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containerd 1.4.9 Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService

I have installed containerd 1.4.9 on CentOS steam 8 server. based on this document I have created default config file containerd config default > /etc/...
sfgroups's user avatar
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4 answers

package docker-ce requires >= 1.4.1, but none of the providers can be installed

I had this problem this morning for both update / upgrade on red hat (Linux 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64), not sure what to do. Sounds like yum is completely stuck because of this. $ sudo yum update ...
martin's user avatar
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How do you login to docker hub when using containerd?

With docker I would run docker login, but how do you do similar with ctr/containerd? We need to login due to hitting rate limits: ctr: failed to copy: httpReaderSeeker: failed open: unexpected status ...
Jethro's user avatar
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Kubeadm 1.24 with containerd. Kubeadm init fail (centos 7)

I try to install a single node cluster on centos 7, with kubadm 1.24 and with containerd, i followed the installation steps, and i did: containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml and ...
awot83's user avatar
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All kube-system pods keep crashing, etcd receives sigterm

I'm trying to set up an on-premises Kubernetes cluster. For starters I used kubeadm to initialize my control plane on one node. But all kube-system pods constantly crash. I took a deep look into the ...
Be Ku's user avatar
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What path on disk does a containerd snapshot key map to?

I want to remove a snapshot from a node in our Kubernates cluster: /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs/snapshots/NNNN But I am unable to map this path to any snapshots as ...
Gunnar's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What linux name and version will I see in a container?

I execute cat /etc/os-release in a container. I have an Ubuntu 22.04 docker host. When I run a container, and see the linux os-release file inside the container, I see my Ubuntu name, regardless in ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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Pod is stuck in PodInitializing status when an initContainer is OOMKilled

I have the following on-prem Kubernetes environment: OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa) Kubernetes: 1.23.7 (single-node, build with kubeadm) NVIDIA driver: 515.65.01 nvidia-container-...
Daigo's user avatar
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Shutdown all docker containers

I just discovered that service docker stop on Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't shutdown all running containers. I can't control them anymore but the containerd-ship processes and everything that's inside the ...
Daniel Alder's user avatar
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Warnings in kubeadm after migrating from docker to containerd

I run a kubernetes cluster, installed with kubeadm. I recently upgraded from 1.19 to 1.20 and migrated the container runtime from docker to containerd, since docker is now deprecated. I configured ...
Antoine's user avatar
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How to start containerd as a service after yum install?

I installed containerd on Amazon Linux 2 using the suggested commands: sudo amazon-linux-extras enable docker sudo yum install -y containerd I added this in the EC2 user data script to run at ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Why does kubeproxy, apiserver and etcd not need CNI plugins to start?

I have initiated a k8s cluster on a server with the below configuration: OS: Ubuntu 2022 LTS Container Runtime: containerd CNI: Absoloutley nothing installed! Cluster initiator: Kubeadm init-...
mmafshari's user avatar
2 votes
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no connection and cgroup error on standalone kubelet with containerd on ubuntu

I am trying to setup kubelet component as standalone service from kubernetes page, though it seems I am missing something. I've configured the containerd + runc (according to steps) with: $ mkdir -p /...
Robson Jr's user avatar
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Kubeadm with containerd cannot use locally loaded images

I'm trying to build kubernetes with containerd in bare-metal server (RHEL8). There's no Internet connection so I manually downloaded needed images (e.g. and loaded ...
Daigo's user avatar
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Offline installation of kubernetes fails when using containerd as a CRI

I had to build a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster with no Internet connection for some reason. As dockershim was deprecated, I decided to use containerd as a CRI, but the offline installation with ...
Daigo's user avatar
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How do I enable containerd?

When I run systemctl status containerd, I get the following output: ● containerd.service - containerd container runtime Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service; disabled; vendor ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Docker inside of a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster with containerd on the nodes

I have a Kubernetes cluster running with containerd on the nodes. I don't have the ability to install things on the nodes. My task now is to deploy a pod which can use docker commands inside, for ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
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Pods on a k8s node are unaccessible, kube-proxy or CNI failed

I have add a new node to my k8s cluster, but I found some allocated to this node cannot show logs like this: $ kubectl logs -n xxxx xxxxx-6d5bdd7d6f-5ps6k Unable to connect to the server: EOF Using ...
Andy Huang's user avatar
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Free up space on K3s cluster

I have a K3s single-node cluster running with Containerd and where I'm reaching the space disk limit. It seems I have some old unused docker images on the machine. How can I cleanup those in order to ...
iAmoric's user avatar
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microk8s pods not starting, containerd possible conflict

a few days ago I had to install microk8s to try out a project, all seems great and stuff but pods never start.. and I wonder why, here is what I found so far: I use ubuntu 22.04 LTS, previously I had ...
gai-jin's user avatar
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The `containerd` daemon fails to start due to IO error (and subsequent segfault)

Running on Manjaro Linux, kernel 5.13. After system update, containerd service fails to start and segfaults after it cannot run garbage collection. Logs are attached on Pastebin. After short ...
k.meinkopf's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enter the directory of a container?

How can I access the directories of a container from the node which executes the container? I have root-access to the master-node. Now I would like to have a look at the /etc directory of the etcd pod/...
guettli's user avatar
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Containerd failed to start after Nvidia Config

I've follow this official tutorial to allow a bare-metal k8s cluster to have GPU Access. However i received errors while doing so. Kubernetes 1.21 containerd 1.4.11 and Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5....
XPLOT1ON's user avatar
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Force kubernetes to use containerd when docker is installed

I have Kubernetes nodes with both docker and containerd installed. I need docker on the node to run CI pipelines and builds. How can I make Kubernetes use the recommended containerd instead of docker? ...
Congelli501's user avatar
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kubelet breaks CRI standards by running containers in '' containerd namespace?

Kubernetes pods run in the '' namespace of containerd. This 'runtime namespace' concept is containerd specific and not a part of CRI. If kubelet truly follows the CRI standard, then it must not ...
user2061812's user avatar
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Best practice for running container images as another user

I'm using Kubernetes and would like to run a container as a non-root user. If I'm writing my own Dockerfile, I can useradd, chmod 777, and run with docker --user <username>. But in some cases, ...
xaa29221's user avatar
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Unable to Install Kubelet, Kubeadm Because It Requires Later Version of Cri-Tools

-1 I am taking a Coursera class for CKA Prep and as part of that we are provisioning an instance of a node on Amazon EC2, installing the container runtime (which is containerd in this case) and now I ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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Crashing cluster after kubeadm init on VPS

Problem Whenever I create my cluster, and deploy Flannel, it works for maybe ~5 minutes. When I check the cluster info by kubectl cluster-info, it shows the correct information. After a while, it ...
Bas's user avatar
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Is it possible to set env vars for containerd?

I am currently trying to switch my K8 nodes from using dockerd to containerd. For environment-specific reasons, I ned to specify http_proxy. In the dockerd world, I can specify environment variables ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Kubelet Error - the container runtime endpoint address was not specified or empty

I try to install Kubernetes Cluster v1.26 (3 nodes - Rocky 9) using kubeadm and I have a problem regarding kubelet. I have followed this tutorial in parallel with official kubernetes cluster ...
Lucian's user avatar
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Kubernetes pull from image private network / fails to respect /etc/hosts of server

(Reposted from original post at: as this is a more appropriate place to ask ...
Aaron Murray's user avatar
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Containerd: /proc/PID/cwd is a symlink to / But that's not the root-dir of the node

root@k8scp:/proc/1328/cwd# ls -l /proc/1328/cwd lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 30 09:44 /proc/1328/cwd -> / I looks like cwd is a symlink to the r
guettli's user avatar
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Can I configure Docker to manage resources in containerd's "" namespace?

I had a Kubernetes cluster with Docker and recently migrate it to containerd, but I still want to use Docker to manage images and containers for Kubernetes because of some compatibility problems. When ...
Daigo's user avatar
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Containerd can`t find the image in the private registry, so k8s can't get the image for the container

I try configure k8s cluster. I have private docker registry on the nexus server and try pull image from it. When i use docker pull all work correctly, but when i use helm for deploy my app, i have ...
discreight's user avatar
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GitHub action runner with containerd - /var/run/docker.sock not found error

I'm running a GitHub self hosted action runner which uses the docker cli but the host I am running it on is using containerd as the runtime. docker is installed, except there is no active /var/run/...
Justin's user avatar
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Pods getting restarted after containerd and kubelet service restarts

As part of configuration changes take place, both containerd and kubelet serivces need restart. Upon restarting services, all the pods running on the node getting restarted. I've checked the events ...
Rama's user avatar
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Kubernetes keeps crashing (Vagrant master+3-node set)

To demonstrate what I've done, I put together a repo with a Vagrant + Cloud-init config. Basically, Kubernetes keeps crashing, and I don't know why. ...
John Manko's user avatar
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How do I make `ctr image pull` always use a custom `--hosts-dir` without specifying it in the command line?

I've got a custom file in /etc/containerd/certs.d/ that has some configuration set up for a local registry container running on my servers. This is working fine when I ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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Containerd GELF logging driver does not send logs to graylog

Can anyone give me some hints how can i send logs from containerd 1.6.19 to graylog using the GELF logging driver ? I have set in my /etc/containerd/config.toml : [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1....
TheRusko0's user avatar
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How my VM could interact in Ingress to a cluster Kubernetes

My Kubernetes cluster has a default subnet of, while my internal VMs, where my Kubernetes cluster is hosted, have a subnet of Is there a way for a virtual machine to ...
MickGraylog's user avatar
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kubeadm upgrade plan warning when updaten from 1.23 to 1.24 on ubuntu

A few weeks ago I upgraded kubernetes 1.22 to 1.23. I'm using containerd as container runtime a long time. Os is Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Now when upgrading from 1.23 to 1.24 kubeadm upgrade plan show ...
ajlind's user avatar
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Trying to install Kubernetes in RHEL 8.5 (CRI-O) - getting error

Trying to install Kubernetes in RHEL 8.5 (CRI-O) - getting error Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'devel_kubic_libcontainers_stable: Downloading error(s): repodata/...
Madhuri Muralidhar's user avatar
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kubeadm 1.25 init failed on Debian 11 with containerd -> connection refused

I try to init a kubernetes master node running on a Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) system with kubeadm version 1.25.4-00. I followed the official guideline on I installed containerd and ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Where does `ctr task list` get the list of tasks from?

After upgrading containerd on ubuntu 1.5.9-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 -> 1.5.9-0ubuntu1~20.04.5 I started having weird containerd tasks: # ctr --namespace task ls|grep -i unkn ...
zerkms's user avatar
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Clean install of Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi doesn't work

I'm trying to do a clean install of Kubernetes 1.23.x on a cluster of four Raspberry Pis, each running the x64 version of Raspberry Pi OS, however I am running into a major snag as soon as I try and ...
soapergem's user avatar
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Containerd-shim hangs when running docker run

My problem is that from time to time, when I try to start a new container with docker run, it just hangs forever. All the running containers keep working fine, but I'm unable to start any container. ...
Javier Paz Sedano's user avatar