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Questions tagged [continuous-integration]

Continuous integration (CI) is the software engineering practice of integrating code continuously and frequently rather than wait for changes to accumulate causing code conflicts to accumulate. Usually these changes are verified automatically using build and test processes.

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12 votes
6 answers

What's the fastest filesystem for developer builds?

I'm putting together a Linux box that will act as a continuous integration build server; we'll mostly build Java stuff, but I think this question applies to any compiled language. What filesystem and ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Gitlab CI - Deploy via SSH to remote server

I have a Gitlab environment using Gitlab CI, for a new project to testify about the compiled files and copy via rsync to a production server. The machine where the build of these resources is exec is ...
Rodrigo Moreno's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Effective way to ensure "clean slate system" for continuous integration service

We want to set up a continuous integration (CI) service for our project. That CI service should control all aspects of the project life, including deployment. That is, we want a CI agent at each ...
Alexander Gladysh's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tomcat Parallel Deployment, automatically undeploy old applications

I've been using Tomcat 8's Parallel Deployment as part of a zero-downtime continuous deployment setup for a while now. When the test gauntlet has been run, the CI server automatically renames the ....
Martin Cron's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Unable to access Jenkins server

I'm trying to install Jenkins on my web server, which is an Ubuntu 13.10 server running on an Amazon EC2 instance. I've restarted Jenkins using sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins restart When I check my ...
Josef van Niekerk's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Triggering Jenkins build for merge request from GitLab web hook

I want Jenkins (1.561) to build merge (pull) requests submitted to GitLab (6.7.5), triggered by a merge request web hook. I have a parameterised build, and the Jenkins plugins "GitLab Merge Request ...
Martin Lehmann's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

GitLab CI deployment without Docker for NodeJS application?

Is it possible to implement GitLab CI workflow without using any Docker image? All the examples I see for GitLab runner are based on docker only. Even for production deployment. How can I implement ...
gaurang171's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

executing RSYNC command in jenkins

I'm trying to deploy my code to a remote server. So far I've tried Publish over SSH Plugin: the problem is that I'm unable to keep file permissions Rsync command: this keeps the file permissions, ...
JAT2007's user avatar
  • 201
7 votes
3 answers

Salt State Testing via Jenkins

All, We're trying to have automated tests in our Jenkins setup to run "smoke" and "lint" type of tests in our salt state files (.sls). All google-foo so far has yielded very little information. There ...
rdodev's user avatar
  • 173
6 votes
1 answer

How do I configure a WinRM jump host for use with Ansible?

How do I configure a jump host to access Windows servers that I have no direct access to? The Ansible documentation explains how to do this for Linux but doesn't mention how to achieve something ...
Pedro's user avatar
  • 687
5 votes
1 answer

MSBuild failing on build looking for older version of Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql

After installing and configuring a build server for 2012, I tried to do an azure continuous deployment. I have TFS2012 installed. A build controller and a single agent on the server. Connecting to ...
gmcalab's user avatar
  • 183
5 votes
2 answers

Optimal way to build and deploy a website as a .deb package

I've been battling with deploying (mainly PHP) websites as .deb files for some time and wonder if there's a better way than my rather convoluted method. My goal is continuous integration on my staging ...
DanForys's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to populate an S3 bucket through a CloudFormation template?

I need to store some files for my CF template (GraphQL schema, Lambda source, etc) into an S3 bucket that will also (hopefully) be defined in the same template, as that seems to be the only way ...
CodeChimp's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Credentials management within CI/CD environment

Setup: I have an application that I currently deploy manually on a server. It requires several credentials (client secrets of external services, tokens, and AES keys and IVs etc.) that I currently ...
user8472's user avatar
  • 140
5 votes
0 answers

GitHub SSH action failing: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

I have recently rented a VPS running CentOS 8. I want to make countinuous deployment from one of my repos, so that when I push to main the repo is updated. I followed this tutorial on a fresh CentOS ...
mianfg's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
2 answers

TeamCity: 'git fetch' command failed. stderr: Socket Closed

We have been working for years with TeamCity and for several weeks with git as version control system. I have set up integration with TeamCity and that has been working fine. We have four different ...
Klas Mellbourn's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Execute build task in Hudson with root privilages

I have a build script which executes apt-get and therefore requires root privileges. What is the best way to run this script in Hudson? Currently the only solution I have found that works is to add ...
jensendarren's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Bundle install on build in TeamCity

I'm trying to run a build in TeamCity. The application that i'm trying to build for unit tests is coded in Ruby on Rails. I configured the VCS root to get from my repository, after cloning the build ...
Mr_LinDowsMac's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Continuous Integration testing of RPM upgrades

We release software on RPM-based linux. We receive many packages from different teams, some outside of our business unit, that must upgrade correctly (in the future we want to check dependencies are ...
AlexB's user avatar
  • 91
4 votes
2 answers

Deploying as service account (using `gcloud app deploy`) gives “API [] not enabled on project [%id%].”

I am struggling to make automated deployment using a service account work. First I created a new service account and now I am using a default because ...
Evgeny's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

GitlabHQ + Gitlab-CI: customizing build logic

We are using GitlabHQ and Gitlab-CI in our infrastructure. Having such continuous integration set we are willing to customize the build logic in CI. Right now on new commit GitlabHQ triggers a hook ...
Valentine Gostev's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why is Jenkins not pulling in a browser?

I installed Jenkins on my debian server. It is set on port 8080 and when I try connecting to it nothing happens. I know it is running because when I do: root@jini01:/etc/default# /etc/init.d/jenkins ...
Strong Like Bull's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to configure Bitbucket to show compiler warnings in PRs?

A common problem we have at work is people committing code without having noticed that they're increasing the number of compiler warnings. The ultimate goal is to make warnings errors, but until the ...
Hakanai's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Setup 2FA/MFA on Jenkins

I'm trying to find how to setup 2FA/MFA on users who login to Jenkins, with Google Authenticator. Everything I'm finding is about logins to servers/git/etc, but not for the actual USERS in Jenkins. ...
Nuno's user avatar
  • 653
4 votes
1 answer

Upgrading PHP and installing libraries in non-interactive mode

Problem I m trying to install php 5.5 and php5-memcached for my machine which has php 5.3 pre-installed. Also, I can not change default configuration as it is staging box provided for CI.So let's ...
Alma Do's user avatar
  • 181
3 votes
2 answers

Trying to setup phpUnderControl but missing phpcb

I'm trying to setup phpUnderControl on Ubuntu 10.04 following this tutorial I get to the part where it says to type ...
Ian Burris's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Use Master/Slave Jenkins Server vs maintaining 3 separate servers? [closed]

Background: I'm a SW developer who has some experience configuring continuous integration solutions, but I am not very familiar with the pluses and minuses of certain continuous integration ...
CrimsonX's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can I authenticate to Artifactory or Nexus repositories via SSH?

We're looking for a maven repo with a better browser interface, and a question has come up about whether plaintext passwords in .m2/settings.xml can be replaced with an SSH key when using either ...
jldugger's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cloud Build: How to restrict when to build depending if a directory got modified?

I have a Cloud Build in GCP that pulls from github and builds images when a PR merges to master. However I would like to restrict builds to occur only when a particular folder gets modified. There is ...
drum's user avatar
  • 191
3 votes
2 answers

Jenkins build watch for new branches and build named branch

I'd like to configure a single Jenkins build ("job") which will both: watch for new branches and build them when they appear build a named branch or commit on request I can achieve (1) by setting "...
Rich's user avatar
  • 744
3 votes
1 answer

Splitting build cross the network?

Is there a known solution for splitting build process cross the network machines? Use case: We are an average software development company. We own around 50 development workstations (Quad Core 2....
Dandikas's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
2 answers

Set up database for integration testing with Jenkins in Docker

Background: I was following Downloading and running Jenkins in Docker to setup Jenkins Server. Used following parameter to run Docker. docker run \ -u root \ --rm \ -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ -...
Shihe Zhang's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How to reset Jenkins to its factory settings?

I have installed Jenkins on my Red Hat server following this tutorial. But by mistake I skipped the default plugins part. I tried deleting /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml but this file getting created ...
Raja Anbazhagan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Independently config test an .htaccess file

I know apachectl has the configtest option, but as far as I can tell it's only for checking the entire config chain for the system apache. I would like to have a tool that can test an individual ....
kojiro's user avatar
  • 559
3 votes
1 answer

Installing Cruise Control on Windows XP

We have CruiseControl setup across various Linux boxes in our private network, and they are used to perform the various continuous integration tasks - builds, automated tests... Now I need to set up ...
bguiz's user avatar
  • 149
3 votes
1 answer

Docker/Podman in Docker fails as a GitLab CI job

Context I am running my own GitLab instance with an extra server for CI. In case it matters my host for the gitlab runner has CentOS 8 and the gitlab runner is version 14.4.0 and the gitlab instance ...
Lucas's user avatar
  • 193
3 votes
1 answer

CircleCI cannot specify region to deploy to in GKE

I have been tying to update a deployment in a GKE cluster using CircleCI. I was able to make container build and upload to GCR work just fine. But I could not find a way to specify the GCP region ...
Lester's user avatar
  • 627
3 votes
2 answers

Is there an equivalent for docker testing something like tox for Python?

tox allows you to test your code against different versions of Python. Is there something out there similar to tox that allows me to test my deployment code against different version of a distribution ...
Low Kian Seong's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Jenkins and Exchange Server Integration

I am interested in integrating Microsoft Exchange server and Jenkins for email notification. Instead of using SMTP approach, I want to use Exchange server webservices (Administration policies allow ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to implement Continuous Integration with Puppet and multiple services

We're trying to implement a Continuous Integration pipeline in our environment. We have a lot of different services, each with its own Git repository. Deployment is done via Puppet, using an external ...
Shaul Behr's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

port mapping didn't happen for a container deployed on AWS ECS(uses EC2)

Context: I am using Circle CI's aws-ecs/deploy-service-update orb to deploy my docker container by pulling the latest image in AWS ECR and deploy it in AWS ECS with AWS EC2 instance. This container is ...
Naveen Reddy Marthala's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is a free active directory simulator tool for testing remote single-sign-on auth requests?

Need to test if an application has correctly implemented active directory remote authentication single-sign-on requests? If you don't know of a tool, what would be a checklist of items to confirm are ...
blunders's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Commit hook on github to trigger hudson build

I'm using Hudson as my CI server and I'm trying to get my commits to trigger a build. When I was using gitosis I just had a post-receive that ran a curl -u gituser:password http://my.hudson.url/...
brad's user avatar
  • 512
2 votes
1 answer

Jenkins: Difference between job and workspace/job?

In most recent version of Jenkins on centos 7.9, what is the difference between /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ and /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/? They both look like they house the same thing (artifact of a ...
synth45's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

How to do continuous delivery with Kubernetes?

I am trying to run Kubernetes namespace setup and application deployment as part of a pipeline. Normally "apply" commands work with idempotency. Now, if I change a ConfigMap, the pods need to be ...
user6317694's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Setting temporary check_interval on Nagios service check

Does anyone know if Nagios has an option to set a temporary check_interval setting on a service check and have it revert back after a X minutes? My service check definition looks like this: define ...
Alpha01's user avatar
  • 406
2 votes
2 answers

Chef cookbook continuous deployment

I'm trying to integrate my chef workflow to my usual continuous integration/deployment workflows. I managed already to have a jenkins task which checks out the git repo and runs foodcritic but i can'...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 116
2 votes
1 answer

Any web interface to show deployments history with mcollective?

I'm using mcollective & puppet for deployments. I would like to know if there is any user interface which allows me to choose a specific package/version and deploy and any user interface i can ...
Jas's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

System call failure when executing CI script in Docker

I'm currently setting up GitLab CI/CD. The Runner is installed on a Windows Server 2019 VM which has Docker Engine running. My gitlab-ci.yml looks something like this: variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone ...
TigersEye120's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Managing and installing packages for applications in a Windows Environment

I have been tasked with the mission to setup development pipelines in a predominant Windows environment, using mainly Devops Server 2019. I personally come from a strong Linux background, and been ...
Thomas Andolf's user avatar