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Questions tagged [browser]

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3 answers

What minimum versions of operating systems and browsers are compatible with Google-managed SSL certificates?

Issuers of SSL certificates usually provide documentation of what minimum versions of OSes and browsers are supported by their solutions. Examples: Cloudflare Let's Encrypt However, I was not able ...
Greg Dubicki's user avatar
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NGINX reverse proxy works on all browsers except Opera GX - what is causing the issue? [closed]

Hello I have a weird problem when browsing to my selfhosted Website: when I browse to my VPS Domain (which should proxy it to my homeproxy (nginx) and then to home webserver1) on Edge/Chrome/Firefox/...
manu1337's user avatar
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1 answer

Web browser fails to connect to website after 100 refreshes on client

I'm using an HTTP meta-refresh to execute a script multiple times. After 100 refreshes, the browser stalls. According to devtools, the browser doesn't even complete an initial connection to the server....
user97089's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is my browser displaying the Content-Type line?

Following what's described here --- --- I've created a tiny Perl document: #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Using the domain termination ".old" is causing web browsers to not detect that is a http/https server

I've created a virtual apache Server to host an old wordpress, everything went fine untill I tried to access the page via the domain on the browser. When accessing the domain on the browser instead of ...
arctumn's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2019 portal office documents not opening on browser

This is my first post on the forum. I have been searching all around the web and the forum and I can`t find any solution to the problem, so: Context I have a Sharepoint 2019 On-Premise server on an ...
jgarma3's user avatar
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Azure Entra Proxy images load on Edge but not Chrome Authentication Issue

I've noticed an odd issue that occurs only on Chrome, but not on Edge. We have a web app server (IIS) and an image server. Both are accessed externally by users via an Azure Entra Proxy service. -if ...
taraz's user avatar
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1 answer

How does a web browser use a HTTPS or SVCB DNS Resource Record (RR)?

Background IETF RFC 9460 defines SVCB and HTTPS DNS resource record (RR) which can be used to upgrade connections to HTTPS and also specify the application-layer protocols that are supported (ALPN). ...
Daniel's user avatar
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0 answers

what windows policy settings are minimally required to get true/false response from isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable()

In a corporate setting there are Windows Group Policies restricting the use of FIDO Platform authenticators (e.g. Windows Hello (for Business) on Microsoft Windows devices) Using the ...
kmindi's user avatar
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1 answer

Firefox and other browsers not opennig, possibly relatd to NFS

I have a setup with a NFS server sharing the /home directory with some clients. Randomly, those clients are not able to open any browser (firefox, chrome, vscode [which is browser based]). I have not ...
iluvatar's user avatar
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