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152 votes
6 answers

Why do consoles sometimes hang forever when SSH connection breaks?

I've seen this with so many consoles (on Linux, Mac, ...), and with lots of different machines in many different networks. I can never pinpoint the exact reason, why this happens: All you have to do ...
Chris Lercher's user avatar
119 votes
9 answers

How to check if I'm in screen session?

I need it to determine if hitting ctrl+d would disconnect me from server or just close current screen. Is it somehow possible to check if I'm right now in screen session?
wlk's user avatar
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58 votes
1 answer

Block select on a Linux console?

Is there any Linux console (konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.) that allows selecting text in a block mode, like you can in a Windows cmd.exe window, using Mark and drawing a rectangle?
Unknown's user avatar
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55 votes
1 answer

What does the @ symbol mean in a file's permission settings?

I'm on MacOSX, I did ln -s on a directory and these are the results: -rwxrwxr-x@ 1 shiki admin 970332 Mar 6 16:38 -rwxrwxr-x@ 1 shiki admin 653884 Mar 6 16:38 -rw-rw-r--...
Shiki's user avatar
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53 votes
12 answers

Tail multiple remote files

Is there a way to remote tail 2 files? I have two servers(a and b) behind a load balancer and I would like to do something like this if possible: tail -f admin@serverA:~/mylogs/log admin@serverB:~/...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

How to delete .fuse_hidden* files?

I have small Linux server (Debian Squeeze) which runs a Samba server which is configured to share some folders with some windows machines. While trying to delete one of the directories from windows I ...
Lando's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

How do I permanently disable Linux's console screen saver, system-wide?

I've got an Ubuntu server that boots up in text mode. It rarely has a screen or keyboard attached to it, but when I do attach a screen, I usually have to attach a keyboard too, because the darn ...
raldi's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

KVM Guest installed from console. But how to get to the guest's console?

I'm trying to install a fully virtualized guest (Fedora 14 x86_64) on KVM (RHEL 6), using command-line only (both hypervisor and guest). It goes without errors, and without a tangible result . I'd ...
badbishop's user avatar
  • 928
30 votes
5 answers

Scheduled job not running to completion; event logged with return code 3762504530

I'm just a lowly developer, but a scheduled (2:00 am) VB.Net console app job I inherited is intermittently not running to completion. About half the time, it just doesn't run to completion, logging ...
Amorphous Blob's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Reverse bash console text flow

This is a bit of a weird question and I'm not sure that there is any easy answer to it but I am very interested in finding a solution. So when I work on a linux machine via a console I find that I am ...
radman's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How can I scroll back the output in FreeBSD's console without Scroll Lock?

I've installed FreeBSD inside a VM on a laptop. As it turns out, the laptop keyboard has no Scroll Lock key, which is used for scrolling the screen back in FreeBSD's console. How can I scroll back the ...
Eugene Yarmash's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

Nested RDP and VMWare and ILO console sessions: keystroke repetition and latency

I'm working on a remote server installation entirely through ILO (but this also applies to IPMI and VMWare console sessions). Due to the software application and environment, my access is restricted ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Prevent the console from clearing the screen?

When booting into Linux, there are sometimes one or two lines that get quickly cleared. I think that some of them don't even appear in dmesg. If nothing else, I want to suppress the clear before the "...
Paul Hoffman's user avatar
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16 votes
41 answers

Poll: What is your favourite terminal program? [closed]

What is your favourite terminal program? Are you a xterm traditionalist or an eterm fanboy? Do you stick with what comes with your windowing environment: gnome-terminal, konsole, cmd.exe or terminal....
13 votes
1 answer

Do I really need a DB9-RJ45 adapter to connect to a Cisco router console, and if so, why?

I have an Enterprise grade Cisco router and an HP laptop. I would like to connect to the router on the console port to conduct out-of-band management. The console port on the router uses an RJ45 ...
Hack-R's user avatar
  • 295
13 votes
6 answers

Real benefits of serial console servers (with modern server hardware)?

I'm working in a new environment that makes heavy use of serial console servers for server management. They are augmented with switched PDUs for power management. They are not using the DRAC ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Console on ESXi 5

Is there also a console on ESXi 5? The well known method from ESXi 4 for the "hiddenconsole" does not seem to work. (Alt-F1, type "unsupported", enter root password)
mit's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Setting php error_reporting value with a console parameter

In order to test my PHP projects on errors I normally use this command: find ./ -type f -name \*.php -exec php -l '{}' \; | grep -v "No syntax errors detected" I would like to extend the part php -l ...
Raffael Luthiger's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Ubuntu Server: Don't see my input in terminal

I have a problem with my Ubuntu server. I start a new remote ssh session (from windows putty or ubuntu client) to my server. After a while (I think it is when I hide the console window), my input is ...
plucked's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Connect to switch's console port through ethernet patch panel

In our office building, we have a Cisco SRW2048 switch. On the back, it has a serial port for console connections. I would like to connect this console port to my computer in my room. The switch is ...
gen_Eric's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

esxi 6.5 how to turn off autofit window / automatic display resolution change

after I installed VMware Tools on virtual machine its resolution adjusts to the console window size automatically. It is not what I want - I want that the resolution of my virtual machine stays the ...
Tiroue's user avatar
  • 131
10 votes
1 answer

How to "un-ANSI-fy" logs?

Lately there has been a tendency by command line tools to use fancy ANSI colors in their log output (for example, NPM and a host of nodejs based tools, rvm, docker, and a few other "modern" tools). ...
Guss's user avatar
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9 votes
9 answers

Colour tail of Apache logs

Monitoring apache logs with tail –f tends gets very frustrating for the eyes after a while. Are there any tool/options to colorize the log outputs? Maybe signal FATAL with red, etc...
Cherian's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Disable usage of console-kit-daemon in Ubuntu

I administrate several Ubuntu 9.04 servers, and everytime I log in, I get the Landscape utility printout with server stats, etc. I really don't need this and it slows down my logins considerably. ...
Alex Marshall's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is the default password in Google Developers Console?

[How to change password in Google Developers Console?] I know this should be a very stupid question related Google Developers Console, but I just wasted three hours in it and no luck in google search ...
Itachi's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

ESXi - serial console as default console

I have headless Supermicro server with IPMI as my ESXi 5 but I would like to use serial console as default console for ESXi instead of accessing it via IPMI VGA console redirection. I have some ...
jirib's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Dell iDRAC6 virtual console viewer from GNU/Linux command line

I am annoyed that I have to launch a webbrowser just because I want to use the virtual console through the iDRAC6. I managed to download viewer.jnlp and I can start the viewer with: javaws viewer.jnlp ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Allow access to Linux Console

Suppose one is running an SSH session into a GNU/Linux box of a client and he asks you to see "what you are doing". How can you allow this other party to see what's going on in your session?
user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

With the Supermicro Embedded BMC, is it possible to connect to Serial Over Lan via SSH?

I have several dozen Supermicro servers which use the Supermicro Embedded BMC. The documentation on that page suggests that I can access the Serial Over LAN (Serial Console) over SSH: SMASH ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Powershell screen buffer

i am using Windows Powershell, and just wondered if there is a way to scroll through the screen buffer (like for example in UNIX bash with SHIFT + PgUp / SHIFT + PgDn). I know the there is a "more" ...
Alexander's user avatar
  • 235
8 votes
4 answers

How to enable multiple virtual consoles on linux?

I'm new to linux so I have no clue how to do this (couldn't find it on the web). I'm running a LAMP Virtual Machine and when I press ALT-F2, F3 etc.. to use a Virtual Console I get a blank screen (all ...
rodrigoq's user avatar
  • 183
7 votes
6 answers

Globally Coloring the Terminal by Regex

I know many programs use color - (vim, ack, color-ls to name a few) but there are still many cases where you're stuck with black and white. There are scripts that will color output based on regular ...
Jimmy's user avatar
  • 293
7 votes
1 answer

Linux: Print all messages to primary console *and* secondary console (monitor/KVM)?

I run Linux (Red Hat-based, CentOS, SL, versions 5 & 6) on a variety of Supermicro and other whitebox servers. Some have IPMI, some do not. Some of these systems are attached to a Keyboard/...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Linux: Connect to another a terminal session

I can use screen or tmux to connect to other terminal sessions, or to share them. But this work only when we first know we will use them. As root can access everything, is there a way to do the same ...
Bertrand SCHITS's user avatar
6 votes
8 answers

How to remote control Windows?

Is there a way to remote control a Windows machine as easy as I do with my other Linux pcs through SSH? I'm currently using a FTP server for files but I prefer the way I can manage my other linux ...
Andrea Ambu's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to configure UNIX or Linux for administration via serial connection

How can I configure my UNIX or/and Linux PC with COM port to support serial console connections? I would like to connect my notebook to that PC via a console cable and manage the PC with terminal ...
TiFFolk's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Where/when does a Linux system change the console display mode?

I'm installing Debian Wheezy (7.0rc1) on a box of mine. For reasons I won't go into here, I don't want the framebuffer to be used for the console display during boot (nor afterwards). To avoid this, I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I copy/paste to a VM console window in the VMware ESXi HTML interface?

I have an Ubuntu VM in an instance of VMware ESXi 6.7.0. I am using Chrome to access the VM console in the HTML interface of VMware ESXi. (I do not have SSH access to the VM.) I would like to copy/...
pacoverflow's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

What is a a good serial-to-USB adapter? [closed]

Serial ports on devices are still used for many things, especially on network devices. However, most modern laptops no longer have serial (aka "COM") ports. So what I'm curious about is: what is a ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to clear notifications in the Google Cloud Platform console?

I use the web-based console of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to do debugging or testing tasks that might fail (the others are automated with the gcloud CLI). As a consequence, I have a growing list ...
patzm's user avatar
  • 163
5 votes
2 answers

what console command ./ means?

I saw many times console commands like ./redis-server or ./mongo what exactly ./ means?
x__dos's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Possibilities of connecting to linux box console without network

Having to manage a couple of remote dedicated servers, working with network related stuff can be quite stressful. Is there any possible way I could connect to those boxes (possibly via third box) and ...
Karolis T.'s user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Open serial (COM1) line on Linux to manage a switch through the console

I have connected a switch to a PC with a serial cable, and I want to manage it. What utility can I use to open a serial line and manage the switch through the console? On Windows I used PuTTY (serial ...
TiFFolk's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to search for text in a PuTTY console window

Is there a easy way for me to: search for a string in the output window of the putty ? or even a Linux command to search and highlight a string in the output ? I have 20,000+ lines in the output and ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Setting Java Runtime setting for all users on a client PC

We have a problem with a java application running out of memory. Our (Windows XP) client PCs have JRE 1.6 version 18 installed. I want to increase the -Xmx runtime parameter for the JRE to 512M but I ...
steviey's user avatar
  • 53
5 votes
2 answers

Cisco console, USB and RJ45?

I have a new Cisco 3750X switch and I want to connect to it via console. Only.... this switch does not have a DB9 connector on it, its Serial port is RJ45. I have a USB to RJ45 cable, and am on ...
jeremy's user avatar
  • 855
5 votes
5 answers

Unix command to suspend a job while there is console activity?

I want to do a large disk transfer, which slows down responsiveness of my system. What I want is a Unix command that will only run the command after I have been idle at the console for a few minutes. ...
Joseph Turian's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What does "virtual consoles" in the ubuntu installer stand for?

I am installing ubuntu server in a vmware vm. In the expert installer there is this question (I guess this is the same in the debian installer): Please enter a space delimited list of virtual ...
user12096's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Need a replacement for "Snoopy"

Currently, we use Snoopy to monitor all commands issued by users on some externally accessible servers. We're in the process of updating everything to RHEL8 to ensure supportability and compliance, ...
Egyas's user avatar
  • 185
5 votes
1 answer

Supermicro + IPMI + FreeBSD: Kernel prints at 1-bps

I am running FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE. The machine is a Supermicro 5015M with a IPMI 2.0 daughterboard. When I boot this host, the boot process proceeds fine. I see the BIOS, the RAID BIOS, the first and ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar

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