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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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6 votes
1 answer

Excessive number of sleeping processes in CentOS - howto diagnose? [closed]

I have a a large number of sleeping processes, about 600, the majority of which are Apache processes. Should I kill all these sleeping processes, or will that make Apache fail completely? Why are ...
mr.soroush's user avatar
82 votes
7 answers

Log all commands run by admins on production servers

It is company policy for admins to login to the servers via a personal username, and then run sudo -i to become root. Upon running sudo -i, sudo will create an environmental variable called SUDO_USER,...
Soviero's user avatar
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72 votes
2 answers

Why is it so difficult to upgrade between major versions of Red Hat and CentOS?

"Can we upgrade our existing production EL5 servers to EL6?" A simple-sounding request from two customers with completely different environments prompted my usual best-practices answer of "yes, but ...
ewwhite's user avatar
  • 199k
62 votes
5 answers

How to configure vsftpd to work with passive mode

Whenever I install vsftpd on centos, I only setup the jail environment for the users and rest is default configuration of vsftpd. I create user and try to connect with filezila ftp client, but I could ...
Toqeer's user avatar
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38 votes
7 answers

How can I determine what is taking up so much space? [duplicate]

I was using df -h to print out human readable disk usage. I would like to figure out what is taking up so much space. For instance, is there a way to pipe this command so that it prints out files that ...
syn4k's user avatar
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112 votes
9 answers

Allow SFTP but disallow SSH?

I'm starting a very little hosting company for a few friends and little clients, nothing big. I want to give my "clients" the right to manage their files on the server. I hate FTP as it is not secure ...
Tommy B.'s user avatar
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84 votes
2 answers

How to open port for a specific IP address with firewall-cmd on CentOS? [duplicate]

I would like to open port 4567 for the IP address with the firewall-cmd command on a CentOS 7.1 server. How can I achieve this, as the documentation I could find was too specific on this?
Michaël Perrin's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

SELinux preventing Apache from writing to a file

SELinux is preventing the apache user from writing to a log file which it owns. When I do setenforce 0 it works. Otherwise it shows this error IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/webapp/...
Clodoaldo's user avatar
  • 435
74 votes
2 answers

How should an IT department choose a standard Linux distribution?

There is a lot of community feeling about what Linux distributions are appropriate for production server environments and which aren't, however, a lot of this feeling seems religiously based, and ...
wfaulk's user avatar
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65 votes
1 answer

Why are my XFS filesystems suddenly consuming more space and full of sparse files?

I've run XFS filesystems as data/growth partitions for nearly 10 years across various Linux servers. I've noticed a strange phenomenon with recent CentOS/RHEL servers running version 6.2+. Stable ...
ewwhite's user avatar
  • 199k
10 votes
4 answers

How to diagnose causes of oom-killer killing processes

I have a small virtual private server running CentOS and www/mail/db, which has recently had a couple of incidents where the web server and ssh became unresponsive. Looking at the logs, I saw that ...
dunxd's user avatar
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98 votes
12 answers

How bad is it really to install Linux on one big partition?

We will be running CentOS 7 on our new server. We have 6 x 300GB drives in raid6 internal to the server. (Storage is largely external in the form of a 40TB raid box.) The internal volume comes to ...
bdemarest's user avatar
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33 votes
12 answers

Disable local delivery in Sendmail

I am using Sendmail on a Centos server to send email for PHP scripts, but the problem is that mail is delivered to a local mailbox on the machine rather than what is specified in the MX records for ...
user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Allowing FTP with IPTables

My current scenario involves allowing various rules, but I need ftp to be accessible from anywhere. The OS is Cent 5 and I am using VSFTPD. I can't seem to get the syntax correct. All other rules ...
IOTAMAN's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

CentOS 7 x64 and HP Proliant DL360 G5 SCSI Controller compatibility

I've an HP Proliant DL360 G5 server with two 72gb HDD in RAID and 2 150gb HDD in RAID. I've Windows Server installed on the 72gB HDD and I'm now trying to overwrite it with a fresh installation of ...
Fez Vrasta's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Two identical files; Apache says one is forbidden

I've got this one file, favicon.ico. It's actually a large group of nested files, but purely for example, just this one. If I do cp favicon.ico favicon2.ico, Apache can read the second one just fine. ...
Tycho's user avatar
  • 143
132 votes
20 answers

How do you install Node.JS on CentOS?

I've found numerous installation instructions for Node.js but they all seem so complicated -- I'm not a super sys admin but I can get around. I have yum on the system, but I didn't find any node.js ...
qodeninja's user avatar
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104 votes
17 answers

CentOS vs. Ubuntu [closed]

I had a web server that ran Ubuntu, but the hard drive failed recently and everything was erased. I decided to try CentOS on the machine instead of Ubuntu, since it's based on Red Hat. That ...
DLH's user avatar
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81 votes
6 answers

Centos 7 save iptables settings

Problem: iptables resets to default settings after server reboot. I'm trying to set rule like this: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT after that I do: service iptables save and it ...
user1463822's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Managing an application across multiple servers, or PXE vs cfEngine/Chef/Puppet

We have an application that is running on a few (5 or so and will grow) boxes. The hardware is identical in all the machines, and ideally the software would be as well. I have been managing them by ...
matt's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Recovering from bad chown command

I was going to change the ownership of a directory to apache:apache, but I ended up running: chown -R apache:apache / Bad! Very bad! I knew what was going on when it started saying: chown: ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 466
4 votes
2 answers

Move /var to new set of disks

I currently only have remote access to this CentOS box, I need to move /var form the primary RAID to a new set of disks that was installed with more space, My current thoughts on how to accomplish ...
Brandon's user avatar
  • 215
42 votes
13 answers

How to find out details about hardware on the Linux machine?

-i.e - how to get a full list of hardware components in command line (on a machine with no window system) Thank you.
Evgeny's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

How do I get SELinux to allow Apache and Samba on the same folder?

In the configuration I have setup I wish to allow samba and apache to access /var/www I am able to set a context to allow samba access, but then httpd doesn't have access. Using setenforce to 0 ...
Joshua Enfield's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Block outgoing connections on RHEL7/CentOS7 with firewalld?

RHEL7/CentOS7 features a new firewalld firewall service, that replaces the iptables service (both of which use iptables tool to interact with kernel's Netfilter underneath). firewalld can be easily ...
golem's user avatar
  • 357
9 votes
1 answer

Configure Postfix to send/relay emails Gmail ( via port 587

Using Centos 5.4, with Postfix. I can do a mail [email protected] subject: blah test . Cc: and the msg gets sent to gmail, but it resides in the spam folder, which is to be expected. My goal is to ...
tom smith's user avatar
  • 461
8 votes
1 answer

centos: using epel repository on a server machine

Are there any downsides in enabling epel repository on a server machine or is it something every sysadmin does?
clime's user avatar
  • 457
8 votes
3 answers

How to Tee udp packets onto a different host

I would like to clone incoming UDP packets onto a different host, I found a way to do it Here but I could not build xtables-addons on centos 5.3 . Is there any other way to tee upd packets?
user53925's user avatar
  • 151
45 votes
5 answers

How to shrink /home and add more space on CentOS7

CentOS 7 file system is XFS, And resize2fs doesn't work. I need to shrink /home to 400G and add 100G space to /. What should I do? # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /...
GoingMyWay's user avatar
35 votes
13 answers

Linux IO monitoring per file?

I am interested in a utility or process for monitoring disk IO per file on CentOS. On Win2008, the resmon utility allows this type of drilldown, but none of the Linux utilities I have found do this (...
kermatt's user avatar
  • 545
35 votes
2 answers

How do I configure LDAP on Centos 6 for user authentication in the most secure and correct way?

During the last couple of days I have been using a lot of F-words, while browsing Internet for good documentation about how to setup an LDAP-server. So far I have found none, but plenty that are less ...
Arlukin's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

CentOS 7 - end of life in 2024, then what

We are working on a software solution and some of our providers are really CentOS 7 centered. CentoS 7 will continue to produce through the remainder of the RHEL 7 life cycle, which will end sometime ...
marsisalie's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

How do I view the contents of a SELinux policy package

As the title says, how do I view the contents of a SELinux policy package? The resulting files end with .pp. I'm running on centos 6, but I guess it's the same way on "all" distros. For example ...
Arlukin's user avatar
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21 votes
9 answers

Automatically check for Security Updates on CentOS or Scientific Linux?

We have machines running RedHat-based distros such as CentOS or Scientific Linux. We want the systems to automatically notify us if there are any known vulnerabilities to the installed packages. ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to change Linux services startup/boot order?

As the question is clear from the title, how do I change Linux services startup/boot order?
Gnanam's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Install libxml2 2.7.X on CentOS 5.X

CentOS ships with libxml2-2.6.26. I have to install at least 2.7.X version. I downloaded RPMs for libxml2, libxml2-devel and libxml2-python (2.7.8) from XMLSOFT ( I am ...
tomekw's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
8 answers

How do I install PHP 5.3 on CentOS?

I have to install PHP 5.3 on my CentOS server. If I do yum install php, the base repository installs 5.1.6 which is too old for the applications I need to install. So I've been trying to use the IUS ...
fivelitresofsoda's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Do old package versions in CentOS mean that they do not have security fixes?

We asked our admin to update SVN on our CentOS 6.5 server. He did so and the result was SVN 1.6.11. However the current version of SVN is 1.8.9. I know the CentOS yum repository is not always up-to-...
Silicomancer's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

CentOS 5: How to resolve php53 RPM dependency conflict with php-foo and php-common?

We are running a CentOS 5.6 system, and want to install php53 with php-mcrypt. However, this introduces a dependency conflict between php-common & php53-common. Does anyone have a good workaround ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Newer GLIBC for RHEL/CentOS 5.x

I have a situation where a group of developers is attempting to deploy a binary application to a series of RHEL 5.5 and CentOS 5.5 servers. Unfortunately, the application was developed on another ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Centos 6.6 yum issues with NTP update

Hi I'm having an issue with yum, I seem to have broken dependencies? I have a general knowledge of Linux but I'm not sure how to fix this. Running CentOS 6.6. Here's the output from yum: yum update ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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132 votes
10 answers

How to extend an ext4 partition and filesystem?

I have a 400GB disk with a 320GB ext4 partition. I would like to grow the ext4 partition to use the left space (80GB of free space). +--------------------------------+--------+ | ext4 ...
mimipc's user avatar
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74 votes
4 answers

failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

I'm trying to list services on my CentOS image running in Docker using systemctl list-units but I get this error message: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted Any suggestions ...
Snowcrash's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Increasing nproc for processes launched by systemd on CentOS 7

I have successfully increased the nofile and nproc value for the local users, but I couldn't find a proper solution for the processes launched by systemd. Adding max_open_files to the MariaDB ...
amq's user avatar
  • 743
31 votes
7 answers

How to monitor the hard disk status behind Dell PERC H710 Raid Controller with CentOS 6?

I have a Dell server running CentOS 6 using PERC H710 Raid Controller card with Raid 5 setup and I want to monitor the hard disk failure/working status behind the Raid Controller. Then I should be ...
Xianlin's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

MySQL [Warning] IP address could not be resolved

I'm running MySQL5.6.3 on a CentOS 6.1 virtual machine running on Windows XP in VirtualBox. The network card is configured in bridge mode, so my physical & virtual machines share the same ...
BenMorel's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

How to find out yum package names

Recently I needed to install yum mbstring but because I have two different versions of PHP installed I needed to install mbstring for php 5.5. Through some random google searches I figured out to run: ...
keeg's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How do I upgrade to the latest PHP version in CentOS with yum?

I found some blog posts about this, but it's rather lack of descriptions on possible side effects. I could really use some detailed on these steps: How to add a repo that provides PHP 5.4 into yum ...
Vicary's user avatar
  • 333
18 votes
4 answers

Monitoring production server [closed]

We have 3 dedicated server, splitted in several VPS using openVZ. We're using munin to monitor the VPS with the production sites, and monit on some one of the VPS to make sure it restarts the service ...
Adam Benayoun's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Setting up Exim to forward mail

I'm trying to setup Exim on a fresh CentOS install so that it will receive mail for a collection of given addresses, and forward the mail respectively to another address. For example, receiving mail ...
Joe Freeman's user avatar

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