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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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mysql -V shows a different version than mysqld -V

I'm running centos 7 with mySQL mysql -V shows Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26-29, but mysqld -V shows Ver 5.7.11-4. systemctl status mysql and systemctl status mysqld both show the same running ...
Chris Strickland's user avatar
-1 votes
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Linux analyze and monitoring log tool?

I have a server using OS centos-7, but sometimes my server got slow with some processes. I want to check which service or process makes the system slow. how to check the percentage of CPU, ram, or ...
bopea's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Cannot use 2FA due to <Disabled method "keyboard-interactive"> even when it is enabled

I'm trying to enable google 2FA using package fedora google-authenticator ( This is my /etc/ssh/sshd_config: # $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1....
Siddharth's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - upgrade PHP version from 7.2 to 8

CentOS 7 Nginx Current websites run on PHP 7.2 PHP -v says ```# php -v PHP 8.0.25 (cli) (built: Oct 25 2022 09:42:31) ( NTS gcc x86_64 ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group``` But phpinfo() in the nginx ...
TheUnreal's user avatar
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How to safely downgrade gcc from 8.5 to 8.4?

I have a CentOS Stream 8 server with a backup application that requires the kernel to be compiled with the same version of gcc. Latest kernel is: 4.18.0-408.el8.x86_64 I inadvertently updated gcc in ...
location's user avatar
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Error opening terminal: unknown when executing nano

I have nano installed on a CentOS 7 VPS. When trying to open a file using nano, such as sudo nano /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, i get Error opening terminal: unknown. I am using Termius to access my VPS ...
Bowis's user avatar
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Show raid controller firmware version from Linux

I'm trying to find out the firmware version of my RAID controller on CentOS 7.9. Here is my RAID controller : # lspci -d::104 -m 02:00.0 "RAID bus controller" "Broadcom / LSI" &...
SebMa's user avatar
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Nginx equivalent for apache mod_rewrite rule

My script is hosted on centos 7 apache server, with below htaccess: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> <IfModule mod_negotiation.c> Options -MultiViews -Indexes </IfModule> ...
ktiwari's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - disable all services, except ssh and networking

This is a follow up question to Disable all services, except ssh. I want to achieve the same thing on CentOS 7 but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've created /usr/lib/systemd/system/...
willdashwood's user avatar
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DNS Port Forward Centos 7

how i can have this config? Server A --> use Server B ip as nameserver in /etc/resolve.conf Server B --> forward all req on port 53 to Server C:53 using iptables Server C --> resolve ...
Mahdi Akrami's user avatar
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Centos7 machine refusing connection to port

I'm trying to make sure that the machine is accepting tcp connections on port 8245, however I am unable to connect. When I try from an external machine: telnet 8245 I get: Unable to ...
Dr.Tautology's user avatar
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Delete files from /tmp/ CentOS6

I'm running Centos6 and inside mt /tmp/ folder I see these files drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 14 2016 fileinstall-1059639640221211034 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 30 2021 ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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I need to redirect http to https connection with nginx on rest service and need to test it on postman or soapui

here is my nginx.conf file: What should i change to make it work and how to get certificate user nginx; worker_processes auto; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /run/; # Load dynamic ...
Boro's user avatar
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Kickstart for CentOS9

Is there a kickstart feature in CentOS9? When I try to install system-config-kickstart I am getting the following message No match for argument: system-config-kickstart Error: Unable to find a match: ...
Imran Afzal's user avatar
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cant' delete user with userid 502, 503 and on CentOS 6

I have a CentOS VM that shows the list of users like this: drwx------. 2 504 504 4096 Dec 10 2000 username So if I try to run the userdeel command I got a message saying that the user does not ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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MDADM Nvme raid Slower than traditional HDD, need enlightenment

I have setup server about 20 days ago with new nvme, before setup raid mdadm the two Nvme samsung 980 pro 1TB i test bench have IO speed average 1.5G/s each nvme, but after creating raid 1, IO nvme ...
Trweb's user avatar
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Centos 7.4, dev/vda1 is 100% [duplicate]

My VPS on DO now has an issue of dev/vda1 is 100% since around 3 months ago, at that time, I did poweroff & reboot then disk spaced freed. But the thing rans into some bigger issue since 1 week ...
Phong Thai's user avatar
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Ensure a user can only SSH to the port they have been designated

CentOS 6 I want port 22 to be used for normal SSH access and for port 8822 to be used for jailed SFTP. Here's my sshd_config configuration Port 22 Port 8822 PermitRootLogin no PubkeyAuthentication no ...
supmethods's user avatar
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/opt/BitDefender/bin/ failed: exit code 2 on CentOS 6

I'm running CentOS 6.10 and everytime that I run a command I got this message on the console /opt/BitDefender/bin/ failed: exit code 2 I do not have Bitdefender install so I guess it's ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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Cannot execute binary file: Exec format error on Centos

I'm trying to install yq on CentOS 9 on hetzner. wget && chmod +x yq_linux_arm64 && ./yq_linux_arm64 The ...
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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How to build Multip-hop VPN using OpenVPN and two CentOS Servers?

I have two CentOS droplets. I want to create a scenario like this: User(IP: --> VPN1(Server1: --> VPN2(Server2: --> the user IP address ...
Iman's user avatar
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Dmesg to real timestamp

I would like convert my Centos 6.10 dmesg in real timestamp, how do I do this? I tried with -T but no luck. I have long entry like (1630230907.320:2)
Neha Patil's user avatar
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cannot open /etc/shadow message on CentOS 6.10

When I try to delete a user or add a user to the wheel group I got this message [root@server]# userdel --remove username userdel: cannot open /etc/shadow [root@server]# I'm running: [root@server]# ...
fanpero87's user avatar
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CentOS 6 : Group descriptors corrupted

I found the following in dmesg and I am wondering what I can do to fix it: EXT4-fs (snumbd1d): group descriptors corrupted!. Will I need to take the server offline in order to recover the file system ...
supmethods's user avatar
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Using both baseurl and mirrorlist in yum.repo

I want to cache RPM packets in my Nexus Repository. In repo file on client side I have two lines, both uncommented: baseurl=http://nexus-ip/repository/bts-nexus-almalinux-base/$releasever/BaseOS/$...
Eric S's user avatar
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How to enable legacy ciphers in modern SSH client [duplicate]

Got a shiny new OL9 and I need to connect to some legacy servers, as in CentOS 5. The OL9 SSH client does not support the legacy ciphers that CentOS 5 supports: [opc@vm1 ~]$ ssh legacyServer Unable to ...
Emilio P's user avatar
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executing a command without password prompt or root

For the sake of writing a script, I'd like my minikube-role-user to execute the command minikube tunnel without a password prompt, without switching user to root, be it by su or temporarily by sudo, ...
Dylan's user avatar
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File transfer between servers seems slow

I have two servers both running Rocky Linux v8.4, one hosts a raid drive that I use to back up a (very) large raid drive mounted on Server A as /home. Server A (with the large raid of 70TB mounted as /...
jearl's user avatar
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CentOS 7 with php-fpm renders raw PHP

Summary: My CentOS 7 server with PHP 7.4 fpm is not executing PHP files instead they provide a raw PHP file to the client. In the next section, I will explain the environment. I have set up a minimal ...
mercury's user avatar
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access to a postgres database gets permission denied if startet over systemctl

I have an issue with a postgres database running on my CentOS Server, but only if i start it over systemctl. My Service config: Description=Nakama server [Service] ExecStart=/etc/nakama/nakama --...
ODIronE's user avatar
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lvresize didn't expand lvm partition

I have a Virtual Machine into Hyper-V, I just expand the VHD and the free space are showing into lsblk command, but i cant expand the lv, it's always showing has no free space. My Configuration and ...
Yuri Moyses's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - Not Getting IP Address After Reboot

I can't quite seem to figure out why. Seems very odd. Setup; DHCP/Static IP Managed on Router/Firewall VM with CentOS 7 Installed that ultimately gets IP address from above Seems that whenever I ...
Michael Cropper's user avatar
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CentOS Stream 9 OpenLDAP failing to start slapd service

I'm trying to set up an OpenLDAP server on CentOS Stream 9, currently the server is only used to host a Wiki.JS wiki. I've installed the OpenLDAP server and client packages through yum without any ...
mrenshaw's user avatar
2 votes
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Install QEMU for Docker Buildx on Rocky Linux 8

I am preparing a Rocky Linux 8.6 system to run Docker Buildx for multi-architecture images. Ideally I'd like to have a host installation of QEMU and binfmt_misc (rather than one based on a Docker ...
Marcel Stör's user avatar
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Nginx, three identical vhost configs, one works, the other two got too many redirects

I got three websites on my server. My mainpage works well. My other two are getting to many redirects between www and non-www url. My vhost files are identical to my mainpage. I just ...
Waffelparty's user avatar
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Low disk space warning but df reports only 56% used

I am getting low disk space warnings but when I check the disk space, only 56% is used. I am thinking of giving the system a reboot as it's reported incorrect disk usage in the past. Here's the ...
supmethods's user avatar
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Installing podman on Amazon Linux 2

I am trying to install podman on an Amazon Linux 2 instance cat /etc/os-release NAME="Amazon Linux" VERSION="2" ID="amzn" ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora" ...
Daniel Szalay's user avatar
6 votes
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Mail is not getting through to gmail

I have a self hosted mail server on a VPS. When sending mail through an application, most of my mail is getting rejected by google. Google is giving following message about the mail. Reporting-MTA: ...
Alauddin Ahmed's user avatar
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How to force install an rpm?

I have a gitlab pipeline where I will be installing latest rpm everytime. Some times, even if the target machine is changed manually, the rpm should be installed successfully. But some how I am ...
Kalel's user avatar
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Printer online and enabled - receives job but doesn't print

I have setup a printer with the command lpadmin -p printername -o printer-error-policy=retry-current-job -E -v lpd://printername/RAW?timeout=10. The printer is detected and enabled. However, when I do ...
supmethods's user avatar
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How to check if an rpm is completely installed on centos?

We have an rpm to our project and that contains pre and post install scripts. While the post install script is still running, yum list is showing the package name in it. sudo yum list installed ...
Kalel's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to setup reverse dns (rDNS) to my unmanaged vps server

Recently I've deployed a mail server on my VPS server using mailcow which is using docker/docker-compose. For sometimes sending mail was working fine. But recently all my mails are getting rejected. ...
Alauddin Ahmed's user avatar
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Kickstart Partitions

Hi I wrote the kickstart file for centos 7. It works great but in some machines because of partitioning 2 disk drives which should be determined like sda and sdb I have issues USB boot drive is ...
gertz's user avatar
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Access to alias phpmyadmin only one host

I have two questions for you. I added to my serwer two domains. Now I see that I can login to ftp write both domains name. How set only one domain to works that server name ? How give access alias ...
ufo1990's user avatar
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Can I extend a Centos 7 partition while preserving its contents

I inherited managing a Centos 7 server where I am frequently running out of space in the root directory because its size is only 20Gb as shown bvelow. df -h (excerpt) /dev/sdb2 ...
Bob C.'s user avatar
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You have not defined a root partition / which is required for installation of Centos to continue

I am facing the following issue while doing an automated installation of Centos7 with kickstart.cfg I used the following options in the kickstart file zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel logvol / --...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Force to create admin user, if root was locked

I've created a kickstart file for automated installation of CentOS 7. Idea is to make foolproof oem installation, so root is locked, user have to be created on final part of installation. But here is ...
Artem Chernyshev's user avatar
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Limit number of CPU cores in bare metal server

I was trying to benchmark application performance across bare metal and hypervisors. I have a 24-core server on which hyper-v is running. On the same machine, I have centos7 installed. I can set the ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Samba Server Doesn't logging

I'm trying to logging with Windows in a Samba Server, but it does not connect. When I look in the logs it gives me the message [2022/07/20 08:35:19.749737, 0] ../lib/param/loadparm.c:1844(...
Anderson Silvestre's user avatar
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failed to open /etc/userdomains for linear search: Permission denied (euid=1000 egid=1001)

Here my autoresponder in centos is not working can anyone help me with it. 2022-07-20 09:50:10 1oE6LK-00A004-0j ** [email protected] R=userautoreply T=userautoreply: Expansion of "${if def:...
be MrZulf's user avatar
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