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kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer when deploying to Centos 9 stream

I'm using Deployer PHP v7 to deploy my project to my server into multiple folders (although this isn't specific to Deplyoer) My server is Centos 9 Stream. I need to deploy my project into multiple ...
Ryan H's user avatar
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PHP Unable To Write To Cache Directory

I'm getting the below error on a CentOS 9 Stream server when a request comes in from PHP. It looks like the phpFastCache module can't write to the cache directory. 2024/06/19 10:06:34 [error] 4789#...
llanato's user avatar
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imagick extension php loaded in command line but not load in httpd

I have installed imagick extension for php by command: pecl install imagick After that, I restart httpd and restart php-fpm. I checked imagick loaded in php command line but when use phpinfo() for ...
RyanLe's user avatar
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All .PHP pages give 5x error in nginx

I followed this guide to install Nginx and PHP on a CentOS server. I am able to do things like php --version and even use the interactive shell. But inside of /usr/share/nginx/html/, I make a PHP file ...
super15's user avatar
1 vote
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Backup server for several servers with yesterday's files

There are several servers under CentOS with PHP projects, and the task is to make a server (or servers) for them to store yesterday's versions of uncompressed files of all projects from all servers, ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Creating/Configuring a DNS server with runtime configuration [closed]

I have a big Windows video/audio application that may be controlled remotely over a web server. For that, I can listen to a local port in a, say, system to port 8000, forward the port via ...
Michael Chourdakis's user avatar
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system load spikes causing php-fpm pools to fill and cause micro outages

kind of at my wits end at this point and looking for some help. 2 physical Web servers CentOS NGINX PHP5 php-fpm 2 physical DB Servers CentOS NGINX elastic search zookeeper couchbase as user load ...
John Bell's user avatar
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PHP Error waiting on socket

I'm getting problems with ssh2 and fread php function that started on a few days. On the apache error log show: ssh2_connect(): Error starting up SSH connection(-9): Error waiting on socket fread(): ...
user1505698's user avatar
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How to configure a system wide proxy for php file_get_contents on CentOS?

I want to let the php file_get_content function connect to network via system-wide proxy. I tried to add the following lines in /etc/environment: http_proxy=http://localhost:3128/ HTTP_PROXY=http://...
peter's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - upgrade PHP version from 7.2 to 8

CentOS 7 Nginx Current websites run on PHP 7.2 PHP -v says ```# php -v PHP 8.0.25 (cli) (built: Oct 25 2022 09:42:31) ( NTS gcc x86_64 ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group``` But phpinfo() in the nginx ...
TheUnreal's user avatar
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centos 7 php https port 443 Connection refused

centos 7 php https port 443 Connection refused i try to open port 443 https on my centos vps i have open port in firewall-cmd but on i open url https port 443 i have error Connection refused firewall-...
smo zain's user avatar
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How do I install PHP 5.5 on a new version of CentOS or Amazon Linux or Redhat or Ubuntu?

I just joined a new company. I've been asked to build a CI/CD pipeline for a Laravel app. It is very fragile. It was built for PHP 5.5 and it breaks when they've tried to upgrade to 5.6 or 7. They don'...
charlottesville's user avatar
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php files downloading instead of executing nginx

I am working on a project for a school assignment. We have to make a webserver with wordpress on it. There are some stuff we had to change think of changing the user of nginx and mariadb to webuser ...
VogelSpotter's user avatar
-1 votes
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error The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation

after change server and setup centos with cpanel lumen cron job not worked and every minutes add this error to lumen log: The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP ...
Erfan Safarpoor's user avatar
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501 Not Implemented error when making request to localhost

I'm using apache mpm event and php-fpm on my CentOS 8 server. I need to be able to make http requests from my server to a php api on my server, so the url of the api would be something like: http://...
Soheil's user avatar
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Best practices to troubleshoot stuck php application due to internal curl calls to unresponsive endpoints

Recently I found myself with a website (Prestashop e-commerce on a Centos PHP-FPM /Apache / MySql machine ) that was down and not responding to web requests. After investigation, issue was due to an ...
gennaris's user avatar
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How to convert any video to mp4 with php, ffmpeg and CentOS [closed]

I have been converting videos for about a year working in localhost on a Mac. The path is, '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' and it has always worked fine. Recently, I installed ffmpeg on my server, with a ...
margie's user avatar
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PHP file_get_contents sometimes returns 502 on 1 of 2 Servers

I have two virtual servers. The old: Ubuntu 12.04 with PHP 7.2. The new: CentOS 7.9 with PHP 8.0. On both servers the same application is running. A cron is minutely getting some details from another ...
dj_thossi's user avatar
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Unable to run python script from PHP

This particular question has been asked so many times with great suggestions but the sudden abandonment by Askers doesn't really help as they never bothered to return to tell what worked (assuming it ...
Rocky's user avatar
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Apache can't serve directory or locate files even though they all exist with the correct permissions

I'm using CentOS8, with a bog-standard (yum install httpd php) installation of apache and php. I've got a configuration (/etc/httpd/conf.d/trip.mydomain.mytld.conf) that looks like the following: <...
brinchter's user avatar
1 vote
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Crontab - How to verify a PHP script Runs Successfully or not in a Cronjob Shell Script?

I have below crontab in the system (Centos 7.9), However i am unable to verify if this runs correctly or not, i.e if the crontab finds the PHP enr. variables or if the crontab has executed correctly ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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How to install PHP on CentOS has preinstalled Apache HTTPD?

I'm using CentOS 7. I wanted to install PHP 7 so I used remi-php (latest PHP version of yum is 5.4). Since the HTTPD version of yum is too old, I compiled the latest HTTPD version from the source code....
Tần Quảng's user avatar
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Not able to install drivers for sql server on CENTOS

I am new at Linux OS but successfully installed apache, PHPMyAdmin, and MariaDB. All works fine, but I have an issue and am not able to resolve it. My issue is establishing a connection to the SQL ...
dcron's user avatar
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How to remove apcu and memcached from centos?

I've always installed apcu and memcached on my server, but I'm not sure how useful they are. Mostly 2-3 pages per visit are visited on my sites. And I'm not even sure if having them is a good thing or ...
alebal's user avatar
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Need to add older version of IUS repo in order to install specific PHP 7.2 packages

The Issue: Without unnecessary detail, I have two servers that are nearly identical. However one has its yum repos configured such that php 7.2 packages imagick and sodium are available for install, ...
twhitney's user avatar
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500 internal error in nginx centos

i'm trying to add a captcha in my wordpress login page. i get 500 internal error in firefox console when inspecting the page. i also have this in my nginx error logs: FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP ...
matt's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Install PHP 7.1 on CentOS 8.3

How to install PHP 7.1 on Centos 8.3? dnf module list php returns PHP packages starting from 7.2 so I guess I'm looking for a workaround.
Semicolon's user avatar
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Php send mail from Cron (postfix + sendmail)

I have a PHP script that I run from cron. I never get emails. maillog: postfix/sendmail[2223187]: fatal: execv /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: Permission denied Command-line: * * * * * root /usr/bin/php /...
VJS's user avatar
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Some PHP extensions available only for root user

I have installed PHP 7.4 (from remi) on CentOS 8 since I need that version on CLI. The issue is with extensions, when I check modules (php -m) as root user I for example have redis enabled there, but ...
mixerowsky's user avatar
3 votes
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PHP-FPM using 100% CPU on a server that has 16 threads

I have a server that has 32 GB of RAM and 16 threads. This server has an API in PHP that receives many requests from other external APIs, I made a configuration in PHP-FPM to support all these ...
Vinicius Aquino's user avatar
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Tools for testing all aspects of service speed

We have some strange issues on our CentOS LAMP server where there are occasional severe 4-30 second delays in service despite the server being relatively low load at the time. Is there any tool for ...
cronoklee's user avatar
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How can I stop all files being read only to PHP?

I'm setting up a new Centos 7 server to run some legacy sites on PHP 5.6.40 through PHP-FPM with Nginx. However, I'm running into a problem that all files are appearing to be read only. PHP is running ...
James Shields's user avatar
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How to install PHP 7.4.3 on CentOS 8?

I need to upgrade to PHP 7.4.3 (from 7.4.14), and I have somehow managed to make no progress after many, many hours. *Needed for MediaWiki, Roundcube and PostfixAdmin. Two questions: Do I have to ...
SKNB's user avatar
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php will not allow me to do `shell_exec('git pull origin master 2>&1');`

When I run the script <?php chdir('/var/www/html'); echo shell_exec('git pull origin master 2>&1'); ?>, I get the error message: error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Factors of slow TTFB comparing between two VPS providers

I set up two VPS with the same (databases and hosting control panel). VPS company 1: based in california | 1 gbs | 2 core intel(R) Xeon(R) | 2 gb Ram | using Cloudflare VPS company 2: based in ...
factos20's user avatar
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Error establishing a database connection on a fresh Wordpress installation

I've installed a fresh copy of Wordpress on CentOS 7/Apache but am getting the dreaded "Error establishing a database connection" error message when navigating to the site to complete the ...
MorayM's user avatar
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Original php mysql extension for php56

First a note: Yes, I'm well aware this extension in deprecated and has a ton of security flaws, I'm duplicating a clients active server in docker for recovery and migration (after client's server was ...
Philippe's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database

(maybe this question is suited for SO, but I don't think it's linked to my code). I'm using SQLite3 as a database engine for my Web app. I freshly deployed it on the production server, and it's not ...
LeRouteur's user avatar
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CentOS: convert HTML `<br>` tags to bash `\n\r` on the fly?

this is a tough question to pose and i'm not entirely sure this is the right place for it, but my question is this: how can i convert <br> tags to \n\r characters on the fly when running a PHP ...
WhiteRau's user avatar
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website server starting to get traffic

I have a website that's a lot like Bitly, a short url site and it has started to gain a lot of traction lately. The website is about 100MB and the mysql database around 6GB. I run the server on a VPS ...
Rizzzler's user avatar
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Can't execute PHP via browser on Centos 8

I already installed Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.4 on Centos 8, which is running on Google Cloud Platform. Apache: ● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd....
anta40's user avatar
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Installing Two PHP version in Centos 7

I need to run two PHP version in my centos 7 server. I am currently using PHP Webstatic repo for installing PHP and using apache. I just gone through the internet and most of them are using Remi repo ...
Muneesh DuRaipandi's user avatar
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Get full list of errors associated with stream_socket_client() in PHP The PHP function stream-socket-client() gives back errors as: errno: Will be set to the system level error number if connection fails. ...
Kline's user avatar
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How do I resolve this dependency resolution error in yum?

When I run yum update, after dependency resolution I get the following error: --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: php71w-pecl-imagick-3.4.3-1.w7.x86_64 (@webtatic) ...
Leonard Challis's user avatar
-1 votes
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How much does httpd_can_network_connect being set to 1 actually open up on SELinux

I am getting the following SELinux denied lines in my log file when I attempt to redirect a user to Paypal to checkout. Would you please help me understand what it means and what exceptions I should ...
J W's user avatar
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PHP high I/O after a DDoS attack

I've had a large scale DDoS attack on my website. After I've enabled captcha challenge through CloudFlare and the attack stopped, PHP's I/O was still loaded at 99%, and the website was working very ...
HTMHell's user avatar
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a site use Linux Server take long time to load

i get this problem first time since 5 years i use same site same script without any change . i have a site (php script) use a ip (example) , i use centos as OS for the ...
stephane nelson's user avatar
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Issue with PHP $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] and openvpn

I have an openvpn server with public and static address, and a local client called 'julieta' running Centos with PHP and, 'julieta', has a full DMZ from the openvpn server; so when I put ...
J.S. 's user avatar
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tried php install and show error packcage php-7.3.17-1.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php73)

I tried 「sudo yum --enablerepo=remi-php73 install php-pdo php-mysql」in vagrant and show Requires: error: package: php-7.3.17-1.el7.remi.x86_64 (...
trinitrotoluene's user avatar
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Centos 6 PHP 5.3.29 from IUS with httpd 2.4. from IUS too

I have old depracated linux Centos6 machines for old SW. We need PHP 5.3. for customers. I'd like use this machines for newer versions PHP with FPM - and migrate to htpd 2.4. and FPM for PHP 5.3 too. ...
Pavel's user avatar
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