I have 2 Hetzner dedicated machines with public ip4/28 address ranges. Both were working with Centos 7.8, vagrant and Virtualbox - I could create vms with public IP addresses. I wiped one and set it up using Rocky 9.3 but couldn't get the networking to work. I have re-imaged it back to Centos 7.9 with the same original versions of vagrant and Virtualbox, but still no joy. I can ping the bridge's IP address, so it's being routed to the machine OK, but can't seem to route to the vm.

I have compared the following and can't see any difference in the host machine setup.

ip address
ip route
route -n
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ip route show match for ****** IP address 

I'm copying the Vagrantfile from one machine to the other, so the only difference is the public ip address.

Where else can I check to find the difference between the working and non-working machines?

1 Answer 1

  1. ip link show
  2. ifconfig
  3. ip addr show
  4. cat /etc/resolv.conf
  5. ethtool eth0
  6. cat /etc/hosts
  7. tracepath
  8. iptables -L

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