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3 votes
1 answer

HAProxy + keepalived + multiple backend farms / virtual IP addresses

we have several backend farms (HTTP, FTP, etc), basically one farm for each customer, and I am about to rebuild our load balancing infrastructure, moving from Piranha to HAProxy. Since we are using ...
moshpitcodes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to mitigate backend stress generated from malicious traffic

I want to reduce, or mitigate the effects of, malicious layer 7 traffic (targeted attacks, generic evil automated crawling) which reaches my backend making it very slow and even unavailable. This ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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1 answer

Proxy to "backend" service whenever a file does not exists

I'm using NGINX to serve static file. Whenever a file does not exist, I want NGINX to hit a nodejs backend service that will try to asynchronously retrieve that file. The backend service needs 3 ...
ZogStriP's user avatar
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4 answers

Suggestions for VPN solution between backend servers [closed]

I am using a rackspace cloud environment to host a server farm. The problem i've run into is that Rackspace shares all internal network traffic on a single subnet (or rather, all the servers in what ...
Erik Funkenbusch's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trusted SSL in internal network without internet access

I have a Raspberry PI 3 as router for WiFi network. It can be without internet access. I am running backend for android/iOS app on this raspberry. I want to have frontend connected through SSL to ...
Broskev's user avatar
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1 answer

Haproxy with multiple ports on fronent and backend

I have a task to configure haproxy that proxies inbound traffic on multiple ports. This is what I did after some googling: I easily figured out how to bund tho ports on frontend as the internet is ...
dunkerkboy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set custom headers for 400 and 500 proxy_pass backend response in Nginx?

I need to set different values of custom response header based on response from the proxy_pass backend response code. I tried many different ways, but still can't figure out how this can be done. ...
vgrinko's user avatar
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1 answer

HAproxy ssl re-encryption and http header modification

I want to use my Haproxy 1.6.5 as Https load balancer before my https servers but I stuck with a problem of misunderstanding . I want this behaviour: haproxy is available as but ...
Oleg Doroshenko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Problems proxy requests to multiple backends with http2, "connection coalescing", connection reuse in google chrome

We are looking for a way to use http2, one proxy with SSL termination and multiple different backends for different subdomains. I found this explanation of the problem and I am looking for solutions ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx : backend https, proxy_pass shows ip

I am using nginx as a reverse proxy listening at port 80 (http). I am using proxy_pass to forward requests to backend http and https servers. Everything works fine for my http server but when I try to ...
Vulpo's user avatar
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0 answers

Apache as Load balancer - forcing a break in persistent connection

I have setup a load balancer with Apache 2.2 via mod_proxy and mod_proxy_balancer. The load balancing works just fine, but there is one case I cannot find any configuration options for, namely, while ...
Konstantin Boyanov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I properly configure SSL on the backend between nginx and an app?

I am trying to configure re-encryption on a backend, so that traffic between nginx and the upstream app is encrypted separately from traffic between the user and nginx. For the purpose of a test ...
Stonecraft's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

load balancing and port speed/bandwidth

help me understand something about load balancing. Let's pretend we have one server as frontend and three servers as backend. All are hosted in the same datacenter using a local connectivity. ...
Sandro Antonucci's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

NGINX Hosting multiple servers in same domain

I have a website being served by Nginx and I'm trying to do something that I don't know if it's possible the way I'm trying to do but the case is: I have Application A and B made with React / Node. ...
Henrique Hefler's user avatar
1 vote
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Varnish with separate backends and multiple domains on each backend

I'm using 3 nginx servers with multiple domains(sites) on each. Each server contains multiple Wordpress sites. Is it possible to configure Varnish and use separate backends (different IP's) and each ...
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2 answers

Haproxy set Host Header per origin Server

We are trying to set host header per origin server, we can set per back end, but we are using default names on Azure app services, and as such the service will only respond to its own hostname, for ...
Jay's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Route traffic between two IPsec tunnels

I run a backend on DO infrastructure, call it site Yvi, that connects to a third party site Prov via an IPsec tunnel, with this libreswan config: conn prov-client ... right=$YVI_IP rightsourceip=...
acib708's user avatar
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1 answer

API backends app revision Y not the same as expected X

I have API endpoints on app engine, and after a certain deployment I found a server error. By mistake, I did a rollback, then I fixed the problem, and then I deployed again. Since then I'm having this ...
Tamer Saleh's user avatar
1 vote
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HAproxy backend based on hostname?

I have a question about using hostnames in a haproxy backend. We have some software that runs it's own webserver. The internal url is: I want it to be accessible from the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Why Nginx is so much faster than Apache in this environment?

We have a web application with a java backend and a tomcat frontend server. Before the tomcat there is an Apache. Both of them are on one host. The backend is on another host. Web browsers communicate ...
Richard Baka's user avatar
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Is there a reverse proxy that can make SPDY connections to a back-end?

...other than spdylay in --spdy-relay mode? We've got a situation where a reverse-proxy has to talk SSL to a Tomcat server, and I'd love to test the performance boost of SPDY. Apache and Nginx both ...
GraduateOfAcmeU's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I fix net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error when I put nginx in front of Tomcat?

How do I fix net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error when I put nginx in front of Tomcat? #user nobody; worker_processes 1; #error_log logs/error.log; #error_log logs/error.log notice; #error_log logs/...
emarwa.mouma.35t's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Allow reverse proxy access only from the host server

I have two servers A) frontend server (ip, B) backend server (ip Both use Debian Linux and Apache server. A) frontend server uses reverse proxy to show content of B) backend ...
klor's user avatar
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Wordpress Migration SSL mystery

Here's the story so far: Wordpress website is on SSL using Really Simple SSL and Cloudflare SSL I decided to move to DigitalOcean (from Hostgator) and don't want to change the domain name servers ...
Oli's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I call a backend service instead of an instance in GCP?

I have a few compute engine instances in a Google Cloud Platform project. One is my API "api-inst" and is inside a backend-service: api-service One is my db 2db-inst" and is inside a backend-service: ...
Vincent Teyssier's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

OSRM on Nginx over SSL

I have set up OSRM (Open source routing machine) with nginx. It works as it was supposed to. But, the problem is I can't make it work over ssl. I have set the ports 443, the site over nginx works with ...
Festim Cahani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simple redirect to HAproxy backend servers

I want to configure simple redirect with HAproxy. Desired behaviour: HAProxy receives request to or and returns https webserver start page from servers list excluding ...
Oleg Doroshenko's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Use WAN as internal network

Suppose I have a little web infrastructure for serving clients that contains nginx as a frontend server, couple of backends (upstreams), a messaging system, db and so on. This stuff is located on ...
Ivan Velichko's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Varnish / Apache redirecting to backend port 8080

I'm running Varnish 2 with Apache backend at 8080 on the same machine. Everything is working fine, except one problem: Sometimes Apache(?) is redirecting to backend port :8080 especially when I'm ...
user avatar
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Uknown nginx Error Messages

I am getting some nginx errors as I can see them in my error.log which I am unable to understand. They look like: ERRORS: 2011/03/13 21:48:21 [crit] 14555#0: *323314343 open() "/usr/local/nginx/...
Sparsh Gupta's user avatar
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Nginx serve 2 service first as default path and second as path

I started learning NGINX and I have an NGINX server and my goal is to serve 2 app in it, one is frontend and the other is backend. since I should configure SSL too, want to use backend as sub path. by ...
Jafar ashrafi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to configure HAproxy to a different backend based on path?

The problem is that, I have haproxy configured for multiple domains with backends respectively. The intended behaviour is to redirect a specific request such as to backend2 ...
Jk843's user avatar
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Unauthorized error when trying to get a ssl certificate with certbot

I recently bought a domain, hosting and a Ubuntu 22.04 vps, all on godaddy. The domain and hosting work, I can access the site by typing the url in. But when I try to get a ssl certificate with ...
intero's user avatar
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1 answer

HAProxy backend - How to connect to remote server?

Good afternoon everyone, I am a newbie in web hosting and still feel like I am learning to swim in the middle of the ocean. What I want to do is setup HAproxy to forward a request to a remote server ...
Nikolaos Hatzistelios's user avatar
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1 answer

Cache request in async way

There's plenty of options to cache requests on web servers/proxys, but i'm looking for a way to made incoming requests to "wait" until the cache is ready and then response with the cache to ...
FxckDead's user avatar
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1 answer

How to block direct access to backend when frontend has nginx reverse proxy

I have a frontend with an nginx reverse-proxy. Any get request made from it starting with the prefix "api" gets routed to the backend. However I've noticed that this also leads to direct calls to the ...
user11461913's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

HAProxy backend round robbin with fixed path

Please help me out, We're using HAProxy ( and on the backend side, we have two endpoints - backend1:4000/foo/abc - backend2:4000/bar/def Now, when a client makes a request to my-proxy....
Fingertron's user avatar
0 votes
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Setting up NGINX to choosing between serving static files / proxy to backend based of user agent

I need to serve static file (index.html) with react running on it to everybody except google, facebook & twitter (plus some short list of other good bots). My idea was to use something like ...
Amantel's user avatar
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1 answer

Add extra zones outside the MySQL database

In need of a MySQL backend for my DNS server, I have decided to switch from Bind to PowerDNS, the MySQL backend of which is slightly more convenient. Basically : users add domains to my database ...
John WH Smith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

varnish backend conn. failure

using: varnish-3.0.4 can anyone suggest potential cause of backend connection failure, this normally happens when N-Worker_thread goes anything above default of 100 worker_thread(not necessarily all ...
tike's user avatar
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customizable web email client backend

I have a comprehensive internal web site for my company, which handles a lot of crm functions as well as other customized functions. I am trying to integrate all needed aspects into this, and am ...
David Caccavella's user avatar
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Nginx and Frog CMS admin url

Short background - there is a site (powered by Frog CMS) hosted on VPS with Apache installed. To cut costs a bit, I've moved to another VPS hosting with cheaper plan. I've installed nginx, php-cgi ...
Edgars Jekabsons's user avatar
-2 votes
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Server with scalability for real-time collaboration and editing [closed]

I am here, to ask for absolute input. I have setup a local Apache Server with PHP 7.2 (currently), I am aware newer PHP exists. I know PHP and Python, I also know Node.js (server/back-end). With Node....
Alix Blaine's user avatar
-3 votes
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how do web servers do when they see a header that is not not standard [closed]

for example I sent a web request like the following: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/...
ntriisii's user avatar