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Replicate mysql database when target server is MariaDB 10.5 (where mysql.user is a view)

I have a sync script that does a mysqldump on the mysql database on a source server, then imports that dump on the target server, followed by privelege flush. Systems are CentOS 7. In MariaDB 10.5, ...
elyograg's user avatar
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Can't connect to mysql after managing systemctl (Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock')

I needed to run a program (just a compiled c++ program, not script, i.e., like /var/programname) on startup on CentOS 7. I followed this guide
Stdugnd4ikbd's user avatar
2 votes
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MariaDB - Contiunes to use more memory

We are running Maria DB 10.6.9 on CentOS and we are observing it continues to increase the usage of memory. Server Specifications: RAM - 128 GB vCPUs - 48 Swap - 100 GB We have configured ...
Kiran Thummalapalli's user avatar
0 votes
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mysql -V shows a different version than mysqld -V

I'm running centos 7 with mySQL mysql -V shows Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26-29, but mysqld -V shows Ver 5.7.11-4. systemctl status mysql and systemctl status mysqld both show the same running ...
Chris Strickland's user avatar
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iptables wont let me connect to mysql from remote server [duplicate]

I have 2 servers, DB_server ( and app_server ( created a user on DB_server for app_server (with as hostname) But I am not able to connect from app_server to db_server. When I ...
MrG's user avatar
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Mysql remote connect CentOS

i have problem with mysql remote connect. In my.cnf have: bind-address = and #skip-networking. In users mysql have special user remote@% And still not working. If i try: nmap -p 3306 remote.ip....
ondravirag's user avatar
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Best practices to troubleshoot stuck php application due to internal curl calls to unresponsive endpoints

Recently I found myself with a website (Prestashop e-commerce on a Centos PHP-FPM /Apache / MySql machine ) that was down and not responding to web requests. After investigation, issue was due to an ...
gennaris's user avatar
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CPanel: What's overwriting my MySQL config settings? [closed]

I have a weird problem whereby every few weeks, changes I've made to MySQL config are being reset to their defaults. I'm on Centos 7.9 and CPanel 98.0.9. I'm making my changes via PHPMyAdmin while ...
user9540234's user avatar
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Not permitted to view my newly installed phpMyAdmin

I'm using Google Compute Engine to host a couple applications under one .dev domain so SSL is required. I have Apache installed based from this guide and my /var/www/ directory looks like: - domain....
dokgu's user avatar
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MariaDB installation using RPM failed

I'm trying to reinstall MariaDB since unable to restart the service. Using Centos 7.6. Previous uninstalled was using yum but this install i'm using RPM since i chose for specific older version (10.3....
Daniel's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How I can stop the DNS server to transfer directly to my website when access phpmyadmin

I have 4 web servers on the same domain and when I access 51.32.xx.xx/phpmyadmin It is directly changed to how I can stop it to change because I cannot access To another MySQL ...
Thaer z's user avatar
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Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13) as non-root user

Can't connect to a local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13) I am getting this message, but only when I am not logged in as root. How come not everyone has access to mysql? ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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MYSQL restarts every 5-10 minutes

Server configurations is CentOS, RAM: 40GB, 16 Cores. We have even tried re-installing MYSQL Server. 5.7.34 - MySQL PHP version: 7.3.27 My mysql_error.log : 2021-05-28T09:54:43.155971Z 0 [Note] ...
Rajat Jain's user avatar
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Maria DB - IP address 'XXX.XXX.XX.XXX' could not be resolved: Name or service not known

I have port 3306 blocked to external connections on Centos server, 3306 is open to a VPN only. I can confirm this using a port check. But the Maria DB logs has lots of entries for DNS reverse look ups,...
Kline's user avatar
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mariadb-where is open_files_limit parameter set?

I have LAMP with CentOS 8 and MariaDB installed on my server. in PHPMyAdmin I need to increase open files limit parameter, which is disabled and cannot be edited from there. its current value is set ...
user589154's user avatar
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Our WordPress Auction Website increases CPU Spikes hosted in dedicated server

We have hosted our WordPress website in the dedicated server(CENTOS 7.9 kvm [server]) with 8 CPU. Our website is auction based website. So normally 20 auctions will be in live. But our website reaches ...
HARI BASKER's user avatar
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Original php mysql extension for php56

First a note: Yes, I'm well aware this extension in deprecated and has a ton of security flaws, I'm duplicating a clients active server in docker for recovery and migration (after client's server was ...
Philippe's user avatar
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MySQL installation on centOS fails - dependency issues

I tried to install mysql on centOS following this digital ocean guide. I ran the following commands; wget md5sum mysql80-community-...
The Voyager's user avatar
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website server starting to get traffic

I have a website that's a lot like Bitly, a short url site and it has started to gain a lot of traction lately. The website is about 100MB and the mysql database around 6GB. I run the server on a VPS ...
Rizzzler's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

MySQL is extremly slow, is it possible that it's because the storage engine is located on NAS?

We have two similar spec HDD CentOS 7 servers for two different clients in different countries, both clients have the same database and same indexes. Client A: The server is only running MySQL 8 and ...
Lynob's user avatar
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MYSQL my.cnf advice needed

I have a dedicated server Linux Cenots 6 with 16GB RAM - Apache + Nginx MYSQL 5.6 please can someone let me know if my etc/my.cnf MYSQL configuration is ok or can it be improved I am getting ...
jt9489's user avatar
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Reocurring error! the server quit without updating pid file

Dedciated Server Linux Cenos 6 Apache + Nginx We have had this issue happen several times now and happening after server has crashed or shut down the server quit without updating pid file After this ...
jt9489's user avatar
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Mysql packages skipped [dependency problems]

This may look like a repeat question, but I have done my research and still am unable to find a solution to this problem. The problem: When installing mysql server on my linux box, I receive Error ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Can I limit the scope of ntop to only monitor a specific connection?

I need to be able to track client data usage between their VM and an S3 compatible object storage bucket (accessed via https). I've installed ntopng community edition on the VM and right now it's ...
oucil's user avatar
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Maximum concurrent users on linux server [duplicate]

I have a dedicated server with these info: 128G RAM 6 cores/12 threads CPU, 3.4GHz 512 SSD storage WHM/Cpanel latest Apache/MySQL Centos 7.x I have a single website on this server which have heavy ...
aagouda's user avatar
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Block yum from installing or updating a package (mariadb) in future

We've just set up a Centos 8 server, and had to install MySQL on there instead whilst migrating services for the time. All is working, we've removed MariaDB and MySQL is working fine. What I would ...
Ian's user avatar
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Mysql docker on centos not working

I use centos as server and I use docker-compose like: mysql: build: ./DockerFiles/Mysql ports: - ${LOCAL_PHP_IP}:${MYSQL_PORT}:3306 privileged: true environment: ...
Alireza Rahmani Khalili's user avatar
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same mysql query takes much longer to execute on bare mariadb on specific linux box

I am tracing down slow MySQL performance on the production server and encountered a strange issue - the same MySQL query takes much longer to execute on the production CentOS 7.4.1708 3.14.32-xxxx-grs-...
Ilja's user avatar
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mariadb 5.5 innodb keeps opening files up to 200k until system hangs completely

Mariadb 5.5 is installed on CentOS and serves a database in the total volume of around 40GBs (as measured per database files on a disk) and 506 tables. This database is being queried by php-fpm, and ...
Ilja's user avatar
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Can undefined variables and notices cause a cpu spike?

We're running centos 6.7, PHP 5 and MySQL 5.5 and Apache 2.2.15. Sometimes we see high CPU usage, mainly caused by MySQL so we take all the logs we can get. We're addressing MySQL optimization ...
Lynob's user avatar
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PHP application with remote MySQL and nginx load balancers ends up with a huge page load execution time

I was reading and trying to set up a proper load balancer with PHP application using nginx. Now from the documentation I understand that I need to run on every server instance PHP and nginx, then use ...
Newbie's user avatar
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How much resources does MySQL (MariaDB) use vs. Apache/PHP-FPM on my server? [duplicate]

I host about 60 client sites on this server: AMD EPYC 7401P 24 Cores "Naples" (Zen) 128GB DDR4 ECC RAM NVMe storage. Centos7 All sites are PrestaShop 1.7 sites with each their own PHP 7.1 PHP-FPM ...
OnklMaps's user avatar
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Query Failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Remote connection stable issues)

i've been reading a lot about this and didin't find any solution, that's why i am creating this topic. First im going to give you my dedicated server specifications root@...
Kuba Witek's user avatar
2 votes
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CentOS 7: Failed to restart mysql.service: Unit not found

I had installed and started Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 on 3 nodes. Everything went fine, until I had rebooted my first node. From then mysql.service couldn't be (re)started normally: [root@percona1]# ...
Sevak's user avatar
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MySQL (aka MariaDB) Service Won't Start After Upgrading from MySQL 5.6 to MariaDB 10 On Centos 6

I could use some help figuring out why upgrading from MySQL 5.6 to MariaDB 10 On Centos 6 is proving so difficult. Below are the steps I am using followed by the error cat /etc/centos-release ...
Dana Williams's user avatar
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mysqldump cron job runs in terminal but not cron tab

I have this cron job, /usr/bin/mysqldump -u username -p'password' MyDatabase > /backup/CronBackup/MyDatabaseBackup.sql &>/backup/CronBackup/cronBackupLog.log I have been through this page: ...
Dorian Waite's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can not import table to MySQL database on linux

I am trying to install cacti. When I want to import mysql_test_data_timezone.sql to MySQL database on Linux CentOS, I get an error. My command is mysql -u root -p mysql < /usr/share/mysql/...
Cebrayil's user avatar
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failed to connect to at <ip>:3306 mysql with user <userName>. lost connection to mysql server at reading initial communication packet, system error: 0

I got this error when trying to connect to my MySql Server sitting on a new Server I opened, using MySql workbench. Failed to connect to at :3306 mysql with user . lost connection to mysql server ...
Tomer's user avatar
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-7 votes
2 answers

Servers syncronization Linux Centos [closed]

I need to synchronize the data in MySQL Database from another server running same application in another Location. How to do the synchronization ? Thankyou in Advance.
Bhuwan Bhandari's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't connect to mysql on remote server

I have several machines running CentOS, one of which is set up as the mysql server. I had been running this for a while, and was able to connect to mysql from the remote machines with no problem, but ...
Steven Linden's user avatar
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MariaDB won't start after server crash. No error logs

My CentOS 7 server recently crashed by having a hard drive unplugged while it was running and now MariaDB won't start and I'm not getting any error logs. Everything else on the server seems to be ...
Isvvc's user avatar
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MySQL not finding database/tables through symlink

In my installation of MySQL the database files are located in ./var/lib/mysql. I wanted to move one of those databases to another drive, so I followed instructions to move one database to a different ...
Altimus Prime's user avatar
-4 votes
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MySQL in CentOS is down, how to fix to start MySQL?

Sorry about the title. I don't know the error code to provide more information. My website is down by hack. I tried to log in the VPS and backup my source. But I can't access MySQL. It's show error ...
vanloc's user avatar
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How to force Yum to install an older package which "is obsoleted by" a newer package?

I have a CentOS 6 host running a MySQL server. I want to migrate this server away from the MySQL Enterprise Server packages to MySQL Community Server packages, with the following specifics: The MySQL ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to run pt-kill on CentOS Server [closed]

So, I have downloaded pt-kill file with: wget Now, I tried running it, but everything is not working? How do you run this file?
Wolfdog's user avatar
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ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

I have a Linux server (Centos 7) running WordPress and another Linux server (Ubuntu) running MySQL. Communication between WordPress and the Database was working. However, after a web server reboot, I ...
Sammy's user avatar
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MySQL causing major I/O Lag

I have a mysql server (version 5.1) running Roundcube Webmail client on a plesk box (onyx). We have a few hundred users on it during the day. My hypervisor, Virtuozzo, they have been working with us ...
Gordon Snappleweed's user avatar
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MySQL fails to start because of init_file '/var/lib/mysql/'

I'm trying to figure out why MySQL keeps shutting down every night. Specifically, MySQL restarts itself every night (also unknown reason), but fails on starting itself back up and aborts. Some days it ...
jndinh's user avatar
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MariaDB service does not start after deleting huge amount of data

I've executed a query which deleted about 18 million records. After executing this query, mysql stopped responding to queries. I've restarted the server and now I can't start mysql service using the ...
BlackBrain's user avatar
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Port 3306 keeps closed even after being open on iptables

Due to the nature of my project, I need to open port 3306 on a cloud server running CentOS 6. Using this site: I can see whether a port is open or not. ...
oscar_vb's user avatar

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