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Cannot ssh into my vps ipv6 ip : Network is unreachable

The dashboard of my hosting company regxa provides me with a root password and ipv6 address to my CentOS server, no ipv4 I have tried using both putty and ssh cmd in my linux machine to connect to the ...
Rachel1983's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to setup reverse dns (rDNS) to my unmanaged vps server

Recently I've deployed a mail server on my VPS server using mailcow which is using docker/docker-compose. For sometimes sending mail was working fine. But recently all my mails are getting rejected. ...
Alauddin Ahmed's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unknown process on Centos 7 VPS "sysnetd" using lots of cpu

So I cant seem to find any information ANYWHERE on what this process, "sysnetd", does. I've run LSOF etc but nothing seems to provide any info I know what to do with. The /proc/pid folder ...
user1449369's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to setup multiple vps in one hardware

I purchase a rack server hardware with 64GB ram now i want to create 8*8GB VPS so how can i do that. I have 1 internet connection and 8 static IP from ISP, Now problem is how can i setup port ...
Sanket Tripathi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should I use Centos 7 or Centos 8 on my VPS Server for Plesk? [closed]

I'm going to buy a VPS from a company. It asks me if you want to choose Centos 7 or Centos 8 when purchasing VPS. From what I've researched on the internet, there is no difference between the two. But ...
user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

CWP | User login --> uerror -- Cannot login as a user in CentOS 8 using Centos Panel

I'm really feeling very frustrated... 2 days now and I couldn't figure it out. Without a good reason, I had a "uerror" when trying to login into CWP user panel. This is a screenshot I'm ...
Ahmed Suror's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Website stopped working after PHP max upload size increase

Problem: The Moodle webpage stopped working with error message Secure Connection Failed (PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR). Server Details: VPS with root access running CentOS 7, Webmin (installed without LAMP), ...
MathNovice's user avatar
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3 answers

deleted glibc x86_64 on a VPS, centOS 6

Can you please help me solve this problem. I've "accidentally" rpm -e the glibc.x86_64 libraries and made my VPS unusable as all commands throw one of the following errors: [root@panel lib64]# yum ...
Vedran B's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Check for live mail log errors when send email

I need some help with the command for me to put on my VPS. I want to read the mail log to check for errors so I can to report it to Hotmail. I did a quick Google search and I tried to find the live ...
chris oojer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SMTP DKIM for 1 add-on domain on 2 servers

Is there a more practical way for SMTP DKIM signing for a VPS server that has a parked domain but does not host the content other than private key copying? I have looked all over Server Fault but ...
executor_brandon's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Docker does not start

Good morning guys, I'm a beginner with the docker so I don't know much, but I need to install it. I have a VPS hosting at GoDaddy, I installed the docker following this guide and when I try to start ...
Gabriel Queiroz Schicora's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

OVH VPS - firewalld not working in Centos 7

I installed a new server on OVH with CentOS 7: yum install firewalld then enabled and rebooted systemctl enable firewalld reboot I am now be able to login using ssh but firewalld does not ...
Marcx's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How Would You Install LVM CentOS 7 In A Contabo VPS Environment?

I currently use a Contabo M SSD VPS and I am looking to get CentOS 7 installed with LVM for the system partition. However, there is not a direct route to do this since Contabo's OS images are all non-...
Hifihedgehog's user avatar
1 vote
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Very long TTFB and high CPU on VPS after Hypervisor Migration

I manage a VPS for my company with a small e-commerce website and a few low-usage Wordpress blogs and the like. My Service Provider migrated me to a different Hypervisor last Thursday, and since then ...
mactabby's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

cant connect socks proxy server on cent os

I Install ss5 or 3proxy on cent os (VPS).I Check port 1080 with port checker online and get port 1080 is open but when I try to connect to proxy server I cant connect. firewalld is removed. SERVER ram ...
mohamadreza ch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

VPS high traffic load

Hello everyone I am really new on this topic so most of my questions will be trivial. I buyed a VPS from godaddy which has 4 CPUs 8GB Ram and 200 GB HDD. I set up a one domain and upload my web site ...
Suat Karabacak's user avatar
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How to diagnose a CentOS VPS not booting

A few days ago (August 18), a friend accidentally rebooted his VPS in his admin panel (the VPS host is OVH). Problem is... it did never reboot. He didn't make any change for months on his VPS which is ...
GuiTeK's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

My ssh root access disabled. how can i get it back? [closed]

i'm very noobs in server. I've VPS running centos 7. everything goes normal until i make a mistake. I want to create a new SSH user to access my VPS. i surf on internet to find the solution and find ...
Mahari Hadistian's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

letsencrypt-auto not working after CentOS update

After having my CentOS VPS updated to version 7.3, letsencrypt stopped working. When running a letsencrypt-auto command (like # letsencrypt-auto --help) I get the following error: Error: couldn't ...
Pjottur's user avatar
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1 answer

Only having STATE NEW in iptables will block ESTABLISHED connections?

My iptables is now like this: Table: filter Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination 1 ACCEPT udp -- ...
Kenneth.K's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to use the whole space 20GB ( /dev/vda ) to partitions 10GB ( /dev/vda1 )

I want to use the whole space 20GB ( /dev/vda ) to partitions 10GB ( /dev/vda1 ) [root@server ~]# sudo ssm list -------------------------------- Device Total Mount point ----------------------...
goldeniws's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

linode centos 7 firewalld change-interface command failed

I just build centos7, and tried to setup firewalld, when I type command firewall-cmd --zone=internal --change-interface=eth0 I got error : Error: COMMAND_FAILED I already start it by ...
user1775888's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

VPS: How can I update the available hard disk space after upgrade?

I made an upgrade of a VPS hosted on OVH, specifically from VPS CLOUD 1 to VPS CLOUD 2 that have 25gb more of previous solution (50gb total). On this VPS is installed CentOS 7.2.1511 There is the ...
marsaldev's user avatar
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How to cope with only one SMTP socket open simultaneously on VPS?

I own a VPS used for hosting about 30 domains. On each domain I have several email accounts. In total more than 150 accounts. In the last couple of weeks, I noticed that sometimes (several times a day,...
Spiro Krasic's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to create a Nameserver for my VPS (unmanaged) [closed]

I have purchsed a OVH (IaaS, Centos 7) VPS server. I have installed apache and php. But I have very little knowledge about server. How can I create custom name server for my VPS ? any centos command ? ...
Haren Sarma's user avatar
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1 answer

Can you update yum packages one at a time?

My low memory box running CentOS cannot be updated, since yum is getting killed due to high memory usage. Is there a way to automatically update all packages, one at a time instead of updating ...
Hedam's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Run 64bit installer on 32bit centos cannot execute binary file [closed]

I Have a 64bit file from my old server, its ./install file now i want run it in 32bit server, see below error: [root@host ~]# ./installer.1 -bash: ./installer.1: cannot execute binary file My ...
antonio's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

yum install error nothing to do (MYSQL, CentOS 7)

I'm trying to install MYSQL instead of MariaDB on my CentOS 7. I used this command: wget yum install
saeed Am's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I configure a Django website to work with Apache 2.4 VirtualHosts?

I recently started developing Django websites and I want to deploy them on a CentOS VPS with mod_wsgi and Apache. I followed this guide and it works perfectly, but I would like to have more than one ...
user256472's user avatar
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2 answers

VPS Upload speeds < 1 mbps

I have a Centos server running in eastern canada. When I use and connect to a server up there, I get around 30 down. If I use speedtest-cli and connect to a server down here I get ...
nedflanders's user avatar
1 vote
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How to prevent compression of images served via HTTP

I have an already optimized JPEG image in my server 32.07 kB (and in my local computer), 800px * 534px, if I request it via browser, it keeps the same width * height, but its size gets smaller 17,97 ...
AFA Med's user avatar
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Can't enable TUN/TAP on VPS [duplicate]

I'm desperately looking for a way to enable TUN/TAP on a VPS in order to use an OpenVPN client. The VPS is based on Parallels Virtuozzo. I've been reading a ton of tutorials and forum topics, and here ...
user1319182's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to login as root in vps from main server (Dedicated)

how to login as root in VPS from root main server without changing the existing root password? I have Dedicated server and use virtualizor OpenVZ for make it available for to build vps, but one of my ...
Muhamad Yulianto's user avatar
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Need to determine why my VPS rebooted - every few days, a sudden spike

Can anyone give some advice as to why my LAMP VPS server (running centos) reboots every few days? Well I know why - it's because the CPU and load suddenly spikes, but what causes the spike and what ...
lombrozo's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How can I trace the cause of php-fpm terminating?

I have VPS (4 core, 6GB) running centos, nginx and php-fpm, with very little traffic (I have never published the url). Every few weeks (at different times), php-fpm terminates with only the following ...
Paul S's user avatar
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VPS - Server goes randomly down with gap in all logs

We're running several (leased) dedicated servers at a provider in The Netherlands. Everything runs smoothly and most of our virtual servers have a high uptime (99,99%). Except for one server, which is ...
BlueCola's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

CentOS 7 firewall-cmd not found

I have just installed CentOS 7: [root@new ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) I am trying to configure the firewall, and I'm told that in CentOS 7 iptables is no longer ...
BnMcG's user avatar
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firewall on server preventing access by multiple computers on same NAT'ed ip

I am encountering a strange problem with my VPS provider and wondered if anyone here with firewall / sysadmin experience had seen anything like this. Has anyone seen a situation where a firewall or ...
Byron Katz's user avatar
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MariaDb and Httpd getting killed due to memory

I have a Centos7 VPS on OVH with this settings: 1Virtual Core 1 GB Ram 10 GB Raid 10 I have running on it 3 wordpresses. One of them is still on building (0 access to public), other has very few ...
Cafn's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Host multiple CMSs at the same domain.

Currently I have a VPS hosting ownCloud. I have added a domain name to the server, so now it is (an example) instead of an IP. I was wondering if (and how) I could add another CMS at the ...
Janus Lj's user avatar
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Got blocked by server after starting TCP nodejs sever. Why?

I recently installed node on my VPS, and tried to complete a tutorial. I saved this code into server.js and hit node server.js in putty. I got instant "ban" from my VPS, I can't access it, however on ...
Tamás's user avatar
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Kernel upgrade issue

I am trying to upgrade kernel on OnApp VM. Currently installed kernel is 2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.x86_64. The new version available is 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64. I installed new kernel 2.6.32-504.16.2....
Kiran More's user avatar
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Website takes a long time to first byte [duplicate]

Recently, I migrated a joomla 2.5 site with K2 from a shared host to a dedicated web server with 1 GB of RAM and 8 CPU cores. My problem is now that the website loading is very slow, much slower than ...
dahma's user avatar
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Inconsistent speed with simultaneous FTP downloads from same server

I have a hosted VPS running CentOS and PureFTPd. When I try to download from multiple FTP accounts on the server simultaneously, I get wildly different speeds for each of the FTP connections: some are ...
Ralph's user avatar
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4 votes
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Apache error - File name too long: Cannot map GET

I have PHP Laravel application installed on my CentOS VPS. It is backend for my mobile application that has been recently updated. Unfortunately I wrote some bad code that results in making request ...
Adam Śliwakowski's user avatar
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Live tuning of Tomcat 7 memory settings

I know I can change bin/, but is it possible to apply new settings without restarting Tomcat? Specifically can I extend maximum heap size (Xmx) somehow?
Nux's user avatar
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Forensics on tons of file changes [closed]

It has come to my attention that my CentOS 5.6 5.11 VPS has over 16,000 files with a timestamp during a 3-day period in September this year. I can't figure out why that is, as I did not log in via SSH ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Linux VPS settings to allow $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to get client ip [closed]

I have unmanaged VPS server. I am trying to get client IP form PHP $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] but it's always gives me same for all users that is server internal IP. I have done some R & D and got ...
Hello Python's user avatar
-3 votes
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Sites not accessible after running permission fix, possible DNS error?

I have a problem with my current VPS server running CentOS 6 and is managed with WHM and cPanel. All my websites were being created from WHM and are located in the /home directory (ownership: mysite:...
nogias's user avatar
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How to monitor and get notify which VPS within one node is sending mass emails?

How to monitor and get notify which VPS within one node is sending mass emails (spam) ? Actually I have several nodes with CentoS OS and KVM VPS clients, some of them are sending bulk emails and ...
Michael G.Mendez's user avatar