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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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Config a CwPanel local server to read local domains

I have the following situation: I have a local test server where I use Almalinux 8 with CWPanel. I have several test domains configured on it:
EvandroPH's user avatar
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OS seems to be unchanged after issuing `dnf system-upgrade reboot`

I'm hoping to upgrade from CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9. I've issued these commands dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=9 --allowerasing --skip-...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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How can I upgrade from Centos Stream 8 to 9, now that 8 is EOL?

When I google for this, the walkthroughs I find tend to start with dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade Unfortunately, now that CS8 is EOL, that returns CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer when deploying to Centos 9 stream

I'm using Deployer PHP v7 to deploy my project to my server into multiple folders (although this isn't specific to Deplyoer) My server is Centos 9 Stream. I need to deploy my project into multiple ...
Ryan H's user avatar
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PHP Unable To Write To Cache Directory

I'm getting the below error on a CentOS 9 Stream server when a request comes in from PHP. It looks like the phpFastCache module can't write to the cache directory. 2024/06/19 10:06:34 [error] 4789#...
llanato's user avatar
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Restore a FreeIPA DNS system

I use FreeIPA on a server, a Centos Server 8 (a main and replica). This is used to authenticate system users, for logon purposes by using SSH key authentication, and also hosting DNS name records. A ...
skunkydude's user avatar
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kubectl explain Subsequent entries cannot be automatically completed

kubectl explain Subsequent entries cannot be automatically completed. System: Centos 7 2009 Executed commands yum install bash-completion -y echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" &...
user24543355's user avatar
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Extract option missing from Files (Nautilus) after upgrade/conversion to AlmaLinux

I recently upgraded and converted my server from Centos 7 to AlmaLinux 8 via leapp, and after upgrading, I noticed that in the default Gnome3 file manager (nautilus), under Centos 7 I could right lick ...
Eric W's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy 503 custom page not working properly

I am trying to setup a custom 503 error page on my website. I am using this apache configuration. # Exclude the Maintenance directory from being proxied ProxyPass /Maintenance ! # ProxyPass other ...
Shivam Ahuja's user avatar
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Is upgrading from CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 now straightforward?

I looked into this a while back, and lots of people were saying it wasn't supported, and talking about "hacky" ways of doing it. That was 2 years ago though. Some googling now suggests it ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Regarding the issue of degraded query performance after upgrading bind9

I would like to ask if anyone has encountered a problem where query performance deteriorates after upgrading the bind version. Here are the performance test results for versions 9.16.49, 9.18.25, and ...
zcchann's user avatar
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Disconnect NIS authentication on SVN server

I have SVN configured to authenticate against NIS, also not sure how it authenticates against NIS. I want to disconnect the server from NIS and convert it to local authentication. How this can be ...
Rajesh Yidi's user avatar
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Docker renders server inaccessible when starting

Docker on Centos 7, using Portainer to manage containers. I created a sonarqube container from YML. When I deployed the "stack" I never had and answer. Starting docker from console with: ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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SSH tunel on Linux

I am creating an SSH tunnel with this command: ssh -L localhost -N -p 8844 It works great, no problems. But, for some reason, when I execute this command above in my ...
Samul's user avatar
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Nasty character encoding issue

I have been using a FOSS software written in perl (sql-ledger) for many many years. Currently self hosted on CentOS 7. For some reasons, I need to update OS to a higher version (preferably Rocky/Alma ...
sse450's user avatar
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How to copy file from /opt directory in local system to remote system in /opt directory with sudo user

I have redhat machine in this machine having some file under the /opt directory. I want to copy those file in remote machine /opt directory using rsync command. The condition is i'm using admin user ...
Chirag Darji's user avatar
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Deploying Openstack without internet access on CentOS Server

I want to deploy openstack on a CentOS server without internet access. I am really confused please help me if you know how I can do it. These are a few options: create a vm on another system with ...
Sol's user avatar
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Centos Network Manager -nmcli How to revert to previous status of network or remove properties of network?

I'm a newbie in network, so please understand me. I have a bond network, but I added a bridge network to the bond as master using nmcli con modify bond0 master br0 but after that, I lost IP address ...
farmboy's user avatar
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imagick extension php loaded in command line but not load in httpd

I have installed imagick extension for php by command: pecl install imagick After that, I restart httpd and restart php-fpm. I checked imagick loaded in php command line but when use phpinfo() for ...
RyanLe's user avatar
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Cannot ssh into my vps ipv6 ip : Network is unreachable

The dashboard of my hosting company regxa provides me with a root password and ipv6 address to my CentOS server, no ipv4 I have tried using both putty and ssh cmd in my linux machine to connect to the ...
Rachel1983's user avatar
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149 views Too many open files error in java 8 and wildfly

We are using wildfly 8 with jdk version 1.8 in centos stream 8 for our application. Recently we have been facing like application stop responding and on same time we found "Caused by:
Sandy's user avatar
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Debian 12 higher disk activity than CentOS 7

We are in process of replacing our CentOS 7 boxes to run using Debian 12 and have noticed that the overall disk activity on the same server with the same processes running is significantly higher with ...
Theramist's user avatar
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getting an error that my dnsl has no records

here is my code im so lost any help is greatly appreciated $ORIGIN centos.local. $TTL 86400 @ SOA dnsl.centos.local. hostmaster.centos.local. ( 2001062501 ; serial ...
Dr.slee's user avatar
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Unable to SSH VM instance after OS upgrade & reboot of VM instance in GCP

My VM instance was on CentOS 7 I recently attempted upgrading that to Almalinux 8 using below link
Aditya Rewari's user avatar
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OpenSSH Requires Password AND Public Key!

I've inherited an old CentOS-6 system with OpenSSH 5.3 installed. And OpenSSH is behaving oddly: Currently the daemon requires the use of a public key and a password in order to login. (It's been this ...
Eric Pretorious's user avatar
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Centos 7 - where else to look for a difference in network setup

I have 2 Hetzner dedicated machines with public ip4/28 address ranges. Both were working with Centos 7.8, vagrant and Virtualbox - I could create vms with public IP addresses. I wiped one and set it ...
Kevin Jones's user avatar
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Screen recording with gst-launch-0.10 on CentOS 6.7 + Gnome 2.28

I need to make short videos (1-2 minutes long) capturing the screen. Unfortunately I cannot install new software on this machine, so all I have is gst-launch and gst-launch-0.10 (of course, together ...
DNM3's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy configuration not working

i have a Nginx Front End Server running on Centos9 on and different docker Containers in the backend. The docker container working fine i can acess them ez via port number BUT my nginx ...
naseweis's user avatar
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Dual Xeon E5-2683v4 128GB 2x1TB SSD with 10 Wordpress Sites So Slow

I have 10 wordpress sites that is joined into a dedicated server. The main problem it gets slower than before. I have no idea why. I am trying to use top top - 04:05:52 up 123 days, 2:38, 1 user, ...
Raden Bagus's user avatar
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Convert IPv6 from the compressed/short format to expanded format

When I execute the command ip address show my server shows hundreds of IPv6 that I have assigned to it. It works great, however the leading and trailing zeros are omitted from the IP addresses, and ...
Samul's user avatar
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Use `nmcli` to add `IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES`

In my CentOS server, for compliance reason, I cant directly access the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 but I can use nmcli to configure that file. My problem is that I need to add this ...
Samul's user avatar
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I keep receiving login attempt to my server until it gets down

I have a Centos7 server and after years of correctly working, yesterday it started to being unreachable (The server apps I have there were not rechable, the SSH connection gave timeout, etc but the ...
Faabass's user avatar
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how to sync /home directory in Linux (centos)

How can I keep in sync my /home directory on two different systems? I found something like unison, but it is no longer in the repositories of centos9. Are there other possible solutions? The ...
2IRN's user avatar
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Syslog-ng Syslog Format to JSON Format are there pre-requisite?

My first time posting to Stack Overflow. I apologize if I am re-asking a question. I tried to search but nothing is really clear about what I'm trying to understand. Do I need to configure additional ...
Ajgonzalez18's user avatar
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which Linux operating system will go for long term usage [duplicate]

Looking replacement of centos7 centos7 will expire on 30Th June 2024. so I am looking alternative like RHEL9. I dont know why, but rhel usage is low?
user3136863's user avatar
-1 votes
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Start ssh tunnel on server startup

I am running Centos stream and everytime after I start my server I have to run this command line: ssh -L localhost -N After running this command, the OS will ask me to ...
Samul's user avatar
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Need Assistance: XCP-NG Fails to Boot Up After Disk Error

I am seeking assistance with an issue I am facing in my XCP-NG configuration on an HPE DL360 G7 server. Despite using this server for about a year without any problems, I recently encountered an issue ...
Lpkr's user avatar
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Set a specific IP per program in CentOS

I have a VPS with multiple IPs assigned. In this VPS I run some programs that make requests on the network and, for some reason, all the requests use one specific IPv4 of my VPS. However I have many ...
Samul's user avatar
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openssl can be found by yum but can't be found by pkg-config

I found openssl is already installed on my server # yum list installed | grep openssl openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-26.el7_9 @updates openssl-libs.x86_64 ...
calvin's user avatar
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peer closed connection in SSL handshake while SSL handshaking to upstream

I have the below flow jmeter concurrent api request -> magento-host-server -> magento-container The below error occurs only during the concurrent requests from apache jmeter of testing team are ...
Rajsekar Reddy's user avatar
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"none of the providers can be installed" when I ran "sudo yum -y install nvidia-driver-latest-dkms"

I want to install NVIDIA Driver. I ran sudo yum -y install nvidia-driver-latest-dkms, but I got the following problem: Error: Problem: package nvidia-driver-latest-dkms-3:545.23.08-1.el7.x86_64 ...
OffIGoThen's user avatar
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List the top 10 io usage

How can I print/capture the top 10 io usage? I'm using the iotop -o | head -n 11 but the output keeps changing. I wanted to capture the first output after running it. Thank you,
IamBayMax's user avatar
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Linux server management debian 10 and centos dhcp service host-name based Client Classing

I want to allocate a client's IP address based on the host-name provided by the client, but the results are often unpredictable. I have tried to imitate the Client Classing in dhcpd.conf(5) by ...
CHgeronimo's user avatar
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Centos Stream 9 dnf yum upgrade error

When trying to upgrade Centos Stream 9 from terminal I get the error about weak SSL certificate, below is the output from terminal $dnf check-update CentOS Stream 9 - BaseOS ...
Christo's user avatar
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Configure a server to act as an internet gateway [duplicate]

I have two virtual servers hosted in Hetzner Cloud. The first server (let's call it Access Server) has a Public IP assigned and has internet access. The second server does not has a public IP assigned ...
Arnold Zahrneinder's user avatar
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Fix kickstart drift between CentOS 8 Stream behavior and CentOS 9 Stream behavior

I'm facing a weird situation on one of my server on the provisioning process. Here is the machine HW Model: HPE Proliant DL365 Gen 10 Plus with 6x 1.9TB SATA 6GBps SSD disks. What's going on: When I'm ...
Dr I's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of /etc/apache2/envvars in EL-based systems?

In Debian-based systems, it's possible to source a bash script in /etc/apache2/envvars to dynamically set an environment variable. Here is an example: Create a file (/etc/profile.d/ with the ...
H M's user avatar
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CentOS - Apache MaxRequestWorkers issue

I've had a problem with Apache since this morning, I can no longer access the websites. I get the error: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting I'm ...
Matteo Cigognini's user avatar
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Installing CentOS and Windows Server on the Hypervisor [duplicate]

Hello Server Fault community, In our company, we are planning to install an ERP system, and the system provider has specified the following server requirements of the application: CPU: 1x CPU Intel ...
Zak Rovsky's user avatar
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session logging on CentOS stream

I had a Centos 8 installation with a working session logging setup (sssd, tlog). On any ssh login to the server the session was logged and sent to a syslog server. All the logins are local logins (/...
Spiros Papageorgiou's user avatar

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