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Questions tagged [centos]

CentOS is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RedHat.

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Full disk encryption on CentOS 9 Stream with TPM2 decryption at boot time

I'm working on provisioning a server that requires full drive encryption and I want to automate the process of decrypting the drive at startup using the TPM2 module available on the motherboard, but I ...
Thomas Gonnot's user avatar
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Yum command to find files that an RPM will deploy

On Ubuntu/Debian you can run apt-file list nginx-core and you will get a list of all the files that a package will deploy when installed. How can I achieve this in RHEL with the yum command ? The ...
Subzero123's user avatar
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High CPU usage by ksoftirqd

We use GCP for running Kubernetes and for communication with our services in different locations using VM masquerading by iptables. The first time we faced an issue with performance when we use only ...
Alexander Tolkachev's user avatar
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How to diagnose out of space errors?

Twice I've noticed out of space errors in my php app and both times I've received the error "No space left on device while writing config" when attempting to login via ssh to troubleshoot ...
Dan Bray's user avatar
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How to resolve NXDOMAIN in centos using bind/named package

I am trying to configure DNS server on centos 7. I am following this link. when I run dig -x I don't receive any answers record. here is output ; <<>> DiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9....
9me's user avatar
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Emails delivered, but no where to be found

I have been working on this for 2 days now and am desperate for some help. Postfix & Dovecot CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 Plesk 18.0.50 For the most part emails are flowing into the server ...
Luke Pittman's user avatar
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I cannot get environment variable from apache

On a Centos 8, I added a SetEnv into my VirtualHost conf: <VirtualHost *:XXXX> Alias /static/ /opt/industrialisation/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/ <Directory /opt/industrialisation/xxx/xxxx/> ...
timothepoznanski's user avatar
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DNS resolution using a VM under libvirt

I have a Fedora 36 laptop with libvirt configured and run free-IPA server, based on CentOS 8 as a virtual machine. The IP address of this IPA server is and my host laptop has an IP ...
hypersonics's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to su or ssh as anyone but root on CentOS 7

I seem to be unable to ssh or su as a local user on my CentOS 7 machine as of today. $ adduser ndejay $ passwd ndejay Changing password for user ndejay. New password: Retype new password: $ su ndejay ...
Nicolas De Jay's user avatar
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xfs corruption metadata after reboot

I had a problem on a RAID1 with 4 disks. We replaced the faulty disk and restarted the server, the rebuild was done, two linux centos 7 machines did not come up accusing error of xfs corruption. Other ...
Christovam's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does xinetd try to close file descriptors on startup?

I have xinetd running inside a docker container (base image centos:7) on a rockylinux 9 host machine. On starting xinetd service in the docker image, it appears to hang. So I used strace, and found ...
MirroredFate's user avatar
2 votes
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Redhat phantom out of memory issues

We have a server that runs various headless applications, such as Java. It processes to stream data, daily python scripts, etc. From time to time some of our applications get out of memory errors. The ...
MikeKulls's user avatar
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df -h --total command showing wrong total disk size

I have 512GB attached to my linux centos 7.9 server I'm trying to know how much total disk size used from overall disk size from inside the server I tried to use df -h --total command to show the ...
Mohammed Alkilani's user avatar
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What is the equivalent to "sudo apt autoremove" in CentOS?

I read this but there's no apt command in CentOS. So, how can I remove unused packages in CentOS?
xesoh43966's user avatar
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netbooting CentOS via PXE and UEFI : unable to mount root over nfs -- failed to switch root path /sysroot

Last weekend, I went down the rabbit hole of trying to netboot rockylinux on raspberry pi 4. I was able make it work as far as being able to boot the kernel. But I fail to properly nfs mount root. I ...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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vsFTPd 3.0.5, 331 Please specify the password. Password: 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. Centos Stream 9

On Centos Stream 9 when I try to connect via FTP it says vsFTPd 3.0.5, 331 Please specify the password. Password: 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. The username /password are correct I treid many ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't connect to mysql after managing systemctl (Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock')

I needed to run a program (just a compiled c++ program, not script, i.e., like /var/programname) on startup on CentOS 7. I followed this guide
Stdugnd4ikbd's user avatar
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ssh could not connect to the server, and disconnected after providing the username. Logs for sshd-ddd and ssh-vvv are provided below

The original text is in Chinese, translated into English using Google Translate. premise Because of the need to upgrade glibc2.28 to glibc2.29, and later required too many dependencies, the upgrade ...
ahaly's user avatar
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Centos 7 dhcp server not responding to UEFI PXE DISCOVER

I'm trying to set up a Centos 7 server as a dhcp server for PXE (UEFI). I'be tried several changes to the dhcpd.conf file, but nothing seems to make a difference. dhcpd.conf: allow booting; allow ...
Justin Killen's user avatar
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DNS issue with CentOS7?

I am working in a VMWare environment creating a network for a college class, and I keep running into what I can only assume is a DNS error with my two CENTOS7 systems. The system environment is as ...
AnotherSand8804's user avatar
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2 answers

List all tags in SVN repo

If I run svnlook tree -N /path I get a list of the top level folders in the SVN repo like this: / tags/ trunk/ But what I need to see is a list of the current tags. I know I can turn off -N but ...
Kline's user avatar
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Centos 7.0 can't start network service

I get this error when I start network service Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status network.service" and "...
Bulut Avşar's user avatar
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failed to create bus connection: no such file or directory

Virtualbox with ubuntu 22.04 [root@container www]# systemctl start NetworkManager Failed to get D-Bus connection: No such file or directory Virtualbox with ubuntu 20.04 docker run --privileged -d -...
Rajsekar Reddy's user avatar
-1 votes
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PermitRootLogin set to no but can still use root on Centos Stream 9

Im following an RHCSA training course and to disable root I need to set PermitRootLogin to no in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and restart sshd using systemctl. I've done all this and can still login ...
Hassam Dauhoo's user avatar
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Server with high bandwidth + ftp connection impossible (CENTOS 7 + NGINX)

I have a video streaming server using centos + nginx (1gbps port). When all services are active it is impossible to connect to ftp. There is no bandwidth left for FTP. It prevents me from adding new ...
Adonai's user avatar
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Centos 7 CVE-2022-42920 missing security update

Since a couple of months we are using a vulnerability scanner (Rapid 7) which is complaining about the bcel package being vulnerable. Red Hat released an update package, but hasn't found it's way to ...
Hans Blaauw's user avatar
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dnf update: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success. (all mirror 404)

I am trying to execute the dnf update command on almalinux 8.7 Before a few hours it worked properly, now all mirror gives 404. I examined the urls, and it seems, that in all repo the checksum in urls ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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Monitor disk I/O with zabbix

I'm running both zabbix 5.0.30 and zabbix agent 5.0.30 on Centos 7 In Centos 7 server, I executed this command [root@STG-front default]# iostat -d sda Linux 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64 (STG-front) 01/09/...
TRONG NGUYEN's user avatar
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HTTP 403 with CloudFlare

I've added my site to CloudFlare. I'm trying to allow requests to only come in through CloudFlare's network, and reject all others. When I add the following to my .htaccess, I get HTTP 403 Forbidden. #...
anxiety's user avatar
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1 answer

CentOS VM on VMware ESXI: System UUID and Serial number not same

We are running CentOS 7.9 with OKD cluster 3.11 on VMware ESXi 6.7.0. As part of our activities, we are trying to setup cloud-provider integration with the VMware to have dynamic PV/PVC provisioning ...
Aaronx's user avatar
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how and why container and its image is getting deleted automatically?

I have a zeppelin container running on centos7 and on every couple of days the container and its image is getting deleted automatically, and every time i have to to docker compose up -d. here is the ...
Rajsekar Reddy's user avatar
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Stunnel Server On CentOS 7 - TLS options: 0x2100000 (+0x0, -0x0) Error

I am using CentOS Linux release v7.9.2009 (Core) with latest update. First of all i installed latest version of OpenSSL there. Here is the commands for that installation : cd ~ wget https://www....'s user avatar
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Unable to delete file in Centos

I can't remove certain file in Linux. Here the example: [root@HBL01 home]# ls -ltira index.php 393591 -r--r--r-- 1 apache apache 14335 Nov 23 2021 index.php [root@HBL01 home]# rm -rf index.php ...
Guif If's user avatar
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Couldn't resolve host name for

Every time I run a command on my virtual server, I get the following error centos8 [root@servers03 ~]# dnf install epel-release CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream 0....
sanja's user avatar
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mysqldump on mariadb 10.2.44 CentOS 7 does not work, but mysql does

CentOS 7 MariaDB 10.2.44. X [root@psa95 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep Maria MariaDB-server-10.2.44-1.el7.centos.x86_64 MariaDB-common-10.2.44-1.el7.centos.x86_64 MariaDB-compat-10.2.44-1.el7.centos.x86_64 ...
elyograg's user avatar
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i want to restrict all commands for user except ssh command

I am a root user and don't want that users can execute all linux command except ssh. They only have to use ssh command in their user. How to do that? please anyone help.
Rushikesh Sakharle's user avatar
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ovirt noVNC console error : Something went wrong, connection is closed

Context : oVirt glusterfs 8.6 Self-hosted engine Problem: Since I update my certificates (with engine-setup) because of the warning that my certs will expire soon, I can't open the noVNC ...
DSX's user avatar
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can not mount EBS volume to centos EC2 instance

I have an ec2 instance running centos and I want to add an EBS want to it. I created and attached the volume to my instance. my volume is attached as /dev/sdf. But when I try to check if there is any ...
leauradmin's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Extend /var partition on Centos Stream 8

During the installation of my centos stream 8 OS I gave /var a size of 10GB thinking it would be more than enough, but after I started using docker I found of that it takes too much space on the /var ...
Rafik's user avatar
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How to make redirect rewrite rule for https subdomain on apache (CentOS8)?

I have own domain for example. Below is my apache virtual host with 301 redirect rewrite rule. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html/...
joenpc npcsolution's user avatar
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CentOS 9 KVM : Guest VM NIC not on 10Gbps

I have a CentOS KVM host with a traditionnal 1Gbps NIC for general network and a Intel NC522SFP NIC to allow 10Gbps transfer with my computer. I am facing a problem that I can't solve, I am on it ...
Karnalta's user avatar
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xauth on Oracle Linux 6.8 constantly fails with "xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority"

Newly installed Oracle Linux 6.8 (actually a RHEL/CentOS 6.8 release underneath), yum install xorg-x11-xauth, xauth list , xauth generate, all xauth commands involve $HOME/.Xauthority file fail with ...
Michaelzh's user avatar
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Make ip route add and ip rule add commands persistent on startup

I need to make the below two lines persistent so that they are available on server reboot now that I have proved that the route and the rules works as expected on AlmaLinux 8 (AlmaLinux is basically ...
Boardy's user avatar
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Routine SCP Command fails (VPN/Network Active)

My dev machine runs on Fedora (36). Recently I attempted to scp a file to a remote server (CentOS 7) and got a cryptic error message: scp: dest open(""): No such file or directory The ...
virtualeyes's user avatar
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openvpn: Monitoring gateway usage

all Is there any way to determine if the openvpn server is being used "as intended" by everyone? Company rule is to only allow the local network through the vpn, not the "full" ...
Roberto's user avatar
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How to configure a /27 subnet on vlan Centos 7

I have a dedicated server running Centos 7. I purchased a /27 subnet from my hosting provider. They said: "Your /27 subnet should be acceptable over vlan-interface with tag 18." I asked them ...
IndyDevGuy's user avatar
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MariaDB - Contiunes to use more memory

We are running Maria DB 10.6.9 on CentOS and we are observing it continues to increase the usage of memory. Server Specifications: RAM - 128 GB vCPUs - 48 Swap - 100 GB We have configured ...
Kiran Thummalapalli's user avatar
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How to configure a system wide proxy for php file_get_contents on CentOS?

I want to let the php file_get_content function connect to network via system-wide proxy. I tried to add the following lines in /etc/environment: http_proxy=http://localhost:3128/ HTTP_PROXY=http://...
peter's user avatar
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Fix kernel issues in rescue mode

I have updated the kernel in a VPS Centos 7, and after rebooting, the machine is not responding anymore, including with SSH. I connected to the VPS via a temporary rescue linux machine from where I ...
AFA Med's user avatar
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Linux: How to auto mount home for specific users from remote

I hope this question was not asked before, but I could not find something which really matches my problem. Following scenario: We a park of 10 (or more) linux machines with the same user accounts (...
g.smith's user avatar
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