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Questions tagged [citrix]

Citrix Systems, Inc. is a multinational corporation founded in 1989. It provides server and desktop virtualization, networking, software-as-a-service (SaaS), and cloud computing technologies, including Xen open source products. Though not their only product, "Citrix" (as in "Citrix server") is commonly used as a synonym for "Citrix XenApp" - their break-through product, tracing back to 1995.

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25 votes
9 answers

Span on multiple monitors when logged into a Citrix session via Citrix Receiver (or Citrix server)

I am using the Citrix Receiver in Windows 8, and on Windows XP on another PC. I often log into work from home and am unable to span the session to dual monitors like one can easily do when using "...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Slow filesystem access

I'm trying to diagnose a slow filesystem issue on a server I look after. It's been ongoing for quite some time, and I've run out of ideas as to what I can try. Here's the thick of it. The server ...
dannosaur's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Printing from BYOD to internal printer

I have external contractors sitting in my office that have access to various file shares via Citrix (they are not on our internal network). These contractors require printing. Is there a way to ...
Kvad's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Your thoughts on vendor requiring all users to login to a MS terminal server with the same username and password

I have a vendor stating that they won't support the Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Terminal Server they are installing unless all users login using the same username and password. They claim this is to make ...
Seanm's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Why is my Linux ICA client unable to use the "CTRL" key?

I have the Citrix ICA/receiver client installed on on both my windows an Linux workstations. On my Windows workstation I can use common keyboard shortcuts like CTRL-A, CTRL-C, CTRL-Z etc. On the Linux ...
Mark Porter's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Replacing windows extra large cursor file with one that is 30% larger (Server 2008 R2)

Currently have a client that has poor eyesight and needs everything on his screen larger than standard. The issue is when running a Citrix application [Xenapp], the mouse is not scaling properly. ...
soMuch2Learn's user avatar
7 votes
14 answers

Which Linux-Virtualization to choose for Server?

Hy, I got a brand new Intel i7 Server-System with 12GB Ram and I want to consolidate three other linux-servers onto this machine using virtualization. I want to use the harddisks (via a kind of LVM) ...
theomega's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

So what really makes a server grade NIC?

We have a couple servers hosting Citrix VM's. We are planning on adding SAN storage to our network so that we can do the quick migration and high availability thing. The question comes up with ...
Detritus Maximus's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Enabling Multiple Monitor Support from Terminal Services/Remote Desktop over Citrix

Our Remote Desktop/Terminal Services solution where I work relies on Citrix for machines not connected via the VPN. We're using Citrix Xen server (I'm pretty sure) and I'm going to try to connect to a ...
Nicolas Webb's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Alternatives to Citrix NetScaler?

I'm interested in Citrix product NetScaler. It's an applicance that you put in front of the web-servers. Features I like is: SSL offload an acceleration (good because of performance and that Verisign ...
Allrameest's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I safely uninstall "Citrix Tools for Virtual Machines"?

Having several virtual servers with Windows 2008 R2 at our web hoster (Germany's "1&1", they seem to use Citrix Xen), I have every now and then some servers that hang (RDP login screen hangs ...
Uwe Keim's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Can't attach iSCSI with multipathing in Citrix XenServer

Dear people of the world. I have a problem reattaching an iSCSI target on XenServer after a reboot. Whenever I try, I get several errors. Here's me in the attach screen on the redundant storage ...
Refalm's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
2 answers

Installing TortoiseSVN for specific users on Citrix XenApp

The question here is straight-forward: how do I install TortoiseSVN on Citrix XenApp so that only specific people can see/use the program, without a 2nd group of people even seeing that the program ...
Avery Payne's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

To SSD or not to SSD? (Virtualization - Xenserver) [closed]

I have several Xenserver boxes running (very well). Most of ours are setup with a RAID1 with two mechanical 7200rpm enterprise sata drives, or RAID10 with 4 7200 enterprise sata drives. The sata ...
SnakeDoc's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Terminal Server/Citrix XenApp alternative? [closed]

Is there something less costly than Citrix XenApp and something better than Windows TS? The industry seems to be dominated by citrix. I'm currently using Windows 2000 Server Terminal Server, but now ...
Atlas's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Desktop virtualization

Is there currently a proper Type 1 "desktop" hypervisor? Either free or not? This is just for tinkering around at home on some beefy Phenom machines. Basically i want to be able to run say 2 OSs on ...
gurpal2000's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Citrix Receiver for Mac: "You have not chosen to trust"

With the latest Citrix Receiver (12.7) and MacOS (10.13 with supplemental update) versions I see the following error: You have not chosen to trust "/C=US/ST=/L=/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 3 Public ...
Andras Hatvani's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

PowerPoint document locked - possibly reporting wrong user

I recently received a phone call from one of the users saying that her PowerPoint (Office 2007) presentation was locked and under edit by another (she was working remotely off of Citrix server), but ...
George's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Performance problems when running Java desktop applications on Citrix Metaframe

We have a desktop Java application running within a Citrix Metaframe server farm and the performance, specially while starting up the app, is very unreliable. Sometimes it takes 15 seconds and ...
Demetrius Nunes's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Investigating Citrix app server "slowless"

Currently have a client stating that the 5 users on a 2cpu, 4gb mem app server are experiencing slowness and often, locking up for moments at a clip. Framework is a VM running in vSphere 5.5 [intel ...
soMuch2Learn's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

2008 R2 RDS Client Printers Disappearing?

So my issue is something I can find nothing on and is very hard to track down. I am working with Microsoft and Citrix support but am getting nowhere and my client is becoming frustrated on the lack ...
Nicholasdaa's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Convert from VMDK to OVF

How can I convert a VMDK to OVF?
Phill Fernandes's user avatar
3 votes
12 answers

Citrix degrades with 100% CPU

We have a Citrix PS4.0 farm made up of 2 physical and 2 virtual Citrix servers. Any one of them at some point or another will eventually degrade in performance due to hitting 100% CPU usage. I can ...
Kevin Kuphal's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Xen Versions

Does anyone know the difference between version of xen produced by and Citrix XenServer? I can't seem to find any mention of the differences between the two? Thanks
Adam Gibbins's user avatar
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1 answer

USB passthrough (non storage) to XenServer 7 VM

I have migrated a server from physical to virtual using XenServer 7. Nevertheless, we need now a USB dongle for security purposes but have not been able to find the way to properly pass it to the ...
kankamuso's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to limit the number of user account password resets per day in Active Directory?

Windows domain environment here. We're looking at putting in a self-service password reset system (using Citrix Single Sign-on), and I'm trying to figure out if we can limit the number of password ...
christianlinnell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu server 12.04 on XenServer 5.5 - Won't boot from iso

I can't get the Ubuntu server 12.04 ISO to boot in XenServer 5.5. It is not a problem with the ISO or the share because I have used the iso to install locally and I can install other ISOs from the ...
zeal's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Switching application using Citrix ICA client connected via laptop

I am using the Citrix online plugin (ICA) to connect remotely to the machines located outside our premises. Now most of the keyboard shortcuts work, but the replacement of Alt + Tab does not work. I ...
Darsin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Citrix XenApp: what's 56K performance like?

Have a client that's running Citrix Metaframe with remote locations that are by and large limited to 56K dial-up connections. Citrix Program Neighborhood always ran pretty decently over 56K; any ...
gravyface's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Citrix XenApp use less network traffic than VNC or Remote Desktop?

I read in Wikipedia that XenApp is based on GDI commands sent over the network instead of based on images sent over the network like VNC does; does XenApp use less network traffic then Terminal Server?...
leeand00's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make a .NET ClickOnce application a "published application" via Citrix?

We have a WPF ClickOnce application that needs to be deployed both directly to user-desktops via ClickOnce (which works fine) AND as a Citrix Published Application (not a published desktop). This ...
Conceptdev's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

NetScaler Gateway for MAC is not connecting correctly: Protocoll shows "AGAS: Failed to initialise ssl vpn plugin"

I'm using the Citrix Netscaler Gateway for Mac (Version 3.1.8 which is the newest for mac) and macOS High Sierra. When I use the Gateway Plugin to connect to our gateway, it seems to work, because ...
artgrohe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Random servers in Citrix farm suddenly bluescreens (mostly 0x0000008e and 0x0000007e)

I'm responsible for a Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 farm. Starting Friday 30. November, my servers started to crash randomly. So far we've experienced 80 crashes, so it's obviously becoming an ...
abstrask's user avatar
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2 answers

Is clipboard sharing over RDP a security risk?

When our customers have a problem we usually connect to their server in order to investigate. Normally we use Remote Desktop or VNC for this. During this investigation I usually copy text between the ...
cja's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Access Violation when running C++ desktop application on Citrix Metaframe

I have made a Windows application using C++ which runs with no error connecting to an Oracle database when installed in a real computer. When it runs on Citrix Metaframe it sometimes raises an "Access ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

I have some users experiencing an issue where an ERP client will disconnect from the ERP server after moving the client to a new Citrix env

This is a pretty odd situation. I'll try to outline the details and make it as clear as possible. We had an ERP client on an old Citrix environment that used Windows Server 2008 R2. I moved the ...
ernest's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

XenServer 6.2 Yum Repository

I installed a clean XenServer 6.2 from the ISOs provided here. I want to compile a driver against this system and need to install make and sources and so on. If I do yum install make I get [root@...
Stephan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to set get XenCenter to detect virtual cdrom drives?

I am attempting to help a client but I am a bit out of my depth, they have a XS6 dedicated server, and I have created a series of virtual drives for various distros, using isos we have. For example /...
Maya Lysander's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

After Network Change Citrix Secure Gateway Is Not Loading Applications

Let me first say that my knowledge of Presentation Server and Secure Gateway is very limited. Many thanks to any one who can help me out here. Alright on to the problem: We are changing the network ...
evolvd's user avatar
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2 answers

XEN Server VM Creation Error

Has anyone seen this before and this recently started occurring when a VM boots. 4/7/2011 11:53:08 AM Error: Starting VM 'Web Server 1' - INVALID_SOURCE - Unable to access a required file in the ...
Phill Fernandes's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

XenServer Converting HVM to Paravirtualised

Recently I have been tasked with the daunting process of converting a setup of HVM enabled VMs (running on Citrix XenServer 5.6.0) into PV (paravirtualised) containers. The constraints of the project ...
Karl Kloppenborg's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Nested VM in XenServer

I am new to XenServer. I am having problems getting nested VM to work in my environment. Here is my scenario: I got XenServer 7.6.0 (Free version) running on a bare metal box (SuperServer 1028R-WC1R)....
mprogrammer87's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Persistent values on non-persistent Windows VDI

I am looking to identify values in the Windows Desktop OS that persist in non-persistent VDI environments, that can be accessed programmatically (I.E. PowerShell). The only value I know (which isn't ...
Arbiter's user avatar
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0 answers

Acronis Backup Advanced 11.5 for Citrix XenServer 6.5 installation issues

We are trying to deploy Acronis Backup Advanced for Citrix XenServer on a running pool of XenServer's. The documentation of the product isn't quite clear about the procedure of the installation and ...
Vinícius Ferrão's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Smart solution for XenServer firewall?

I've been searching for a smart solution for a XenServer firewall for about a month now. The documentation for the new default networking backend "openvswitch" is not that detailed and I can barely ...
Phil's user avatar
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0 answers

How to increase CPU core speed of a guest to maximum of Citrix Xenserver Host

There is a Citrix XenServer 5.5 (HP ML370 G5, Xeon 2GHz) on this Server there is a Windows Guest (Windows 2008 R2 x64) under Properties I set 4 CPU Cores with max prio. But if I check with CPU-Z the ...
kockiren's user avatar
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4 answers

Adobe Reader hangs on Citrix

Symptoms: The user cannot open new PDF's. When we look on the TS process list, we can see multiple acrord32.exe's, one for each attempt to open a PDF after the hang occurs. The user/Citrix Control ...
Gomibushi's user avatar
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0 answers

Single Sign On through Citrix

I have a webserver running Windows 2008 R2 with IIS 7. The server is a member of the domain "". What I am trying to achieve is a SSO connection between the AD users and the web server. The ...
horgen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Xenserver boot error

I'm trying to get Xenserver 5.5 running on a spare computer here, hardware specs: Intel Q6600, 4GB Ram, and Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R motherboard Xenserver itself installs fine onto a 150GB sata hdd, ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I configure a guest VM's static IP address automatically in Citrix XenServer?

To facilitate automation of guest VM provisioning, how do I set (in a script) the IP address on a guest VM's NIC (or NIC's) once a new VM has booted? Is there a way to "inject" netsh commands via the ...
Kev's user avatar
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