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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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How to initialize cockpit on CentOS8?

I am trying to access my public IP of the EC2- box on port 9090 to access centOS8 cockpit but I am unable to get to my centOS8 cockpit. My security group from the server is Security group This is what ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
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Centos :: Can't delete file with "rm" under "/", operation is not permitted [duplicate]

I have a CentOS server.It has been hasked.There are some malicious file under "/", like "/11db32e5", the AV scanner say it is a "HackTool/Linux.CoinMiner.n". But i cannot ...
you_know_who's user avatar
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All .PHP pages give 5x error in nginx

I followed this guide to install Nginx and PHP on a CentOS server. I am able to do things like php --version and even use the interactive shell. But inside of /usr/share/nginx/html/, I make a PHP file ...
super15's user avatar
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Backup server for several servers with yesterday's files

There are several servers under CentOS with PHP projects, and the task is to make a server (or servers) for them to store yesterday's versions of uncompressed files of all projects from all servers, ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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How to prevent ethernet issues after command line shutdown in CentOS7?

I'm running into a frustrating issue with a system running CentOS7. There's an Intel NIC (Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM (rev31)) which, when working, provides a 1000Mb/s connection....
ianiding-apo's user avatar
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Nat Local subnet to another gateway centos7

hi i have a centos 7 with ocserv and iptables installed i wanted to route all OCserv teraffic to ip tunnel (which established and reachable) my Server ip is My OCSERV Users Subnet is : 192....
Keyvan Rahimi's user avatar
2 votes
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Samba share not accessible to client in the same network

Two servers in the same network, a Windows server (client), and a Linux server (samba share host) The shared folder can be seen by the client but not accessed. See below for the configuration: smb....
Tango's user avatar
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CentOS 7: Postfix logs got cleared when running history -c. How can I investigate what happened the day the log was cleared?

By default, running history -c has no way of also deleting /var/mail/maillog, right? How can I investigate what happened the day the log was cleared, or (by definition) when the new maillog was ...
Andrw's user avatar
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Pgadmin4 - 500 Internal Server Error

I am a new user of PostgreSQL. I have installed PostgreSQL 13 on the CentOS 8 server and configured PGAdmin4 in both the web UI and desktop UI modes. The installation was successful and Desktop UI is ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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CentOS 7 kickstart file, add entry to /etc/hosts

I have a CentOS 7 kickstart file working quite nicely, mostly. The %packages section fails because I need to add an entry to /etc/hosts to point to our internal company repo. I ...
MikeKulls's user avatar
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Map dev notation to logical volume name

I need to figure out what dm-2 or dm-0, etc. is (this notation is found in dmesg notices, sysstat reports, etc.) and lsblk is not installed I find lvdisplay output a little bit confusing. Can someone ...
VGS's user avatar
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how to setup socks5 proxy server on centos9 for network access behind firewall?

I need a socks proxy on centos 9, to access services from an (internal) network behind a firewall. It should be a socks 5 proxy (dynamic port forwarding) that can only be used by the configured ssh ...
2IRN's user avatar
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Using custom nameservers

In Godaddy I have a domain and with valid A record to my Centos 7 server's IP. I 've created hostnames for that domain,, with the same ...
Michael Chourdakis's user avatar
-3 votes
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Creating/Configuring a DNS server with runtime configuration [closed]

I have a big Windows video/audio application that may be controlled remotely over a web server. For that, I can listen to a local port in a, say, system to port 8000, forward the port via ...
Michael Chourdakis's user avatar
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system load spikes causing php-fpm pools to fill and cause micro outages

kind of at my wits end at this point and looking for some help. 2 physical Web servers CentOS NGINX PHP5 php-fpm 2 physical DB Servers CentOS NGINX elastic search zookeeper couchbase as user load ...
John Bell's user avatar
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I am trying to configure ldap on port 636 on a redhat server. Right now, when I try the following command : netstat -antup | grep -i 636 I get tcp 0 132 IP_ADDRESS_1:40670 XX.XX.XX.XX:...
el sparrow's user avatar
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Failover load balancing by iptables is possible?

I'm playing around with iptables in my home lab. My first goal is to take my active directory communication into one load balancing virtual IP. I used prerouting chain to do that. For testing purposes,...
Peet's user avatar
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Notifying an administrator when mail-server wasn't able to upload logs to ftp-server - if condition is failing

I am currently working on a solution, that would notify me whenever my mail-server isn't able to transfer files to my ftp-server. (Right now my logs get rotated once per night and immediately uploaded ...
Moritz's user avatar
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CentOS 7 SCL (Software Collections) abandoned?

There is a difference in version between httpd24-httpd installed with Software Collections on CentOS 7.9 and httpd24-httpd installed with RHEL (Universal Base Images). CentOS 7.9 yum install centos-...
ngyuki's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to automatically change the name of a file on a daily basis

I am new to Linux/CentOS and right now I am running into a little problem. My CentOS7 Server logs all Maillogs, via Logrotate, on a daily basis and moves them to the folder /var/log/old_maillogs. ...
Moritz's user avatar
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Cross domain authentication with transitive forest trust for linux

I have two domains -- one for dev and one for corp. I can join a Windows machine to the dev domain and login as a corp user because of the transitive forest trust. I can join a Linux machine to the ...
witchkinkofAngmar's user avatar
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Clients of a site are getting SSL_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ALERT (Firefox) and ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT (Chrome)

I'm running a site in AlmaLinux 8.8 (Centos) and Apache 2.4.56. The site has a self-signed certificate. When I access the site, I get the usual warning due to the self-signed certificate. After ...
ePi272314's user avatar
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Connecting to another server by bash script

On server A I have a script in bash with a conditional. If the conditional is true, a connection is made to server B and httpd is reloaded. The script runs in cron and everything works correct. I don'...
ufo1990's user avatar
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Looking for CIS Benchmark script for CentOS 7

I am not sure this is the right place to ask this. I apologize if it is not. I have few CentOS machines that is running 7.7 version. And I need to do a CIS benchmark for finding any vulnerabilities. I ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Leapp upgrade : no matches found for the following disable plugin patterns : subscription-manager

I’m trying to elevate from CentOS 7.9 to Alma8. I’m following the official guide, but I’m stuck at leapp upgrade. I have the following error : STDERR: No matches found for the following disable plugin ...
tholeb's user avatar
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PHP Error waiting on socket

I'm getting problems with ssh2 and fread php function that started on a few days. On the apache error log show: ssh2_connect(): Error starting up SSH connection(-9): Error waiting on socket fread(): ...
user1505698's user avatar
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Centos show me "Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64"

Hi, i have a issue, when i type in Centos 7 "yum update" show me next error Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown), and yum doesn't ...
CristianDAG's user avatar
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How to manually validate the signature of an rpm file

What I need A way to get an asc file containing the signature from an rpm file. Why I need it I'm running into the issue described in this Reddit thread, where Chrome installed from
Keegan's user avatar
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Optimizing CPU and Memory use on Multi-socket NUMA server

I am building a server that will be used by interns in my company to connect to and perform some tasks. The server is running AlmaLinux 9 and using KVM to run Windows 11 guests. The server has 2 CPU ...
Fabz's user avatar
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Non-valid paths in "multipath -ll" output

I see paths that are no longer valid along with valid ones. How do I prevent them showing up in the output. I expect four valid paths. The volume was earlier exported with LUN 13 and later 14 which ...
Hem's user avatar
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cannot join to master node using kubeadm join

I am trying to set up a kubernetes cluster and running this command on my worker node kubeadm join server:port --token xxx --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:xxxx and the error i have is Found ...
noob_coder's user avatar
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cannot download calico on kubernetes cluster

I am trying to set up a kubernetes cluster on centos, and installing calico is one of the steps. My control plane is ready, but coredns are still pending. From the internet, i got the below command to ...
noob_coder's user avatar
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cannot run kubeadm init on centos

I am trying to run kubeadm init on my centos 8 server and I am getting this error I0609 09:51:54.527931 2575529 version.go:255] remote version is much newer: v1.27.2; falling back to: stable-1.23 [...
noob_coder's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What could be causing PowerMTA not to forward emails over port 465 SSL...?

We have a PowerMTA server that receives incoming e-mail. and forward it to external SMTP server that's not running PowerMTA i tried to do it using port 587 and port 25 both working fine and emails ...
Sabrina sage's user avatar
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Cloudmin backup size

we are using Cloudmin under CentOS 7.9. to manage Xen virtual machines that use LVM. It's all backed up once a week (via Cloudmin's built-in backup system, which I think just uses dd). Last week I ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Can openssh daemon count key failures separately from password failures?

Recently the max number of auth for ssh was reduced on some servers at my work from 6 to 3 to comply with new security restrictions. Most of us in IT are seeing "too many failures" and no ...
elyograg's user avatar
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Wrong External IP for Real Server Behind Load Balancer

I have a hardware load balancer with multiple Virtual IPs. ie (, Behind Virtual IP I am load balancing several web servers. Behind VIP I have a mail server running ...
slevytam's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Linux Hostname - SystemD Service File Causing NetworkManager to Fail on Boot [closed]

systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: Job nis-domainname.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with NetworkManager-wait-online.service/start
Steven's user avatar
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SVN running on RHEL 8 Authentication issue

Good morning, I support a subversion server running on rhel 8. The engineers check in/out software builds from a CentOS6 desktop. I need to add authentication to the SVN URL because it's wide open. ...
Robert Zanni's user avatar
-2 votes
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Updating Centos 8.0 to Centos 8.3

I need your expert help on how can I update Centos 8.0 to Centos 8.3. I have installed Centos 8.0 using the standard option without GUI. It's a requirement at work. Please help Thanks & regards,
vinv27009's user avatar
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Cloud-init in kvm guests (Debian and Centos) not setting interface settings

Im trying to use cloud-init to setup kvm guests (currently Debian 11 and CentOS Stream 8), and I am looking for help in correcting the meta-data and user-data files. Everything else seems to work, but ...
Unpossible's user avatar
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How to change Public Key in Oracle Cloud

I have CentOS running on AMD and Ubuntu running on ARM services on Oracle cloud. Previously, I shared my private key (used for connecting SSH/Putty) with my freelance developer. However, over a month ...
Mehul Kumar's user avatar
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I have a new server but IO Speed is terrible based on FIO results

I ordered a new server because I have to move to higher performance server. However, this new server is totally awful. I tried to get the benchmark by using fio here is the result. [root@s206716 ~]# ...
James Hartford's user avatar
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CentOS getting unusable slow over time running at Hyper-V

I run TWiki 6.1 on a CentOS Stream 9-virtual machine hosted in Hyper-V at Windows10. VMs hostanme is "twiki" System ran for over a year now without any problems but since some weeks its not ...
Micha W's user avatar
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Replicate mysql database when target server is MariaDB 10.5 (where mysql.user is a view)

I have a sync script that does a mysqldump on the mysql database on a source server, then imports that dump on the target server, followed by privelege flush. Systems are CentOS 7. In MariaDB 10.5, ...
elyograg's user avatar
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"Timed out waiting for device" & dev-disk-by\x2duuid.swap/service failed with result dependency/timeout?

My server (running Centos Stream release 8) stopped responding to http yesterday evening. I tried to SSH in to it this morning, with no luck, just an empty hung PuTTy screen. I did a automatic reset ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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High process memory usage (VmRSS) on rocky 8 vs. centos 7.7 for essentially everything

We're migrating some servers from centos 7.7ish to Rocky linux 8, and we're finding just about every process is using 20-50% more memory, causing machines to lock up. For example, sh on centos: # sh -...
Matt DiMeo's user avatar
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OpenVPN TLS handshake fails, no log messages

I have set up an OpenVPN server (version 2.5.9) on CentOS (Stream 9) and several clients. Unfortunately, clients always log this error message: 2023-04-14 09:24:21 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation ...
user8472's user avatar
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HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

Little Background: My main OS is windows 10. I am using vmware workstation pro. I've installed centos 7 on it. When I try to install either google chrome or mysql,I am getting the above mentioned ...
zeeshanseikh's user avatar
4 votes
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Leapp always fails upgrade: more space needed

I'm trying to upgrade a SL/Centos 7.9 to AlmaLinux with Leap. I followed the instructions here but it always fails with At least 3178MB more space needed on the / filesystem. I'm increased the disk ...
dargaud's user avatar
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