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2 answers

Unable to SSH VM instance after OS upgrade & reboot of VM instance in GCP

My VM instance was on CentOS 7 I recently attempted upgrading that to Almalinux 8 using below link
Aditya Rewari's user avatar
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How to initialize cockpit on CentOS8?

I am trying to access my public IP of the EC2- box on port 9090 to access centOS8 cockpit but I am unable to get to my centOS8 cockpit. My security group from the server is Security group This is what ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
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How to prevent ethernet issues after command line shutdown in CentOS7?

I'm running into a frustrating issue with a system running CentOS7. There's an Intel NIC (Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM (rev31)) which, when working, provides a 1000Mb/s connection....
ianiding-apo's user avatar
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CentOS 7 kickstart file, add entry to /etc/hosts

I have a CentOS 7 kickstart file working quite nicely, mostly. The %packages section fails because I need to add an entry to /etc/hosts to point to our internal company repo. I ...
MikeKulls's user avatar
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CentOS 7 SCL (Software Collections) abandoned?

There is a difference in version between httpd24-httpd installed with Software Collections on CentOS 7.9 and httpd24-httpd installed with RHEL (Universal Base Images). CentOS 7.9 yum install centos-...
ngyuki's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to automatically change the name of a file on a daily basis

I am new to Linux/CentOS and right now I am running into a little problem. My CentOS7 Server logs all Maillogs, via Logrotate, on a daily basis and moves them to the folder /var/log/old_maillogs. ...
Moritz's user avatar
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Looking for CIS Benchmark script for CentOS 7

I am not sure this is the right place to ask this. I apologize if it is not. I have few CentOS machines that is running 7.7 version. And I need to do a CIS benchmark for finding any vulnerabilities. I ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Centos show me "Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64"

Hi, i have a issue, when i type in Centos 7 "yum update" show me next error Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown), and yum doesn't ...
CristianDAG's user avatar
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How to manually validate the signature of an rpm file

What I need A way to get an asc file containing the signature from an rpm file. Why I need it I'm running into the issue described in this Reddit thread, where Chrome installed from
Keegan's user avatar
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High CPU usage by ksoftirqd

We use GCP for running Kubernetes and for communication with our services in different locations using VM masquerading by iptables. The first time we faced an issue with performance when we use only ...
Alexander Tolkachev's user avatar
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xfs corruption metadata after reboot

I had a problem on a RAID1 with 4 disks. We replaced the faulty disk and restarted the server, the rebuild was done, two linux centos 7 machines did not come up accusing error of xfs corruption. Other ...
Christovam's user avatar
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DNS issue with CentOS7?

I am working in a VMWare environment creating a network for a college class, and I keep running into what I can only assume is a DNS error with my two CENTOS7 systems. The system environment is as ...
AnotherSand8804's user avatar
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Centos 7.0 can't start network service

I get this error when I start network service Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status network.service" and "...
Bulut Avşar's user avatar
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mysql -V shows a different version than mysqld -V

I'm running centos 7 with mySQL mysql -V shows Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26-29, but mysqld -V shows Ver 5.7.11-4. systemctl status mysql and systemctl status mysqld both show the same running ...
Chris Strickland's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - disable all services, except ssh and networking

This is a follow up question to Disable all services, except ssh. I want to achieve the same thing on CentOS 7 but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've created /usr/lib/systemd/system/...
willdashwood's user avatar
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CentOS 7 with php-fpm renders raw PHP

Summary: My CentOS 7 server with PHP 7.4 fpm is not executing PHP files instead they provide a raw PHP file to the client. In the next section, I will explain the environment. I have set up a minimal ...
mercury's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - Not Getting IP Address After Reboot

I can't quite seem to figure out why. Seems very odd. Setup; DHCP/Static IP Managed on Router/Firewall VM with CentOS 7 Installed that ultimately gets IP address from above Seems that whenever I ...
Michael Cropper's user avatar
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failed to open /etc/userdomains for linear search: Permission denied (euid=1000 egid=1001)

Here my autoresponder in centos is not working can anyone help me with it. 2022-07-20 09:50:10 1oE6LK-00A004-0j ** [email protected] R=userautoreply T=userautoreply: Expansion of "${if def:...
be MrZulf's user avatar
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Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.18.11-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64", will be passed to user space

On CentOS 7, after upgrading the kernel to version 5.18.11, I observed the below message in /var/log/messages: Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.18.11-1.el7.elrepo....
Sandeep's user avatar
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How to alter firewall (iptables) log rules such that they stop flooding the primary console on AlmaLinux 8?

I have a constant deluge of firewall blocks showing up on my console in AlmaLinux 8: How do you modify iptables rules / settings so as to disable these from showing up on the primary console and to ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to boot custom .iso from CentOs 7 [closed]

I have a custom Windows 10 .iso mounted. I want to boot that .iso so I can overwrite my current VPS's OS (CentOs 7). I can't get to the boot screen because when I'm connecting via terminal, ssh will ...
User's user avatar
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fail2ban not creating jails in CentOS

I'm trying to create a jail in Fail2Ban to protect a Asterisk PBX. I already did as suggested and made a copy of jail.conf named jail.local. In jail.local, I set up a asterisk jail as follows: [...
GD1's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to setup multiple vps in one hardware

I purchase a rack server hardware with 64GB ram now i want to create 8*8GB VPS so how can i do that. I have 1 internet connection and 8 static IP from ISP, Now problem is how can i setup port ...
Sanket Tripathi's user avatar
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How to enable http/2 from a Centos Package/yum?

I'm running the following version of Apache on Centos 7: httpd.x86_64 2.4.6-97.el7.centos.5 @updates httpd-tools.x86_64 2.4.6-97.el7.centos.5 ...
Aussie's user avatar
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HAProxy path_beg error - 503 service unavailable

Given a backend that running on: curl tested: curl --location --request GET "" sample_response //>> HERE IS RESPONSE On ...
SoT's user avatar
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Long-overdue "yum update" has multiple "requires" errors

After much neglect of my VPS (currently running CentOS 7.4.1708), I tried to run yum update, but after a long list of "Processing Dependency..." lines, the end of the output looked like this:...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
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How to update memcached to 1.4.33 on centos? Yum says there is no update

I need to update memcached on centos7 from 1.4.15 to 1.4.33 however yum update says there isn't anything to update, clearly there is as there is a newer version. I can't find anything on google ...
noname's user avatar
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Issues installing Cent OS 7 + Zen 3 5800x

Trying to install CentOS 7 on local DEV server. Server specs: CPU: Ryzen 7 5800x Motherboard: ASRock B550M STEEL LEGEND AM4 RAM: Corsair 32GB RAM Hard Drive: 2x 500GB Corsair NVME LAN: Intel ...
Kalvin Klien's user avatar
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How to disable Root Access, to VPS, via SSH?

I run a VPS, on a Linux Server, with CentOS 7 (64 bits) being the chosen Operating System. I have recently wiped the VPS, so it only has a clean install of Plesk Onyx at the moment. I would now like ...
Craig's user avatar
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CentOS7 sets time to +8h in the night: [systemd] Time has been changed

I am curious: My CentOS7 server, which did not run ntpd or chrony, updated the system's time to +8h at 11pm. Message: [systemd] Time has been changed appears in /var/log/messages. Well: I don't know ...
SPQRInc's user avatar
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Openoffice headless on CentOS 7 / 8

We used to run Openoffice headless on CentOS 6.8 but are now upgrading to CentOS 8 However, I'm not able to install Openoffice headless using the following commands: yum install ...
YD8877's user avatar
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How can I get my CPU to run at maximum speed by circumventing CPU scaling? [closed]

I am running CentOS 7 (7.9.2009) (kernel 3.10.0-1160.49.1.el7.x86_64) on a rather old laptop (Lenove T61) with a dual core CPU (Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz). The driver for CPU scaling ...
Mitch's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can I run a shell as a user that has no shell access?

Maybe I'm not using the right terms so allow me to explain myself using an example. Connecting over SSH as user "centos" and executing cat /etc/passwd in my Centos7 machine I get: centos:x:...
DomingoSL's user avatar
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Install Logcheck / Logtail in Rocky Linux 8

I need to install logtail / logcheck in Rocky Linux 8. We have an application that uses it and we are migrating that from Centos 7 to Rocky 8. Yum doesn't find it. [root@myserver ~]# yum provides ...
Zulqarnain Habib's user avatar
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How do I disable sshd algorithms?

From my vulnerability scanning software I get this flag/message The following weak key exchange algorithms are enabled : diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 I want to ...
Ruth Edges's user avatar
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Require root password when executing "sudo -s"

I have a CentOS 7 server on AWS. When logged in with the centos user, how can I prevent sudo -s logging in to root without requiring root's password? [root@server ~]# cat /etc/sudoers | grep rootpw ...
Nuno's user avatar
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PHP file_get_contents sometimes returns 502 on 1 of 2 Servers

I have two virtual servers. The old: Ubuntu 12.04 with PHP 7.2. The new: CentOS 7.9 with PHP 8.0. On both servers the same application is running. A cron is minutely getting some details from another ...
dj_thossi's user avatar
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29 votes
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CentOS 7 - end of life in 2024, then what

We are working on a software solution and some of our providers are really CentOS 7 centered. CentoS 7 will continue to produce through the remainder of the RHEL 7 life cycle, which will end sometime ...
marsisalie's user avatar
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Should I use Centos 7 or Centos 8 on my VPS Server for Plesk? [closed]

I'm going to buy a VPS from a company. It asks me if you want to choose Centos 7 or Centos 8 when purchasing VPS. From what I've researched on the internet, there is no difference between the two. But ...
user avatar
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systemd-tmpfiles race condition

I have a config file /etc/tmpfiles.d/test.conf: z /dir/* 660 - - - z /dir/subdir 2770 - - - z /dir/subdir/* 660 - - - Z /dir - root test - When I run systemd-...
McLayn's user avatar
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CentOS doesn't boot with "A stop job is running for Security Auditing Service" message

CentOS prints the following during boot [ *** ] A stop job is running for Security Auditing Service (9s / 1min 30s) and then switches into the single user mode.
McLayn's user avatar
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spawn-fcgi doesn't start automatically even though has root permission Centos 7

I have very strange problem I don't know how to solve this. I have spawn-fcgi service only starts if I manually start as root but not with on boot systemctl enable spawn-cgi gives me this information ...
danone's user avatar
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How to install PHP on CentOS has preinstalled Apache HTTPD?

I'm using CentOS 7. I wanted to install PHP 7 so I used remi-php (latest PHP version of yum is 5.4). Since the HTTPD version of yum is too old, I compiled the latest HTTPD version from the source code....
Tần Quảng's user avatar
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CentOS 7 (dracut) is finding inconsistent network device names causing problems for kickstart

I use the boot options biosdevname=1 net.ifnames=1 in order to get consistent, predictable device names. I'm starting to notice a problem where in some cases, the network device names are not ...
guzzijason's user avatar
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Create local yum repository for a package which is available on http

I am trying to create local yum repo for packages. I have followed steps here to create the repo: But now, I want to create repo for a ...
kaounKaoun's user avatar
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how to send log file using rsyslog

I am using Centos 7.6 and have configured rsyslog server and able to send logs(syslog) from client to server, but I need to transfer the file /var/log/wtmp to rsyslog server and I have tried below ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Installation of Tripleo failed to install python-gnocchiclient, and python-pankoclient on Centos7

I am trying to install OpenStack since days, on Centos7 with Stein distribution I am installing the Undercloud via triplo repository but two stages are failing with errors, they are given below: ...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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Need to add older version of IUS repo in order to install specific PHP 7.2 packages

The Issue: Without unnecessary detail, I have two servers that are nearly identical. However one has its yum repos configured such that php 7.2 packages imagick and sodium are available for install, ...
twhitney's user avatar
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acpi package has zero elements CentOS 7 boot error

I hope I asked this in the right StackExchange site, didn't knew where to post. I have this boot error (attached), I can't understand much from it, acpi package has zero elements , etc. I had Centos 7....
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Unable to update to Wordpress 5.7.2: Could not copy file

I'm trying to update to the latest (5.7.2) version of Wordpress from a fresh installation on CentOS 7, however I keep getting the error message Could not copy file.: wp-admin/images/about-color-...
MorayM's user avatar
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