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Docker renders server inaccessible when starting

Docker on Centos 7, using Portainer to manage containers. I created a sonarqube container from YML. When I deployed the "stack" I never had and answer. Starting docker from console with: ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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I keep receiving login attempt to my server until it gets down

I have a Centos7 server and after years of correctly working, yesterday it started to being unreachable (The server apps I have there were not rechable, the SSH connection gave timeout, etc but the ...
Faabass's user avatar
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Nat Local subnet to another gateway centos7

hi i have a centos 7 with ocserv and iptables installed i wanted to route all OCserv teraffic to ip tunnel (which established and reachable) my Server ip is My OCSERV Users Subnet is : 192....
Keyvan Rahimi's user avatar
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Failover load balancing by iptables is possible?

I'm playing around with iptables in my home lab. My first goal is to take my active directory communication into one load balancing virtual IP. I used prerouting chain to do that. For testing purposes,...
Peet's user avatar
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High CPU usage by ksoftirqd

We use GCP for running Kubernetes and for communication with our services in different locations using VM masquerading by iptables. The first time we faced an issue with performance when we use only ...
Alexander Tolkachev's user avatar
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DNS Port Forward Centos 7

how i can have this config? Server A --> use Server B ip as nameserver in /etc/resolve.conf Server B --> forward all req on port 53 to Server C:53 using iptables Server C --> resolve ...
Mahdi Akrami's user avatar
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Allow only a list of IP's on iptables

I have an apache server with wordpress installed and I need to determine just a few IP's that will have access to the website (I have a list of IP's)... what would be the most effective way to do this?...
Heitor Kenzou's user avatar
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iptables wont let me connect to mysql from remote server [duplicate]

I have 2 servers, DB_server ( and app_server ( created a user on DB_server for app_server (with as hostname) But I am not able to connect from app_server to db_server. When I ...
MrG's user avatar
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can't run iptables-legacy using cli - centos8

I have a Centos-8 machine which comes with nft-tables and with ip-tables libraries installed. for example: the files: /lib64/xtables/* /lib64/ /lib64/ are all exists and ...
Or Yaacov's user avatar
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Fedora | how to restore iptables from specific file on boot

I need to make ip-tables persistent on my machines. I was able to do it on Debian based systems by creating the following file which runs when my network is up: /etc/network/if-up.d/run-iptables #!/...
Or Yaacov's user avatar
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How to mark and separate connections?

I have a issabel Linux (based on Centos 7) with 3 ethernet, and I want this scenario: eth0 with IP ----gw(> (I want to use as Default Gateway) eth1 with IP
erfan mehralizadeh's user avatar
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Ratelimit IPs for UDP traffic in ipset list before being sent over GRE tunnel

I am using nat DNAT to forward traffic on a certain port to another Centos server over a GRE tunnel however I want to rate limit a bunch of datacenter IPs I have in a ipset list 'blacklist'. So that ...
Rushy's user avatar
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CentOS 8: two external network adapters, two ISPs - routing problems

Given: a CentOS 8-powered computer with three network adapters. eth0, eth2: external, connected to two different ISPs eth1: faces home network (intranet) The task: allow accessing certain internal ...
Konstantin Boyandin's user avatar
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iptables on nested KVM appears to be dropping return traffic

I'm trying to get nested KVM working in Google Cloud, but I'm having trouble with Centos 7 dropping traffic that's returning through IP Tables. Centos 7 forms a virtual router (VR), which sits at the ...
user2451085's user avatar
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Failed to start IPv4 firewall with iptables

I'm running CentOS 8 Webserver and recently I had some issues with the CSF Firewall, the CSF Service is running but the LFD is failed. I did some research and I was able to fix it by doing iptables --...
Ahmed Suror's user avatar
2 votes
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Centos Docker iptables block all traffics except domain

I’m trying to block all outgoing traffic from iptables for docker’s interface docker0. But I would like to open the access for a few domains: How can I do that? I tried that: iptables -I OUTPUT -o ...
Damiano Dotto's user avatar
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Failed to connect to, connection refused

So I am currently trying to setup mongodb running and hosting locally for my centos machine. But when I try to connect I get this: #mongo MongoDB shell version v3.4.24 connecting to: mongodb://127.0.0....
Mr.Dobby's user avatar
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Iptables block access docker container from host

I have iptables rules that blocking access to DOCKER Container from host (accessing from outside network is working fine), most of these rules is writen by my ex-coworking so basically i have no ...
armaleno's user avatar
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iptables blocks iptables conflict

i have iptables running on my centos 7 server and i'm looking to block bots i use this command iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP; this normally should block this range ...
Omer Stimpack's user avatar
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Is fail2ban working without firewalld?

do i need firewalld for fail2ban to work? Can fail2ban block IP's with iptables only? I've installed iptables-service on a CentOS 8 vps. I use nftables v0.9.3 (Topsy) to restrict/grant access. ...
zippy-flop's user avatar
3 votes
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How to Loadbalance Outgoing Traffic with Iptables?

I have a centos 7 server with 5 IPS like to want to change Outgoing traffic in roundrobin method because i need to use all ips to my project. so am trying to configure ...
maipodevin's user avatar
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Centos IP Tables port forwarding through multiple chains

Hey ServerFault friends; AWS released one of their latest products to the public, the Gateway Load Balancer, which allows us to do all kinds of fun things with appliances. Background: I'm in the ...
DavisTasar's user avatar
-2 votes
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iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -j ACCEPT Is executing the above command would increase security risks on the Centos 7 server? And how to roll back that command? Is below command okay for rolling back above ...
Fixiywp's user avatar
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Switch from existing firewalld configuration to nftables

I'm running a low-RAM VPS with CentOS 8. I've noticed that firewalld service uses way too much RAM (up to 20%). So I guess it may be better to switch to use only built-in nftables. I'm quite familiar ...
simon's user avatar
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Route traffic from OpenVPN to LAN on CentOS 7

I have a VPN server up and running using TUN and landing remote networks on the local machine in an, otherwise unused, subnet. The local machine has a LAN in a separate subnet. The remote network is ...
mobrien118's user avatar
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Docker port forwarding bridge - "no route to host"

Basic Docker port forwarding is not working though bridge on Centos7. Changing network to "host" solves the issue, but I need to run multiple instances of the same container binding them to ...
Pavel Voropaev's user avatar
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iptables string match, some packets still getting through

I'm using fail2ban to police plain text http packets (SSL offload being used with load balancer) using a header added by the load balancer. fail2ban is complaining that it is seeing ip addresses in ...
Preston's user avatar
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How can I work out what is filtering a port in CentOS 7?

I recently did a yum update and reboot, and now I can't SSH into my machine. I use a non-standard SSH port (let's say 444) and when I run nmap <MY-IP> -p444 --reason I get 444/tcp filtered ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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trying to firewall-cmd --reload in Centos7 , why keep showing me iptables error?

[root@localhost ~]# firewall-cmd --reload Error: COMMAND_FAILED: Direct: '/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -t filter -I INPUT_direct 3 -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -s X.X.X.X -j ACCEPT' failed: iptables v1.4....
Nick's user avatar
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Change incoming packet source IP

How can I change the source IP of an incoming packet before it reaches the running service I have two appliances, a Manager and a Server, connected via VPN and has NAT between them. Manager Interface ...
sarvesh.lad's user avatar
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Is iptables-save and iptables-restore works if I am using firewalld?

We are using docker-compose to run our services and firewalld as our firewall. Now we need to modify some firewall rules, but since firewalld has possible risk that remove DOCKER-USER iptables chain ...
jerryleooo's user avatar
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How to block traffic to specific subdomain in OpenVPN?

I have an OpenVPN server with some vpn clients and I want to block access to this subdomain for all of the clients : Is there any way to achieve this with OpenVPN configuration? If ...
Mr Pro's user avatar
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Iptables is slowing down website

IPtables is slowing down my gitlab instances. Clicking on Project or refreshing the page is taking so long (almost 30 seconds to 60 seconds). If I flush the IPtables list then the page refreshes ...
user630702's user avatar
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CentOS 7 Forward port to another IP:PORT

I have CentOS 7 that uses IPTABLES for Forwarding port 30120 to windows server For example : Windows games server IP: Linux Centos 7 server IP : iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING ...
loser's user avatar
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Routing(forwarding) all traffic based on source/destination (Linux/CentOS)

I have an active-active Linux router (running CentOS) with three interfaces (ens100, ens101, ens102). I use iptables to route traffic. My problem is with connections between "Server A" and "Server B"...
duckasylum's user avatar
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Single VPS, multiple IPs - different iptables rules based on IP

I currently have a VPS with just 1 IP address and I want to buy another IP and do the following: have one public IP with incoming requests allowed only on port 7777 (UDP) have a Mysql server running ...
Pixel's user avatar
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restricting access to dev server

We have a development server for our website hosted on our public cloud. We want to block access to it from the outside and only allow access from our public IP. How would I set up the IP tables on ...
Juan Battini's user avatar
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How to limit ICMP Echo requests to 5, then drop for at least 30s (if the pings stop) with iptables?

I tried it with following 2 lines iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -i $EXT -m recent --set -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -i $EXT -m recent --update --hitcount 5 --seconds ...
phil330d's user avatar
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Firewalld/iptables rules not working as expected

I have the following setup: -CentOS box, with KVM installed (libvirt), as gateway/VM host. Interface eno2 as uplink. -Public routed network configured on interface virbr1 (virbr1 mode routed, ...
Andrei's user avatar
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My IP is blocked from own Plesk server

I was experiencing slowness to a crawl issues with my server and hired a SysAdmin to fix it but he didn't and only made it worse. Now, I can't access anything on it unless via VPN. No Plesk, No SSH, ...
Miro's user avatar
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Translating a firewall-cmd command to iptables command

I read here that iptables package is part of the Linux Kernel and that every GUI firewall tools are in the end translated in some kind of iptable rules. Now I am setting up Centos 8 server folowing ...
71GA's user avatar
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firewalld is not working in CentOS 8: no rule at all is created in iptables

I've recently upgraded a clean install CentOS 7 to CentOS 8 using this tutorial: I had no extra software installed, only the base install. After ...
Rodrigo Renie's user avatar
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iptables rules being added all on their own on Centos 7 (Azure)?

We are trying to run a PCI scan on our internal network. For some reason, the machines are blocking the scanner automatically when the scan is running by adding its IP to the iptables. We don't have ...
Pat's user avatar
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Two firewalls in single server - how to remove one without "lock out"?

I am running CentOS 7 VPS which I purchsed preconfigured with iptables installed, but I didn't check this at first. I know CentOS 7 "should" be firewalled, so I installed firewalld and no error ...
Xerix's user avatar
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Cant block specific ports for OpenVPN users

CentOS7.6 + iptables + OpenVPN2.4 (UDP proto) onboard. Question is duplicated and seems simple: I just want to block some specific ports for my VPN users. So I make iptables -I FORWARD -p udp -m ...
966p's user avatar
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Using iptables to limit httpd, ssh and icmp

I want to block ICMP and limit SSH and HTTPD traffic to eth0 My original iptables looks like this filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m state --state ...
Wood Chipper's user avatar
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NGINX/Apache does not respond to requests behind NAT

Warning: I am a newbie to NGINX. I used apache2 but on CentOS I am not used to the way it is set up and also I want to try NGINX since its newer and more modern. Edit: I have tested also with Apache(...
dodancs's user avatar
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CentOS 7 NAT routing & IPTABLES

I have the CentOS instance like NAT for my local net. There are some subnets in my local net. There is a PPTP VPN server inside one. I have to need to publish this server to Internet. So. My problem ...
Paravozik's user avatar
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Error messages in firewalld log file Set fail2ban-ssh doesn't exist

I have got the following error messages repeating in firewalld log file. 2019-07-19 14:18:20 ERROR: COMMAND_FAILED: Direct: '/usr/sbin/iptables-restore -w -n' failed: iptables-restore v1.4.21: Set ...
Alaa's user avatar
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OpenVPN server running on a cloud VM cannot ping to a connected client; but client can ping the server

So I am trying to set up an OpenVPN server on a Cloud Virtual Machine running CentOS 7. The client (Windows) can connect to the OpenVPN server, I can ping the server from the client, but the server ...
Roy2511's user avatar
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