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Questions tagged [cilium]

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Kubernetes setup with different networks for intra and inter-cluster communication

I have this use case: Setup multiple k8s clusters that can communicate with each other. I also have one network per cluster for intra-cluster communication and another network for inter-cluster ...
Laurentiu Soica's user avatar
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Couldn't load target `NOTRACK':No such file or directory

I am trying to add a IP table rule. iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -j NOTRACK But when I am executing this I am getting below error: iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): Couldn't load target `NOTRACK':No such ...
Bhupendra Nath's user avatar
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How do I completely remove cilium from Ubuntu 18?

I installed cilium with: kubectl create -f A couple minutes later the network connectivity on the host ...
Dean Schulze's user avatar
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Why does kubeproxy, apiserver and etcd not need CNI plugins to start?

I have initiated a k8s cluster on a server with the below configuration: OS: Ubuntu 2022 LTS Container Runtime: containerd CNI: Absoloutley nothing installed! Cluster initiator: Kubeadm init-...
mmafshari's user avatar
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trace kubernetes users activities in pods

I want to track users activities in a k8s cluster. for example I want to get k8s username of a user that executes a command in a pod. there is a tool named Tetragon. it can uses k8s api. following log ...
Michael Cab's user avatar
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Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503 after installing Cilium on Kubernetes cluster

I'm new to Kubernetes world .Followed InstallKubernetesI have installed Kubernetes cluster with 1 master node and 2 worker nodes.I used kubeadm to install on master node on my local machine.After ...
user001's user avatar
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Kubernetes Nodes are not reachable and cannot reach local network after installing cilium

Little bit of an Introduction, Im pretty new to kubernetes so i'm a bit rough on it. Lets me sketch my problem. TLDR: After installing cilium on kubernetes I cannot acces from and to any other machine ...
Marc Hoog's user avatar
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How to change the cilium DeamonSet initial container kube api address

I am using cilium 1.14.3 as the kuberenetes v1.28.3 cni component, this is how I install the cilium: helm install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.14.3 \ --namespace kube-system \ --set global....
Dolphin's user avatar
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Packet flow of kubernetes cilium CNI

I have a kubernete cluster with cilium replacing kube-proxy. The nat iptables looks like the following: Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination ...
William's user avatar
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ARP resolution does not work as intended in VPC when doing L2 Announcements with CIlium CNI on a K8S Cluster spanning EC2 instances

VPC Configuration VPC CIDR: Region 1: (public), (private) Region 2: (public), (private) Region 3: (public), (...
Ayush's user avatar
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Kubernetes self managed cluster connection

I have managed to run Kubernetes cluster within my local network consisting if several nodes running as multipass instances and several devices. I am using cilium for the networking. What I am trying ...
Arturs Radionovs's user avatar
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Why can't I schedule more pods even with Ipv4Prefix enabled in my EKS cluster

I am using cilium as my CNI. I have successfully run the cilium connectivity test and all tests pass. My nodegroup schedules a t3.small nodes (3 of them), which allows me to run 11 pods without ...
eagercoder's user avatar
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How can i get cilium to pass the failing connectivity test

I am trying to deploy cilium to my eks cluster, for context, this cluster is a private cluster running behind a private subnet, and routed to the internet through a NAT gateway and then an internet ...
eagercoder's user avatar
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Cilium installation on cluster created using kubeadm

I am trying to install Cilium (1.14) on a very vanilla k8s (1.27) cluster (1 controller + 3 workers). I used kubeadm to create the cluster on EC2 arm64 machines on AWS. The cluster works fine if I use ...
YAK's user avatar
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Kubernetes pod not accessible on external IP from node

I have a setup on microk8s with cilium and Metallb where I run a docker registry pod. The pod is assigned a service that gets an IP address from metallb and everything works fine if I run curl against ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Kubernetes Gateway API - Using HTTPRoute rules to rewrite URI paths

My goal is to have a single Gateway that can be used to host multiple applications at different paths. The URLRewrite filter exists, however, when it does not seem to be working as expected. Using ...
TJ Zimmerman's user avatar