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Cloud-init in kvm guests (Debian and Centos) not setting interface settings

Im trying to use cloud-init to setup kvm guests (currently Debian 11 and CentOS Stream 8), and I am looking for help in correcting the meta-data and user-data files. Everything else seems to work, but ...
Unpossible's user avatar
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CentOS 9 KVM : Guest VM NIC not on 10Gbps

I have a CentOS KVM host with a traditionnal 1Gbps NIC for general network and a Intel NC522SFP NIC to allow 10Gbps transfer with my computer. I am facing a problem that I can't solve, I am on it ...
Karnalta's user avatar
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How to configure hugepages on CentOS Stream 9

I need to reserve 12288 hugepages for QEMU/KVM virtual machines. I followed the guide in 3 easy steps to configure hugepages in RHEL/CentOS 7/8 but it looks like in CentOS Stream 9 the configuration ...
Alexander Borochkin's user avatar
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QEMU/KVM guest VM cannot resolve DNS hostnames or SSH/ping from host

I have a QEMU/KVM-based virtual machine with CentosOS 6.4 that cannot fully connect to the Internet. I can ping IP addresses (ex. ping works successfully), but domain names are not resolved (...
Skatech's user avatar
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kvm bridges: disable promiscuous mode, is it possible and is it wise?

I am a little confused as to if this is the right question, but I have a number of KVM hosts with multiple bridges on (sometimes)bonded interfaces, and each bridge is mapped to its own distinct VLAN. (...
Unpossible's user avatar
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iptables on nested KVM appears to be dropping return traffic

I'm trying to get nested KVM working in Google Cloud, but I'm having trouble with Centos 7 dropping traffic that's returning through IP Tables. Centos 7 forms a virtual router (VR), which sits at the ...
user2451085's user avatar
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CPU frequency in KVM vps

Is it possible to display CPU max and min frequency in a KVM vps using Libvirt on server ? It only shows CPU mhz in vps and not max and min mhz as seen on server in lscpu command output.
Jevin Gala's user avatar
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Cannot virsh start my VM after a reboot of physical machine..error only a single IDE controller is supported?

I have a VM running under kvm (it is a .img file), the server it runs on crashed hard and restarted and finally got things up... I think I goofed and ran yum install -y qemu-kvm Which I am sure ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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How much disk space is required to install KVM hypervisor on a CentOS machine?

I want to install KVM on my CentOS machine. But the main partition size of my CentOS is about 50GB with only 15GB available. My question is should i extend the main partition in order to install KVM ? ...
welwelwel's user avatar
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KVM VM which MAC address to give hosting company (Fasthosts)

To allow traffic to be routed through there network for my KVM VM my hosting company want to know the MAC address. The way I have it set up is my VM used a different IP from the host. I have bridges ...
Ben Edwards's user avatar
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Can't get ARP reply on macvtap device

I have a physical server at Hetzner with two assigned public IPs in different /27 ranges. One is for the server itself and the other is for one VM inside it. The host is running CentOS 8 and libvirt. ...
nicovell3's user avatar
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Retrieving file and folder inside VM remotely using other system

Recently my teammate accidentally deletes numerous files even important system files inside development server. because of this our staff cannot login even in local so we cannot recover remaining ...
Wira Admaja's user avatar
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KVM VMs automatically being assigned an IPv6 - centos

Currently I have KVM VM's on my node and I have ipv6 enabled. I want to assign ipv6's manually to the VMs however I am finding when I boot the VM up it seems to be getting an IPv6 assigned to it ...
papa_face's user avatar
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new admin wondering why htop and top show different numbers on scientific linux VM [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out if I am using htop correctly. A top on this VM reveals: top - 17:52:39 up 98 days, 23:05, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 Tasks: 178 total, 1 running, 177 ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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KVM - Import CentOS 7 from XenServer

I imported a virtual machine (CentOS) from XenServer to KVM. This virtual machine originally had two disks (LVM). I added both disks to the imported machine in KVM. The disk containing the boot ...
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
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HA configuration for KVM Guest on iSCSI shared storage [duplicate]

My requirement is to provide HA to a Zimbra Server. We want Zimbra files to be installed in a Netapp SAN which is providing around 5.7 TB as a SAN iSCI Drive. Since Netapp comes in with Dual ...
John The Hacker's user avatar
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HA configuration for KVM machines installed on shared iSCSI storage

My requirement is to provide HA to a Zimbra Server. We want Zimbra files to be installed in a Netapp SAN which is providing around 5.7 TB as a SAN iSCI Drive. Since Netapp comes in with Dual ...
John The Hacker's user avatar
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Way to open graphical console of KVM VM in fullscreen in Cockpit?

I've installed Cockpit, Cockpit-machines and Virt-viewer on my CentOS 8 and successfully connected to my KVM server in Firefox on Windows 10. But i can not find a way to open graphical console of my ...
DenisNovac's user avatar
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KVM Mutliple Apache Guest VMs

I want to configure a CentOS 7/8 Host to have multiple KVM VMs running Apache that I can route to from the internet (i.e. Assign a DNS A/CNAME Record). What is the typical configuration for this? So, ...
Aaron Chamberlain's user avatar
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KVM guests don't show correct source IP

I've got KVM hosted on CentOS 7. All of my networking configurations are done via NetworkManager. The problem I'm facing is that guests show KVM's IP, rather than my external IP, when connecting to ...
J D's user avatar
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How to create network bridge for KVM with nmcli?

I used to create a network bridge on CentOS 7 as seen below, where I would disable NetworkManager and edit the config files by hand. However I would like to do it with nmcli and therefore use ...
Sandra's user avatar
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KVM: centos get no bridged ip on fedora

I've installed on my fedora machine centos as vm over kvm. My vm does not get an ip-address from my dhcp server over the bridge interface. When I want to active the interface via nmtui on my centos ...
Volker Raschek's user avatar
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Automatic reboot of server for no reason

My server has restarted and I can't find a reason for this.. Installed on kvm virtualizor server. I checked the logs but didn't see the reason for the restart. last +x reboot [root@localhost ~]# ...
Nader Moradi's user avatar
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LVM not booting after VM migration from KVM to VMWare

I've migrated a VM from an old system based on Centos and KVM. The VM itself is also based on Centos. The VM had 4 disks in it and those are still being kept, everything was basically converted. The ...
Fred's user avatar
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VMWare to KVM migration using virt-v2v

I have 2 files that need converting - vmdk to qcow2, done with qemu-img convert -f vmdk foo.vmdk -O qcow2 foo.qcow2 vmx to xml, trying to do with virt-v2v -i vmx foo.vmx -o disk -os /tmp/test and ...
J D's user avatar
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How can I configure Centos 7 KVM network with CloudStack network in order to manage vlan and have 2 subnet inside cloudstack?

I am new in kvm and Cloudstack and I have no idea how configure CloudStack in a single Host KVM having an internal network attached to VM's (IP: 192.168.1.x) and a second Network for "External" ...
Seals80's user avatar
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Trim qcow2 disk

vps disk size does not updates on server when you delete files within vps. For example one vps had 1TB usage, I deleted 800GB in that vps but vps disk size is still 1TB on server.
Jevin Gala's user avatar
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(libvirt + oVirt) Migrating libvirt server to oVirt

I have two centOS 7 servers using the same network. One with libvirt, with some machines connected on it, and another one with oVIRT 4.2. I'd like to export the libvirt machines to the oVirst 4.2 ...
Natan Hvizdalek's user avatar
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Block port 25 for a Kvm VM on server

I need to know how to block port 25 for a VM on a KVM server using ebtables or firewalld service . VM has interface name viifv3035 on the server and brctl shows this: # brctl show bridge name ...
Jevin Gala's user avatar
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Prevent VM clock running faster than it should

I have a unRAID 6.6.5 server with perfectly correct time and multiple Linux VMs which used to be perfectly synced too. I rebooted one of my VM and suddenly the clock goes twice as fast as the hwclock. ...
dan's user avatar
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different firewalld rich rule behavior in kvm host compared to kvm guests

I have a CentOS 7 KVM host with a single public IPv4, which is housing multiple guest OS's and acting as a firewall / gateway for guest network / nat. I want to run a webserver of 1 ...
J D's user avatar
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Missing file in / taking up all of the root space [duplicate]

I was copying a large VM disk file to a separate larger separate disk array to work on it and during a benchmark I did previously before I started the copy job I didn't realize that the benchmark had ...
Matthew Kelly's user avatar
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CentOS in dracut emergency mode booted over pxe won't access my http/nfs servers

So I am doing a small project on my KVM-based virtual machines, now I am trying to set up automated OS installations over PXE. Server1 provides TFTP for PXE, HTTP and NFS. The client gets the kernel ...
Mateusz Pioch's user avatar
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Wrong keymap in KVM guest

I connect to a KVM host (CentOS 7) by VNC. The keymap on the host is de-ch. While connected to the host i open a guest server (any OS) by the virt-manager and try to login to the guest, but the keymap ...
dingsda's user avatar
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libvirt connection as non-root user

I'm trying to configure a libvirt compute resource in Foreman and have both KVM and Foreman installed on the same Centos 7 host. Adding the compute resource with qemu+ssh://[email protected]....
nibs's user avatar
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Delayed start for Guests KVM/libvirt

Looking for any pointers anyone may have to introduce a delayed start for KVM guests i.e. 30 seconds between starting each virtual server rather than starting them all at once which thrashes the disks ...
Backtogeek's user avatar
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centos 7 kvm error trying to guestmount qcow2 image

I have a CentOS 7 KVM host. A partition on one of the VM's seems to be corrupt. Image is qcow2. When trying to mount the image to troubleshoot I receive the following error: [root@vmhost02 images]# ...
user216260's user avatar
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KVM, CentOS and CVE-2018-3639

Today news have reached me about specter ( I'm running CentOS and kvm infrastructure. Fix is critical and planning to deploy it in few days. I ...
gedO's user avatar
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How to Restart Centos 7 KVM Host safely without corrupting guest VMs/data?

I want to have a KVM virtualized server with few VMs (with different Guest OSs) in production. Now when I want to install kernel/package updates for the host machine, how to restart the hypervisor ...
Tonmoy's user avatar
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Cent OS 7 Re-partition of allocated disk

I was trying to install SolusVM KVM slave on centos 7, the Datacenter provided me operating system having partition as I explained below, for installing KVM Slave I need PE Size 32MB from default size ...
Sanjeet Pal Singh's user avatar
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MariaDB error: Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port. Got error: 12: Cannot allocate memory

I have KVM VDS on CentOS 7 with hhvm, nginx and MariaDB, with few static sites (pure html/css) and one php site with a DB (actually Wordpress). This night I received notifications from the uptime ...
F8_'s user avatar
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How to access guest virtual with CentOS using additional ip?

I have a dedicated server in Hetzner. In which I have installed CentOS 7.4, inside it I have KVM with another CentOS 7.4. I have requested an additional ip from Hetzner that has a Mac separated for ...
xav's user avatar
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KVM with public static IP requires network restart every time

I set up the kvm vm with public static IP and everything works fine, but only after network restart on host. I mean, every time after host turned on, i must run "service network restart" and only ...
Arseniy's user avatar
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Centos 7 with libvirt, Kvm and balloon consumes 100% cpu on all versions of windows

Windows works perfectly, but the balloon does not work, after setting the min and max memory and activating the BLNSVR service, windows starts to consume 100% CPU. If put Min and max memory equal the ...
Helen Valeria's user avatar
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virt-manager connect to kvm w/o password

I want to connect my KVM host with virt-manager, but I use pub key for authentication, and I cant skip the openssh-password popup. Is it possible to log in without a password? (i apologize for my ...
Crowor's user avatar
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KVM guest system installation

I have installed the required packages for KVM virtualization on my server. Now I am trying to install a KVM guest. But I am not able to install it. Below is the command which I have tried to do. [...
nirmalraj17's user avatar
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No networking connectivity in KVM guests / VPS

I'm setting up KVM host on my Centos 6 Dedicated server. I've managed to get the VPS / guests built and running, but they have no connectivity. The IP's have been raised on the guests, they're using ...
Ring Many's user avatar
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A start job is running for dev-md2.device

I was following steps to setup a machine for virtualization and then ran into the following problem. When rebooting after the installing it wants to boot into the 3.x kernel which I guess is needed ...
Jason's user avatar
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cannot start KVM guests with certain vcpus number

I have a Supermicro server SYS-1028GR-TR, dual E5-2690 v4. It's 28 physical cores, 56 logical. I'm trying to launch 6 guests with 8 vcpus each. So far I can only start 5 guests, 6th gues is simply not ...
drookie's user avatar
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What would cause KSMD to use CPU on a machine with no VMs?

I have a CentOS 6 machine that is used as a database (mysql) and application server. Recently I've noticed that KSMD is waking up and using exactly a half a core for anywhere from a couple of minutes ...
Brad Silva's user avatar