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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.18.11-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64", will be passed to user space

On CentOS 7, after upgrading the kernel to version 5.18.11, I observed the below message in /var/log/messages: Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.18.11-1.el7.elrepo....
Sandeep's user avatar
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installing terraform on CentOS

How do I get my terrfaform installation working on centos properly? The only way for me to run terraform commands is if I add the path to the terraform executable.
Hassam Dauhoo's user avatar
2 votes
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how to add tomcat to tomcat.service for systemctl startup

I want to write a systemctl deamon for my tomcat installation so I can start tomcat using below command systemctl start tomcat. Right now I am using the script to start the Tomcat server. ...
Hassam Dauhoo's user avatar
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Lost LVM boot when power supply died

I have a CentOS system (running server, no desktop). A few weeks ago my power supply died, after replacing it the system won't boot any more.. I am not sure which version of CentOS it has, I believe ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Redis failed every few hours

I have a problem in redis, Each 18-30 hour it failed and I should restart it manually to run it again. Our server have 1 wordpress website. Redis version: 5.0.3 OS: CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011 ...
Muhammad Khalaf's user avatar
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Allow only a list of IP's on iptables

I have an apache server with wordpress installed and I need to determine just a few IP's that will have access to the website (I have a list of IP's)... what would be the most effective way to do this?...
Heitor Kenzou's user avatar
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centos 7 php https port 443 Connection refused

centos 7 php https port 443 Connection refused i try to open port 443 https on my centos vps i have open port in firewall-cmd but on i open url https port 443 i have error Connection refused firewall-...
smo zain's user avatar
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pam radius bypass same local user (exception user)

Pam Radius login works with the following configuration. However, it would be necessary for some users to perform local authentication. How can I solve this? [xxxxxxxxxxx ~]# cat /etc/pam.d/sshd #%PAM-...
dilen7's user avatar
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Datadog custom metrics from app (docker container) inside host

I have a datadog agent in my host machine, CentOS. I have a nodeJS application, where I want to send custom metrics from it. Config from app: var StatsD = require('hot-shots'); var dogstatsd = new ...
TheUnreal's user avatar
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How to deduce remote location of RPM that has been installed?

Suppose I had the following entries in /var/log/dnf.log: elfutils-default-yama-scope noarch 0.185-1.el8 baseos 49 k elfutils-devel ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Azure BLOB Download is very slow\inconsistent from a Linux Host (CentOS 7)

I was getting reports that "downloads from Azure are slow" from one of our datacenters, so to recreate I've hosted my own BLOB storage and gave it a go. All hosts are in the same subnet, ...
NOC_Ninja982134's user avatar
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iptables wont let me connect to mysql from remote server [duplicate]

I have 2 servers, DB_server ( and app_server ( created a user on DB_server for app_server (with as hostname) But I am not able to connect from app_server to db_server. When I ...
MrG's user avatar
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Mapping Linux users/groups to Windows 2019 NFS Share

I have a Windows Server 2019 machine and a CentOS 8 machine on the same network. The CentOS server is hosting a webapp that uses files from the Windows machine. To read these files, I had set up a ...
gen_Eric's user avatar
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How to recover from the GRUB losing its entries and faced with only "grub> _" at boot?

I performed a system upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 rather successfully (as noted here). During the process something strange happened and GRUB lost its boot entries entirely and my limited ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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How to alter firewall (iptables) log rules such that they stop flooding the primary console on AlmaLinux 8?

I have a constant deluge of firewall blocks showing up on my console in AlmaLinux 8: How do you modify iptables rules / settings so as to disable these from showing up on the primary console and to ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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FreeIPA migrate the current NFSv4 storing home directories to another server

I have a FreeIPA set-up that uses NFSv4 to store users' home directories. NFS is running on the same physical server as the FreeIPA. CentOS btw. I'd like to move the NFS server on a new machine and ...
lolz's user avatar
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How do I install PHP 5.5 on a new version of CentOS or Amazon Linux or Redhat or Ubuntu?

I just joined a new company. I've been asked to build a CI/CD pipeline for a Laravel app. It is very fragile. It was built for PHP 5.5 and it breaks when they've tried to upgrade to 5.6 or 7. They don'...
charlottesville's user avatar
-1 votes
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Firewall not keeping relay attempts from reaching postfix

I have a centos-based vps managed with webmin and every once in a while I get a few hundred emails like this one: From: MAILER-DAEMON@mail.<redacted>.com To: postmaster@<redacted>.com ...
alex_223's user avatar
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folder size not corresponding to files inside

I have a problem! My server (Centos OS WHM) is out of space. Browse directories and naturally the biggest directory is /home/userfolder/. Using the du -sch * command, I can check the size 99GB. [home]#...
naber brene's user avatar
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How to configure a redirection just for visitors coming from a specific address?

I've been handed a website using cloudflare workers to redirect a wordpress blog hosted in a subdomain to a subdirectory - for the most part it's a copypaste from this cloudflare article plus an if-...
memory noise's user avatar
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How to increase the size for /dev/mapper/centos-root without data loss

I am running a virtual server, and the provider added extra diskspace. However, I need to somehow increase (merge) the existing disk (has data) and the new disk (empty). how to increase the size for /...
Yuri's user avatar
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How to configure rsyslog to send multiple logs to a remote server and save them as individual files?

I have some log files inside a directory called log ls -l /var/log/ org1_app.log org2_app.log org1_perf.log org2_perf.log ... Now I set up an rsyslog client on the host server. Here is the ...
Souvik Ray's user avatar
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Curl "peer's certificate issuer is not recognized" error when attempting to communicate between two servers

I have two servers A and B that host websites that work fine in a browser with https. The lock icon in the browsers show active and trusted SSL certificates. I'm trying to run curl so that server A ...
Timothy Fisher's user avatar
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Postfix / OpenDKIM config on Centos8

I've setup Postfix with Dovecot as an integrated mail service for my SaaS app, it worked great as an inbox. The issue started when I started to send emails, it was not signed so I went ahead and ...
Marius Terblanche's user avatar
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How can stop sftp download and upload a specific file in the root user and cat command

how to stop sftp root user transfir and donload for specific file linux centos 7 I have a text file located in the root folder But . I want to give someone a root user password and I need to protect ...
somava samco's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to boot custom .iso from CentOs 7 [closed]

I have a custom Windows 10 .iso mounted. I want to boot that .iso so I can overwrite my current VPS's OS (CentOs 7). I can't get to the boot screen because when I'm connecting via terminal, ssh will ...
User's user avatar
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fail2ban not creating jails in CentOS

I'm trying to create a jail in Fail2Ban to protect a Asterisk PBX. I already did as suggested and made a copy of jail.conf named jail.local. In jail.local, I set up a asterisk jail as follows: [...
GD1's user avatar
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On RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux installer Software Selection screen, what do the packages/environments actually install?

When installing Oracle Linux, at one point you need to choose the software. What actual packages are actually installed when you select Server, Minimal Install, and the subpackages such as Standard or ...
GDR's user avatar
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How to resize partition to maximum size on Debian 8?

My question is how to resize partition on Debian 8 without losing any data? I have 90 GB partition but my disk has 150 GB space on VPS server, so 50 GB is free and I want to add this 50 GB without ...
Piotror's user avatar
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4 votes
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Not able to backup of postgres DB from DBeaver

Hope you are doing great. We have postgres install on centos server and accessing it through DBeaver from Ubuntu machine. Whenever we try to take backup of Database it is giving error as "Native ...
Satish Lamak's user avatar
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How to preserve file access time when using `chmod`

I would like to know how can I preserve file access time ("atime") when using "chmod". Sometimes I need to use the code below: chmod -R 777 /directory It works fine, however all ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Logs are not shifting to new directory after log rotation

I am facing issue. We have setup log forwarder for sentinel and logs are frequently coming on /var/log/messages. Actual problem is i have created one script for log rotation and placed it under /etc/...
vansh kumar's user avatar
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Linux centos firewall commands not found

firewalld-cmd--add-service=mysql--zone=public--permanent firewalld-cmd--add-service=http--zone=public--permanent firewalld-cmd--add-port=80/tcp--zone=public--permanent firewalld-cmd--reload lamps: ...
alex foxton's user avatar
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What would cause my IPv6 connectivity to keep dying, with a reboot fixing it each time?

Centos 8 Stream When I first boot my server up, ipv6 works fine. I can ping another ipv6 address without issue. A few (10?) minutes later, it stops working. Rebooting the box fixes it, but I can't ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Redirect all access on IP address to domain name need to click proceed to redirect

I have this config in my apache: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName default <Location /> Redirect / </Location> </VirtualHost> <...
carlbasabe's user avatar
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Public Cloud Virtual Machine - Restrict Uninstalling Packages

During the evaluation on public cloud(VMs) security product, Below question came into my mind. I would like to request your kind consultancy to fix this challenge Requirement: Install a security agent ...
UtpMahesh's user avatar
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php files downloading instead of executing nginx

I am working on a project for a school assignment. We have to make a webserver with wordpress on it. There are some stuff we had to change think of changing the user of nginx and mariadb to webuser ...
VogelSpotter's user avatar
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I can't mount windows folder in centos through mount -t cifs

everyone! I have windows folder. This folder is available from my windows 10 OS. At the server with Centos 8 I did: sudo mkdir /mnt/sbsp sudo mount -t cifs //bk.local/BurgerKing/NetDisks/K/Бухгалтерия/...
Makar Pogorelov's user avatar
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Does docker need Apache to run application

I am installing wordpress via docker on centos7 and would likely install other softwares also via i need Apache to run the Application or docker can run without Apache
nobledukex's user avatar
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Centos - Unbboud and URIBL_BLOCKED blacklist

I am facing the following problem: My websites have contact forms. People reach out to me via contact form. I receive 1 email after every contact form sent. Since about 1 week Ms Outlook is marking my ...
Pikk's user avatar
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Where can I set additional conf files for NetworkManager

I am using Linode and every single time I boot my server, Linode (cloud provider) ovewrites the file below: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 This is well documented and expected in order to ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Unknown process on Centos 7 VPS "sysnetd" using lots of cpu

So I cant seem to find any information ANYWHERE on what this process, "sysnetd", does. I've run LSOF etc but nothing seems to provide any info I know what to do with. The /proc/pid folder ...
user1449369's user avatar
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rsyslog is running, but nothing is output

nice to meet you. Suddenly nothing is being output in /var/log/messages, cron, secure, etc... I have not restarted rsyslog or modified /etc/rsyslog.conf, so I do not know why. Even after rebooting, ...
rihm's user avatar
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xrdp fails from Windows 11 to CentOS Stream 9

I am trying to take a remote desktop connection from Windows 11 to CentOS Stream 9 running on Hyper V. Below is the error msg: Link to view xrdp.ini Thanks!
Rajiv Iyer's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to setup multiple vps in one hardware

I purchase a rack server hardware with 64GB ram now i want to create 8*8GB VPS so how can i do that. I have 1 internet connection and 8 static IP from ISP, Now problem is how can i setup port ...
Sanket Tripathi's user avatar
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CentOS: How to keep previous service state on reboot

Is there unit setting I can change so a service will stay stopped after reboot if it was stopped before reboot? Currently service starts with OS startup even if it was stopped CentOS9
Boppity Bop's user avatar
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How to enable http/2 from a Centos Package/yum?

I'm running the following version of Apache on Centos 7: httpd.x86_64 2.4.6-97.el7.centos.5 @updates httpd-tools.x86_64 2.4.6-97.el7.centos.5 ...
Aussie's user avatar
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How to block all traffic on a VM except host IP?

I am running a Vagrant VM and am trying to have a network isolated mode. Since disabling or changing anything with the default NAT interface breaks Vagrant I decided to block ALL traffic inside the ...
Fyrie's user avatar
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Stopping DRBD so I can run some tests with a VM

We have two servers I inherited, both running DRBD and each then running KVM virtual machines. I would love to stop a VM running on server1, and bring up just the 1 VM on server2 for some tests. ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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Docker can't pull images behind proxy server

am using docker version 20.10.14 with CentOS Linux 7, i just installed docker and set up the proxy settings in /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service and my proxy settings are Environment="...
Rami's user avatar
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