votes
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Azure App Service Plan: configure load balancing

We have an auto-scaling App Service Plan, which consists of 2 Web Apps: One web app is accessed by the public, and should be load balanced. However, the other web app (authoring) for support reasons ...
bartbilliet's user avatar
4 votes
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Azure App Service S2 network bandwidth

How can I find out the network bandwidth/throughput for an Azure App Service S2 Windows host? Microsoft do not seem to publish this information about app services anywhere, but we have been asked to ...
A Hickton's user avatar
3 votes
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Error code 409 when using App Service Editor if deployed using Azure DevOps

We recently moved an App Service from one App Service Plan to another. Now, when we deploy the using Azure DevOps, the App Service Editor returns an error code 409 when we try to edit any files. ...
darthg8r's user avatar
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Enable Application Insights Azure Web App ARM Template

I successfully deployed an app service plan, web application and application insights resources using an ARM Template. The APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING app ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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Office 365 Security and Compliance enabling Safe Attachments

we are looking to enable Safe Documents for Office 365 ProPlus to ensure when protected view is turned off to edit a document, malicious files are not opened. The problem I have is that there doesn't ...
Akz Hussain's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Linux App Service as a reverse proxy

Is it possible to configure an Azure Linux App Service as a reverse proxy? In Azure App Services running IIS you can use ARR and proxy rewrite rules, what about App Servies running Apache? apachectl -...
Francisco Perez Roig's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Azure app service Kudu add MySql to PATH

I am trying to set up Drush9 for Drupal8. I was able to get my site up and running using the site extensions to install composer and the Drupal installer, but now there is a Drupal update and I want ...
Jake's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to assign users to a native app in Azure AD

I have created users and a Native-App registration on Azure AD. By default, the owner is assigned to the app. How do I assign newly created users to the app registration? I can do it without any issue ...
Pratheek's user avatar
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2 votes
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Resource group location error on basic Azure pipeline release

I'm new to Azure and trying to run an out-of-the-box pipeline on Azure but it's failing on the deployment step of the pipeline. I get the error below. I am using the free trial tier of Azure. I have ...
irl_irl's user avatar
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2 votes
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Azure: Docker App Error “…site did not start within expected time limit” and “Container X didn't respond to HTTP pings on port 80”

I have a Flask Python app that is run via Gunicorn from a Docker Linux container. Running the Docker container on Ubuntu works fine locally, but when the container is pushed to the Azure Container ...
cpeisert's user avatar
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Access SMB File Share From Azure Function

I have an Azure Function that needs to access an external SMB file share that is hosted on port 445. The Azure Web App sandbox that Functions run inside of explicitly blocks port 445. Assuming I have ...
Kemmis's user avatar
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2 votes
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Azure Webservices, Auto-scale, and Load Balancers - Does auto-scale handle load balancing automatically?

Software engineer here, not a ton of experience managing servers, but wanting to understand how auto-scale works. Here's the background: We have a stateless application running on the azure cloud, ...
Scuba Steve's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why is my Azure Database for MySQL slow at first

I created a SaaS product. I am using PHP 8.3 with a MySQL 8.0 database. Locally this is very fast! No frameworks etc are used. Production runs on Azure. I have the following setup on Azure: Database ...
Gerrit's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
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Azure App Service Domain Verification - No App service app configured with the custom domain

I have an existing custom sub-domain which I have mapped to my existing Azure App Service web app via CNAME. I have also assigned this custom sub-domain to my app service app via Azure portal ...
Sarvesh Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure App Services Website CPU Climbs to 100% Over TIme

This ASP.NET Core Azure App Services website has been running in production (unchanged) for months with CPU averages of 1-3%. Starting yesterday I noticed that the CPU all of a sudden went to 100%: I ...
kspearrin's user avatar
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Connect Azure Web App to policy-based VPN

I have an Azure Web App that needs to connect to the addresses xx.x.x.10 and xx.x.x.12 the customers on-premise server. For this purpose the Customer have setup a Policy based VPN (Cisco ASA 9.8) with ...
skrl's user avatar
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3 answers

Azure Linux WebApp - can't install yarn globally

I am trying to deploy a React app to an Azure linux webapp using kudu deployment. I have a pretty standard script with one exception. I want to install the yarn package manager via npm. ...
Zuriel Barron's user avatar
2 votes
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Automate disabling of Azure Web App Backup

I have about 1000 azure web apps that I've recently enabled backup for via Edit-AzureRmWebAppBackupConfiguration. I've taken the backups and now I wish to disable the backups (analogous to the reset ...
Ronnie Overby's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure web apps recycled at random

I new to Azure and am running about 20 websites ( web apps ) on an Azure B1 Basic, 1 Core, 1.75 GB RAM, 10 GB Storage instance. They are very low traffic sites with tens of visits daily. The sites ...
Graeme Benzie's user avatar
2 votes
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Namelookup issue on Azure using custom Docker container

I'm having trouble with name resolution on Azure using custom Docker container with Web App on Linux. Name resolution with curl and wget takes 4-10 seconds when using default resolv.conf file in ...
tuomastielinen's user avatar
1 vote
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Hosting an Azure App Service on an apex/naked domain

I have created an Azure App Service site which is moving to production. I am having some problems with the fact that Azure can only handle SSL/TLS for subdomains. My subdomain is ...
bendataclear's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does a restart of my Azure WebApps instance caused downtime of a few hours?

My Azure WebApps instance (running on Tomcat, Linux) has been working well for 9 months. Recently there was a couple of hours downtime, which according to a Microsoft Support Engineer was caused by ...
gordon613's user avatar
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100% Availability of Azure Web Apps

Is it possible to achieve 100% availability of a web application deployed in Azure App Service? We have an ASP.NET MVC Web application deployed into Azure App Service. We have this application ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is MySQL included in Azure Web-Apps?

I am trying to find a cloud hosting solution for my simple web form + MySQL database, to make it possible for our employees to enter their shift details from multiple locations (Only like 10 people ...
CVE-2017-5754's user avatar
1 vote
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Architecture behind Azure Web Apps for Linux with Node.js

I'm wondering what the underlying architecture looks like for Azure Web Apps for Linux with Node.js. I can't seem to find any information on this in the documentation I'm curious about things like ...
s g 's user avatar
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Where is Azure Let's Encrypt extension's GUI?

I'm following this tutorial . I created the principal, configured all the Web App Settings variables ...
Csaba Toth's user avatar
1 vote
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Reverse Proxy type setup on Azure

I am building an app where I have 5 different instances on Azure. I want a way to use a single IP address for all these instances. I have tried to setup the "Application Gateway" because it works as ...
Gaurav's user avatar
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what is the replacement for htaccess files for Azure Web App with PHP>= 8 which now uses nginx?

We are using azure web apps to host a few static HTML pages, which cannot be hosted in Azure Static Web Apps because Azure static Web apps do not support uploading your own certificate. Now we have ...
eos's user avatar
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Is there a way to map a VM to a domain name with Azure without a static public IP?

I have a Go application that I would like to host on the public internet via Azure using a domain I own with another provider. I realize the most straight forward way todo this is to spin up a VM, ...
Liam Kelly's user avatar
1 vote
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Connect Azure App Service to Azure SQL Server DB

I'm trying to securely let an Azure App Service connect to an Azure SQL Server Database. Before, to 'just make it work', I had the SQL Server firewall open to internet. The App Service gets a ...
Metallkiller's user avatar
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Azure - Allow Web App to access KeyVault with Firewall

I have an Azure KeyVault that is secured at the network-level. I only allow connections from 2 specific vnets/subnets. However, I also want one of my web app (outside of the subnets) to be able to ...
2d1b's user avatar
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Autorenew wildcard certificates on multiple Azure subscriptions

I am designing the architecture of a new Azure environment. I was planning to use subscriptions to segregate development, staging and production. I see that Azure wildcard SSL certificates need to be ...
Jamie GF's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure WebFunction does not respect host.json file

I'm running a WebFunction of type ServiceBusTrigger. Depending on the case, I need to abandon the message and put it back in the queue. However, I can only run it again after 30 seconds. I have ...
Marcelo Monteiro's user avatar
1 vote
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Best way to convert azure logs date time into an excel date time

Hello when I export Azure logs to csv I get this datetime format that excel doesn't recognize as a valid date time format: 2022-10-19T12:05:58Z Is this the best way to convert this to an excel ...
Dave Sopko's user avatar
1 vote
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Mounting Azure Files in Azure App Service

Summary I have an Azure App Service running a custom container. When I bind a path to an Azure Files share my container stops working. Looking at the Container Issues logs, I see the error: [BYOS] ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Can an Azure IPSEC gateway be used with a normal Azure web app?

We have a simple php website which needs to connect to a 3rd party API, and that third party requires a point to point IPSEC VPN. Azure has an ipsec gateway product for this, but how does one use it ...
eos's user avatar
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Azure - Connecting to Blob storage from app service through vnet

I've set up a VNET with a point-to-site GW and two other subnets. VNET StorageSubnet (with service endpoint to storage) GWSubnet (with service endpoint to storage) noStorage I've connected my web ...
user9685139's user avatar
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azure SSL Application Gateway with Web APPS

I am working on setting up the the Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall for a Web App hosted on Web Apps with everything behind SSL. I can get it to work when everything is none SSL ...
alex Reid's user avatar
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What cross-subscription communication & connectivity is possible in Azure?

I work in a large distributed org, and several divisions have purchased their own subscription to Azure. I am a co-administrator to all the accounts, and can see all the resources in all ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Basic Authentication for an Azure Web App based on Linux

I have an Azure Web App based on Linux. I want to enable basic authentication, meaning that it simply asks for a username and password in the header to access the web app. I've only found a solution (...
Ppp's user avatar
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Web application firewall for Azure storage account

We have a Azure storage account which contains static HTML content for a website. Instead of exposing the storage account URL on the Internet, an Azure CDN endpoint was created https://ourendpoint....
user3063785's user avatar
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Azure Web App suddenly stops communicating with external SQL Server

I have an issue with my Azure Web App that it once in a while stops communicating with our external SQL Server. Everything was working fine until a few hours ago. It's a simple setup with an ...
Christian's user avatar
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Blazor app works with AAD auth locally, when deployed to Azure App Service get error after authenticating on redirect URL

I have a Server-Side Blazor app (Dotnet Core 3.1.2) that I am deploying to Azure App Services. The application authenticates users against our Azure AD. All works fine running locally on my machine. ...
The Sharp Ninja's user avatar
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Azure App Service plan stuck at 100% CPU

Our Azure App Service Plan has been stuck at 100% for a few hours now. I've tried restarting the App Services on it, but to no avail. I think I need the whole VM hosting the App Service Plan behind ...
Scotty H's user avatar
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How to restrict access to sections of monolithic Azure app service

I am wondering if it is possible (using an App Service & Slots) to stop public access to certain elements of an application. We currently have an application that consists of a number of web ...
Stephen D.'s user avatar
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ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/site/wwwroot/node_modules/.bin/npm'

I'm trying to deploy an app to azure App Service and I'm running in this issue: Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'closur-test' Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated. ...
Batman's user avatar
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