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Delete files from /tmp/ CentOS6

I'm running Centos6 and inside mt /tmp/ folder I see these files drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 14 2016 fileinstall-1059639640221211034 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 30 2021 ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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cant' delete user with userid 502, 503 and on CentOS 6

I have a CentOS VM that shows the list of users like this: drwx------. 2 504 504 4096 Dec 10 2000 username So if I try to run the userdeel command I got a message saying that the user does not ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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/opt/BitDefender/bin/ failed: exit code 2 on CentOS 6

I'm running CentOS 6.10 and everytime that I run a command I got this message on the console /opt/BitDefender/bin/ failed: exit code 2 I do not have Bitdefender install so I guess it's ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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cannot open /etc/shadow message on CentOS 6.10

When I try to delete a user or add a user to the wheel group I got this message [root@server]# userdel --remove username userdel: cannot open /etc/shadow [root@server]# I'm running: [root@server]# ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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You have not defined a root partition / which is required for installation of Centos to continue

I am facing the following issue while doing an automated installation of Centos7 with kickstart.cfg I used the following options in the kickstart file zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel logvol / --...
Sandeep's user avatar
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How do I update a very old CentOS release (6.2) where yum won't work at all because of outdated openssl certificates?

I have an old CentOS 6.2 machine and need to update a few packages on it (or many packages, I suppose). However I can't do anything with yum because even after changing the repos to, ...
WackGet's user avatar
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RPM failed dependency that's already installed

We have an old dev server for Centos 6 I want to update Openssl to a modified version 1.0.2k (we have got a C8 server to replace it, but trying to update the old one in the interim). I have built the ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to Loadbalance Outgoing Traffic with Iptables?

I have a centos 7 server with 5 IPS like to want to change Outgoing traffic in roundrobin method because i need to use all ips to my project. so am trying to configure ...
maipodevin's user avatar
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Point symlink to external URL

Not sure if this is possible at all, but maybe there's another way to go about this that will get the same result. The old situation I'm running a LAMP server with CentOS 6. This server hosts a LOT of ...
Albert's user avatar
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Automatic Webuzo third party packages updates increasing my disk use

I'm running a self managed CentOS and I've noticed that in 2 weeks my disk space increased like 3Gb out of nowhere, and I believe it was already increasing before. I spent months working on localhost ...
023023's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I install or update software with yum in CentOS 6 when CentOS 6 stopped its lifecycle?

I failed to install or update software in my CentOS 6 system these days. I guess CentOS removed their mirror list after CentOS 6 ends its lifecycle after Nov. 30. I use this mirrorlist: http://...
auntyellow's user avatar
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Unknown email address sending email from my host

I have a centOS 6 server, with DirectAdmin as the management panel and Exim as the mail server. In usage directory files (/etc/virtual/usage/) I can see that some emails have been sent from users that ...
Rouhollah Mazarei's user avatar
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Refresh disks on live system without rebooting

I have 4 drives in a server. This is a live server. One of these drives I replaced with a different drive and changed the mount point for the new drive so as to avoid confusion. After completing the ...
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Unable to renew lets encrypt using certbot

I'm running centos 6, I recently tried installing python 3, might have messed something up related to python if I do python2 /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto renew I get file "/usr/local/bin/certbot-...
Lynob's user avatar
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Is it possible to give JCMD a service name rather than PID?

I need to monitor a service automatically but the PID keeps changing with every restart so I want to be able to do jcmd servicename Thread.print > log.txt rather than jcmd 2230 Thread.print >...
Lynob's user avatar
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/var got misteriously renamed in /var.1 on CentOS6 server

On one of ours CentOS6 servers /var got renamed to /var.1 tonight (around 3.24 am) and a new empty /var folder was created. Not surprisingly, it crashed soon after that. Circumstances: Over the ...
Alien Life Form's user avatar
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2 answers

SFTP error "Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server" on CentOS 6

I'm getting this SFTP error "Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server" on CentOS 6. I've added a new user below sudo adduser --shell /bin/false paul sudo passwd paul Then edited /etc/ssh/...
Mr J's user avatar
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OpenLDAP being very slow

I've inherited an OpenLDAP installation which suddenly seems to be extremely slow to respond to queries, breaking many client applications. I've checked the basics; server has plenty of memory free, ...
anksil's user avatar
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Reverse proxy does not work on Apache in Cent OS 6.9

I created the sites-available and site-enabled folders, I added the file with a virtualhost in my domain to do reverse proxy in a Nuxt node.js application, which ...
Vinicius Aquino's user avatar
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CentOS6 (VM) on Hyper-V (host) - expanding disk size

I have a Hyper-V server (host). With a CentOS6.x VM (guest). My goal is: expand the /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root partition to a total 200GB; expand the /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_swap partition to a ...
efraimip's user avatar
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Weird error with glibc on CentOS 6

I have a weird issue with some servers that I manage at work.. We use Katello/Satellite 6 to manage our repos/pkgs and subscribe our servers to it. In the Katello Web UI it says that glibc-2.12-1.212....
Alexander D's user avatar
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How to update sqlite3 from python? [closed]

How to update sqlite3 from python? I am having problems with the old version of Slite3 for python3.6. I need to upgrade for version 3.22.0 or last root@server01# python3.6m Python 3.6.7 (default, ...'s user avatar
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Install Zend Debugger or Xdebug for PHP 7.0 on RedHat 6.10 (64bit)

I'm trying to install Zend Debugger or Xdebug on RedHat 6.10 for PHP 7.0. I have tried the Zend Debugger extension for PHP 7.0 provided by at
bigtunacan's user avatar
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Autofs is forgetting mount points

I have a set of mount points which I use autofs to access. They have been around for quite some time, and in systems I've inherited running CentOS6 admins before me have implemented cronjobs ...
azzid's user avatar
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What to update to keep the server secured?

I've been asked to specify which updates are needed to update our server and have it secured - problem is I'm not an expert on this. I know that we've very old software. For my work I need PHP 7.2 ...
testermaster's user avatar
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Upgrading PHP 5.3 to 7.x on CentOS 6.10 (final) - Unmet Dependencies

I am a bit rusty these days and could use some help. I've cracked opened a few old servers and have started the process of dusting them off. In the process I'm updating things like PHP. I regret to ...
Pedro Salazar's user avatar
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Install multiple PHP on CentOS 6.10

I have PHP 7.0 on my VPS with CentOS 6.10 and there is an application that needs PHP 7.1 and above. Also, there's a separate application that uses a php function that is deprecated in PHP 7.1, so I ...
NetworkNewbie's user avatar
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Centos 6.8 kernel 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 crash at linux-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64/mm/vmalloc.c: 630

I have intel servers running CentOS 6.8 as KVM host,and there was an OOPS or BUG occurs. kernel crash at kernel-2.6.32-642.el6/linux-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64/mm/vmalloc.c: 630 Did anyone else have this ...
windrd's user avatar
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Constant ACPI errors in /var/log/messages on Centos 6.10

/var/log/messages is full of this, occurring every second. I can see this has been going on for at least 4 days but any older logs have been purged. Maybe it's always been like this. Jul 8 04:07:...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Centos running python script every new file added on ftp

We are running on centos 6.9 Final and vsftpd version 2.2.2 Basically we had some folder which is our FTP folder that connected to ANPR/LPR camera. Every camera recognize the plate than the camera ...
Yohanes AI's user avatar
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Unable to Install PHPMyAdmin on CentOS 6

I am attempting to update all my software on my CentOS 6 Server. I have updated from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2 and now trying to install PHPMyAdmin 4.8 but I am getting an error when running the yum command. ...
Michael Smith's user avatar
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Why is the network not reachable while another IP is reachable within the same subnet on CentOS?

Why is the network not reachable while another IP is reachable within the same subnet ? Network Reachable [root@vcn03 ~]# ping -I eth0 -c 1 PING ( from 10.52.111....
user3742796's user avatar
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CentOS 6 OpenSSL Padding Oracle vuln. (CVE-2016-2107)

I am getting a very bad Overall Rating on, due to the OpenSSL Padding Oracle Vulnerability (CVE-2016-2107). This is what I am using at the moment (Production Environment): Openssl 1.0.1e ...
Marcos's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

full /etc/ recovery from git

I have a CentOS 6.9 server. The full /etc directory was under version control. I accidentally ran 'git rm -R' on it. The server stopped working right away, my ssh session got lost. I managed to ...
stvn's user avatar
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root password found changed. Did someone break into my server? [duplicate]

This morning I found myself unable to log into the root account on one of my (CentOS 6) servers. I booted into single user mode and reset the root password. Everything seems to be working normally now....
7yl4r's user avatar
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Newrelic nginx plugin install (python issue)

This plugin won't let me install and I tried to write in to get help from nginx.. (not a good experience). The plugin says I do not have the daemon installed for python, but I infact do (I believe). I ...
Gordon Snappleweed's user avatar
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How to resolve yum install mod_php71u conflict?

When I run the command yum install mod_php71u I get the following message: Error: httpd24u-tools conflicts with httpd-tools-2.2.15-60.el6.centos.6.x86_64 Error: httpd24u conflicts with httpd-2.2.15-...
payling's user avatar
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ulimit for root keeps resetting

Using CentOS 6.6 In /etc/security/limits.conf I have set the following: * soft nofile 65535 * hard nofile 65535 root soft nofile 65535 root hard nofile 65535 In etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf ...
Elite_Dragon1337's user avatar
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Migrating CentOS 6.9 VM to Server 2016 missing eth0 and stall during boot

I have an existing CentOS 6.9 VM running in Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2. I want to migrate this machine to a new Windows Server 2016 installation. This is the last VM that will allow me to shut ...
Joel Coel's user avatar
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How to reload httpd service on changes automatically using Supervisord?

I am working in a Docker container that so far have the following ready to go: CentOS 6 (latest, I think is 6.9) Apache 2.2.15 (latest on CentOS6 repositories) PHP 5.3.3 (latest on CentOS6 ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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CentOS 6 deleting files from /root/ after a reboot? [duplicate]

Twice recently I've noticed that my vim settings have changed to defaults. Investigation shows that all files have been deleted from my /root/ directory. (Yes I currently log in as root, that's a ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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vm.swappiness works differently on CentOS 6 and 7

We have an Hadoop cluster of CentOS 6 (kernel version 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64) and CentOS 7 (kernel 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64) servers . All the nodes are configured with a swapinness of 1. All nodes have ...
loicmathieu's user avatar
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How to fine-tune iscsi-multipath queueing timeout?

I'm tuning the configuration for a multipath iscsi on a Centos 6 server. At the moment I'm using the following parameters for path retry: ... polling_interval 1 no_path_retry 12 ... That means, 'if ...
godzillante's user avatar
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rm no longer asking for confirmation when deleting files?

On my CentOS 6.9 box I've just spotted that rm myfile no longer asks me if I really want to delete it, it just deletes it. I've run alias and there's nothing to do with rm there. What else could be ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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how to install docker-ce 17+ on centos 6.9?

Im currently trying to install docker-ce 17+ on a centOS 6.9 server, however, when running yum install docker-ce i get the following errors: Error: Package: docker-ce-17.06.1.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64 (...
Juan Sebastian's user avatar
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dracut: Switching root

After my hosting company did some changes (no technical description for them) I got the following boot error for my CentOS: What I must do to get my servers up! I tried to ask for support at the ...
Nitescu Lucian's user avatar
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Errors in crontab file, can't install - only on CentOS 7, not CentOS 6.4?

CentOS 6.4 is happy with this, but CentOS 7 tells me "errors in crontab file, can't install.". What's wrong with this crontab file (just the 2 lines)? 0 0 * * * /home/web/ 0 1 * * * /...
user2044774's user avatar
2 votes
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Force password for ssh login

I have two servers with CentOS6 and CentOS7. Both of them has SSH access. My client computer has Ubuntu 16.04. For CentOS6 I can login with command ssh -i ~/.ssh/serv1 root@serv1 but command ssh ...
venoel's user avatar
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Postfix : Rate limit outgoing mail by mx of recipient and sender

Been learning Postfix and trying to setup my own mail queue server for newsletters (no mailchimp or sendgrid). I'm stuck on the last thing I wanted to implement, which is delays/queue. I found a ...
Darius's user avatar
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What is root cause of this huge system load

I am totally puzzled here. A couple of CentOS 6.6 x64 servers have unexpected huge system load. I think I have checked everything, but no idea about reasons why. I guess there should be a bottleneck ...
Ra0's user avatar
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