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Questions tagged [cert-manager]

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1 answer

Deleting all instances of resource type across multiple/all Kubernetes namespaces

I'm trying to uninstall and reinstall cert-manager on our Kubernetes clusters. Their uninstall docs mention: Before continuing, ensure that all cert-manager resources that have been created by users ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Kubernetes Nginx Ingress and cert-manager Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: wrong status code '401', expected '200'

I'm having issues with my rapberry pi kubernetes implementation Problem: I have cert-manager letsencrypt ACME challenge waiting due to a 401 error code on bare metal kubernetes install. Setup Platform:...
Llewyn S's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

kubernetes cert-manager failing with certificate chain is malformed or broken

I have setup cert-manager to sign the certificate with the private ca issuer. the private CA secret is setup correctly and before adding to the TLS secret i have verified the chain with OpenSSL verify ...
appcoder's user avatar
1 vote
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check that a DNS record exists for this domain

I have the following ingress manifest file: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: namespace: fsm name: fsm labels: app: fsm annotations: ...
DobreMihaela's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to Delete CRL Files in Local Cert Store

I need to import CRL files to a Bastion server that is not part of my environments domain. The CRL files are updated every few days so a new copy needs to be imported to the local cert store on the ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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1 answer

Kubernetes Cert-Manager Expired Certificates

I inherited a GKE Kubernetes environment and have been trying to figure this out for days but unfortunately just don't know what to try next. The cluster is setup to use cert-manager (installed via ...
Steven Carlton's user avatar
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AKS Certificate Manager upgrade w/ namespace change - Wrong cert-manager hook ID

Recently, we changed uninstalled our cert manager and reinstalled it into a new namespace. There were no issues with the uninstall / reinstall of the cert manager. When we tried to create a new ...
Brennan Mann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you resolve to both public and private zones in a Split-Horizon DNS (using GCP Cloud DNS)?

We're using GCP and Cloud DNS to manage our domain and I'm trying to solve for these use cases: Have private records for things like Databases that can only be resolved within the company network (...
James's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make ingress-nginx use provided certificate to user?

I am installing Home Assistant in my K3S Kubernetes cluster through Ansible and I want to use a Let's Encrypt certificate for my ingress that has been generated by Cert-Manager running on my cluster. ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do you use wazuh with cert-manager in kubernetes?

The wazuh kubernetes install instructions uses self signed certificates. Is there a way to use cert-manager/LetsEncrypt certificates instead?
Jethro's user avatar
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1 answer

Retrieve and install pending certificate by PowerShell

I am requesting a certificate that must be approved by the CA administrator. When I make the request, it appears in the CA pending request folder and I right click to issue the certificate. In client ...
Elmano Francisco Gonga's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I have to configure certmanaager when using a gitlab managed cluster?

I use a scaleway kubernetes cluster v1.21.1 managed by gitlab. To do this, I created a Cluster Management Project with the default template.
Gonios's user avatar
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Nginx ingress not resolving with I use host in spec rule

I am using nginx ingress with cert manager. Somehow this fails to resolve and I get a timeout when I try to access I am using Azure Kubernetes Service. Everything works if I ...
Roshan Singh's user avatar
0 votes
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ClusterIssuer Failed to register ACME account with cert-manager

I installed cert-manager with kubectl kubectl apply -f I successfully obtained my resources : my_user@vps-...
a.moussa's user avatar
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1 answer

cert-manager Certificate.spec.secretTempate is not updating annotations on the output secret

I recently needed to share a tls configuration between two different namespaces, looking at the docs I saw that you can use reflector to sync secrets between namespaces. I copy/pasted the documented ...
Marcus Ruddick's user avatar
0 votes
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Rancher RKE2 Cert-manager's Vault issuer says "permission denied"

Does anyone know what's wrong with Rancher RKE2 clusters, please? I've hit strange problems during the deployment of Cert-manager with Vault issuer where Vault gets "permission denied" (or ...
patok's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress Nginx - CatchAll TLS - How to load correct cert?

I have a web application that allows whitelabeling where user can add their domain, forward DNS and load it application when users domain is loaded. I am forwarding to my application form ingress ...
Sisir's user avatar
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How to use cert-manager to manage kubeadm-installed cluster client auth certificates

I have a kubernetes cluster which is installed and managed using kubeadm. kubeadm manages the CA for all cluster certificates and therefore when creating certificates for operator authentication, this ...
WoodyWoodsta's user avatar
0 votes
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cert-manager failing to generate certificate in kubernetes, how to fix that?

In the aks cluster, the helm chart I installed: Chart got from link And the ingress chart I used helm repo add jetstack helm repo update helm upgrade --install \ cert-...
user2331760's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Changing the issuer (from HTTP01 to DNS01 ACME verification) of a certificate in cert-manager

I have a certificate managed by cert-manager, on a Kubernetes cluster. It used to be renewed/validated via a HTTP01 ACME challenge but, because of security constraints (a firewall), that's not ...
Silvian Cretu's user avatar
0 votes
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ALB Ingress fails to start due to 'no certificate for host *'

I am using cert-manager with my EKS cluster to generate Lets Encrypt certificates for my ALB. While the certificate is generated just fine, the Ingress cannot find it and fails to start the ALB with ...
reayn3's user avatar
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1 answer

Kubernetes Nginx Ingress could not load custom certificate from cert-manager

I am using cert-manager with this custom wildcard certificate apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt-myapp-issuer spec: acme: server: https://acme-v02....
Rodrigo's user avatar
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1 answer

Kubernetes Nginx Ingress with Cert Manager and letsencrypt does not allow wildcarts in domain names

I have a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster with an Nginx Ingress. Cert-manager is also running on the cluster, with which I try to get valid SSL certificates using Letsencrypt. It all works and I get a ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
-1 votes
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Kubernetes: Cannot access resources in cert-manager namespace from default namespace

I am trying to learn how Kubernetes works, so I have made my own K3S cluster using the quickstart guide. Then I installed Cert Manager using the guide for Helm. I want to use Let's Encrypt ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar