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Emails delivered, but no where to be found

I have been working on this for 2 days now and am desperate for some help. Postfix & Dovecot CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 Plesk 18.0.50 For the most part emails are flowing into the server ...
Luke Pittman's user avatar
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Postfix receive email after bad configuration

I had a bad configuration on my postfix server so I didn't receive email. After my correction (delay 24h) I receive email but not all one shot, maybe one email by 15-30min. Is there a command for mail ...
Black_Syphilis's user avatar
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Enable a CentOS 7 server send email via SSL

I have a CentOS 7 server running lampp, with domain name I have successfully config the SSL certificate for For email notification purpose, I need to send ...
Phil's user avatar
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Email notification for failed SSH login

Can someone tell is there a way to receive an email for failed SSH login? I already have Fail2Ban but as understood I can receive only email's for banned IP's ... Using CentOS 7 Thank you in advance.
Milen Todorov's user avatar
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Postfix email outside domain

I have a problem with the email forwarding, more like I do not know how to configure Dovecot to do what I want. Per my understanding the first look up of mails that dovecot does is look up for local ...
whitenoise40's user avatar
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SPF and OpenDMARC not working in Postfix

I am working on implementing SPF and OpenDMARC/DKIM to my mail servers. Currently I have two mail servers in different subnets, each with separate DNS server and domain name. They can exchange emails ...
MArhEV's user avatar
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What do I need to do on a minimal CentOS 8 installation to receive root's emails?

I've tried searching but all of the results seem to be about setting up an actual mail server. I just want the simplest solution. I've added my email address to the bottom of /etc/aliases. I've had ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Getting the same email at the same time from [email protected]. Not sure where it came from

I created an AIDE script that able to monitor file changes in my hosting, and when something file has changed, it will send an alert email about the changes. In my opinion, I don't think the script ...
MaXi32's user avatar
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Centos mailx sending body as attachment

I've got a script I'm trying to send emails through. I'm trying to send a string variable as the body, but mailx is adding it as an attachment 'ATT00001.bin'. Here's a snip of my script: RESULT='' ...
Nick Noonan's user avatar
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Python "alternate malfunction"

I have a web application that runs over a Centos Server. It was written in php and python. Suddenly without modification something starts to works in alternate and randomly way (one time fileB.php is ...
user31929's user avatar
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PowerMTA Startup error: Error loading DNS configuration: Error parsing IP address "2a02:c207::2:53": syntax error

service pmta restart Stopping PowerMTA: [ OK ] Starting PowerMTA: [FAILED] pmtad --debug Startup error: Error loading DNS configuration: Error parsing IP address "2a02:c207::2:53": syntax error ...
Salah Eddine Zaka's user avatar
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Dovecot – Can send, not receive mail (visable in mail queue) Where is email?

Mail queue administration say’s: Received from [email protected] [] P=esmtps X=TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:128 CV=no S=3663 id=...
Kees's user avatar
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Mailx: cannot assign requested address using gmail

I'm having trouble to send email through emailx using gmail, after configuration, I'm having the following error: Resolving host . . . done. Connecting to . . ....
Carbon's user avatar
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Postfix gives error in maillog: maps_find: smtp_generic_maps: log: not found

I have changed the default FROM address of Postfix, from [email protected] to [email protected] I can send the e-mails fine, but when I check the maillog file I then see some "not found" errors. /etc/...
Eric's user avatar
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1 answer

Google detect DMARC not signed

I have this problem in my server: A domain for send email and i have a web site in php The server The server for send email through a system in php ...
Jorge Omar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Linux - Postfix - Outgoing emails block on port 25 by ISP [closed]

I will start with the most important - I have read/watched tons of manuals, tutorials, forums and suggestions about this but still I have feeling that I do not understand something big about whole ...
Toms Bugna's user avatar
1 vote
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Exim address rewrite is not working

after I could not get my Postfix server to do a proper rewrite, I tried to use an Exim server instead, but I am failing again on a simple rewrite. I have used a default configuration, added my ...
TooCloudy's user avatar
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postfix configuration in not take effect

I am in centos 7 I configured postfix's /etc/postfix/ like this smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtpd_sasl_type = cyrus smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext smtpd_sasl_path = /...
badger's user avatar
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Configure fail2ban notifications using sendmail (Unknown user)

I am trying to make fail2ban send me notifications when IP is banned. But I have troubles with configuring MTA. It is a really tricky task. I have tried multiple MTAs (mailx,exim ...) but I've failed ...
CROSP's user avatar
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Increasing mail size for postfix with amavisd-new and spamassassin

I have a Centos 6 setup running a web and mail server. Email server works fine, however, my clients cannot send or receive emails with attachments size greater than 10MB. I tried setting ...
Christos Lytras's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

E-Mail Security thought certificate

Recently I have been trying to secure mail ports 993/995/465 with a certificate. It works when specifying the server hostname, But that's not an option on a shared server with numerous users. The '...
blade19899's user avatar
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How to forward by recipient in an exim relay?

I've set up an Exim relay and i need to forward emails coming in for a particular domain to be sent to another address, but i'm having no luck so far. I've set up a router like this: ...
Shiver McTimbers's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

finding more information about strange email related proccess [closed]

so recently i've noticed lots of email related process suddenly popup in my server like so Mem: 7895616k total, 1599756k used, 6295860k free, 83044k buffers Swap: 8388540k total, 625920k ...
hretic's user avatar
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Postfix sending to wrong email (redirection?) New setup possibly wrong configuration

I'm having a strange issue after possibly setting up DKIM signing (might have caused this?) Originally I was receiving emails fine (I was tricking my machine into thinking the website was on the new ...
user1942793's user avatar
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smtpd_recipient_restrictions: Some RBLs working, but SBL isn't

I'm trying to set up postfix so that it uses blocklists to block spam. This is my restriction setting in smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,...
BL1nK's user avatar
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3 votes
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Postfix not forwarding email

I have CentOS 7 on my Linode server and I'm trying to forward incoming emails to one of my domains on this server ([email protected]) to my gmail address ([email protected]), have done this before, but I'm ...
Sayem Khan's user avatar
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Server sends emails to itself instead of to me

CentOS 6.7 server. When using either the Webmail or PHP mail() emails directed to [email protected] do not get sent to my inbox for [email protected] that I have set up with Gmail - instead they get sent to ...
movecx's user avatar
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DKIM - OpenSSL error: data too large for key size

I have installed openDKIM on a CentOS server running Exim as my MTA. I have gone through the configuration and tested the keys and eveything seems fine. I have created the public and private keys, ...
Edwin Okugbo's user avatar
-3 votes
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Gmail is blocking emails from my mail server ( Postfix ) CentOS 6

I'm unable to send emails from my mail server. I've tried every single possible solution I came across. Firstly, I WAS ABLE to send emails but they were going to spam so I decided to install OpenDKIM ...
ryspbsk's user avatar
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Postfix Mail Server & hosted Gmail relay setup

I am trying to setup our web server so that it can send emails from various web apps to reset password etc. Our mail is hosted by Gmail with a custom domain eg. Right now emails going ...
keeg's user avatar
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Postfix lost connection with "server/host" while receiving the initial server greeting

I have postfix on CentOS6.6 on my local server(, from which I'm unable to send emails to any domains. The following is the error obtained when sent to our company email.: Jun 2 11:...
More_pheus's user avatar
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Postfix Catchall - Avoid Spam

I've 2 accounts on my CentOS server configured with catchall email accounts. Lately I've been receiving bounced emails with virus that were supposedly sent from my server account, Ex: somestragename@...
Pedro Lobito's user avatar
10 votes
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Trying to setup mail server, can't get ports (25, 587) to work

I've searched everywhere and I'm really struggling with this one. I think I've tried just about everything. Background info VPS with CentOS 6.7 Postfix 2.6.6 dovecot, amavis, mysql, fail2ban I've ...
reachergilt's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set up an SMTP Relay Server

I have 2 servers (X and Y) and an SMTP server for sending emails. X needs to send an email using the SMTP server, however it cannot resolve the host for the SMTP server. This is inevitable and I need ...
Anfernee's user avatar
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Why is my mail blocked by Gmail (Marked as spam)

Three days ago I have installed CentOS with Directadmin what I've received from TransIP. The mailserver is now working, configured DKIM, SPF, DMARC etc. There is only one problem... mailproviders ...
Youri's user avatar
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Someone sending email through my Postfix/Dove

there might have been answers to this many times. But I can't seem to find one that fits my issues so here we go: I've ran an email server on my centos machine for over four months without problem, ...
Lake Sereni's user avatar
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Web App Error After Installing Java on Centos Server

Good day. My web app is programmed in jsp, using some of jQuery and javascript, is on a server with Centos 6.4, the app run its own java 1.7.0 - tomcat 8.0.21 and between its functions, uses javax....
Jimmy Garcia's user avatar
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Dovecot: "Failed to write to main log (No space left on device)"

Every single morning, my dovecot service goes down and i need to start it again, and it is repeating day by day, so i was looking for some clue to find out why it was coming down, and i found that ...
Paulo Roberto Rosa's user avatar
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Postfix capture messages exceeding limit

Is it possible to capture/filter messages that are exceeding the limit that has been set in the postfix configuration, and forward the captured mails to an external id? thanks in advance. EDIT : We ...
Corleone's user avatar
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Postfix - Host or domain not found

I installed postfix on my centos. this is postconf -n output: alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases command_directory = /usr/sbin config_directory = /etc/postfix ...
Mairon's user avatar
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Emails going to spam - Gmail / Hotmail / Outlook? [duplicate]

Right, sorry if I come across a frustrated but I'm actually raged that I haven't got this sorted yet. We moved to a dedicated server 2 months ago, from a shared server (which had no issues with ...
AspiringProgrammer's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot emails from some hosts not being received without error messages

I am trying to troubleshoot the server I mantain. It is a Centos 6.6 with Plesk 12.0.18, it uses Qmail and Courier as email services from what I can see. Now in general all emails work succesfully ...
T. Nacel's user avatar
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Postfix cannot start but dovecot is ok

My postfix service cannot start. Here is message: Job for postfix.service failed. See 'systemctl status postfix.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details. And here is service status: postfix....
Phan's user avatar
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Creating subfolder for sendmail user [closed]

We use sendmail for automated email alerts such as [email protected] or [email protected]. It's a simple sendmail configuration where these emails are created and then an alias is used to ...
James Scott's user avatar
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How to find source of spamming knowing the spam mail header? [duplicate]

Context: I have a Dedicated Server hosted on Digital Ocean, called as "Droplet" and then, on it i have installed CentOS 6, and my mailing server is using EXIM. Problem: I am having spam ...
Paulo Roberto Rosa's user avatar
2 votes
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How to remove Received: (from apache@localhost) and sendmail version from headers

How can I remove Received headers from message? I want to hide apache user name, and sendmail version. Message (send from PHP script): Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: by ...
Peter's user avatar
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emails to root - CentOS and Postfix permssion error on maildir file

I'm trying to setup a new mail relay server to send email out from internal servers only over TLS. I've followed this guide to Step 10. I only ...
nutt318's user avatar
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DKIM - Single host - Multiple IPs

Trying to figure out the best practice for implementing DKIM on a single EC2 which will have multiple, elastic IPS. # /etc/opendkim.conf ... Mode sv Canonicalization relaxed/...
Mike Purcell's user avatar
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check spamassassin DNSBL results

Is there a way to check the results of spamassassin on an email when it checks DNSBL? I see nothing in the maillog and nothing in the mail header. I do not know if it is actually querying the DNSBLs ...
PixelPaul's user avatar
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Is this a user/pass connection or an email communication connection?

I have lines like these in /var/log/messages: Jul 12 01:26:00 h2 xinetd[1596]: START: smtp pid=11253 from=::ffff: I need to know if that is an email connection like the ones being made ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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