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5 votes
6 answers

How to send Bulk email with SMTP server

How do email marketers get success while sending mails? Though their emails volume is very high, they can deliver mails with out any problem like spam or bounce. If we try to send bulk mails with our ...
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4 votes
1 answer

How to add 50 or so aliases to an existing DNS zone in Windows Server DNS?

I have a few zones in my Windows Server DNS. I wish to add around 50 unique aliases to the existing zone. Is there any trick I can use? I've tried to google for it where the odd post suggests using ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Good ways to disseminate login information, especially when new users are created?

When you create user logins in bulk, with set passwords as many users are unlikely to change their passwords, how do you disseminate the information? Students in our school division are automatically ...
Clinton Blackmore's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

HP ilo Bulk Certificate update

I have a mixture of iLo 1-4 to update the self signed certs to use our CA. I have found some tools for the version 3/4 through PS and the new HP cmdlets. So two questions. Anyone know a way to bulk ...
Billc123's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Large insert/update in table causes timeout while SQL Server re-arrange indexes

We insert/delete about 1 million rows of a two million rows table with SSIS. We have 20 indexes on this table. Right after the SSIS finished, we're experiencing timeouts in the frontend. The ...
Mike Gleason jr Couturier's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Data take on with Drupal 6

We are migrating our current intranet to Drupal 6 and there is a lot of data within the current system which can be classified into: List data, general lists of fields. Common use is phone list of ...
Robert MacLean's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Bulk email validation [closed]

I have a list of one million email addresses of varying quality (the list has never been pruned) which needs to be cleaned. All addresses are syntactically correct, but many of the mailbox accounts ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to return only empty or "problematic" DNS records for bulk queries

When doing a bulk input of records, I want to verify that I put each in its correct location by doing a bulk query with dig. Dig will spit out all positive results with: dig +noall +answer or dig +...
Watki02's user avatar
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1 answer

Alfresco : Import FileSystem permissions w/ Bulk Filesystem Import Tool

I have Alfresco 4.2.c installed on a Windows Server 2012, linked, sync and SSO to a LDAP (working great). I'm trying to use BFI ( to import ...
PaKempf's user avatar
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1 answer

Rename Files in Folders

I am using windows server 2016 and I am facing a problem. We have been making some changes and I am now in need of having a folder that whenever a file(in this case a specific type (.msg)) is placed ...
Alexandre Araújo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Postfix Server for Mass Mailing on Multiple Domains

I'm currently setting up a mail server for mass mailing on a non-profit. I decided to go with Postfix since I had some experience with the configuration. However my experience was for multi domain ...
TCB13's user avatar
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2 answers

Bulk move user files to Google Apps from Windows

I am looking to do a mass migration of user files from a Windows Server to Google Drive. Each user has their own folder on the Windows Server and I am looking for a way to bulk migrate to each users ...
tyelford's user avatar
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0 answers

How to troubleshoot marketing e-mail inbox rate / deliverability? [duplicate]

After previously using managed ESP's, we've recently switched over to our own server (CentOS 6) that's set up to send bulk e-mails with 12 IPs/SPF/DKIM. Campaigns are processed and sent via Interspire,...
disconation's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Bulk/Mass 410 Pages in nginx config

We've got 130 urls (some query query strings) that we need to serve up our normal 404 page, however return a 410 header. The list looks something like, just a complete mixture of stuff https://www....
owenmelbz's user avatar
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2 answers

Bulk emails - what to do with "over quota / mailbox full" undeliverable emails?

We send out newsletters / bulk mail (double opt-in of course). We automatically delete hard bounces (mailbox unavailable, user unknown, host unknown...) right away from our mailing lists. But a lot ...
Perrschy's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to reset the password for a list of Active Directory users en-mass?

I have a list of user accounts that need their password reset to a default password (also users will be required to change the password at first login). Is there a way to reset the password for a list ...
user134977's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Active Directory - set passwords for an entire group

I have an active directory server where users are divided in various security groups, and I've been trying to find a way to reset passwords for all of them at once. So first I thought I could just ...
zingmars's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Linux Mail Server Architecture for bulk mailing [duplicate]

We have developed a newsletter management system ... which is meant to send out bulk emails of sort. The application rests on 1 server ... I am trying to setup an architecture best for bulk mailing -...
Anirudh's user avatar
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1 answer

Bulk email forwarding

I own a domain lets call it, what I would like to do is set it so that any email sent to will be received in my email account. I believe this can be done by ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Using a subdomain to send email through Google Apps without migrating email from primary domain

Is it possible to set up email through Google Apps such that a single box, such as [email protected], can be used for bulk email without having to migrate all company email across to Google ...
Auryn's user avatar
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Importing Bulk Users from .csv file leads to user logon name and domain being blank

I have the following issue when adding bulk users through a .csv file: the user logon name and the domain are blank, however the user logon name (Pre windows 2003) is showing ok. Because of this, I am ...
Vlad Pandichi's user avatar
0 votes
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Send bulk emails with valid DMARC security

We are implementing a feedback feature in our web application. After completion of an event, we are sending emails requesting feedback and ratings to our visitors. If we do write the following DMARC ...
Akash Samal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Create User active directory Bulk and home folder for user but folder Not Created

all I am trying to create a user with Active Directory and home folder automatically using bulk files and csv but when the user is done I check the user profile it redirects every user's home folder ...
Zhank48's user avatar
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How to send a lot of emails without tripping the alarms

I need to send couple of thousand emails at once, all addresses are existing users of one domain. I was wondering if that would not cause receiving server to cry 'Spam!' at the sight of so many emails....
RandomWhiteTrash's user avatar
-1 votes
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stopped receiving email from our own server

I have a website with a registration system, that sends new users a confirmation email after registering, and sends myself a new user registered email. A few weeks back, I created a newsletter ...
Amit Patil's user avatar
-1 votes
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New-AdUser : The specified account already exists

I am trying to import some AD Users using a powershell script and a file.csv but I am getting this error: New-AdUser : The specified account already exists Here is the script: Import-Module ...
Ali's user avatar
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-2 votes
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subdomains and SPF failures

I have recently moved some of my e-mail services to sub-domains (, because the SPF of the main domain - got full (lot's of includes and there is more ...
Peter's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Bulk email prevent blocking

We are going to send huge bulk emails (It's an invitation to our site). I setup an instance on Amazon and installed zimbra on that along with phplist which is configured. DKIM and Domain keys are ...
Toqeer's user avatar
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