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Questions tagged [cadvisor]

cAdvisor (Container Advisor) provides container users an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers.

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Kubelet/Cadvisor on GKE not exporting container_fs_* metrics for attached volumes

In our GKE 1.27.12 cluster, we run a couple of stateful workloads using GCP Volumes, e.g. using this storage class: apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: pd-ssd ...
antaxify's user avatar
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How to install graylog application on GCP Kubernetes Cluster

I am trying to install CAdvisor Graylog on Kubernetes Cluster. For now I just need to install simple application. But when installing graylog using Its documentation. I am getting this error "...
Aakriti Talwar's user avatar