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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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4 votes
3 answers

slow response from squid proxy - optimization

We use squid 3.0 on Centos5.3 and have currently 20 users (Internet Explorer) using this proxy. The problem is that the access through proxy is slower. Even a simple webpage like ...
Jindrich's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Ways to get a bounceback report for my newsletter application?

We have an application that sends newsletter in email format. We would like to have a bounceback report. I am sure there has to be tools (free or not) that do this already, look into a specific email ...
Geo's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Managing CentOS VPS through SSH

Currently I'm taking charge of a CentOS based VPS with cPanel installed. However, I would like to upgrade the version of PHP and MySQL installed, along with some other optimizations to perform. ...
segfault's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Apache crashing; "Too many open files in system"

I am running Apache2 with mpm_prefork on a MediaTemple (dv) server. No significant changes have been made to my server configuration recently. httpd.conf is currently set to the following: ...
Eric Martindale's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

WebDAV on CentOS - getting 403 error when attempt to upload

I configured Apache2 to allow WebDav on a directory (CentOS 5 / Plesk 8.6): WebDav is enabled in httpd.conf /var/lib/dav/lockdb is writeable by Apache My target dir is chmod 777 My target dir is ...
Darren Newton's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

cleaning up centos install

I am relatively new to using linux but have a vps with centos installed with uTorrent installed via wine. The VPS has 50GB of space which I have noticed all of that is being taken up by the home/...
Malachi's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Compromising between fresh and secure PHP packages on production servers?

I have a handful of production servers running Centos. My application requires a fairly recent version of PHP (> 5.2, IIRC). The options currently available to Centos Users are: The official, ...
Frank Farmer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Enable nice urls / permalinks in CentOS + Apache

We've got a fresh CentOS box and we need to enable nice urls / permalinks. We're running Apache with mod_rewrite installed but I'm aware I need edit a few config files to get the basics up and running....
2 votes
1 answer

Setting up multiple FTP accounts on domain in Plesk 8.6 CentOS [closed]

Plesk 8.6 currently does not allow creating more than one FTP account per domain. You can setup 'web users' via the plesk interface but this sandboxes the FTP accounts outside of the web accessible ...
Darren Newton's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Up-to-date repository for CentOS git RPMS

I'm currently maintaining git packages manually for my CentOS machines since there seem to be no recent packages available in the Repos. I'm rebuilding the SRPMS from, but --without docs ...
Robert Munteanu's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Remotely reboot tomcat

I am trying to reboot my tomcat version 5 on a centos server from my dev box. I can login as a normal user(not root) but I need to be able to reboot the service. Is there a config file that I can ...
Milhous's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Why is the disk space used by the same directory on two CentOS boxes different?

I'm wondering why, when I use rsnapshot to rsync /usr/lib/locate from one machine to another, the output given by 'du' is different? The machines are identical, the OS on both is CentOS 5.3. Here is ...
afa's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

CentOS/Dovecot/Postfix server doesn't allow external email clients to send email ANYMORE

I've been running a CentOS/Dovecot/Postfix box as an email server for a while with no complications. A few weeks ago users stopped being able to send emails through external clients. They can read an ...
user6271's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Installing Tomcat on CentOS 5

Disclaimer: I am not a server admin, I am a windows user that has lead a life of sinful installation wizards and drag and drop I'm attempting to install Tomcat on CentOS 5 hosted by a MediaTemple ...
andybaird's user avatar
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7 votes
9 answers

Is there any decent repositories for CentOS or Fedora?

I'm known as a hater of RPM/Yum based OS, just because i think their lacking of decent package repositories (at least for recent software). While in Debian/Ubuntu, there are a lot of good ...
pablasso's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Upgrade PHP to latest version on CentOS 4.5

I'm a Linux newbie but I need to upgrade PHP on CentOS 4.5 to the latest version -- or at least 5.2.2 or better. What's the easiest way to do that? The latest available via yum seems to be 5.1.6 and I ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

How to secure SFTP wihtout re-compiling OpenSSH?

I imagine many of you have production environments and the option for recompiling a software package like OpenSSH, that is widely use is not an option, at least all the time. The solution in Securing ...
Geo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What issues should I watch for when rolling out CentOS as a desktop environment?

I have been managing Debian, and now Ubuntu, desktop systems for a small shop for several years now. I am very comfortable with apt for package management and distribution upgrades. The Ubuntu ...
pcapademic's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Python 3.0 RPMs for CentOS 5 (RHEL 5)

Where is the best repository you use to obtain RPMs for Python 3.0 which are well maintained?
Jonathan Prior's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Setting up Exim to forward mail

I'm trying to setup Exim on a fresh CentOS install so that it will receive mail for a collection of given addresses, and forward the mail respectively to another address. For example, receiving mail ...
Joe Freeman's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Centos fonts

I am using inkscape/gs on a Cent OS 5 server. Where do I need to put the fonts so that inkscape, which uses gs, will be able to find the fonts when it is rendering a pdf or ps file from a svg?
Milhous's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does one simulate the old unix grep -S strict functionality in linux

I am grepping the output of a command and I wish to only return specific, strict results. I remember some iteration of grep had a strict option -s/--strict. For example, grep -s bytes would only ...
Nathan Milford's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Store cache files in /tmp or /home/USER/tmp

We generate cache files for combined site assets such as javascript and css. We currently store these files in /tmp but with everything else in there it is making the cleanup routines awkward to setup....
robjmills's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Python source RPMS for centos?

Anybody have a link to the page where centos source rpms are located? I'm looking for the python source rpm to build a debug python binary.
readonly's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Plesk 9.2.1 and Failure Notices [closed]

I am helping my sister's church by hosting their site and email on a virtual server (CentOS 5). I use Plesk 9.2.1 and have attempted to beat back Failure Notices, hundreds of Failure Notices every day....
smackaysmith's user avatar
7 votes
10 answers

Which linux version to install: i386 or x64?

Talking about ease of maintanence / software support does it matter what version of linux i386 or x64 version is installed? Server obviously is 64 bit however i wonder if living with 64bit OS would ...
alexeit's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

examples of kickstart files for CentOS 5.3

I want to install CentOS as a server os using kickstart. I know normally you can install a system and get a copy of the kickstart file with the installation options you selected at install time. I'm ...
Jared's user avatar
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15 votes
9 answers

Resources for beginning Linux administrators

I've just acquired a dedicated linux server which I plan to use to deploy projects and host a few sites from. Unlike virtual or shared hosting services I've used in the past in this case I'm actually ...
Esteban Brenes's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to configure an external CentOS server to act as an HTTP Proxy/Relay?

I have an externally hosted CentOS 5 server ( that I want to use as a relay/proxy for my local web requests. So basically, if I load on my local computer I'd like for ...
Esteban Brenes's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

yum-security for CentOS?

Last time I checked I was able to install yum-security in CentOS but since it doesn't use the official redhat mirrors I was unable to get it to actually work. Is there a way to make yum-security work ...
Jared's user avatar
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