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Questions tagged [consul]

Consul is one of the HashiCorp tools that is used for service discovery, configuration and orchestration.

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Why would using MongoDB in lieu of etcd as a key value store be a good or bad idea? [closed]

I'd like to get general thoughts from the community as to why MongoDB for key/value would OR would not be a suitable replacement for etcd or other purpose-built key/value store system (consol, ...
DefionsCode's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Howto unseal vault server, running in a docker container

I have a docker compose setup that successfully starts consul (config here). Vault seems to start ok, except for some errors around setting the TTL (logs here). Further on, consul seems to be ...
Frye's user avatar
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Large AXFR through dnsmasq causes dig to hang with partial results

I'm attempting to set up dnsmasq as a local cache for consul. While this seems to work fine for normal digs, dnsmasq seems to only allow partial zone transfers. My resolv.conf: search y....
Connor Bell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

DNS layer with service discover as resolver not SRV

I need to know is there any solution for solving my problem. I have a BIND DNS server and consul as service discoverer. This is what i want as simple diagram: How can I configure this sample setup ...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a still a reason to use Consul with modern ("Integrated") Docker Swarm?

I've done a little Docker Swarm in the past, and it was pretty uncomplicated - create a Swarm Manager on one node, create Swarm Workers on two more nodes, stick with a single Manager. I would like to ...
halfer's user avatar
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3 answers

TERRAFORM how do i have 1 ecs cluster with 2 or more ecs service/task definitions?

Using Terraform, I have tried the hardest to find out how to create 1 ECS cluster and have multiple services running under it. SO basically i have 2 different containers i want to run with this 1 ECS ...
uberrebu's user avatar
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2 answers

Format for hdr_sub pattern matching

I am trying to match the value of a header which has a space in it and cannot figure out what regex expressions haproxy likes. The header I'm after looks like this: X-Request-ID:'Foo: Bar' I would ...
Yana K.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Configure Consul cluster with ACL enabled

Hello everyone and thanks for reading. I'm quite new to Consul. I've reading the documentation and practicing for a while, thus I've been able to properly configure consul in a few nodes. Now I want ...
Roberto Iglesias's user avatar
2 votes
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Rolling update behind HAProxy

I am using an infrastructure platform consisting of docker containers running on a CentOS host. Scaling multiple containers through docker compose. Consul for service discovery. Registrator for ...
Madhur Ahuja's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I completely remove a node from a Consul cluster?

This Consul Server node, in another DC, keeps joining some time after I remove it. The goal: A cluster of 5 Consul Servers in DC alpha0, whose KV Store a alpha0 Vault cluster uses as a Storage ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

access consul from remote using DNS

i have installed consul on EC2 aws. i have 3 servers for consul = 11.XX.XX.1,11.XX.XX.2,11.XX.XX.3. i have 1 client for consul = 11.XX.XX.4 below is configuration file /etc/consul.d/server/config....
Gagan Sidhu's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Consul dynamic inventory as Ansible's inventory and would like to set a specific ssh user, how is it done?

My setup: Every physical server in the network has consul-client installed and I manage these servers using consul_dynamic_inventory script which I've edited to allow me the use of specific grouping ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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why consul systemd service is failing?

This is my consul.service file. [Unit] Description="HashiCorp Consul - A service mesh solution" Documentation= After=network-online....
Chang Zhao's user avatar
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Load balancing prefer own subnet / availability zone first

I have 3 front end boxes that are each in their own availability zone. They all 3 run a reverse proxy server (in this case traefik). How can I keep the traffic within the AZ to avoid the inter AZ ...
Botto's user avatar
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Can consul-template fetch Vault servers from consul?

I would like to integrate HashiCorp vault into our current setup of consul + consul-template and was a bit surprised to find no option for consul-template to fetch the vault servers from consul's ...
Michuelnik's user avatar
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Promoting Nomad task meta tags via consul to Prometheus

We are using Nomad to schedule tasks which are then registered in Consul from where they are picked up in Prometheus scraping. service.hcl: job "myjob" { group "mygroup" { count = "1" task ...
DaDaDom's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Consul proxy sidecar, peer certificate mismatch

I’m trying to connect two services web and DB (MySQL) use the tutorial in Secure Service Communication with Consul Service Mesh and Envoy | Consul - HashiCorp Learn as model. When I try to connect ...
Nomar Oscar Mora Tovar's user avatar
1 vote
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Howto Seed / Export Consul-backed Vault Store?

I can see howto seed / export data into and out of consul, at least using the HTTP interface (see here (or even here)). But how do you seed / export a consul-backed vault store? The only way I can ...
Frye's user avatar
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Consul service discovery - it is possible to return 1 host only?

I am building a cloud stack using consul for service discovery, but I've hit a wall, so I ask the people of internet about that. What I do want to do is registering a service in consul from multiple ...
banyek's user avatar
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Zero downtime deployment with two machines and docker-networking

Is it possible to wire up a small zero downtime deployment (*1) with two Amazon EC2 instances? I'd like to roll my services regularly to a new EC2 instance to avoid manual OS updates on the instances ...
alsdkjasdlkja's user avatar
1 vote
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istio gateway, not loading the node application

I have tried to deploy a sample nginx app and it working. So, I replaced the same with another nodejs as this contains mutliple sub pages. So, I can test the routing. Here, with LoadBalancer default ...
uday's user avatar
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Nomad nodes remove each other services from Consul

I got two nodes Nomad cluster along with a Consul instance so that the jobs can register services to connect to. However, the services keep getting synced and deregistered. Here is what I have from ...
Spack's user avatar
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Proxying services through remote with traefik reverse proxy

For my homeserver project I'm hosting multiple services on my local server with services that I want to have outside access to (for example a minecraft game server) port forwarded with reverse ssh ...
keraldi's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I route public external traffic to consul?

I've setup consul, and can now internaly resolve service hostnames to the appropriate IP. For example: dig @ -p 8600 tickethub.service.consul ; <<>> DiG 9.12.3-P1 <<>&...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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Running HA Consul in two datacenters

One of my clients would like to run consul in two datacenters. Both datacenters Berlin and Frankfurt should result in a High Availability setup, where one datacenter can be taken offline or die ...
Lars's user avatar
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consul proxy socket connection failed

agent: Check "service:socat-proxy" socket connection failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused It works in -dev mode but in normal server mode I get the above error? No clue where ...
Gert Cuykens's user avatar
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How to configure dynamic routing of gRPC requests with envoy, nomad and consul

We use nomad to deploy our applications - which provide gRPC endpoints - as tasks. The tasks are then registered to Consul, using nomad's service stanza. The routing for our applications is achieved ...
DaDaDom's user avatar
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Custom CRDs not getting deleted in aks cluster, how to delete that?

I have installed consul helm repository to default namespace. Now, want to change it to a custom namespace. So, deleted the help chart using helm uninstall command. Now, when I try to install again, ...
uday kiran's user avatar
0 votes
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How to install Consul on azure kubernetes with policies enabled?

I have installed azure kubernetes with azure policy enabled. I followed the steps in the getting started guide of consul as is: link But when the consul is deployed, the pods are not deployed. When I ...
Sara June's user avatar
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Consul script handler stdout not showing up in logs as documented

I'm writting a script to be used as a handler in a watcher config in consul. The documentation for script type hanlders states: An executable handler reads the JSON invocation info from stdin. [...] ...
Zeitounator's user avatar
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Consul as service discovery and configuration server in on premises local network

We are developing a product that will work as a set of services deployed on-premises (e.g. in the local network of an office, factory, etc.). Since there can be lots of deployment targets for each ...
joanlofe's user avatar
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Consul, vault and postgres containers don't communicate

I'm trying to set up Consul with Vault for secrets management for Postgres with Docker. Here is my configuration Dokcerfile: FROM python:3.6-slim ENV VAULT_VERSION 0.11.1 ENV CONSUL_VERSION 1.2.3 ...
kebie's user avatar
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consul keeps looking for the dead server node

I have consul cluster in production which is integrated with terraform, ansible,nomad,docker,vault. My consul keeps looking for the dead node which was part of initial setup even after removing entry ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
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Authenticating to Hashicorp Consul from a VM

I am trying to understand how can I authenticate to Consul from a VM. I have Azure AD as IDP, but it's not clear from the documentation whether it can be used to retrieve JWT token to use it later to ...
user3191591's user avatar
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How to use open service mesh in kubernetes?

I am trying to test open service mesh for our application. No tags in serverfault for service mesh or servicemesh or osm or open service mesh,etc. So I kept istio as serverfault tag to this question ...
sardar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reinstall consul on a different namespace?

I have installed consul on default namespace using helm. helm install -f config.yaml consul hashicorp/consul --version "0.32.1" I tried uninstall of consul using helm delete consul And ...
Sara June's user avatar
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1 answer

Using SSH in check of Consul

I have a server with a dockerized Consul Agent (CA). In this CA, I want to run a script from the host who checks how many disk space left in a service check. For this, I created a service in the CA : {...
M4kn4sh's user avatar
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consul: increased the replicaset but new pods are not starting and getting Init:CrashLoopBackOff, how to fix that?

With single replicaset, the application is working. So I changed the replicaset to 3. Then, the other two copies of pods are not starting.: kubectl get pods customservice-c8645cd6-7gghm ...
uday's user avatar
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consul routing is not happening, how to fix that?

My deployment and other yaml files for a sample app in consul: link The routing is not happening. Could anyone please check them and suggest what need to be fixed. The traffic is not entering the app ...
uday's user avatar
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How to configure consul to access webpage from Ingress gateway

I am trying to configure ingress gateway for consul deployed in AKS. As per their documentation , I have created a sample deployment and ingress gateway to it. yaml files: github kubectl apply -f ...
uday's user avatar
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is it possible to serve dns server which is behind haproxy on same node as haproxy and consul?

I have consul, on ip, and I have installed haproxy via docker on same node with http port 8081(not that it matters). but I also have 1 of CoreDNS server running on same ip but port number ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
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Why does consul services register do nothing?

I have created a simple JSON service definition file and am attempting to register it as a service in the local consul agent on the server: / $ consul services register /tmp/foo.service However, ...
Robin Green's user avatar
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Consul template, consul and HaProxy setup with springboot applications in docker containers

Can someone tell me how to configure HaProxy config and consul-template to fill the config file automatically? How do we configure consul-template? How do the HaProxy config file and consul-template ...
HyukHyukBoi's user avatar
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Getting Permission denied when accessing consul with python

While trying to debug patroni connection to consul, I tried to write simple python connector to consul myself. That's what I'm doing(python3, Centos7) import consul c = consul.Consul(host='consul-...
Daniil Aksenov's user avatar
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integrate envoy with consul for service discovery

Edit - Is it even possible to achieve it or I should be looking into something else? How can I integrate envoy with consul for automatic service discovery and routing? I've the containers running in ...
AppDeveloper's user avatar
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how consul behind nsd

How tel nsd to use .consule as another service level for checking records. Here the stub-zone for unbound but how to tell nsd use consul? Unbound config stub-zone: name: "consul" stub-addr: ...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
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What are the possible causes of a curl protocol error?

I'm getting the following error with curl: # curl -vvvv * Trying * Connected to ( port 8501 (#0) * WARNING: using IP ...
Hawkeye's user avatar
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Rabbitmq cluster on Nomad

I want to create a rabbitmq cluster in a nomad cluster. Right now I can run rabbitmq docker containers, but I can't create a cluster based on consul discovery. After containters starts i got this ...
sflyer's user avatar
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