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imagick extension php loaded in command line but not load in httpd

I have installed imagick extension for php by command: pecl install imagick After that, I restart httpd and restart php-fpm. I checked imagick loaded in php command line but when use phpinfo() for ...
RyanLe's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of /etc/apache2/envvars in EL-based systems?

In Debian-based systems, it's possible to source a bash script in /etc/apache2/envvars to dynamically set an environment variable. Here is an example: Create a file (/etc/profile.d/ with the ...
H M's user avatar
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SVN running on RHEL 8 Authentication issue

Good morning, I support a subversion server running on rhel 8. The engineers check in/out software builds from a CentOS6 desktop. I need to add authentication to the SVN URL because it's wide open. ...
Robert Zanni's user avatar
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I cannot get environment variable from apache

On a Centos 8, I added a SetEnv into my VirtualHost conf: <VirtualHost *:XXXX> Alias /static/ /opt/industrialisation/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/ <Directory /opt/industrialisation/xxx/xxxx/> ...
timothepoznanski's user avatar
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How to share ISO files over PXE without mounting?

I have setup a PXE server with a local HTTPD server to host the ISO files the config looks like vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/pxeboot.conf Alias /centos-st8 /var/pxe/centos-st8 <Directory /var/pxe/centos-...
dranobob's user avatar
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AH03490: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers.Increase ServerLimit

I have a server with Apache 2.4.37 default install running on CentOS 8 x64. My hardware is: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz, 16 cores 32GB of memory ram 1TB SSD In /var/log/httpd/error_log i ...
Eduard's user avatar
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Intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80

We are experiencing intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80 failures on our servers. I have looked at other answers and they are ...
Elijah Lynn's user avatar
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1 answer

I'm Under attacks even with mod_evasive mod_security and fail2ban [closed]

I have my centos fresh server with no problem, I have httpd, named but I get 150 failed logins per 10 minute. I also use Fail2Ban with maxretry 1 findtime 6h. and mod_evasive mod_security default ...
Ariya Mirzaei's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache Proxy URL exclusion wont work

we are running an Apache/2.4.6 on CentOS. i am trying to setup an Proxy Endpoint on the Apache which is passing requests to internal Servers (target servers). So far the Endpoint does what it should, ...
Rolski's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What controls the cleanup of the /tmp/systemd-private* directories?

It doesn't seem like the systemd-tmpfiles service cleans up these folders because I have files in /tmp/systemd-private-*-httpd.service-*/tmp/ that are 27ish days old (the last time httpd was restarted)...
Exlipse's user avatar
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Apache returns with default virtualhost after a while and only for some virtualhosts

The incipit: I had an httpd installation on a CentOS6 that worked good for years with lot of virtualhosts configured on (it is configured as a reverse proxy for lot of websites). Recently I upgraded ...
Lorenzo Sorace's user avatar
1 vote
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How to enable/load mod_wsgi in apache server in centos 8 VPS

I am not able to enable/load module mod_wgsi in apache webserver in cent os 8 VPS. It works very easily in ubuntu by running the command sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 Please Help me getting ...
Manav Sengupta's user avatar
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Website stopped working after PHP max upload size increase

Problem: The Moodle webpage stopped working with error message Secure Connection Failed (PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR). Server Details: VPS with root access running CentOS 7, Webmin (installed without LAMP), ...
MathNovice's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Installing a new software (httpd) in an old Linux (Centos 5)? [closed]

I need to upgrade Apache httpd on a legacy Centos 5 32-bit machine that is running on production. Since all the official repo versions are outdated, I am trying to compile it in a docker container; ...
Nishant's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

a site use Linux Server take long time to load

i get this problem first time since 5 years i use same site same script without any change . i have a site (php script) use a ip (example) , i use centos as OS for the ...
stephane nelson's user avatar
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CentOS + PHP: Processes limited with shell_exec

I have asked this question before on Stackoverflow, but this seems to be a better place to ask it. I have a httpd process running (just apache2), with PHP. In index.php I have the following code in ...
Aaron's user avatar
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HTTPD port 80 not working after install apache tomcat

I am using AWS EC2 and Centos. Before I installed apache tomacat 9, I still able to access my website in port 80, or at least I can access my ip address in browser with welcome page. But after ...
Al Kasih's user avatar
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4 answers

Disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 using httpd

I am moving from Debian to CentOS 7. I used the same Apache/httpd arguments in my .config files. Somehow TLSv1.0 and TLS1.1seems to be enabled in httpd. I tested my active TLS versions using https://...
Jonas Heinze's user avatar
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CentOS httpd 403 Forbidden

I recently setup my first CentOS7 (64-Bit) server. Previously I used Debian. I set up httpd with 2 simple vHosts but all I see in the browser is Error 403. I made 2 folders in /var/www which are named ...
Jonas Heinze's user avatar
-1 votes
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Apache web server won't display a webpage

I've literally tried everything to get my web server broadcasted to the public but it's just not working. Every time I type my server IP in a browser like firefox it just gets stuck on "Waiting for ...
jx997's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost Error 403 You don't have permission to access / on this server

I have been trying to setup this server for so long now and have been following this article to the letter. And it works with the sample index file. But when I delete the sample index.html file, I get ...
Nayana Rajapaksha's user avatar
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HTTPD mpm_worker errors AH00286/AH00287

I sometimes notice troubles on my computer about HTTP server. Indeed, no more incoming request is accepted by the service. It just replies by an error code 503. Command: apachectl fullstatus gives ...
double_g's user avatar
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after installed Lets encrypt SSL site is not opening

I am using apache web server on centos 7. I hosted some files, and i installed. after that site was working fine for http. Then i installed Lets encrypt SSL afte this site is not opening. I opend port ...
Vijayakumar JR's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Selinux 'var_t' base type warning

I am currently 'lost' in the CentOS Selinux forest. My setup involves setting up a WSGI socket in /var/www/demo/out which nginx uses to communicate with the UWSGI process. Whenever I request the page ...
ExcellentAverage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Failed to start Apache Server after configuring Client Authentication

CentOS 7 | Apache 2.4.6 I have built a private Certificate Authority (CA) and two certificates (one for the server and one for a client). Then, I configured the Apache to use the certificate X.509 ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar
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Empty connections to httpd create steady incoming traffic

I noticed something weird in our server telemetry today where it showed that one of our servers is having a very steady incoming amount of traffic where it normally is very irregular. When examining ...
Milan van Dijck's user avatar
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Nginx friendly URL rewrite rules

I have recently migrated from Apache to Nginx and the performance is impeccable. The site is a download server (mainly) with a custom PHP script. Some example URLs are like: ...
Umer's user avatar
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Multiple IP addresses with SELinux using the same port

I have a CentOS 7 box with multiple IP address on the same NIC. One IP uses 443 for ssh and I want the other IP to use 443 for the web server. SELinux won't let httpd startup saying: (13)Permission ...
John Shum's user avatar
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comparing the default enabled modules of httpd on CentOS to apache2 on Ubuntu

I'm migrating a server from Ubuntu 16.04 running Apache2 to CentOS 7.5 using httpd. By checking the enabled modules on both machines I found that httpd enables many more modules by default in ...
Fabs's user avatar
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1 answer

Set Virtualmin default website when entering by IP [closed]

I installed Virtualmin in CentOS 7.4 and I have 1 VirtualServer configured to a domain, when I navigate with the server IP I want to target a custom website hosted in /var/www/html or wathever instead ...
Otto's user avatar
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CentOS 7 httpd modules missing

Finally I decided to migrate CentOS 5 to 7 but I can't get the httpd modules from yum or within the server. I read that we can't blindly use apache 2.2 config with 2.4 and module names might been ...
user's user avatar
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How to reload httpd service on changes automatically using Supervisord?

I am working in a Docker container that so far have the following ready to go: CentOS 6 (latest, I think is 6.9) Apache 2.2.15 (latest on CentOS6 repositories) PHP 5.3.3 (latest on CentOS6 ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 with LDAP Authentication

we configured apache to use LDAP-Authentication: AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthLDAPURL "ldap://dc1.domain.local:3268 dc2.domain.local/DC=domain,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)" ...
pwe's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Apache remotely

I've created a new instance of Apache's httpd process on my development server for testing purposes. The machine is running Centos 6.8. I'm able to connect to the web server locally through curl but ...
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Configure mod_proxy to ignore a domain/url

I have mod_proxy configured as public proxy, so users can use my server (/ip) while browsing the web ... How can I set mod_proxy to ignore a certain url/domain like "google" and directly show that ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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SSL Errors on Apache running on CentOS

I'm having a hell of a time getting an SSL certificate working with Apache running on CentOS. This is my first time trying to get SSL working so I need a bit of help. I've done alot of reading and ...
Michael's user avatar
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Relations beetween apache processes and pageloads/views /hits

When I run the command ps aux, I see many entries /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start (In Ubuntu machine) and /usr/sbin/httpd -k start (In Centos). I have read fro somewhere that each of those entries is an ...
aye's user avatar
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Can not restart the httpd because of the unknown syntax error

I can not restart the httpd: [root@controller conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" ...
aircraft's user avatar
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Set custom name to download files

I have the following configuration file in my sites-available <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName my.domain RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{...
Mz.'s user avatar
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Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server

* httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-06-08 20:42:00 ...
asliwinski's user avatar
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How to forbit apache httpd from adding headers to responses

I've a jetty server behind an apache httpd server. I properly handle headers to be returned to requests I receive at jetty level. But sometimes apache httpd add some headers (typically the Content-...
bachr's user avatar
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4 votes
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CentOs 7: http won't start at boot if it listens to a specific IP address

I have this in my httpd.conf: Listen 216.XX.YY.ZZZZ:80 Just to make sure, I made sure httpd is enabled at boot: systemctl httpd enable When the system boots, I have: systemctl status httpd ● ...
Merc's user avatar
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How to give SFTP/SSH access to external developer and jail it to public_html?

I found very similar questions (like this), but I could not find a solution that applies to my situation. I need to give an external developer access to one of the hosted website on the machine. The ...
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Apache 2.4 IP-based virtual host not working

I have apache 2.4 installed in Centos 7 the normal virtual host working fine with all server IPs <VirtualHost *:80> but when I assign a specific ip address for my virtual host and I change ...
Mostafa's user avatar
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High CPU Usage, HTTPD

My server is occasionally experiencing a high load. Looking at the statistics in HTOP, I see a lot of processes with the command: /usr/sbin/httpd -k start -DSSL I guess, this is a request that is ...
Peter Fox's user avatar
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Trying to set up Apache on remote virtual machine. Can't access from my machine

So I have set up httpd and iptables on a centos 7 virtual machine that I don't have physical access to. If I run curl http://localhost I get a bunch of html, but if I type the ip address of the vm (...
iHowell's user avatar
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Error Http 404 when virtualhost have same ServerName that system hostname set with hostnamectl

So, i tried to create an virtual host for phpMyAdmin in my Centos 7 Cloud VPS, but i get error http 404 when i try to see it, if the NameServer is the same that hostname i had setup with hostnamectl ...
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar
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Changing httpd port

I am running httpd on CentOS 6.6. I've successfully set up a site on port 80, but now I wish to have the site on port 82, so when I type <myip>:82 in my browser I can view the site but not <...
vincebel's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't start any service after installing iRedMail on CentOS

I have attempted to install iRedMail on one of my servers. After reboot, I can't start any service anymore. [root@mx ~]# systemctl start httpd ** (pkttyagent:16323): WARNING **: Unable to register ...
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SSL on some virtualhosts complains about wrong domain name

So I recently ran into this problem and want to describe the issue and the solution here: I have several virtualhosts on a httpd server and started to install letsencrypt SSL certificates on it via ...
uncovery's user avatar
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